This place is toxic


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
In my opinion, Pete will be here for two more seasons and the team will still have needs. I don't feel he is going to go hard on this. In another words, we are going to just have to ride the next couple of years trying to do the best we can with what we have which isn't going to be favorable. Sure, hopeful upgrades and replacement players will be obtained in that time, but the time needed to implement and get those players going isn't going to happen under Pete. Just my opinion.

I have to side with others pitt that you tend to fall on the half glass empty side of things and that's okay. The state of the team this season (and in recent seasons) lends itself more and more to what you might call realism. I have to agree that the Pete era is running out, and I just don't see it all magically being put together for one final Championship season before he exits and that's just too bad. Especially considering I think we have the talent to do it (for the most part), but coaching and scheme is just a big miss to me right now.


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Dec 1, 2009
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You must have some idea. How long will it take to fill the missing holes at QB, LB, and the lines? How long do you see Carroll staying? Long enough to finish the rebuild or is it going to be somebody else's project? Etc,,.

In my opinion, Pete will be here for two more seasons and the team will still have needs. I don't feel he is going to go hard on this. In another words, we are going to just have to ride the next couple of years trying to do the best we can with what we have which isn't going to be favorable. Sure, hopeful upgrades and replacement players will be obtained in that time, but the time needed to implement and get those players going isn't going to happen under Pete. Just my opinion.
I'm not going to try to project what's going to happen.. I mean I don't know. It's the NFL anything can happen the Hawks could go on a win streak and win the SB or they could just not make the playoffs. That'd the beauty of the season... Like Pete says just have to wait and see ...



Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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I have to side with others pitt that you tend to fall on the half glass empty side of things and that's okay. The state of the team this season (and in recent seasons) lends itself more and more to what you might call realism. I have to agree that the Pete era is running out, and I just don't see it all magically being put together for one final Championship season before he exits and that's just too bad. Especially considering I think we have the talent to do it (for the most part), but coaching and scheme is just a big miss to me right now.

Your right Aros and i'm sorry for that.

What you posted is how I feel though. It's just you put it in a way better way than I did. Unfortunately, i'm no wordsmith.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2014
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This is an excellent example of the gatekeeping I'm referring to.

You've set the standard for what it means to "face reality," which excludes more positive viewpoints of the situation. At the same time, you attack other views with a slew of ad hominems. My side is living in reality. The other side lies to themselves and lives in fantasy land.
Except I never was "gatekeeping" if you bothered to follow the conversation from the beginning. I never told anyone how to be a fan or said I'm tired of the positivity. I only bring up stuff like this when other people start complaining about fans being negative. If you're going to bitch about negative posts, then I'm absolutely going to point out the things I said.

And you know what? When we have nearly a decade of an abysmal playoff record and the same coaching issues year in and year out, the evidence is on my side in this argument. I was positive about the defense and offense heading into the season, but after seeing the same stupid low football IQ crap game after game, I'm not going to pretend like it's going to get better without major changes.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2014
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I don't hate the team I claim to love...I want them to win.

By hating a team you claim to love what are you actually accomplishing? You are saving your self disappointment and then when they win a big game you jump back on the band wagon after trashing them? You are not a true fan.

It's like having a really beautiful girl friend and you treat her like crap because your afraid she is going to cheat on you. Good luck with that buddy! Lol

I never said I hate the team. Now you're just using a strawman argument because apparently you can't use facts and logic, just emotion. Have fun with that.

You analogy about a girlfriend is silly. I don't think you could have found a more false equivalency. The funny thing is you think it was clever. 🙄


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2014
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Here's where the communication line gets broken. Why do you propose that @cymatica hates the team? I'm sure he doesn't hate the Seattle Seahawks or why even be a member on this site? He like myself have been conditioned by years of the same patterns that this team and organization have fallen into. That's all. After so long of the same thing, it's difficult to expect, wish, or hope for different results. Some people hang on to positivity longer than others. Even if they win a big game at this point, its more of a surprise or shock than jumping on the bandwagon and it sure doesn't feel sustainable.

The beautiful girl comment was good. Problem is Seattle is the girl next door and not the beautiful girl.

