Fair Weather Fans


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Mar 3, 2007
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Sammamish, WA
scutterhawk":33jwatwe said:
hawkfan68":33jwatwe said:
FlyingGreg":33jwatwe said:
HawksnDawgs35":33jwatwe said:
So fair and honest observations about the glaring weakness of this team makes someone a fair weather fan?

Sorry, but I don't view the world through Blue and Green glasses and I've been a fan since 76'

We have a Super Bowl defense and a top 5 draft pick offense. That's reality.

Yep. Nothing worse than fans throwing around labels and trying to compare fandom worthiness.

Why is critical analysis not accepted? Why is only rah rah, drooling fanboy stuff appreciated?

The truth hurts. We all look at the games differently. If you can't identify the fatal flaws on this team, well... I can't help you. All the unicorns and sunshine posts won't make it better.

You can be a die hard and still call a spade a spade. I have been a fan for 40 years, the highs and lows. Nothing will change that; but I am allowed to be down when we see the same problems over and over again.

I agree with FlyingGreg. These are my sentiments almost exactly. I know the offense can be a lot better with the talent there (especially in the skill areas). It's just a certain position group bringing the team down and that area has not improved year over year. They continue to make the same mistakes over and over again. Is it ignorance and stubbornness....who knows. It's one of the main reasons why the Seahawks only put 10-12 points on teams they should scoring at least 30 on. Yes, this is profootball and it may change week to week but for the most part consistently elite teams win 12+ games each year. The Seahawks used to do that (from 2012-2014). Now they are just a 10 win and division round playoffs exit team (past 2 years). The trend so far this season seems very similar to last season. That was a 10 win season. As a fan since 1977, I expect more from this team.

well Hell to the yeah..... Screw the post trying to be upbeat about the Seahawks :roll:
Ain't no one trying to take away some of ya's Debbie-Downer mood, if that's what floats yer boat have at it.

Oh, and to add, we ARE getting more than the 1977 Seahawks team...BY A LONG SHOT.

If comparing this team to 1977 Seahawks is your metric in being better.....then the bar is quite low. Is this team equal to the team in 2012-14....it's definitely not. That's where the bar should be. Each to their own. If you can't handle valid criticism of the team, that's your problem. Furthermore, the last I checked no one here needs your approval on what they should post and where they should post it.


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Mar 4, 2007
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Puyallup, WA USA
IMO, the purpose of this message board to express one's FEELINGS about the team and its on field performance. We all must bear in mind that not all posters have an IQ over 130....not all posters can use both sides of their brain equally.
Hence, there will be those here who want to "correct" other posters for perceived errors....that is just "life on the message boards". Some perceive "the glass half full.....others half empty", so be it. Please keep this in mind when questioning another fans perception of the club and their on field performance.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
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Spokane, WA
Based off the limitations of my age, I've only been a fan since 1998. I missed out on Zorn and Largent. I only saw the tail end of Cortez Kennedy's career. I didn't see the black hole of the late eighties to late ninties Seahawks.

But I've gone through the Holmgren era from start to finish, saw the team make it to their first Superbowl and get hosed at the age of 15. Then saw the Holmgren era end with a dissapointing 4-12 season. Saw the one year of Mora.

So while I may not be as seasoned and as long time fan as a lot of you posters here and the OP, I've seen the team have really good and really bad teams.

Which makes it more frustrating when the team struggles, because we all know how RARE this opportunity truly is! Yes, this is the golden age in Seahawks history as we all know it. 30 years from now, we'll all be looking back at this era remembering those tremendous NFC championship games. But I don't want this era to result in two superbowl appearances with one win and one brutally devastating loss. Truth be told, if this era of Seahawks football doesn't make it back to the Superbowl, the image of the gif Seymour shared will be more memorable than the win. Why? Because it would define this era as a MISSED OPPORTUNITY for more!

I don't want this team to end up like the Mariners, constantly bringing up the 1995 ALDS win over the Yankees. Their Facebook page reminds us of that game all the time. And it's still great, but it's sad at the same time because they haven't made the playoffs in 17 years!

