biggest roadblock to a rePete?


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2012
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Popeyejones":1tc79wwd said:
kearly":1tc79wwd said:
RolandDeschain":1tc79wwd said:
kearly":1tc79wwd said:
Bowman will not be 100% next season coming off that knee injury, and that little loss of speed could be a big difference for Seattle on offense.
You're assuming he doesn't hop on the Adrian Peterson HGH Off-Season Training Regimen©.

How'd that work for RG3 and Chris Clemons? Or anyone else not named Adrian Peterson...

Seemed to work pretty darn well for Crabtree.

I think we're in a different era, and we just don't have guarantees about how players will look after these types of injuries. So, any 9ers fan that isn't worried is pretty foolish, but any Hawks fan who is automatically crossing his name off might wanna rethink that too, IMO.

I thought Crab's injury was a torn achilles, not a torn ACL/MCL.

The two injuries are VASTLY different.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
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RichNhansom":3oimp0g5 said:
Marvin49":3oimp0g5 said:
VivaEfrenHerrera":3oimp0g5 said:
Lol, Marvin...

I was just having a bit of fun. (Not "getting all twisted", sheesh. Overstate the case much?) I figured I get a "hehe, touche" type of response as opposed to a defensive wall of text desperately parsing the meaning of "above reproach". But good stuff, mate!

Here's the deal. No matter how fine you want to slice the shards of context, "above reproach" means what it means and ole Harbs said what he said because he was trying to take a little shot. It was never anything more or less than that. You know it. I know it. He knows it. Pete Carroll knows it. Dude just couldn't resist! The high road was right there, in front of him, beckoning, but Coach Douche just couldn't bring himself to take it. Getting that little dig in was just toooooo tempting!

And now, every time anyone in the organization falls short, he's left himself (and by proxy the ever-defensive fanbase) open for a riposte. Easier really to just take your lumps and move on, isn't it? Coach said something dumb and now looks like a hypocrite. Easy.

Now in terms of the jail stuff. If you believe this story (and why wouldn't you?), Aldon basically got two dudes shot because instead of trying to de-escalate a situation (or do the sane thing and call the cops when somebody shoots at your house) he needed wave his own big pistol around. I know, I know. Firing off a "warning shot" that leads to others being nearly killed isn't the kind of "above reproach" Harbs was talking about. He was talking about cheating, not shooting!

Maybe the felony firearms stuff won't stick though, who knows. Wouldn't be the first time a millionaire entertainer got the "benefit of the doubt". And as far as the league's punishments hell, you can drag a sorority girl into a reeking nightclub bathroom and rape her in the stall with your bodyguard watching the door and the NFL will happily bump your suspension down from six games to four. So who knows what they'll do? But I don't think that having Smith around all year long is a given.

Oh, on topic: biggest obstacle (other than key injuries, natch) to a re-Pete? Complacency creeping in to take the edge off and/or the breaks and variance inherent in football. The Seahawks were the best team in the league all year, by a noticeable margin. Even so, they could have easily gone 11-5, simply with a couple ball bounces going the other way. (Similarly, they could just as easily have been 15-1 with a couple extra breaks, *cough cough Gore's long run in San Fran*) Football's like that. Random. Flukey. The best team doesn't always win, which is one thing that made this whole year so agonizing and fun.

But given the choice between being the best team and hoping the best team doesn't win, I know which I'd pick. ;)

I think you have illustrated the problem. I don't think it was a dig. The media and Seattle fans have certainly taken it as a dig, but I honestly don't think that was his intention. His point was that you don't want people to make that accusation about your team. We could argue this all day though and there is no way to confirm who's "right". Seattle fans will always take anything Harbaugh says in a negative light. It's in your DNA.

As for Aldon, we all know his decision making was poor. We can only hope that he'd learned a lesson. People seem to forget though that he was a VICTIM that night. He asked them to leave when the threatened a bartender. He was defending himself with his LEGAL pistol. He is NOT being charged in the shooting so being rich has nothing to do with him not going to jail.

