Now that we know the NFL is rigged, will it affect ratings?


Well-known member
May 2, 2021
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With the owner dropping 100k to lose each game, the question of "is the NFL rigged or not" is no longer a question.

The question is will people still watch at the rate that they were? WWE still has a huge following and we all know it's not real. We watch sitcoms faithfully and we know they aren't real.

Every questionable play call, last second mishap and bad signing will forever be questioned as "Was that real or did my team just pull a Miami".

I as a life long fan feel pot committed to the Hawks. I will still watch and enjoy the drama but with a little pain in my gut.

Will America turn off the TV with attendence dropping or will every thing be back to normal next year?

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
Spohawks":3fvzj0fw said:
With the owner dropping 100k to lose each game, the question of "is the NFL rigged or not" is no longer a question.

The question is will people still watch at the rate that they were? WWE still has a huge following and we all know it's not real. We watch sitcoms faithfully and we know they aren't real.

Every questionable play call, last second mishap and bad signing will forever be questioned as "Was that real or did my team just pull a Miami".

I as a life long fan feel pot committed to the Hawks. I will still watch and enjoy the drama but with a little pain in my gut.

Will America turn off the TV with attendence dropping or will every thing be back to normal next year?
Super Fix XL* was a rigged game, I think a lot of other games are “steered” to try and get a desired result.

I’m sure I’ll be called a conspiracy theorist on this and thats fine, but what other business constantly has a “unit” (see officials) that constantly is a failure yet no corrections are made? It’s either the NFL is and has been incompetent the whole time in addressing/fixing the issue or, they are happy with the results of poor/inept officiating. It’s the latter IMHO.

I don’t think Rog Goodell is a stupid man. He’s a weasel, but he’s not stupid.

It’s getting harder for me to watch games as I don’t enjoy flagfests or steered games.

I’m hoping Cincy wins the Lombardi, but I feel the NFL wants the Rams to.
That’s why I put a tiny amount of $$$ before the playoffs on the Rams to back up my “theories”.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
With everything going on the NFL being levied subpoenas by Congress, the lawsuits by Gruden, Flores, Washington Sex Scandal I know one person who is laughing at Goodell, AL Davis.


Oct 3, 2010
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On a spreadsheet
Sports Hernia":u5ez6d1f said:
Spohawks":u5ez6d1f said:
With the owner dropping 100k to lose each game, the question of "is the NFL rigged or not" is no longer a question.

The question is will people still watch at the rate that they were? WWE still has a huge following and we all know it's not real. We watch sitcoms faithfully and we know they aren't real.

Every questionable play call, last second mishap and bad signing will forever be questioned as "Was that real or did my team just pull a Miami".

I as a life long fan feel pot committed to the Hawks. I will still watch and enjoy the drama but with a little pain in my gut.

Will America turn off the TV with attendence dropping or will every thing be back to normal next year?
Super Fix XL* was a rigged game, I think a lot of other games are “steered” to try and get a desired result.

I’m sure I’ll be called a conspiracy theorist on this and thats fine, but what other business constantly has a “unit” (see officials) that constantly is a failure yet no corrections are made? It’s either the NFL is and has been incompetent the whole time in addressing/fixing the issue or, they are happy with the results of poor/inept officiating. It’s the latter IMHO.

I don’t think Rog Goodell is a stupid man. He’s a weasel, but he’s not stupid.

It’s getting harder for me to watch games as I don’t enjoy flagfests or steered games.

I’m hoping Cincy wins the Lombardi, but I feel the NFL wants the Rams to.
That’s why I put a tiny amount of $$$ before the playoffs on the Rams to back up my “theories”.

I don't know how people can watch NFL football over the last two decades without seeing that steering is at the very least a reasonable possibility.


Dec 27, 2010
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I don't get the "NFL is rigged" crowd. If you believe that why bother with the NFL? Just go watch WWE or whatever wresting is called these days.

Hockey Guy

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Aug 26, 2017
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snackdaddy":1rmsa8k9 said:
I don't get the "NFL is rigged" crowd. If you believe that why bother with the NFL? Just go watch WWE or whatever wresting is called these days.

You gotta admit that the Jets "cover-0" debacle against the Raiders in 2020 has some more nuanced possibilities attached to it now & wasn't just an incredibly stupid defensive call by a really good, proven DC.

Can you imagine the outcry/conspiracy talk now if the Raiders made the playoffs because of it?


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2015
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Hockey Guy":mmjucku2 said:
snackdaddy":mmjucku2 said:
I don't get the "NFL is rigged" crowd. If you believe that why bother with the NFL? Just go watch WWE or whatever wresting is called these days.

You gotta admit that the Jets "cover-0" debacle against the Raiders in 2020 has some more nuanced possibilities attached to it now & wasn't just an incredibly stupid defensive call by a really good, proven DC.

Can you imagine the outcry/conspiracy talk now if the Raiders made the playoffs because of it?

I was thinking about that Cover-0 but, well, Gase was in no way happy, and the FO fired the DC after that happened.

Just like the Pack got rid of their ST coordinator after the 49ers won against them on ST points.

Hockey Guy

Well-known member
Aug 26, 2017
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SantaClaraHawk":2c8cp8kj said:
Hockey Guy":2c8cp8kj said:
snackdaddy":2c8cp8kj said:
I don't get the "NFL is rigged" crowd. If you believe that why bother with the NFL? Just go watch WWE or whatever wresting is called these days.

You gotta admit that the Jets "cover-0" debacle against the Raiders in 2020 has some more nuanced possibilities attached to it now & wasn't just an incredibly stupid defensive call by a really good, proven DC.

Can you imagine the outcry/conspiracy talk now if the Raiders made the playoffs because of it?

I was thinking about that Cover-0 but, well, Gase was in no way happy, and the FO fired the DC after that happened.

Just like the Pack got rid of their ST coordinator after the 49ers won against them on ST points.

Maybe it was DC Greg Williams on the take from the owner to do everything he could to lose.
Maybe Gase is just a great actor.
Maybe Gase found out at that very moment & the firing was to save face.
Maybe everyone was in on it & the firing was just a smokescreen agreed upon by everybody to make it look legit.

So many questions.


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2009
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International soccer is rigged and people still watch it. Entertainment is still entertaining if you don't know the outcomes.


Well-known member
May 2, 2021
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snackdaddy":107u8tk7 said:
I don't get the "NFL is rigged" crowd. If you believe that why bother with the NFL? Just go watch WWE or whatever wresting is called these days.

I went to Webster to get the definition of rigged to make sure I was in the right ball park, it says...

Definition of rigged 1 : manipulated or controlled by deceptive or dishonest means.

So if many games by multiple teams (at least Miami and Cleveland so far) have been thrown by the owners with out informing the paying fans...then I am comfortable saying the NFL is rigged.

Why keep watching? Because it's entertainment. Why go to the movies, those are not's entertainment.

The area I agree with you on is the people/families who spend money going to the games. Thousands of dollars are spent on a fake game that could have went to improving another area of their life.

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