I agree this is the best team any Hawk's fan has ever seen, whether they've been a fan since 76, 99 or '12. We all want this team to win the Superbowl. They have the talent across the board to do it. The defense is legendary. We have everything needed to win except for one position group which has continued to be ignored, which makes it that much more frustrating because everyone who watches the NFL knows the offensive line is a weakness, except for our coaching staff. They continue to ignore it, and continue to be stubborn about it, and this stubbornness is frustrating.


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Aug 16, 2013
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North of the Wall
The thread I've been a fan since 1905...i saw the dark ages...i saw this and that...you new fans are all bandwagon....the superfan approach of don't you dare call out Pete Russ and John gets posted a few times a season. If reading criticism about your team bothers you don't click on the thread.. plain and simple. It's easy to tell from the title what it is. If you like just being a playoff team because of horrible opposition in the div and are happy with just getting in that is your choice. If you know the window will eventually close on this current squad due to poor drafting and poor coaching then voice your opinion. Not everyone has the glass half full or half empty outlook. If everyone agreed with each other it would be a boring site to come to.


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Jan 14, 2017
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Jville":v2c4xwzx said:
So much of forum negativity springs from an underlying disrespect or dislike of opponents. It's an enemy mind set devoid of sportsmanship. Without the ability to respect competitors, negativity is compelled to call out Seahawk players and coaches. Recognizing a successful play, by a competitor, is only done most grudgingly if at all.

Often, fan negativity springs from insecurity about oneself, i.e. the believe that everyone is better than them. Thus, they see their own faults more clearly than the faults of those around them.

A healthy dislike of opponents makes fandom all the more enjoyable, which is quite different than springing negativity about one's own team. Everyone's glass can be both half full and half empty.


Nov 29, 2013
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Not 'fair weather fans" so much as whiners who can't seem to wait for an opportunity to jump in and complain, complain, complain.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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hawkfan68":1t2uw21q said:
scutterhawk":1t2uw21q said:
well Hell to the yeah..... Screw the post trying to be upbeat about the Seahawks :roll:
Ain't no one trying to take away some of ya's Debbie-Downer mood, if that's what floats yer boat have at it.

Oh, and to add, we ARE getting more than the 1977 Seahawks team...BY A LONG SHOT.

If comparing this team to 1977 Seahawks is your metric in being better.....then the bar is quite low. Is this team equal to the team in 2012-14....it's definitely not. That's where the bar should be. Each to their own. If you can't handle valid criticism of the team, that's your problem. Furthermore, the last I checked no one here needs your approval on what they should post and where they should post it.

Angst much? :lol:
Misery loves company, so I will repeat "No One Is Trying To Talk You Off The Ledge....JUMP!".
If you like being bummed out, and WANT to hang on to the negativity, then by all means go for it, I'm powerless & unwilling to try and stop you.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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Sammamish, WA
scutterhawk":161fjk7v said:
hawkfan68":161fjk7v said:
scutterhawk":161fjk7v said:
well Hell to the yeah..... Screw the post trying to be upbeat about the Seahawks :roll:
Ain't no one trying to take away some of ya's Debbie-Downer mood, if that's what floats yer boat have at it.

Oh, and to add, we ARE getting more than the 1977 Seahawks team...BY A LONG SHOT.

If comparing this team to 1977 Seahawks is your metric in being better.....then the bar is quite low. Is this team equal to the team in 2012-14....it's definitely not. That's where the bar should be. Each to their own. If you can't handle valid criticism of the team, that's your problem. Furthermore, the last I checked no one here needs your approval on what they should post and where they should post it.

Angst much? :lol:
Misery loves company, so I will repeat "No One Is Trying To Talk You Off The Ledge....JUMP!".
If you like being bummed out, and WANT to hang on to the negativity, then by all means go for it, I'm powerless & unwilling to try and stop you.

