Anyone Else Think the #12 "Fan" Jerseys Are Dumb



chris98251":2u8ibc01 said:
The real topic should be why do some people wear Spandex and a short shirt and create nightmares for everyone.

Thus, the rank of: * .NET Hijacker *


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2014
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Some people in here are taking this thread way too personal. Did I ever say I had a problem with the jersey? All I meant to say is that I find it a bit corny and I don't think it's for me.

Personally, I would never by a jersey that says "FAN" on it. Wearing a Hawks jersey in the first place kind of lets people know that you are already a fan. This is why the players don't wear a jersey that says "PLAYER" on the back.

I have no problem with others who wear them. Just not for me.


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Sep 28, 2009
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Omaha, NE
You DO have a problem with it. That's what your post is about. Anyone who is butt hurt by your opinion, well, that's on them.

All that needs to be said in defense of the the "FAN" jersey is that that is how it reads hanging from the rafters. If you don't like that, not my problem. If you can't afford to get one with your name, get FAN. It's just about the stupidest thing to nitpick.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
I don't care even a little bit what another person wears. If they love the Hawks, sweet.
They could have a jersey that says Butt Nugget, don't care.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Or we just let fellow fans do their thing and not feel compelled to make an issue out of how they express their fan-dom.

(no, I dont have a 12 jersey, Im not being defensive)


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Skagit County, WA
SoulfishHawk":2rpp1ge4 said:
I don't care even a little bit what another person wears. If they love the Hawks, sweet.
They could have a jersey that says Butt Nugget, don't care.

Waddya mean you don't care for Butt Nuggets?....I thought you were a trap player? :mrgreen:


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Jan 12, 2014
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KARAVARUS":35e09bjk said:
You DO have a problem with it. That's what your post is about. Anyone who is butt hurt by your opinion, well, that's on them.

All that needs to be said in defense of the the "FAN" jersey is that that is how it reads hanging from the rafters. If you don't like that, not my problem. If you can't afford to get one with your name, get FAN. It's just about the stupidest thing to nitpick.

You're the one getting all worked up. :D


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Aug 22, 2013
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Dayton, WA

I remember buying a John Carlson jersey and he was gone the next year.

That thing has sat in my garage since 2011. Wasted money.



I am reading through this thread and am concerned about why in the world anybody would think that a jersey with a player name longer on the team would render that jersey unwearable. What the hell am I hearing?

It's going to take a lot of you by surprise to hear me (of all people) saying this, but y'all that feel like that, need to find a new life, and a new team to root for. Your soul is stained, you are weak, and you need to call up the friend of yours that feels the same way and beat the hell out of each other.

When you wear a Seattle Seahawks jersey in public, any Seahawks jersey, you are a fan of the team and you are proud of that fact. If that jersey says Galloway, Mirer, Krieg, Green, Alexander, or even Harvin on the back, that jersey should be dry cleaned and kept from getting spaghetti sauce on it because it's a Seattle Seahawks jersey. It represents a moment in history that can never be erased.

At some point in the past, that same jersey was worn by a player that made plays that made you jump up and high five your buddies. That player, at that time, made a game-changing play (or plays) that contributed to a win for the team, maybe even won you a few bucks off a bet you made. At that time in Seahawks history, that play was recorded on film for all of posterity. That player was a building block that led to the eventual success we all have enjoyed.

When I get ready to watch a game on Sunday, I first go to my closet and take a look at my choices and make a selection based on my memory of what that player did for the team, at the time he played. Whatever particular challenge an opponent presents for the Hawks that day, means a given current player will need to have a great game in order to neutralize that threat. If a team has a terrific edge rusher, for example, I'll select my Walter Jones jersey to show my support for our current left tackle, Russell Okung.

Yesterday, I finished work a touch early and took a shower before wifeypoo got home from work. Then I grabbed my Shaun Alexander jersey and put it on, I met her at the door and we headed to the grocery store. When we got out of the truck and strolled through the parking lot, no less than 5 people gave me a thumbs up, two said "tough loss man, we were pulling for ya!", and as we went through the front door, a dude with a Philly hat on said, "best RB Alabama ever had" and gave me a high five. I ask you, how cool was that?

If any of you think for a second that your Harvin jersey is trash, put it in the mail to me, and I will not only pay for postage, I'd give it the best home it could ever have. I'll wear it proudly, in public, and with my head held high. Why? That jersey represents a moment in Hawks history that meant millions of fans worldwide could finally say "we're number 1".

In fact, somewhere out there, after Harvin ran that kick back for a touchdown, two young people decided to forego the rest of the game a make love instead. When that extra point was kicked after that return TD, a man turned to his wife and said, "baby, I love you!" The second Percy made it past the kicker on his way to the endzone, a child was motivated to start his own journey toward some day being an NFL player, just like Percy, and grabbed a football and ran around the backyard imitating him while dad hit "record" on the Sony.

I am sickened and offended by some of your attitudes. I cant believe what I am hearing.

Go root for the Rams or something.


