Only way Seattle can win another Super Bowl under Carroll


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Sep 11, 2011
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xray":2b7typ0b said:
If Wilson leaves and Carroll doesn't have Watson or Carr at the very chance . IMO

If Wilson stays but so does Carroll we aren’t winning a SB. We will be wildcard round at best. If Wilson leaves we might be last place in the division.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2011
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Re: Wilson and Carroll, I think each fan has to define success and then look at probabilities.

If we're remembering the 70s and 80s, success is making the playoffs. There's no need to make any changes if that's success. The current formula accomplishes that for 3 years. ...maybe a little better, maybe a little worse. I think this is the definition of success to most in the NFL and that's why everyone thinks the highest liklihood is leaving things alone. And there nothing wrong with that. I'm not arguing against it.

However, if we're thinking success is SB wins, then we have to acknowledge there needs to be change. That change is, realistically, either PC or Wilson. We know that w/o Wilson there will be addition of other players in trade, higher draft capital and cap relief to land more/better FAs. Without Carroll, there will be a change in strategy and staff turnover, but players would be very similar to today's team because of cap space.

So, do you think a change in Coaching Staff and FO to mold the team around Wilson with basically the same players would result in more wins V. playing Pete-ball with his choice of trade targets, draft picks and Free Agents?

I just don't think PC and Wilson will win another SB together in the next 3 years. I also think Wilson will be gone at the end of this contract. So, to me, this is really a choice of making a change today or preparing for the change that is inevitable within the next 3 years. Realistically/Probably/Inevitably, there would be losses if the franchise QB is traded away. The question is how many/year and for how many of the next 3 years.

My last thought is as follows: JS had two starting calibur QBs in his first full year as GM. He came in Jan of '10, went into the year with TJack and Charlie Whitehurst, and had Flynn and Wilson for the next season. I'd lean toward giving him the ultimate challenge of finding another franchise QB. He's done it once in the span of 15 months. Anyone can go on-and-on about how hard it is to get a franchise QB. League history shows this to be true. But, if you're using history as your argument, you have to acknowledge that JS did it in his second draft, or first full year as a GM. I'd kind of like to see him have the chance to try again. Personally, that chance (and all the circumstances that result) would be worth the potential losses for 3 years resulting from a Wilson trade. Yes, that year with Charlie Whitehurst was difficult....

Hasselbeck was our starting QB and was successfully replaced in 2 years. Looking back at Seahawk QBs, they're pretty good compared to other teams' successions: Zorn, Kreig, Moon, Hasselbeck, with a few years of Mirer types. Not I, or anyone, is saying RW equates that group. However, the Seahawks didn't lose because of those QBs. It's, historically, been lack of surrounding cast.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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Trips to the SB is a crazily demanding success metric.

What is reasonable is success in the playoffs.

And at some point, the crazy successes in 2012, 2013, etc have to come off the table.

Since the SB loss, should it be reasonable to expect at least advance in the playoffs as much as Green Bay?

But it depends, would you rather get 9-11 wins regularly like us and win a wildcard regularly then nothing else?

Or maybe like the Saints, miss the playoffs more but advance much further when you go?

Or middle ground like the Packers, miss them a bit more but go to Division or even Conference games when you go?

More importantly, based on the team we have - SHOULD we expect more?

Expecting us to beat the Rams at full health in the playoffs might be tough. But we should beat a battered near QB-less Rams team at home.

Certainly, we should beat the Cowboys in the playoffs regardless.

The missed opportunities in winnable games should be the issue, not SB or bust.


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2016
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The problem is we haven’teven threatened to go to the Super Bowl for 6 years. We have not won TWO games in the same postseason since the Sper Bowl loss. 3 years of zero wins (one missing the playoffs altogether) and 3 with one win each. No threat and no reason to think that will change with either personnel or scheme anytime in the future.


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Jan 13, 2021
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Maybe we should get someone to keep pete away from all of the games so our offensive and defensive coordinators can do their jobs without interference.