Confirmation that Jim Harbaugh = Massengill


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May 17, 2012
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You guys are kind of sad. John didn't tell these stories to represent his brother as a douchebag. He told them out of respect and brazen humor. In all honesty, Jim is so competitive that he wouldn't let a woman's gender from affecting the way he plays the game. Hell, Jim probably respected the female baseball player.

For those waiting for a catastrophe and the beginning of the end for the Harbaugh regime, don't hold your breath. The 49ers have a good locker room and a good coaching staff. Harbaugh isn't going to start attacking his players and causing a disturbance in the locker room.


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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
Yeah SoHo, "We had to move every couple of years because my bro would lose all his friends due to douchebaggery" is talking about your brother out of respect; and I'm sure you're right about Jim respecting that chick he beaned between the numbers.

How ridiculously blinded by your coach's love-muscle are you?



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SoHo9erFan":1d5xdnxi said:
You guys are kind of sad. John didn't tell these stories to represent his brother as a douchebag. He told them out of respect and brazen humor. In all honesty, Jim is so competitive that he wouldn't let a woman's gender from affecting the way he plays the game. Hell, Jim probably respected the female baseball player.

For those waiting for a catastrophe and the beginning of the end for the Harbaugh regime, don't hold your breath. The 49ers have a good locker room and a good coaching staff. Harbaugh isn't going to start attacking his players and causing a disturbance in the locker room.

I know your team flat out sucked for over a decade before Harbaugh got there so you've swallowed the kool-aid to quench your thirst for victories (I did the same thing with Holmgren as our coach)...but WOW are you delusional!


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SoHo9erFan":1gcw6seu said:
You guys are kind of sad. John didn't tell these stories to represent his brother as a douchebag. He told them out of respect and brazen humor. In all honesty, Jim is so competitive that he wouldn't let a woman's gender from affecting the way he plays the game. Hell, Jim probably respected the female baseball player.

For those waiting for a catastrophe and the beginning of the end for the Harbaugh regime, don't hold your breath. The 49ers have a good locker room and a good coaching staff. Harbaugh isn't going to start attacking his players and causing a disturbance in the locker room.
Fact: Jim Harbaugh is a great coach.
2nd fact: Jim Harbaugh has a history of just plain losing his shit. Trying to punch Jim Kelly, going apeshit with the Lions coach, jive gobble turkey, the anti sensitive California boy presser a couple years back. I love your guy as a villain, but trying to say he plunked a girl because he is competitive is dumbassery in defense of douchebaggery. Of course his own brother is not trying to paint him as a douchebag. But when the paintstrokes were all done, guess what picture he painted? (it was more of a snapshot really) A douchebag is as a douchebag does.

No, I do not expect him to go all Woody Hayes. But there is a way bigger chance he might than a saner and less douchbaggy guy, like say, Carroll. Who I think is as cool as Bill Walsh was for the 49ers. (see, I respect a 49ers coach for both his coaching and demeanor. Just not the current one) And off the field, Pete is to defense what Walsh was to offense. His ideas aren't revolutionary, but his reinvention of the ideal defensive player type is gaining followers about as fast as the west coast offense did.

I have said before, Jimmay is a better coach than Pete, though Pete is improving. I loved how Jim surprised the hell out of the Bears by turning Kaepernick loose in his first start. Pete took a long time to turn his QB loose, in fact he had to have his back against the wall to do so. But Pete is one cool sumbitch, even after losing, while Jim is fullblown dickwad after a loss. Jim's pressers are like Belichick with Aspergers Syndrome and jock itch, plus a bit of pissed off about having girl hips. Pete is more like Bill Walsh mixed with a little Sam Wyche.

These are the facts. What's your deal, anyway?


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Lake Tapps, WA
I have DEEP sympathy for Harbaugh. You know it must have been tough to be the son of limited intelligence, with a micro-penis. To have made it as an NFL QB, but play under a stubborn freak like Ditka, who left emotional scars that are deeply entrenched on Harbaugh's cerebral cortex and to be responsible for the success of another football team. The man is emotionally cashed. He already has HBP and is at risk for stroke, possibly aneurysm.

Just look at the guy on the sidelines. He looks like he just found out that he is spending the Night in a Federal Prison that doesn't have a condom program, roomied with the most violent offender in the joint.


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PoCompton, BC Canada
SoHo9erFan":2vtm1rp8 said:
You guys are kind of sad. John didn't tell these stories to represent his brother as a douchebag. He told them out of respect and brazen humor. In all honesty, Jim is so competitive that he wouldn't let a woman's gender from affecting the way he plays the game. Hell, Jim probably respected the female baseball player.

OMG, thank you so very much for the LOLZ. This is troll posting at it's finest.