Pretty much this.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2022
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This football team has taken a page out of the Mariner's book on how to own/operate a business. Do just enough to keep fans interested, profit. New owners can't happen soon enough.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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It is easier. We've been 'waiting and seeing' for 9 years now with no difference. Why should we believe it's going to happen now?
No more Pete giving Russ special treatment and covering for RW's self-aggrandizements.
Wilson was that Square Peg that Pete has been trying for years to round out & fit.
Wilson had flaws that Wilson himself couldn't (or wouldn't) try to work on or upgrade.
Retooling with the only guy (Geno) who's been willing to do whatever Pete asked of him.
Defense is a whole another story, the NFL Powers that be has quashed the LOB style of play in the last 7 or so years in favor of a way more Pass Happy venue.
Grinding out games on the ground just ain't cutting it for the League.
This last game with all the over the top Penalty flags is proof that the League is steering games, trying to force teams to conform to their bidding.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2014
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This last game with all the over the top Penalty flags is proof that the League is steering games, trying to force teams to conform to their bidding.

I'm damn near at the point of thinking Pete is in on the steering the way he rolls out the same garbage scheme every year. This year we have a ton of success when blitzing, and the pff pass rush grades for our back 7 players when blitzing is around the 90s for each player, yet they rarely do it.


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
I agree there is an element of toxicity in here.

Toxic positivity is why the franchise is stuck in Pete's Purgatory, on the road to no where.

Instead of being honest about the issues, folks choose to drink the kool-aid.

The Seahawks have no problem cruising, and taking your money, if you let 'em, Mariners style.

We're not there yet, but it's getting close. This is a very pivotal moment for the franchise. And the fans can have an impact by voicing their displeasure.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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No more Pete giving Russ special treatment and covering for RW's self-aggrandizements.
Wilson was that Square Peg that Pete has been trying for years to round out & fit.
Wilson had flaws that Wilson himself couldn't (or wouldn't) try to work on or upgrade.
Retooling with the only guy (Geno) who's been willing to do whatever Pete asked of him.
Defense is a whole another story, the NFL Powers that be has quashed the LOB style of play in the last 7 or so years in favor of a way more Pass Happy venue.
Grinding out games on the ground just ain't cutting it for the League.
This last game with all the over the top Penalty flags is proof that the League is steering games, trying to force teams to conform to their bidding.

You honestly think Geno can take an NFL team to a Super Bowl? Have you watched the guy play?

Yeah, we're never going to see eye to eye.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2023
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Port Angeles Washington in the mountains
There are times people say things that piss me off on here. I shut it down for awhile cause of it. Some people just talk shit for no reason and say things to try to make you think you’re stupid. I get annoyed so I leave. I left Facebook for the same reason, but Facebook is not as cool as this. There’s no where else to go bitch about the mariners or Seahawks, honestly I haven’t been here long enough to know what this site is like when your team is good. People also attack one another sometimes and it’s stupid. I can understand why mongo thinks it’s toxic. In a way it can be. But there are also times I can get shit off my chest like FU Dipoto you’re a frigging idiot!!!! I try to tell my wife how stupid he is and she just rolls her eyes. I told myself I wasn’t coming back here cause some idiot pissed me off but then Dipstick Dipoto traded Kelenic and I had to come here and bitch so I guess I’m toxic too.

Also I really don’t think mongo is talking about disagreeing on opinion. He’s talking about people being rude and calling each other ignorant and stupid. People attacking you for saying something. I would love somebody to say some of the things I’ve heard on here to my face.
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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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OMG!! Yeah, like I, or ANYONE ELSE would ever expect YOU the "Master Sniveler" to CONTRIBUTE something POSITIVE to ANYTHING Seahawks. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!
I don't know how it would even be possible, but I BELIEVE that you could actually find a way to get even worse.
Question; Can you even walk by someone eating a bowl of cereal without whipping it out & p*ssing?
Never mind, EVERYONE here already knows the answer.
Hey, Pitt is our own personal Schleprock, for comedy relief. Some bowls of Cheerios are simply not meant to be eaten.
Y'know the really distressing part?? When Pitt turns out to have been right on certain things, over time!!

For me, I've decided to go ahead and read Pitt's posts and look for the parts that might be true, or become true, and counterbalance my natural over-optimism on all things Seahawks. Of course, I know something about Pitt others may not know---He's a dad of a college women's soccer player! How is that relevant, you ask?

Well, in the game of soccer, you just assume things will go bad, and try not to get too low about any bad thing that happens on the field, e.g, your daughter gets red-carded (ejected) out of the game for cleating the opposing goalkeeper in the face during a corner kick. Nor do you allow yourself to get too high about anything good that randomly happens, like your daughter heads in the winning goal on a corner kick in overtime to send the team into the playoffs. No, instead of crowing about your daughter's brilliant play, you credit all the other players, to their parents, the teammate who served up the magnificent corner kick, credit the teammate who's on-field farting distracted the goalkeeper at precisely the right moment, and especially credit the coaches who taught her to strike the ball with her head instead of cleating the goalkeeper in the face, and so forth.

