Aldon Smith arrested for DUI this morning--UPDATE


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Mar 7, 2012
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After personally witnessing countless small children killed or handicapped for life by garbage like this guy, I want to see him in prison. I want to see the nfl do something about this problem. Enough already.

If a player commits a second DUI, they should be banned from the league for life, stripped of any records and erased from league history as if they never played. Ban them from ever having any relationship with the nfl again. That's exactly what they would do with a murderer.

And ya know what? That's nothing compared to the loss they cause when they kill someone in a DUI.

I absolutely loathe and detest repeat DUI offenders. I won't hire them, don't associate with them, and consider them some of the lowest life forms on this planet. If you spend one week in an emergency room setting the results of these losers, you'd feel the same way.


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Lake Tapps, WA
rlkats":14djt372 said:
Sorry Flayva I am completely against DUIS for a personal reason. I let emotions get in the way

You aren't the only one. You were dead on about prima-d's too. These guys won't learn until they are forced to take responsibility for their mistakes. Smith is just one of many young NFL players who have no respect for the real world.

It will never stop if the deterrent isnt effective. I despised Leonard Little, who took a life and got hand slapped to the cheers of Rams fans.

If a coach wants to protect his team, he ensures that the guy will never put the team in even worse danger by being stern on the standards. Harbaugh is far from the first, there are plenty of examples. They aren't doing enough.

He had dope in his car too, this may have stronger legal implications anyway.


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Jul 18, 2010
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Vancouver, Wa
So Aldon Smith has been through a number of major off the field incidents, yet he still feels comfortable enough to show up to practice drunk and I'm guessing high. That says a lot right there, imo.

Any player should be sent home immediately for showing up inebriated, but here's Harbaugh letting him practice a few hours after blowing a .15 BAC level and with weed in his truck. Quite the organization they are running down there.


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Jan 14, 2013
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Recon_Hawk":3a0hcj75 said:
So Aldon Smith has been through a number of major off the field incidents, yet he still feels comfortable enough to show up to practice drunk and I'm guessing high. That says a lot right there, imo.

Any player should be sent home immediately for showing up inebriated, but here's Harbaugh letting him practice a few hours after blowing a .15 BAC level and with weed in his truck. Quite the organization they are running down there.

Harbaugh had no idea about the weed until the press conference. Should have seen his face, he was actually looking pretty shocked when asked about it.


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Vancouver, Wa
E.C. Laloosh":2rld83tv said:
Recon_Hawk":2rld83tv said:
So Aldon Smith has been through a number of major off the field incidents, yet he still feels comfortable enough to show up to practice drunk and I'm guessing high. That says a lot right there, imo.

Any player should be sent home immediately for showing up inebriated, but here's Harbaugh letting him practice a few hours after blowing a .15 BAC level and with weed in his truck. Quite the organization they are running down there.

Harbaugh had no idea about the weed until the press conference. Should have seen his face, he was actually looking pretty shocked when asked about it.

I'm not buying it, but if that's true then Harbaugh's a bigger numbnut than I thought. The entire country knew about it a couple hours after this happen. A man in his position, you'd think it's his job to know about that. I think he's playing stupid.


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Jan 14, 2013
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Would have been a little harder for him to let the guy practice today if he knew about the marijuana and the pills. He might have been playing dumb, but he looked genuinely surprised to me.


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I believe that he didn't know, I'm just saying, I don't think he looked all that surprised. Somewhat, but not excessively so. *shrug*

Either way, it's possible he may bench him for Sunday's game after reevaluating the pot & pills info. Probably not, though.

What's funny is, The Stache© benched Givens and Jenkins vs. San Francisco last year for missing curfew. That's the kind of thing a real coach does. :)


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Vancouver, Wa
RolandDeschain":3agbhj7l said:
Recon, he flat-out said he didn't know about it when asked. He didn't look that surprised in my opinion, though. ... 72243aab77

It's 3 or 4 minutes in, the weed part.

I should have been clearer, I guess. I believed what E.C. Laloosh said. What I meant was I'm not buying Harbaugh not knowing weed was found in his vehicle. And if he didn't it only confirms my thoughts from before. Harbaugh doesn't give a shit about the details or facts of his players breaking the laws/rules. If he's truly trying to make the right decision with Smith, he should have KNOWN the details before he had his talk with Smith that every other sports fan with a twitter handle knew two hours after Smith went Tiger Woods, instead of hearing about it in a press conference from the media.

Every 49er fan talks about the leader Harbaugh is, but this is a piss poor example of that, imo.

Smelly McUgly

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This thread is amazing.

From a comment in the PFT link (from what looks like a Rams fan): "Aldon needs to rideshare with Justin Smith. That way Justin can just hold the tree while Aldon rushes by it."

But seriously, the dude needs some inpatient treatment for alcoholism.


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Jan 8, 2013
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When I was 9, my best friend was killed by a drunk driver. I still remember that.