The weapons that he got in trouble for we're only found when the police searched the house after the shooting. The weapons BTW were purchased LEGALLY in Arizona. The only way that he is found guilty is if it's proven that he went to Arizona with the express purpose of breaking the CA law and bringing the weapons into the state. That's kinda hard because he was there for a game.

In reality, if Aldon were NOT a celebrity we would likely have not been charged at all. In these cases where the victim is defending himself they are usuly not charged. Your assertion that he won't go to jail because he's a rich athlete is the exact opposite of the truth. The DA was under pressure so charged him. Wanna know how lightly the police see this issue...before Aldon was sued the Sherrifs dept had Aldon and other members of the team take part in a fund raiser. On a gun range. Firing guns. They didn't view it as an issue until after the lawsuit become public.

I'm not trying to say Aldon hasn't made bad choices. He has. I hope he's learned from them. My issue is how people make Aldons issues a direct opposition to Harbaughs comments. That wasn't Harbaughs point. Personally I think the 49ers did the right thing. They did something most teams wouldn't do and voluntarily lost one of their best players when they really needed him.

You seem to paint that with a pretty soft coat.

This was Aldon's 2nd DUI and they found a bottle (not his) of prescription drugs in the car along with Marijuana. I see you didn't address that little tidbit.

I am curious what you think about the prescription drug bottle also. He crashed his car (in a residential neighborhood) around 7:30 AM on a school day and on a day he was suppose to be at practice in a couple hours. What kind of prescription drug do you think you would take if you had to be clean and sober ready for an NFL practice in a couple hours? Adderal (sp) comes to mind.

Would Aldon still be a victim if he had ran over a child or two on their way to school?

As for Harbs not taking a shot. Again that is ridiculous. The guy can't help himself. He was in an interview when out of nowhere he says, did you see that beats commercial? Referring of course to the commercial that attempts to paint Seattle fans as thugs and hooligans. No one mentioned it before hand and he knew the question would come up and it did immediately when a reporter asked him if that is what it is really like when arriving in Seattle. To which he said, yeah its pretty much is just like that.

Funny enough someone put up a clip on youtube of the Niners arriving at the clink like in the video and there were zero 12's there. There were 9er fans but they didn't act like the guys in the beats commercial either.

Is it above reproach to lie about apposing fan bases? Apparently not for Harbaugh.

You've been pretty respectable lately so I won't harass you to much but you are not being honest with yourself if you in any way see Aldon as a victim or believe for one second Harbaugh isn't attempting cheap shots at Seattle. You really need to look at yourself and stop trying to paint the us as delusional. I think the delusion is coming in the form of ignoring the blatantly obvious.

Oh please.

I've said repeatedly that Aldon has made bad choices. I've said over and over that I hope he's learned a lesson. My responses are only explaining why he won't be in JAIL. It isn't in question tho that he was a victim that night. He attempted to get people out of the party and he was stabbed. He is not charged for anything that night because he was the victim.

We can debate his decision making all you want. Yes, he SHOULD have called the police. He should NOT have driven under the influence. That isn't even debatable.

Adderall? Seriously? The guy had prescription drugs in his car that he had a prescription for. There are no charges for drugs in his possession. Making the assertion that it was Adderall is pure fiction with no basis in fact. All you are doing is inventing a story now so that Harbaughs "above reproach" will apply. Aldon has some serious issues that extend beyond the field. Making the implication that he is also cheating with no positive drug test of any kind is just ludicrous.

As for Harbaugh, I honestly think he's not taking shots. He's answering a question. You make it sound like he makes a habit out of it but I'd like to see you come up with a single other verifiable instance of it. It's really not his style. The only thing I can think of is the what's your deal game back at Stanford, and that had nothing to do with the Seahawks.

The beats commercial? Him talking about it as tho that's what happens? Seriously? It's an exaggeration. That's all you got? If Harbaugh enjoys the commercial, it doesn't mean that he thinks Michael Jordan or Larry Bird can bank balls off the rafters into the baskett.


Active member
Apr 30, 2009
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Another thread, and here's Marvin once again to fight for San Francisco's honour.