What would be better is if you would stop responding to my posts...since to YOU they are NEGATIVE. This back and forth, would have never occurred if you had just kept your hands off the keyboard and kept to yourself. I responded to another's post and you sought to put YOUR NOSE into it. The person who has a problem is YOU. :roll:


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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Been there myself since 83 . I’ve seen some bad bad bad hawks teams and this OLine belongs with them IMHO !
For everybody that miraculously thinks this oline going to be a good at some point and take off and do something special I got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. With that said I’m still here I’m still gonna watch but I have no delusions of Grandor


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2011
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chet380":23iq4478 said:
Not 'fair weather fans" so much as whiners who can't seem to wait for an opportunity to jump in and complain, complain, complain.

True for some, IMO. Best to acknowledge the deficiencies and still put on the positive game face. Of course it's OK to be critical. It goes with the territory.

As for Fair Weather Fans, they don't bitch IMO, they disappear for a while, often years, before they return with the Seattle gear and photos of themselves. It was the same with the Sonics when they would go through hot periods.

I'm a lifelong Seattle sports fan from the area (like most of you here).


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Nov 16, 2015
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scutterhawk":2hloc4h1 said:
Seymour":2hloc4h1 said:
It's not all fair weather fans. Admit it or not, there still is some tension from this. And there will be until we move 100% past it which winning it all will do. That may or may not happen....so hang on.
I guess it's part of the 'Individuality' gig, and my belief is, that not everyone is clinging to this......"Tension", and hell, some of the players aren't even playing football anymore.
I for one watch the Seahawks play, purely for the entertainment and FEEL-GOOD.
I guess that in my 70 years, I've learned to let go of the negatives, better than some.

Excellent. You must be feeling great after watching those first two games. :2thumbs:

I said there is "some" of tension, and I would say in many. I never said everyone.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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I think people having this argument and thinking they are right probably need to realize the difference between mirrors and windows


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Sep 25, 2016
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Eastern Washington
Silverhawk5":18m0tuzi said:
I've been a Seahawks fan since 1983. I fell in love with the Seahawks watching a game with my dad on the arm of his lazy boy chair. Remember it like it was yesterday. I've lived through Kelly Stofuer, Dan Maguire, Stan Gelbaugh, Kitna, Moon, etc, along with Dennis Erickson, Tom Flores and Jim Mora Jr.. As a fan, I've always had the feeling that "this year is our year". I've lived outside of the state of Washington for the last 30 years in various cities in the western US. 10 years ago, if you saw anyone wearing Seahawks gear in public it was a true anomaly and a rare treat . Today, our Seahawks are beloved and I can't go to an airport or out in public without seeing a fellow 12. Why am I putting this out there? I have been reading the boards, as I faithfully do and I am seeing an almost intolerable amount of negativity. New fan or old, if you love the Seahawks, like I do, understand that we are in a golden age. We have an owner and coach in Allen/Carroll who have taken us to heights that most of us long timers could have never dreamed of. So to those of you who are losing their sh-t on a weekly basis, I share with you this, your Seahawks will continue to improve week by week and they will be in the mix at playoff time. Pete and company have proven this year after year after year. Relax. Enjoy the show (and the magic) stay positive, don't lose your sh-t in the early going, because our beloved Hawks will be there in the end, like they always have been, since Pete has been at the helm. Stay the course ladies and gentlemen "this is our year".

I highly recommend not judging and/or labeling people you do not know. You're not the only person who's been a fan for decades and understands our past. Each and everyone of us deals with our frustrations with this team in our own way.


May 20, 2009
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Any post starting with a explanation of how long they've been a fan you know is going to be a shit post or over the top judgemental of anyone that has a different view.

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk


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Mar 10, 2015
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I can only defend this team for so long. Its just becoming hard to watch, when your team cant score its actually a bore.


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Dec 26, 2012
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The most frustrating part is having a Super Bowl caliber defense, paired with a below mediocre offense.

AusSeahawk":w1mzmn8v said:
I can only defend this team for so long. Its just becoming hard to watch, when your team cant score its actually a bore.


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Jan 17, 2015
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AusSeahawk":z6nhqqkj said:
I can only defend this team for so long. Its just becoming hard to watch, when your team cant score its actually a bore.
Prolly turn into a Seahawks blowout..