Recent content by TheTruth

  1. T

    Michael Bennett

    Man was just an absolute monster the entire game. MVP of the wildcard round for me.
  2. T

    Someone not talked about much could be huge

    Can we please just sneak in a screen to CMike!
  3. T

    Andrew Luck

    Greatest regular season quarterback of all time 2.0?
  4. T

    Never a doubt... but..

    Did anyone else start to have an Atlanta deja vu moment. Insane comeback, scored maybe a little too quickly... it wasn't until we converted on the 2pt conversion was I able to somewhat relax.
  5. T

    Players who love the game

    The Hawks - Spurs parallel is a good one.
  6. T

    Horace Dunbar UFA signs with Seahawks

    When you have as complete a team as we do, add insane athletes and hope they stick. Not a bad plan.
  7. T

    Hawks looking at Brandin Cooks to replace Tate

    The play at 1:23 is one of the craziest things I've ever seen...
  8. T

    Jim Irsay (Colts Owner) DWI

    Actually he has a hundred billion cents... :lol:
  9. T

    Henry Melton to Visit Hawks this Friday

    I'll bust out the sacktual healing dance myself.
  10. T

    Henry Melton to Visit Hawks this Friday

    If this happens...
  11. T

    Richard Sherman Twitter beef with LeGarrette Blount

    Perfect. "Did that help yall will the bowl or nah".
  12. T Franchise Draft

    I'll do it. Sounds fun.
  13. T

    Your guess at who Seattle takes at #32

    I second this. Please make this happen.