It's not We, it's Fade


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2014
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Fade, I can see it so very difficult for you to admit to being wrong.

As the season progresses, your Seahawks and Pete statements as fact are ever more clearly being seen for what they are - as fallacy.

Deflecting with a we only shows that you prefer to continue to dig a hole rather than accept responsibility for the bad takes that you have based your .net identity on.

Fade, YOU and you alone are wrong and responsible for your catastrophically wrong takes on the Seahawks, Geno, Russell Wilson, Pete Carroll, the ownership, the management, the offense, the defense, the draft and on and on and on.

Once you can take sole responsibility for the negative hyperbole that you have posted based upon whatever you feel and state you were wrong you can be absolved.

Honestly, I hope you don't though and actually I don't expect you to truly and simply own your off-base views. The anti-Seahawks/Pete/Defense/Offense/yadayadayda hole is so deep it would really be astounding for a full shift to occur.

Free yourself Fade, you can do it. Prove me wrong, or not.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2016
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Eastern Washington
Fade, I can see it so very difficult for you to admit to being wrong.

As the season progresses, your Seahawks and Pete statements as fact are ever more clearly being seen for what they are - as fallacy.

Deflecting with a we only shows that you prefer to continue to dig a hole rather than accept responsibility for the bad takes that you have based your .net identity on.

Fade, YOU and you alone are wrong and responsible for your catastrophically wrong takes on the Seahawks, Geno, Russell Wilson, Pete Carroll, the ownership, the management, the offense, the defense, the draft and on and on and on.

Once you can take sole responsibility for the negative hyperbole that you have posted based upon whatever you feel and state you were wrong you can be absolved.

Honestly, I hope you don't though and actually I don't expect you to truly and simply own your off-base views. The anti-Seahawks/Pete/Defense/Offense/yadayadayda hole is so deep it would really be astounding for a full shift to occur.

Free yourself Fade, you can do it. Prove me wrong, or not.


Well-known member
May 2, 2021
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Have you guys ever disagreed with Pete? Thought Peter was crazy for some of the choices he made? We all have, Fade is just going through what we already did.

Give him some time. Pete might bring him around or maybe not....either way, don't get on Fade for something you already did.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2012
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Have you guys ever disagreed with Pete? Thought Peter was crazy for some of the choices he made? We all have, Fade is just going through what we already did.

Give him some time. Pete might bring him around or maybe not....either way, don't get on Fade for something you already did.
Every coach makes poor decisions at times. Those poor decisions are often magnified with the superhero ability of hindsight. Every coach loses games they should have won...even in the playoffs. This does not necessarily makes them a poor coach. Unfortunately some fans think they know more than professional players and coaches, that they have all the answers, and if the team lose games they should win it is all the coaches fault. Some fans will even tell you what players and coaches are thinking, or what these players/coaches philosophy on football is, or that they have a "style". These types of "fans" will even present their musings as being fact....when in reality, these fans have absolutely no clue.