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Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
SoHo9erFan":eepzpn8n said:
You guys are kind of sad. John didn't tell these stories to represent his brother as a douchebag. He told them out of respect and brazen humor. In all honesty, Jim is so competitive that he wouldn't let a woman's gender from affecting the way he plays the game. Hell, Jim probably respected the female baseball player.

:beating: :smiley_boxin: :smiley_karate: SoHo9erFan :rocket: :shoot:

You're bringing a knife to a gun fight, you should probably leave now while you still have your scalp!!!! :49ersmall:


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Dec 21, 2011
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Scottemojo":2x4qcmsy said:
SoHo9erFan":2x4qcmsy said:
You guys are kind of sad. John didn't tell these stories to represent his brother as a douchebag. He told them out of respect and brazen humor. In all honesty, Jim is so competitive that he wouldn't let a woman's gender from affecting the way he plays the game. Hell, Jim probably respected the female baseball player.

For those waiting for a catastrophe and the beginning of the end for the Harbaugh regime, don't hold your breath. The 49ers have a good locker room and a good coaching staff. Harbaugh isn't going to start attacking his players and causing a disturbance in the locker room.
Fact: Jim Harbaugh is a great coach.
2nd fact: Jim Harbaugh has a history of just plain losing his shit. Trying to punch Jim Kelly, going apeshit with the Lions coach, jive gobble turkey, the anti sensitive California boy presser a couple years back. I love your guy as a villain, but trying to say he plunked a girl because he is competitive is dumbassery in defense of douchebaggery. Of course his own brother is not trying to paint him as a douchebag. But when the paintstrokes were all done, guess what picture he painted? (it was more of a snapshot really) A douchebag is as a douchebag does.

No, I do not expect him to go all Woody Hayes. But there is a way bigger chance he might than a saner and less douchbaggy guy, like say, Carroll. Who I think is as cool as Bill Walsh was for the 49ers. (see, I respect a 49ers coach for both his coaching and demeanor. Just not the current one) And off the field, Pete is to defense what Walsh was to offense. His ideas aren't revolutionary, but his reinvention of the ideal defensive player type is gaining followers about as fast as the west coast offense did.

I have said before, Jimmay is a better coach than Pete, though Pete is improving. I loved how Jim surprised the hell out of the Bears by turning Kaepernick loose in his first start. Pete took a long time to turn his QB loose, in fact he had to have his back against the wall to do so. But Pete is one cool sumbitch, even after losing, while Jim is fullblown dickwad after a loss. Jim's pressers are like Belichick with Aspergers Syndrome and jock itch, plus a bit of pissed off about having girl hips. Pete is more like Bill Walsh mixed with a little Sam Wyche.

These are the facts. What's your deal, anyway?

I have no problem with what you said. In fact, I pretty much agree this is how it is. I have no problem with Jim. He brings Ws and a culture of winning. Its not hard to put up with his eccentricities when your team is winning. I think he is a great NFL coach. It is easy for some to say that if the Niners start to lose, that we the fans won't like his antics, but he is building quite a bit of collateral with the fans right now.

He could absolutely have to quit one day due to health reasons, kind of like Bill Walsh did. But if he gets us more rings before then, then I am all good with that. Plus, I love how he trolls the media. Its funny.

I will admit Pete has done a great job in SEA. A much better job than I thought he would do. Its not all the coaches, the GMs, etc deserve some credit too. But the HC gets the glory as well as the blame.

And we all gotta admit we love this rivalry. It makes it that much more fun to watch. Week 2 should be epic


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Jun 17, 2013
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You guys are harsh on the guy. I know it seems bias that I defend our savior coach but damn. The guy gets mad and has a hot temper and might be a dick sometimes. However everybody worth a damn in the NFL respects him as a coach and as a man. He is tough and is more competitive than anybody I have ever seen. Even when he loses he still tries to win (somehow lol).

You can point out whatever you want but he has a fire in him that makes mediocre teams perform like champions. He makes bust QBs into assets. He makes #1 overall QBs and can craft a turd of a team into the warriors of the league. He doesn't say sorry and pits himself against the world whatever you think about him.

Don't like him fine... but how can you deny respecting him? Too many people point out Harbs bitching at the refs and calling out members of the media... what you don't wish your coach did that? Most would shut the **** up and take it but not Jim.

Anyway just had to point that out. Might be our best coach since George Seifert (not ready to compare to Walsh ... yet).


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Mar 7, 2012
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He's a damn good coach and I respect the hell out of him. Love his fire and attitude. Hate his team. Love that he gives us something to hate. Honestly, outside of our own staff, he's my favorite coach in the NFL and I hate the guy.

He'll go down as one of the greats. He may be a douche but he's a fierce competitor and wouldn't allow his team to quit on him. Love how he trolls the media. If he was here, I'd love him.