Let's just tell him the 49ers are the perfect team, full of outstanding characters who never fart or pick their nose, and spend all of their spare time helping little old ladies cross the road.

Maybe then he'd feel less inclined to hunt through THE ENTIRE FORUM trying to hopelessly defend any criticism of the second best team in the NFC West ON A FREAKIN SEAHAWKS MESSAGE BOARD.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
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theENGLISHseahawk":3tq6hbl3 said:
Another thread, and here's Marvin once again to fight for San Francisco's honour.

Let's just tell him the 49ers are the perfect team, full of outstanding characters who never fart or pick their nose, and spend all of their spare time helping little old ladies cross the road.

Maybe then he'd feel less inclined to hunt through THE ENTIRE FORUM trying to hopelessly defend any criticism of the second best team in the NFC West ON A FREAKIN SEAHAWKS MESSAGE BOARD.

Jeez. Right. THAT'S what I do. The thread was about the 49ers. I spoke about specific issues listed by the OP. I didn't even say he was wrong on most of them. Just clarified.

I've said about 10 times now that Aldon has made poor choices. Not sure what else you want me to say. BTW, it wasn't even me who brought up Aldons problems. Nope. That was someone else who made this thread about something completely different just to score cheap points.

It's partially my fault because I should have just not responded. I have a rather large character flaw tho...when I see someone say something blatantly false I feel the need to correct them. That's me. I admit it.


Active member
May 25, 2011
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Aldon Smith had no prescriptions and the drugs were found in an envelope. I agree he is a victim of ignorance but that is not even debatable. They were not his drugs. Well I guess the Marijuana was.

I made up no stories.

I love your comment " I've said over and over that I hope he's learned a lesson." Aren't you getting tired of defending this guy? How many times have you had to do that now? 5 or 6 times this guy finds himself on the wrong end of stupid decisions. Don't you think at some point he needs to face up to his shit like any normal person would have to?

As for no prison well I wouldn't be so cocky about that. People were shot because of his ignorance. He was passed out behind the wheel of a car when the police arrived and blew twice the legal limit and it is his second DUI. That DA and judge won't ignore he crashed into the tree completely oblivious to his surrounding that were common place for children going to school.

Sorry but Eddie D isn't around anymore to bribe government officials so unless someone else is taking his place, which might explain how Brooks got off with no charges in a case with signed statements, medical records and a search warrant pulled from somewhere above the DA's office I would say there is a very good chance he spends some time in the poky. I will also say he absolutely deserves too.


Active member
Apr 30, 2009
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Marvin49":3b0ys3p2 said:
Jeez. Right. THAT'S what I do.

Yes, it is what you do.

This was posted in the shack in another thread and pretty much sums it up...

loafoftatupu":3b0ys3p2 said:
Oh gee.. what a change. Marvin is here, failing to defend the Douchebaggery Niner Clan for eternity.

No post goes unchallenged in his quest to right the wrongs in his one way railroad to the truth.

Dude... just stop.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
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RichNhansom":15jhb5fq said:
Aldon Smith had no prescriptions and the drugs were found in an envelope. I agree he is a victim of ignorance but that is not even debatable. They were not his drugs. Well I guess the Marijuana was.

I made up no stories.

I love your comment " I've said over and over that I hope he's learned a lesson." Aren't you getting tired of defending this guy? How many times have you had to do that now? 5 or 6 times this guy finds himself on the wrong end of stupid decisions. Don't you think at some point he needs to face up to his shit like any normal person would have to?

As for no prison well I wouldn't be so cocky about that. People were shot because of his ignorance. He was passed out behind the wheel of a car when the police arrived and blew twice the legal limit and it is his second DUI. That DA and judge won't ignore he crashed into the tree completely oblivious to his surrounding that were common place for children going to school.

Sorry but Eddie D isn't around anymore to bribe government officials so unless someone else is taking his place, which might explain how Brooks got off with no charges in a case with signed testimony, medical records and a search warrant pulled from somewhere above the DA's office I would say there is a very good chance he spends some time in the poky. I will also say he absolutely deserves too.

