Percy Harvin's Locker Room CANCER (Unconfirmed Speculation)


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Apr 17, 2012
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That is Brandon Marshall's self-disclosed diagnosis. BI-POLAR DISORDER appears similar on the surface level but is a very, very different animal, and I claim no special expertise in spotting or understanding Bi-Polar disorder, nor have I been personally damaged by bi-polar persons, only by Borderlines and Narcissists.

Our "mental health system" often misdiagnoses Borderlines as bipolar, for reasons of money and/or therapist incompetence. The system views bi-polar sufferers as treatable with drugs, and a source of profit. So Borderlines are often shoehorned into an incorrect bipolar diagnosis and treated with drugs and therapies that do not particularly help them, but do turn a profit for therapists and pharmaceutical companies.

I perceive Brandon Marshall quite differently from Percy Harvin, and I would not have been opposed to Seattle signing him, if they felt they could work with him. All Borderlines are NOT the same. Brandon Marshall, for one, is diagnosed, accepts his diagnosis, and I presume is actively participating in his improvement program, and, "coming out" as a Borderline is such an unbelievable and courageous thing to do, it is truly stunning to me.

I am sure that whatever Percy Harvin's *exact* diagnosis is, it is probably well-known to all NFL GM's who would consider his services, and that Percy probably now has some sort of active treatment program. I'd expect any new contracts Percy gets to have requirements and stipulations involving his participation in treatment.

I share my information and opinions here because I want people to recognize the plays from the Borderline and Narcissist playbook, and realize that when you see those plays run, especially on you, that you are dealing with a Borderline or Narcissist (or, rarer, a Histrionic), who probably also qualifies as a sociopath and/or psychopath. Once you realize what you are dealing with, your snowball's-chance-in-hell of success improves significantly.

IMO... Pete did NOT know what he was dealing with in Percy Harvin, and we got SCAMMED and OWNED by Minnesota in the trade. Pete assumed he was dealing with just another inner-city kid with a good core who could be redeemed in the right (i.e., Seattle) environment, a feat Pete has performed successfully many times, including with Bruce Irvin. Pete, and John, now know, *clearly* how to spot a sociopathic Borderline or Narcissist and have decided to steer clear. They both got an *EDUCATION* from Percy Harvin. Pete and John don't bring in Vince Young to compete for the backup QB job, because, IMO, and as all NFL GM's know, Vince Young is a sociopathic Narcissist, a cancer.

Borderlines and Narcissists are essentially two peas in a pod, a left hand and a right hand, ones with high co-occurring Antisocial Personality Disorder (sociopathy) and use very similar strategies to abuse others. There is a Borderline/Narcissist playbook, and they run these plays on their unsuspecting new victims over and over again. If you know what you're dealing with, you can respond more effectively. In many cases, the only safe and reasonable course is to minimize or cut off all contact. That is the approach Pete and John chose with Percy.