Enjoy 2014, Because Things Will Never Be The Same


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Apr 30, 2009
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OK, what did I miss? Quinn is leaving? (I admit that I didn't read the article). I go off the grid for 4 days and I miss out on news. Sigh.


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Aug 19, 2012
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Orlando, FL
Sgt. Largent":3uushvy4 said:
What team isn't the clock ticking on?
Exactly. Nicely put. Succinct. That's why the whole article with the title and summary serve really no purpose other than for someone to take their poke at what the Hawks have going on as well as the fans.


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Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, Washington
Seahwkgal":16q7xhnz said:
OK, what did I miss? Quinn is leaving? (I admit that I didn't read the article). I go off the grid for 4 days and I miss out on news. Sigh.

You didn't miss much.

An SI writer postulating the Seahawks short window coming to a close after this year. Based on Wilson getting paid and coaches moving on, along with the running game slowing down. I can see it being tough to repeat, since a lot of luck has to go into winning it all but the author's reasoning had me scratching my head on some of the points.

As well as the thought that the team would not be in the hunt after this year.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
We here have acknowledged last year that Quinn is going to leave, this isn't news, he has had interviews etc, he is that good. We have had a top ranked defense with Bradley and Quinn, common denominator is Pete and his philosophy and ability to bring in guys that buy into his defense strategy and his compete mentality. Keeping players, we have a plan and it's been working, we let aged players leave and have others step up. Something that is missed by a lot of writers since they only understand big name choices and numbers put up after the fact. Where were they before Pete got here about Bryant and where were the headlines when we brought Clemons here. I didn't see nothing about sack artist being written then.


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Mar 6, 2007
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Most teams like to have their new coach in by early January. Not only because the early bird gets the worm, but because the sooner you get a new HC, the wider the pool of assistant coaches there are to attract to your program.

If Seattle keeps making deep playoff runs it will help their chances of keeping assistant coaches. You can't hire away Quinn if the Seahawks are still playing football games.

Regarding the article, I am dumbfounded that many writers still fail to realize that the Seahawks are a player development team. Having money to spend is always good, but nobody stretches their dollars like Seattle does because of Pete's player development ability.


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Jan 13, 2010
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Houston Suburbs
Yes, it's possible that losing coordinators/assistants to other teams could hurt the Hawks. Many USC fans feel it hurt the Trojans as guys continued to leave over the years for new gigs. But every successful team deals with that. At least we know--for a fact--that Pete is aware of this and always tries to have plans in place to replace guys. He's commented on it more than once over the years.

As far as replacing players, Pete is used to that as well. He had to replace guys on a rotating cycle of 3-5 years at USC. Also, this staff is very much a teaching staff, not just a game planning staff. They will coach the young players up as well or better than any other staff in the league.

Nothing is guaranteed in the NFL, but I feel Pete and John have positioned the Hawks very well for a long run of success.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Conjunction Junction
TXHawk":yhzu40f6 said:
The Seahawks formula for continued success is locking up their core elite players while churning the rest of the roster with cheap, young talent and developing them into productive players. If they're successful at doing that they will be competitive for years to come. If they aren't, they won't. Not easy to do but so far there's no evidence that Carroll and Schneider aren't up to the task. There's no window that's going to suddenly start slamming shut the minute that Wilson signs a big comtract.

Well said. Plus, we're going to get the benefits of all the supplemental drafts picks from releasing players we don't want to sign but will be valuable to other teams.


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Sep 3, 2012
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The 5-0
Tical21":3ty2m0to said:
Weird path he takes to get to the conclusion he gets to. We're not even sure yet if Marshawn is slowing down, and if he is, there is a decent chance that we don't lose a ton of production. Is that what he's basing our demise on?

It brings up thoughts I've had lately about whether or not it is worth it to give that kind of money to our quarterback, but it is a pretty worthless debate to have since there is a 100% chance they sign him.

+1. I saw nothing suggesting Lynch was down sliding. Not even behind that woeful line. In fact, you look at his numbers and I am astounded by what he managed.


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Mar 3, 2007
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I enjoyed the article. I thought he sort of contradicts himself at the end... he says our window is going to close soon because our O line is built to block for the run, and Lynch is done soon ..maybe after this year. But.. he had just spent much of the article building up Michael, including the prediction that Michael gets over 500 yards this year. Michael has a different style than Lynch, but its still a ground game. If Lynch gets cut next year but Michael is as good as he is teasing, then we would be fine there. Thats besides the point that we may start to throw more this year, in anticipation of 2015 when Wilson will be making tons and you have to get more production from the passing game if its going to occupy so much of the cap (potentially between just Wilson and Harvin next year that could be 35+ million dollars of the cap I believe..).

Overall though, a good read.


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Apr 30, 2009
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taco40":20egub8m said:
In watching espn and nfl.network, I've been a bit surprised by the lack of Seahawks coverage after the usual after-Super-Bowl glow of about a week. It falls in line with Olyfan's remarks about the importance of other franchises in the mind of the east coast centered media.

I think this is pretty wrong. The media covers us a ton now. Richard Sherman can't give his preference on his favorite syrup without it becoming a headline on the front of ESPN.com. I see no shortage of complaints from fans nationally about how sick they are of hearing about the Seahawks. That doesn't come about unless our team is suddenly everywhere.


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Sep 10, 2012
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It seems to me that the writer of that article took a boilerplate piece, and inserted the names as he saw fit. As has been mentioned multiple times, the story could have been written for virtually any (successful) team in the league. When a team has the kind of success we have had of late, you have to prepare for the kinds of things that are the basis for his article. Coaching departures, Elite player contracts, injuries, internal promotion are all things that every successful team has to plan for, and hopefully execute. IMHO he is giving Quinn a little too much credit for the creation of this Defense. Guys like him likely were saying the same things verbatim upon Gus Bradley’s departure last year. The one thing that Pete’s done is put together a machine that is akin to a living, breathing, self-sustaining ecosystem. Able to replace crucial members seemingly at will by nurturing from within, or obtaining with very measured impact to the wellbeing of the whole. Win Forever is not just a cliché, it is Pete’s ethos, and it has been working out pretty good so far.


Reading through the user posts in this thread, it's not hard to see the knowledge and connection for the Hawks flow from you through your protective insights. Brings a tear to my eye.

And not one grammar correction from Roland.... Beautiful.

I'm just happy to be here.