Jeez. I never should have opened this can of worms.

First off, there was no marijuana in the car. That was the initial report and was later refuted by the police. That initial report was in error. He faces no charges for possession. The DUI is bad enough. We don't need to make sh*t up.

As for your question, YES, I'm tired of defending him. He's done stuff that don't approve of by any stretch, but it's bad enough without distorting the facts.

"People were shot because of his ignorance". Too bad he faces no charged for that. The suit in regards to that suit is a CIVIL suit, not a criminal one. Why? Because he was determined that night to be the VICTIM. He haves charges for the DUI and he faces charges for the gun possession. That's it. The gun possession is a joke as he'd likely have never been charged on that if he wasn't Aldon Smith. That isn't just my opinion tho. That was the opinion of a lawyer who looked at the case and wrote an article about it. I was going to link it here but haven't as yet been able to find it. The civil suit is even dubious because there is evidense that those who were shot we're far more than just "innocent bystanders".

Look, Aldon is no angel. I'm not trying to say he's been an innocent bystander here. I just don't see the point in portraying his bad choices as worse than they were. Getting behind the wheel while so intoxicated you fall asleep at the wheel and don't wake up or even take your foot off the accelerator when you hit a tree is inexcusable. He is INCREDIBLY lucky he didn't hurt someone. It's a serious matter and much more important than football. He was in rehab though just days after that incident and by all reports has been much better since. Now the offseason starts when he has much more free time. I can only hope he learned the lesson.

Eddie D? Really? Was there no kitchen sink nearby?


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
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theENGLISHseahawk":2v1w5yvj said:
Marvin49":2v1w5yvj said:
Jeez. Right. THAT'S what I do.

Yes, it is what you do.

This was posted in the shack in another thread and pretty much sums it up...

loafoftatupu":2v1w5yvj said:
Oh gee.. what a change. Marvin is here, failing to defend the Douchebaggery Niner Clan for eternity.

No post goes unchallenged in his quest to right the wrongs in his one way railroad to the truth.

Dude... just stop.

Oh...well if someone else said it in the Smack Shack it MUST be true. Lol.

I actually post in quite afew threads. Quite often not about the 49ers. Those ones simply don't get people riled up or assault your delicate sensibilities.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
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Ok. This has just really gone in a different direction than the OP intended. I won't respond to any other Harbaugh/Aldon Smith post from here on out. Just a circular arguement.

My fault. I never should have taken the bait on that one to begin with.


Active member
May 25, 2011
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Marvin49":ugvfy70c said:
RichNhansom":ugvfy70c said:
Aldon Smith had no prescriptions and the drugs were found in an envelope. I agree he is a victim of ignorance but that is not even debatable. They were not his drugs. Well I guess the Marijuana was.

I made up no stories.

I love your comment " I've said over and over that I hope he's learned a lesson." Aren't you getting tired of defending this guy? How many times have you had to do that now? 5 or 6 times this guy finds himself on the wrong end of stupid decisions. Don't you think at some point he needs to face up to his shit like any normal person would have to?

As for no prison well I wouldn't be so cocky about that. People were shot because of his ignorance. He was passed out behind the wheel of a car when the police arrived and blew twice the legal limit and it is his second DUI. That DA and judge won't ignore he crashed into the tree completely oblivious to his surrounding that were common place for children going to school.

Sorry but Eddie D isn't around anymore to bribe government officials so unless someone else is taking his place, which might explain how Brooks got off with no charges in a case with signed testimony, medical records and a search warrant pulled from somewhere above the DA's office I would say there is a very good chance he spends some time in the poky. I will also say he absolutely deserves too.

Jeez. I never should have opened this can of worms.

First off, there was no marijuana in the car. That was the initial report and was later refuted by the police. That initial report was in error. He faces no charges for possession. The DUI is bad enough. We don't need to make sh*t up. OK a little research and I found you were correct but I also found that the officer reported he found a pipe (pot pipe) on the center console and the car smelled like Marijuana.