Weird thing is, it didn't stop me from driving drunk later on.

I don't know why, but at the time it never seemed as horrible as it really was. Plenty of times I woke up with the car diagonally across the lawn and some crazy chick I didn't know in my bed. I was a lead singer for a crappy local band, and a lot of clubs pay you in alcohol, or at least comp you.

I remember when I was a singer hanging out with some football players (oddly enough Cowboys, not Seahawks..) but I remember they got plied with plenty of free drinks and free attention for what they did then. I am sure Aldon's own experiences that multiplied by the fame factor, as he is a near star on his hometown team.

It is by luck, grace of God or just whatever other deity you want to call that I did not get into my own accident or worse. (Not true, once I blew out a tire on a curb trying to drive drunk but ended up close enough to an exgf's that I could park there and stay the night to sleep it off but it could have been so much worse given I remember falling asleep on the freeway and waking up while taking an exit!) So I am not going to go on a diatribe about how stupid and callous it really is, as well as dangerous to others. Though you just have to see the cost/aftermath of one bad decision to understand just how dumb something like that is.

I will say that plenty of people that self-medicate do it for reasons. There is a reason that a lot of musicians use/overuse alcohol and/or drugs. Some of them are self medicating. I wonder if that is the case here because the guy has a little bit of a track record from Missouri.

I no longer drink and drive, I don't get trashed anymore and don't do crazy sex parties. But I did a lot of stupid things when I was younger and I had a lot less resources and enablers than I am sure a professional football player has. I really hope that guys like Aldon Smith and Von Miller get help.

I was probably a much more self-absorbed pr*ck than these guys and I had much less reason to be so. So I can totally understand why you would think you are bulletproof and special, but in the end the bigger question is why you would want to turn your nights into a blur in the first place?
Maybe they can fix that for him, or maybe it wakes him up.

I really hope he gets help, because he clearly has lost control.

I would much rather see him become a solid football player even for a hated rival, than to watch him toss everything off a cliff like it seems he is doing.


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Dec 10, 2012
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Why would anyone be surprised Harbaugh didn't know about the weed?

He is the one in the same that had asked Chris Harper, what the difference was between the Hawks this year and last year, to which Harper had to inform that he was a rookie and wasn't on the team last year.


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Lake Tapps, WA
The Lynch situation is much different, the circumstances, the timing and the history. I'm not saying that Lynch is an Angel, but he hasn't displayed a pattern with DUI.

This could happen to a Seahawks player tomorrow. If Lynch had the same situation, I would expect him to be punished accordingly. This could all be a misconception of the policy too. Harbaugh repeatedly stated that there is a process. It could very well be that Harbafreak is concerned that the league imposes penalties above the team's, but I am personally not sure of the process.

The team has a dog in this fight though, by allowing him to play, they are sort of approving the event and showing that as an organization, they are more concerned with the league's acceptance of the event than they are in running a "tight ship" or "above reproach"... Those words sound ridiculous now. After the Brooks thing, the Aldon Smith Shoot and Stab party and now this.

It makes sense now... Harbs is every bit the douchenozzle we all think he is.


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2 DUI’s, one which also includes having Marijuana and Pills in the vehicle (what pills is undisclosed) and he was stabbed, had a shooting at his house, and a brawl outside a restaurant in Missouri and zero suspensions.

His last DUI was in 2012 and reduced to a negligent through plea bargaining.

The team has 5 DUI's since Harbaugh took over and Harbaugh himself has one on his record before becoming the Niners head coach.

Should the NFL step in and take action against the team to get this under control? Kind of seeing a trend here.

In that time frame there has also been to two accusations of rape and an altercation between drunken players including Brooks smashing a bottle (multiple times) over a team mates head yet no charges other than DUI have been filed.

Currently the DA could bring charges up for the ammo that Aldon had but given the track record of events the local DA has seemed to turn a blind eye to, it seems unlikely. Even in the Brooks case, he had signed statements from other players and there is medical records from the player who suffered stitches. There was at one point an arrest warrant that was mysteriously revoked by someone higher up in the DA's office under the muse of not having enough evidence which seems scarily suspicious considering signed statements had been given, whether the team mates wanted to pursue it or not it would have been one of the easiest convictions that DA's could get and they don't need the victim or even the witness's who signed statements to willingly testify.

I know Marvin said the DA was concerned about being to harsh on celebrity types but all the evidence is not supporting that. In fact you could make an easy argument for a cover up or someone getting their pocket greased to keep these things from being prosecuted.

Aldon also has a civil suite in progress that will likely be affected by his recent event. I doubt the NFL will consider the civil suite but there is supposedly info coming out that wasn't available (at least to the public) before like gun shots and illegal ammo.

All things considered I think a six game suspension is possible and IMO the minimum he should receive. It will be interesting to see how this all works out or if somehow more stuff just gets shoved under the table for a member of the leagues most profitable franchise.