NFL Players Today vs Past


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2013
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I don't know if this is the correct place to put this but I feel like it needs to be debated..In the last few days I have noticed 2-3 cases where players in the past are being labled smaller ,like they was some joke and they wouldn't hack it in todays game..Kenny Easley is one I saw being compared to Kam..About same height but 20lbs lighter.I know
in todays game Easley IF he played safety would be about the same weight as Kam..Still be the same all pro he was
then when you consider he would have the advantage of biometrics/weight training year round..A lot of that didn't exist
in his day and a lot of players back then worked a job in the off season..Training camp was used to get into shape and was longer if I remember right..All great players in any sport have talents that you can't teach regardless of era..Those players would be great still..The schemes may change but they still would stand out..I don't know if all of todays players
on offense would be tough enough to take the hits of back then when it was a "bloodbath"you can look at it both ways..
I can only imagine how many 2000 yrd seasons a Jerry Rice would have today..Steve Largent might have too, as many times I saw him have someone on his back or the high hits he took that would be a lot less under today rules..The rules
are a big thing when you compare..So much easier for todays game ..GO HAWKS!!!


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Given todays players and the lack of desire to play hurt many times I wonder how many could make it thru a season with the rules of the 60's and 70's, those guys may not be the physical speimens of today, they drank, they partied and the played. Given the training that players have now, those guys in this era with their same mentality would be unstoppable.