This isn't a case of me making stuff up and you know it. It is a case of you minimizing the facts as well as either lying or being misinformed. The prescription drugs were not his as you stated when trying to minimize the facts as well as completely ignoring after I corrected you.

As for your question, YES, I'm tired of defending him. He's done stuff that don't approve of by any stretch, but it's bad enough without distorting the facts. Again see minimizing. It is actually a form of distorting facts

"People were shot because of his ignorance". Too bad he faces no charged for that. The suit in regards to that suit is a CIVIL suit, not a criminal one. Why? Because he was determined that night to be the VICTIM. He haves charges for the DUI and he faces charges for the gun possession. That's it. The gun possession is a joke as he'd likely have never been charged on that if he wasn't Aldon Smith. That isn't just my opinion tho. That was the opinion of a lawyer who looked at the case and wrote an article about it. I was going to link it here but haven't as yet been able to find it. The civil suit is even dubious because there is evidense that those who were shot we're far more than just "innocent bystanders".

And here we go again. That gun possession charge was ignored for over a year until the civil suit made it public and impossible to ignore. I think it is pretty obvious they were trying to let it slide. If the DA were trying to make a name for himself those charges would have come out at the time of the incident not a year later. I think the arrest warrant for Brooks would also have been served. Obviously not the other way around like you are trying to minimize as.

And please get out of here with the gun possession is a joke. It is a law in the state of California specifically designed to try and remove dangerous guns from gangs that are very prevalent in California and also happen to apparently play a big part in Aldon's party and his circle of friends. Aldon never attempted to license the guns in Cali for a reason. If t were a joke don't you think it would be a misdemeanor? It's a felony for a reason and I highly doubt the judge or DA will just laugh it off.

You are correct to this point they have not attached charges to the victims who were shot at the party but it is still a real possibility and even if they don't that information will be a key piece of information if it goes to trail.

Look, Aldon is no angel. I'm not trying to say he's been an innocent bystander here. I just don't see the point in portraying his bad choices as worse than they were. Getting behind the wheel while so intoxicated you fall asleep at the wheel and don't wake up or even take your foot off the accelerator when you hit a tree is inexcusable. He is INCREDIBLY lucky he didn't hurt someone. It's a serious matter and much more important than football. He was in rehab though just days after that incident and by all reports has been much better since. Now the offseason starts when he has much more free time. I can only hope he learned the lesson.

Apparently you feel minimizing them is much more appropriate?

Does going to rehab satisfy you? He still went to practice after being released from jail and he played in the next game before he suddenly had an epiphany? Or maybe your FO forced him into rehab? We don't know the details for sure so we cna't really determine if he has had a change of heart and with his past it is reasonable to question whether he really has now or not. It's not like this is the first time he has been in trouble.

Eddie D? Really? Was there no kitchen sink nearby?

Hey it's part of your teams history and under the circumstances it fits in with the conversation. Felony assault warrant pulled by someone above the DA's office and felony weapons charges ignored for over a year and only served when a civil suit made the information public and impossible to ignore? It wouldn't be the first time government officials were bribed by your organizations FO.

We know how much you guys love your teams history and all.

I'm sorry, to soon?


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
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RichNhansom":1r7onjlv said:
Marvin49":1r7onjlv said:
RichNhansom":1r7onjlv said:
Aldon Smith had no prescriptions and the drugs were found in an envelope. I agree he is a victim of ignorance but that is not even debatable. They were not his drugs. Well I guess the Marijuana was.

I made up no stories.

I love your comment " I've said over and over that I hope he's learned a lesson." Aren't you getting tired of defending this guy? How many times have you had to do that now? 5 or 6 times this guy finds himself on the wrong end of stupid decisions. Don't you think at some point he needs to face up to his shit like any normal person would have to?

As for no prison well I wouldn't be so cocky about that. People were shot because of his ignorance. He was passed out behind the wheel of a car when the police arrived and blew twice the legal limit and it is his second DUI. That DA and judge won't ignore he crashed into the tree completely oblivious to his surrounding that were common place for children going to school.