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Jan 11, 2015
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I kind of thing it is "dumb" to wear another man's name on your back. But I got over it. I have a Sherman SB 48 white Jersey, and a Wilson SB 48 grey Jersey. Kind of glad I resisted and did not get a Blue SB 49 this year.

But I also have 5 different #12 Fan Jeseys (AFC throwback, SB 40 era green, white, slate blue, and new navy blue) - they still are my favorites. It is unique and still not copied by any other team. Maybe A&M will play hardball and they can't sell them anymore...

I have a cardinal #80, custom with the name "SEAHAWKS" on back. For when I go to AZ to watch that game every year.


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Dec 27, 2012
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HoustonHawk82":3gz4yuz4 said:

I am reading through this thread and am concerned about why in the world anybody would think that a jersey with a player name longer on the team would render that jersey unwearable. What the hell am I hearing?

It's going to take a lot of you by surprise to hear me (of all people) saying this, but y'all that feel like that, need to find a new life, and a new team to root for. Your soul is stained, you are weak, and you need to call up the friend of yours that feels the same way and beat the hell out of each other.

When you wear a Seattle Seahawks jersey in public, any Seahawks jersey, you are a fan of the team and you are proud of that fact. If that jersey says Galloway, Mirer, Krieg, Green, Alexander, or even Harvin on the back, that jersey should be dry cleaned and kept from getting spaghetti sauce on it because it's a Seattle Seahawks jersey. It represents a moment in history that can never be erased.

At some point in the past, that same jersey was worn by a player that made plays that made you jump up and high five your buddies. That player, at that time, made a game-changing play (or plays) that contributed to a win for the team, maybe even won you a few bucks off a bet you made. At that time in Seahawks history, that play was recorded on film for all of posterity. That player was a building block that led to the eventual success we all have enjoyed.

When I get ready to watch a game on Sunday, I first go to my closet and take a look at my choices and make a selection based on my memory of what that player did for the team, at the time he played. Whatever particular challenge an opponent presents for the Hawks that day, means a given current player will need to have a great game in order to neutralize that threat. If a team has a terrific edge rusher, for example, I'll select my Walter Jones jersey to show my support for our current left tackle, Russell Okung.

Yesterday, I finished work a touch early and took a shower before wifeypoo got home from work. Then I grabbed my Shaun Alexander jersey and put it on, I met her at the door and we headed to the grocery store. When we got out of the truck and strolled through the parking lot, no less than 5 people gave me a thumbs up, two said "tough loss man, we were pulling for ya!", and as we went through the front door, a dude with a Philly hat on said, "best RB Alabama ever had" and gave me a high five. I ask you, how cool was that?

If any of you think for a second that your Harvin jersey is trash, put it in the mail to me, and I will not only pay for postage, I'd give it the best home it could ever have. I'll wear it proudly, in public, and with my head held high. Why? That jersey represents a moment in Hawks history that meant millions of fans worldwide could finally say "we're number 1".

In fact, somewhere out there, after Harvin ran that kick back for a touchdown, two young people decided to forego the rest of the game a make love instead. When that extra point was kicked after that return TD, a man turned to his wife and said, "baby, I love you!" The second Percy made it past the kicker on his way to the endzone, a child was motivated to start his own journey toward some day being an NFL player, just like Percy, and grabbed a football and ran around the backyard imitating him while dad hit "record" on the Sony.

I am sickened and offended by some of your attitudes. I cant believe what I am hearing.

Go root for the Rams or something.

Go root for the rams?.. Lol perfect example of why this thread is roont. Because you get those who think they're superfans beating their chest. I have all of the LoB cuz that's all who I like. My wife likes a lot more of the team. So much is was more reasonable to get a 12th jersey. And I definitely understand the point of getting because x player maybe gone. Does it make her or someone getting a Fan jersey less of a fan than you or anyone else .. Hell no.

People ignore the roont OP and "superfans" wear wtf you want and be proud. If you like it great! Who cares wtf others think.


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Sep 14, 2014
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As a fairly recent member of the forum, I was kind of wondering what the conversation topics would be during the off season. Fashion choices would not be one I would have guised in a million years. The draft, mini-camp, and 2015 pre-season can’t come quick enough so we can get back to serious Football topics. If someone bought a 12 jersey with “fan” on the back, what do I care?


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Mar 5, 2007
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Right outside Richard Sherman's house
Hawk-Lock":2lsn7rg8 said:
I agree that not having "Fan" on the back would be better. I'd probably wear a 12 jersey with no name. The "FAN" thing just seems a bit corny to me.

That's my view, too, honestly. I mean, I understand why they have it on there, but I don't really care for it.

Still, I've got a 12 jersey (along with all my others), and I haven't taken the FAN nameplate off yet, so I guess I'm fine enough with it.


May 15, 2012
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Maybe instead of FAN it should say SPONSOR since there is major markup in the privileged of advertising their product.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2013
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I guess the better question would have been would people prefer the word "fan" on the #12 jersey, or would they have preferred it to just say "Seahawks".