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HansGruber":3rj89l5s said:
He's a damn good coach and I respect the hell out of him. Love his fire and attitude. Hate his team. Love that he gives us something to hate. Honestly, outside of our own staff, he's my favorite coach in the NFL and I hate the guy.

He'll go down as one of the greats. He may be a douche but he's a fierce competitor and wouldn't allow his team to quit on him. Love how he trolls the media. If he was here, I'd love him.

That is why you are the man. I love the fact that you can be honest even in your hatred towards the 49ers (which I respect there is a reason 9er Seahawks are now pretty much the #1 rivalry in football). That is of course because the Seahawks have got a scary team of their own. Which is going to make for some awesome football for many seasons.

I am not one to rely on past 49er teams. I was 6 maybe 7 last time we won a superbowl so that is not relevant. Although a lifelong niner fan and a bay area native I don't throw my faith on those teams. I don't like Russell Wilson because he is so dynamic and skilled and that is a compliment. Good luck to you guys and all Seahawk hatred aside I was rooting for you guys to beat the Steelers for whatever it is worth that superbowl in my opinion (just like our bowl against the Ravens.) should have been yours.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
God I'm sick to my stomach at the whining from the 49er fans in this thread. You're not gonna change our minds, we're gonna take our shots like you guys do with Pete. Don't be so feminine about it.


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Jun 16, 2009
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I don't know guys. i'm not ready to say Har is a great couch yet. It seems to me he inherited a very talented, yet badly coached team. Since then, hes managed to turn that team around. Which is where they should have been to begin with. A much easier task than Pete inherited.
Are the Niners a top notch team?...absolutely.....did Jimmay really build that team...absolutey not. Is Har a good coach because of that ? he a great coach....nope. Not yet.
Whats left with me is the douchy part of him.........the antics....the unprofessionalism at times......
So for me The Douche's worst enemy right now himself. I don't think I can ever like that guy nonetheless.....


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samwize77":lulfx54v said:
I don't know guys. i'm not ready to say Har is a great couch yet. It seems to me he inherited a very talented, yet badly coached team. Since then, hes managed to turn that team around. Which is where they should have been to begin with. A much easier task than Pete inherited.
Are the Niners a top notch team?...absolutely.....did Jimmay really build that team...absolutey not. Is Har a good coach because of that ? he a great coach....nope. Not yet.
Whats left with me is the douchy part of him.........the antics....the unprofessionalism at times......
So for me The Douche's worst enemy right now himself. I don't think I can ever like that guy nonetheless.....
I disagree. I think some of the run block sets and pulls that they run in SF are amazingly well coached. Harbaugh puts stress on opposing coaches to face looks they have not seen before. Or may see again. I also think he has his players ready for surprise moves. They shut down a fake kick in the SB, it looked like they were ready for that stuff. And Alex Smith stinks IMO, but Harbaugh minimized his weaknesses very well.


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Scottemojo":3hey4rve said:
I disagree. I think some of the run block sets and pulls that they run in SF are amazingly well coached. Harbaugh puts stress on opposing coaches to face looks they have not seen before. Or may see again. I also think he has his players ready for surprise moves. They shut down a fake kick in the SB, it looked like they were ready for that stuff. And Alex Smith stinks IMO, but Harbaugh minimized his weaknesses very well.

Agreed. And who really believes Kaepernick would have enjoyed the same success on any other nfl team? Harbaugh did a great job planning to his strengths and hiding his weaknesses, as he did with A Smith. The guy knows how to coach quarterbacks. Note if A Smith somehow lights it up in KC this season, maybe my opinion changes a little. But I still don't believe Kaep would be as successful anywhere else.

And while there was talent in SF when he arrived, you've got to give the dude credit for maximizing it. He immediately turned that team into super bowl contenders.

I may hate him, and yeah he's a major douche, but I'm not about to knock his proven coaching skills.


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Jun 16, 2009
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I'm not sure Scottie, just how much of that is Harb. Certainly he oversees all. But it remains to be seen if any of the schemes are actually his. Is the genius in coming up with these ideas or approving them. Both have their merits for sure. Do I give credit to Gus B for our defense? think that belongs all to Pete. Do I give credit for our O to Bevel and Cable...yes...IMHO I think they are more responsible for its success than Pete. Other than the fact Pete does take the responsibility and oversees its execution. Its something of a fine line taking the responsibility for the x's and o's and the credit for coming up with them. If Harbs drew it up and the coordinators make sure its executed properly then my hats off to him...if not.....then its more the creativeness of his coordinators than his on genius. This goes for all staffs of course. But an example of what I'm talking about would be the Bears. Was it Ditkas Defensive schemes that made that team so bad or was it Buddy Ryans?.... I'm not a true hater of Harbs really.....I recognize the fact, and it is a fact.....that the niners have turned around because of him. But if I try to balance out what he really has done himself to improve that team...and his obvious I consider him a great coach?...not a chance...yet.