Sorry but Eddie D isn't around anymore to bribe government officials so unless someone else is taking his place, which might explain how Brooks got off with no charges in a case with signed testimony, medical records and a search warrant pulled from somewhere above the DA's office I would say there is a very good chance he spends some time in the poky. I will also say he absolutely deserves too.

Jeez. I never should have opened this can of worms.

First off, there was no marijuana in the car. That was the initial report and was later refuted by the police. That initial report was in error. He faces no charges for possession. The DUI is bad enough. We don't need to make sh*t up. OK a little research and I found you were correct but I also found that the officer reported he found a pipe (pot pipe) on the center console and the car smelled like Marijuana.

This isn't a case of me making stuff up and you know it. It is a case of you minimizing the facts as well as either lying or being misinformed. The prescription drugs were not his as you stated when trying to minimize the facts as well as completely ignoring after I corrected you.

As for your question, YES, I'm tired of defending him. He's done stuff that don't approve of by any stretch, but it's bad enough without distorting the facts. Again see minimizing. It is actually a form of distorting facts

"People were shot because of his ignorance". Too bad he faces no charged for that. The suit in regards to that suit is a CIVIL suit, not a criminal one. Why? Because he was determined that night to be the VICTIM. He haves charges for the DUI and he faces charges for the gun possession. That's it. The gun possession is a joke as he'd likely have never been charged on that if he wasn't Aldon Smith. That isn't just my opinion tho. That was the opinion of a lawyer who looked at the case and wrote an article about it. I was going to link it here but haven't as yet been able to find it. The civil suit is even dubious because there is evidense that those who were shot we're far more than just "innocent bystanders".

And here we go again. That gun possession charge was ignored for over a year until the civil suit made it public and impossible to ignore. I think it is pretty obvious they were trying to let it slide. If the DA were trying to make a name for himself those charges would have come out at the time of the incident not a year later. I think the arrest warrant for Brooks would also have been served. Obviously not the other way around like you are trying to minimize as.

And please get out of here with the gun possession is a joke. It is a law in the state of California specifically designed to try and remove dangerous guns from gangs that are very prevalent in California and also happen to apparently play a big part in Aldon's party and his circle of friends. Aldon never attempted to license the guns in Cali for a reason. If t were a joke don't you think it would be a misdemeanor? It's a felony for a reason and I highly doubt the judge or DA will just laugh it off.

You are correct to this point they have not attached charges to the victims who were shot at the party but it is still a real possibility and even if they don't that information will be a key piece of information if it goes to trail.

Look, Aldon is no angel. I'm not trying to say he's been an innocent bystander here. I just don't see the point in portraying his bad choices as worse than they were. Getting behind the wheel while so intoxicated you fall asleep at the wheel and don't wake up or even take your foot off the accelerator when you hit a tree is inexcusable. He is INCREDIBLY lucky he didn't hurt someone. It's a serious matter and much more important than football. He was in rehab though just days after that incident and by all reports has been much better since. Now the offseason starts when he has much more free time. I can only hope he learned the lesson.

Apparently you feel minimizing them is much more appropriate?

Does going to rehab satisfy you? He still went to practice after being released from jail and he played in the next game before he suddenly had an epiphany? Or maybe your FO forced him into rehab? We don't know the details for sure so we cna't really determine if he has had a change of heart and with his past it is reasonable to question whether he really has now or not. It's not like this is the first time he has been in trouble.

Eddie D? Really? Was there no kitchen sink nearby?

Hey it's part of your teams history and under the circumstances it fits in with the conversation. Felony assault warrant pulled by someone above the DA's office and felony weapons charges ignored for over a year and only served when a civil suit made the information public and impossible to ignore? It wouldn't be the first time government officials were bribed by your organizations FO.

We know how much you guys love your teams history and all.

I'm sorry, to soon?

Ok look...this isn't going anywhere. I think what I think and you think what you think. Neither one of us is going to convince the other.

In all honesty I should have just let the original Aldon/Harbaugh comment alone. That's my fault. This isn't the place for this debate. My bad.