Ken Behring Died


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
Hawkstorian":1thjsa8i said:
When I was in DC and saw the Behing name on the Smithsonian, it was very hard for me to reconcile my emotions. But you are 100% correct that we should not judge someone's whole life based on our narrow view of the person .... however... this is a Seahawks forum so any Seahawk related response is going to be through that lens.

For sure John. I honestly don't have a problem with ANY of the comments in this thread. It opens very raw wounds for most of us and he is the epitome of things that were wrong with the Seahawks in the 1990s. Folks can feel free to feel what they want to feel, express what they want to express, whether it's looked at as above or below class, it's a matter of perspective.

I still can't stand the man IN CONTEXT of the Seahawks, but I am sure he was still worthy of love and respect with those closest to him. In that context I say RIP.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2012
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The dude died .... no need to be nasty about it regardless of how you felt about him as an owner.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Look at Behring this way........................without his complete and utter incompetence and deceit as an owner, the league would have never forced him to sell the franchise to Paul Allen, and we would still be longing for our first Lombardi.

So really, we should be celebrating Behring.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
Sgt. Largent":21v62wzl said:
Look at Behring this way........................without his complete and utter incompetence and deceit as an owner, the league would have never forced him to sell the franchise to Paul Allen, and we would still be longing for our first Lombardi.

So really, we should be celebrating Behring.

Yep. We can always choose to focus on the positive and that my friend, is the epitome of positivity when it comes to Seahawks fans and their thoughts on Mr. Behring.


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Apr 17, 2012
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Sgt. Largent":2bj1h04t said:
Look at Behring this way........................without his complete and utter incompetence and deceit as an owner, the league would have never forced him to sell the franchise to Paul Allen, and we would still be longing for our first Lombardi.

So really, we should be celebrating Behring.

That's kinda where I'm at.
Whatever else he did, Behring, forced or whatever, did sell the team to Paul Allen's group.
The abyss of those Behring years made the back-to-back SB appearances that much sweeter.
It's still a healthy reminder of how bad things could be, and how important it is to stop and feel some gratitude every now and then for the amazing ownership/front office/coaching we've enjoyed, especially since Pete arrived.

The news of Ken Behring's passing reminds me to stop and enjoy the mostly happy state of NFL football in the Pacific Northwest. So thank you, Mr. Behring, for providing the valley that helped (most of) us truly celebrate and appreciate the peaks, hell, even the foothills, and enjoy what we have. Thank you, God, for another day above ground.

Mad Dog

Well-known member
Aug 11, 2015
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Don't feel sad for either him or his family. Dude was 91 and death is part of life. People should celebrate a life lived not go around offering depressing condolences when old folks die.

From a personal standpoint I will thank Behring for offering me, the fan, a healthy perspective on what bad ownership is. From those dark years I learned to respect good ownership and appreciate the good seasons all the more.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Orting WA, Great Northwet
I've always thanked the people who screwed me over or attempted to screw me over. It makes me better appreciate the others who don't.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

two dog

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Apr 19, 2012
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Doin' time in Yakima
In addition to the oft mentioned move to Cali, Behring Sr. saddled the team with his kid as ramrod.
David Behring knew not thing one about football. The old man, however, thought Tom Flores
knew enough for ten GM's.

Another myth put to rest.


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Mar 7, 2012
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Behring was a garbage human being who made his livelihood screwing people over and being greedy and selfish. I don't care how many wheelchairs he gave away. He paid for it with dirty money and had the audacity to disrespect the city he attempted to pilfer.

I'm glad that piece of garbage is dead and don't feel an ounce of remorse for calling a spade a spade. Behring is the epitome of greed gone awry and everything that is wrong with America today - greed selling out anything to make another dollar. He is Gordon Gecko without any of the charisma or redeeming qualities. And we are expected to offer him respect and decency when he refused to do the same to anyone in life?

I'll be the first to spit on his grave. That man was a self centered greedy pile of garbage that the world would have been better if he had never been born.

My only regret is that he didn't die by fire. Slowly and painfully. Enjoy hell, you greasy scumbag.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
HansGruber":1b7t44sk said:
Behring was a garbage human being who made his livelihood screwing people over and being greedy and selfish. I don't care how many wheelchairs he gave away. He paid for it with dirty money and had the audacity to disrespect the city he attempted to pilfer.

I'm glad that piece of garbage is dead and don't feel an ounce of remorse for calling a spade a spade. Behring is the epitome of greed gone awry and everything that is wrong with America today - greed selling out anything to make another dollar. He is Gordon Gecko without any of the charisma or redeeming qualities. And we are expected to offer him respect and decency when he refused to do the same to anyone in life?

I'll be the first to spit on his grave. That man was a self centered greedy pile of garbage that the world would have been better if he had never been born.

My only regret is that he didn't die by fire. Slowly and painfully. Enjoy hell, you greasy scumbag.

It would be nice if you could express yourself more clearly, hard to understand where your coming from on this :p


Active member
Nov 16, 2015
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HansGruber":134hq7av said:
Behring was a garbage human being who made his livelihood screwing people over and being greedy and selfish. I don't care how many wheelchairs he gave away. He paid for it with dirty money and had the audacity to disrespect the city he attempted to pilfer.

I'm glad that piece of garbage is dead and don't feel an ounce of remorse for calling a spade a spade. Behring is the epitome of greed gone awry and everything that is wrong with America today - greed selling out anything to make another dollar. He is Gordon Gecko without any of the charisma or redeeming qualities. And we are expected to offer him respect and decency when he refused to do the same to anyone in life?

I'll be the first to spit on his grave. That man was a self centered greedy pile of garbage that the world would have been better if he had never been born.

My only regret is that he didn't die by fire. Slowly and painfully. Enjoy hell, you greasy scumbag.

Can't say I disagree with any of this.
Hats off to you for throwing caution to the wind and posting your real feelings. I'm fairly certain some are mounting their counter attack though. :twisted:
