Hawks fan experience at Lambeau


Aug 6, 2015
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I was at the first preseason game this year and I was totally humiliated when a Hawk fan was telling the beer guy not to serve a Bronco fan. He was screaming in his face (word not allowed in main forums) the Broncos and we all told him to go(word not allowed in main forums) off. I think winning brings out the rabble, and that's sad.

Tech Worlds

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Feb 28, 2007
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Granite Falls, WA
I was there. The Packer Fans set the standard on how to treat people. Classy all the way.

I have no problem calling them the best fans in the NFL.

We are pretty decent in Seattle but nowhere near as personable and friendly as those who frequent Lambeau Field.


Aug 6, 2015
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Tech Worlds":29j9tgsc said:
I was there. The Packer Fans set the standard on how to treat people. Classy all the way.

I have no problem calling them the best fans in the NFL.

We are pretty decent in Seattle but nowhere near as personable and friendly as those who frequent Lambeau Field.

On a separate note, I have the Notre Dame people are beyond gracious.


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Dec 22, 2011
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Ok here is my recap of my Green Bay trip. Stayed In Appleton and had a great time and not a bad drive to the stadium.

On Saturday we spent all day at Lambeau Field. Started off with a Lambeau tour which was very cool went to the suites and went onto the field well worth the money. Then off to the Hall of Fame and that was IMPRESSIVE.. We did the first floor then went to lunch at Krolls and came back to finish the upper floor. So much history some have even said it's better than the Hall of Fame at Canton.

The packers have an incredible Pro Shop. Someone said it was 22,000 Sq feet and you could find anything you were looking for. Besides the Normal Packer stuff they also had some pretty cool Lambeau Field stuff. So after a full day at Lambeau we finished off the day at Stadium View Bar at a Seahawk rally.

Our tailgating experience was pretty cool but didnt seem as crazy as ours in Seattle but that might be because they have so much room to tailgate at. We found a Seahawk tailgate so we strated there then walked around. You could walk around with a beer in your hand and no problem from the local police.

All I can tell you is Century Link is by far louder than Lambeau. We had endzone tickets and we sat most of the game that was hard on us we are just use to standing the entire game.

Overall everyone was very pleasant to us Seahawk fans and we Seahawk fans traveled very well.



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Jan 13, 2015
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Silver Hawk":2r25bl7p said:
ptisme":2r25bl7p said:
Hawks46":2r25bl7p said:
I've heard so many good things about Lambeau that I would take my wife and kids there.

It's a bucket list thing for me to see a Seahawk game there.
You're family would be treated great. Every so often a drunk Packer fan will be a dick and try to pick a fight or dump a beer on an opposing fan. They immediately get pointed out by Packer fans and are arrested.....

I was there. Almost every single Packer fan that I spoke to was exceedingingly nice. Like, incredibly nice. That being said, I had to deal with two drunk, nasty Packer fans, as noted above. Two different situations. I'm trying to forget about those two.
No where is perfect. Strive for Heaven if you want a world with no bad apples. :lol:


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Nov 24, 2010
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East Oly
I went to Lambeau a few years back, during Hasselbeck era, and everyone there was very pleasant. I thought at the time maybe they were only nice because the Seahawks got annihilated, like 45 to 17 (approximately).

But in SF they are rotten no matter if the Seahawks win or lose. It was always a punishing experience walking in and out of Candlestick. Even as a nonviolent person, I realized how tempting it was to just punch some of those a-holes in the mouth.

My advice to anyone going to an away game at a rowdy place (Oakland, SF, Philly), is to buy expensive seats and sit with the disinterested rich people. Then at least during the game you can pay attention to the game , instead of deflecting insults for 3 hours.


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May 7, 2013
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Many of those Packers fans in the comments sure don't feel the same about us. lol. Many even commented and said we have the rudest fans.I disagree about us being the rudest. 49ers, Raiders, and Eagles fans are worst.


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Jan 7, 2011
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No doubt, the Lambeau/Green Bay experience is a unique one, filled with happiness and hospitality...

However, in the days since returning home from the trip, my buddies and I can't help but feel like there's some 'Stepford Wives' ish going on in Green Bay. You get that feel that everyone in the town is in on something, and with each alcoholic beverage, slowly that charming Wisconsin demeanor begins to slip away. Get 'em wasted, and they're no different from anyone else. The same lines you'd hear at any other NFL stadium.

I think the real reason they were SO nice to Seahawks fans was that it made it impossible to give them any good natured crap about the NFC Championship game last season. When someone's grandma is handing you cookies and saying that they're so happy that you're there, you'd be some special kind of tool if you dialed up a Brian Bostick reference.

I seriously hope that we have to go back there in the playoffs. Preferably the NFC Championship. Nothing would feel better than leaving that place with a W in the frigid months, on the frozen tundra. I've already told my buddies that we'd be going back, and this time, no fraternizing with the enemy. Straight up Rocky 4 style, staying in a barn on the outskirts of town, training in the snow so that we can prepare to sit in 10 degree weather. No accepting any hot cocoa from granny or anything nice like that. We're going in there with Kam Chancellor next time, and things are going to get serious. They will not be as friendly the next time around. They will want our blood, and yes, some might be shed, but Kam and company will want to take their souls.

Still though, whether it's authentic or contrived, it's an excellent football extravaganza that everyone should set out to experience at least once in their lives. Next time, the result will be much better.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Would LOVE to go to Lambeau.

I used to travel to Phoenix every year, and Cardinals fans, while mostly passive, were only arrogant and dickish towards my girlfriend. They mouthed off at me a tiny bit...but the jerks were always only in her face. What asshats.


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Jan 13, 2015
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NYCoug":ay2y3ta0 said:
No doubt, the Lambeau/Green Bay experience is a unique one, filled with happiness and hospitality...

However, in the days since returning home from the trip, my buddies and I can't help but feel like there's some 'Stepford Wives' ish going on in Green Bay. You get that feel that everyone in the town is in on something, and with each alcoholic beverage, slowly that charming Wisconsin demeanor begins to slip away. Get 'em wasted, and they're no different from anyone else. The same lines you'd hear at any other NFL stadium.

I think the real reason they were SO nice to Seahawks fans was that it made it impossible to give them any good natured crap about the NFC Championship game last season. When someone's grandma is handing you cookies and saying that they're so happy that you're there, you'd be some special kind of tool if you dialed up a Brian Bostick reference.

I seriously hope that we have to go back there in the playoffs. Preferably the NFC Championship. Nothing would feel better than leaving that place with a W in the frigid months, on the frozen tundra. I've already told my buddies that we'd be going back, and this time, no fraternizing with the enemy. Straight up Rocky 4 style, staying in a barn on the outskirts of town, training in the snow so that we can prepare to sit in 10 degree weather. No accepting any hot cocoa from granny or anything nice like that. We're going in there with Kam Chancellor next time, and things are going to get serious. They will not be as friendly the next time around. They will want our blood, and yes, some might be shed, but Kam and company will want to take their souls.

Still though, whether it's authentic or contrived, it's an excellent football extravaganza that everyone should set out to experience at least once in their lives. Next time, the result will be much better.
Glad you had a good time... You aren't leaving here with a win even with Kam though....


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May 1, 2009
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WilliamCooper":l51yzjej said:
Tech Worlds":l51yzjej said:
I was there. The Packer Fans set the standard on how to treat people. Classy all the way.

I have no problem calling them the best fans in the NFL.

We are pretty decent in Seattle but nowhere near as personable and friendly as those who frequent Lambeau Field.

On a separate note, I have the Notre Dame people are beyond gracious.

Agreed, was there last Saturday.

The fans, ushers, vendors, all go out of their way to welcome you and help you.

They truly want you to enjoy the day/game.


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Jan 7, 2011
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ptisme":2smfnv0i said:
NYCoug":2smfnv0i said:
No doubt, the Lambeau/Green Bay experience is a unique one, filled with happiness and hospitality...

However, in the days since returning home from the trip, my buddies and I can't help but feel like there's some 'Stepford Wives' ish going on in Green Bay. You get that feel that everyone in the town is in on something, and with each alcoholic beverage, slowly that charming Wisconsin demeanor begins to slip away. Get 'em wasted, and they're no different from anyone else. The same lines you'd hear at any other NFL stadium.

I think the real reason they were SO nice to Seahawks fans was that it made it impossible to give them any good natured crap about the NFC Championship game last season. When someone's grandma is handing you cookies and saying that they're so happy that you're there, you'd be some special kind of tool if you dialed up a Brian Bostick reference.

I seriously hope that we have to go back there in the playoffs. Preferably the NFC Championship. Nothing would feel better than leaving that place with a W in the frigid months, on the frozen tundra. I've already told my buddies that we'd be going back, and this time, no fraternizing with the enemy. Straight up Rocky 4 style, staying in a barn on the outskirts of town, training in the snow so that we can prepare to sit in 10 degree weather. No accepting any hot cocoa from granny or anything nice like that. We're going in there with Kam Chancellor next time, and things are going to get serious. They will not be as friendly the next time around. They will want our blood, and yes, some might be shed, but Kam and company will want to take their souls.

Still though, whether it's authentic or contrived, it's an excellent football extravaganza that everyone should set out to experience at least once in their lives. Next time, the result will be much better.
Glad you had a good time... You aren't leaving here with a win even with Kam though....

Thanks for the hospitality. One of my friends who made the trip is a die hard Packers fan. He'd never been to Lambeau for a game before, let alone the state of Wisconsin. We all took different routes to get to the game from NYC, but in the end we all made it here as planned. I'm happy that he got to have a great experience on his first trip to his mecca, but I hope that if there is a next meeting there, it won't be as happy a day.




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May 2, 2009
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dopeboy206":1kcoj10t said:
Many of those Packers fans in the comments sure don't feel the same about us. lol. Many even commented and said we have the rudest fans.I disagree about us being the rudest. 49ers, Raiders, and Eagles fans are worst.

I really feel like it depends on what type of Seahawks fan you encounter. We have a ton of new fans, and I feel like those are the ones that tend to act like asshats .. whereas the older school fans, the ones that predate the Mora years (or I guess year to be specific) and those hideous lime greens.. we're much more gracious and calm, because we've been through the years where they basically stunk or were mediocre-average.

All a part of the cost of success really.


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2012
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Green Bay is a football city, they have years and years of that in them. It is a family thing for them to talk and breathe football, they have so much history, they grew up being football fans, so I would expect that they know how to be great fans. It is just a game, you don't go out and be a rowdy to other fans. They appreciate the game of football more than anything else. I remember my experience when I was in Nebraska too, got invited to people's homes for football parties, they just had a sign up in the local bar for people to come. Seattle has a lot of diverse people who are just becoming fans after the success. So it will take time, some day all of us will realize, it is just football. A game of two teams where may the best team wins. I do get sad when my team does not win, but that does not mean I am angry at an opposing fan, I am happy to be part of their happiness.


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Apr 30, 2009
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NYCoug":3w589cd5 said:
No doubt, the Lambeau/Green Bay experience is a unique one, filled with happiness and hospitality...

However, in the days since returning home from the trip, my buddies and I can't help but feel like there's some 'Stepford Wives' ish going on in Green Bay. You get that feel that everyone in the town is in on something, and with each alcoholic beverage, slowly that charming Wisconsin demeanor begins to slip away. Get 'em wasted, and they're no different from anyone else. The same lines you'd hear at any other NFL stadium.

I think the real reason they were SO nice to Seahawks fans was that it made it impossible to give them any good natured crap about the NFC Championship game last season. When someone's grandma is handing you cookies and saying that they're so happy that you're there, you'd be some special kind of tool if you dialed up a Brian Bostick reference.

I seriously hope that we have to go back there in the playoffs. Preferably the NFC Championship. Nothing would feel better than leaving that place with a W in the frigid months, on the frozen tundra. I've already told my buddies that we'd be going back, and this time, no fraternizing with the enemy. Straight up Rocky 4 style, staying in a barn on the outskirts of town, training in the snow so that we can prepare to sit in 10 degree weather. No accepting any hot cocoa from granny or anything nice like that. We're going in there with Kam Chancellor next time, and things are going to get serious. They will not be as friendly the next time around. They will want our blood, and yes, some might be shed, but Kam and company will want to take their souls.

Still though, whether it's authentic or contrived, it's an excellent football extravaganza that everyone should set out to experience at least once in their lives. Next time, the result will be much better.

The most enjoyable post on .Net for ages!



Jan 20, 2014
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seahawks08":2hm5fbop said:
Green Bay is a football city, they have years and years of that in them. It is a family thing for them to talk and breathe football, they have so much history, they grew up being football fans, so I would expect that they know how to be great fans. It is just a game, you don't go out and be a rowdy to other fans. They appreciate the game of football more than anything else. I remember my experience when I was in Nebraska too, got invited to people's homes for football parties, they just had a sign up in the local bar for people to come. Seattle has a lot of diverse people who are just becoming fans after the success. So it will take time, some day all of us will realize, it is just football. A game of two teams where may the best team wins. I do get sad when my team does not win, but that does not mean I am angry at an opposing fan, I am happy to be part of their happiness.

Well said


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Sep 18, 2011
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Oklahoma City
dutchman063":2yv9370y said:
Jazzhawk":2yv9370y said:
"I cannot even put into words how gracious, warm, accommodating and amazing the fans and people were before, during AND after their victorious win over the Seahawks," Russell wrote. "We spent hours tailgating with so many Packers fans who opened their arms by offering food, talking about the field, about Wisconsin about how they wanted to beat Seattle very badly, but should the best team win.

I hope opposing fans can always say this after they've been to Century Link from here on out. No matter how much we dislike the team that we are playing.

Ive talked to a few opposing teams fans (panther/bears) who have traveled to many road games ventured into Centry link and they were saying seattle was one of the worse places as far as fan behaivor to opposing fans.

I was in Lambeau back in 04 with my buddy for a bears packer games and that whole freakin city was as nice as can be to us

When I went to the Clink with my wife to see us play the Vikings in '13 she was treated well in her Carter jersey. As long as one is respectful you will generally get the same treatment in return.