So it's really just a defense mechanism all dads of college soccer players learn, and it helps soothe the crushing, bitter disappointment from when things go unbelievably bad at the worst possible time. Like "The Pick" in SB49 that handed the Lombardi to the Patriots. Which was especially cruel because it followed the remarkable victory-from-the-jaws-of-defeat euphoria of the NFCCG win over the Packers. Pessimism is simply a necessity for some people. Not bad, or good, it simply IS.

Now, when (if) Pitt (ever) starts talking up the Seahawks, especially the coaching, pay attention! Something amazing is probably about to happen!


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
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Hey, Pitt is our own personal Schleprock, for comedy relief. Some bowls of Cheerios are simply not meant to be eaten.
Y'know the really distressing part?? When Pitt turns out to have been right on certain things, over time!!

For me, I've decided to go ahead and read Pitt's posts and look for the parts that might be true, or become true, and counterbalance my natural over-optimism on all things Seahawks. Of course, I know something about Pitt others may not know---He's a dad of a college women's soccer player! How is that relevant, you ask?

Well, in the game of soccer, you just assume things will go bad, and try not to get too low about any bad thing that happens on the field, e.g, your daughter gets red-carded (ejected) out of the game for cleating the opposing goalkeeper in the face during a corner kick. Nor do you allow yourself to get too high about anything good that randomly happens, like your daughter heads in the winning goal on a corner kick in overtime to send the team into the playoffs. No, instead of crowing about your daughter's brilliant play, you credit all the other players, to their parents, the teammate who served up the magnificent corner kick, credit the teammate who's on-field farting distracted the goalkeeper at precisely the right moment, and especially credit the coaches who taught her to strike the ball with her head instead of cleating the goalkeeper in the face, and so forth.

So it's really just a defense mechanism all dads of college soccer players learn, and it helps soothe the crushing, bitter disappointment from when things go unbelievably bad at the worst possible time. Like "The Pick" in SB49 that handed the Lombardi to the Patriots. Which was especially cruel because it followed the remarkable victory-from-the-jaws-of-defeat euphoria of the NFCCG win over the Packers. Pessimism is simply a necessity for some people. Not bad, or good, it simply IS.

Now, when (if) Pitt (ever) starts talking up the Seahawks, especially the coaching, pay attention! Something amazing is probably about to happen! I would never have figured that out.

I'm still stuck on my theory about what happens when a hater dates a beautiful woman.. he treats her like crap because he is afraid she is going to cheat on him..until one day she ultimately does because she is sick of being treated like crap, and the hater is justified in his fear of being disappointed . It's the Freud theory of unilateral pluralism in its finest's a proven social disease similar to gonorrhea of the different than hating the team that you love to avoid being disappointed.

Not that this apples to Pitt but it definitely does to some on this board.

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Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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2,087 I would never have figured that out.

I'm still stuck on my theory about what happens when a hater dates a beautiful woman.. he treats her like crap because he is afraid she is going to cheat on him..until one day she ultimately does because she is sick of being treated like crap, and the hater is justified in his fear of being disappointed . It's the Freud theory of unilateral pluralism in its finest's a proven social disease similar to gonnorhea of the different than hating the team that you love to avoid being disappointed.

Not that this apples to Pitt but it definitely does to some on this board.


I love the Seahawks more than any other pro or college team. I just want change. That's all I want.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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Hey, Pitt is our own personal Schleprock, for comedy relief. Some bowls of Cheerios are simply not meant to be eaten.
Y'know the really distressing part?? When Pitt turns out to have been right on certain things, over time!!

For me, I've decided to go ahead and read Pitt's posts and look for the parts that might be true, or become true, and counterbalance my natural over-optimism on all things Seahawks. Of course, I know something about Pitt others may not know---He's a dad of a college women's soccer player! How is that relevant, you ask?

Well, in the game of soccer, you just assume things will go bad, and try not to get too low about any bad thing that happens on the field, e.g, your daughter gets red-carded (ejected) out of the game for cleating the opposing goalkeeper in the face during a corner kick. Nor do you allow yourself to get too high about anything good that randomly happens, like your daughter heads in the winning goal on a corner kick in overtime to send the team into the playoffs. No, instead of crowing about your daughter's brilliant play, you credit all the other players, to their parents, the teammate who served up the magnificent corner kick, credit the teammate who's on-field farting distracted the goalkeeper at precisely the right moment, and especially credit the coaches who taught her to strike the ball with her head instead of cleating the goalkeeper in the face, and so forth.

So it's really just a defense mechanism all dads of college soccer players learn, and it helps soothe the crushing, bitter disappointment from when things go unbelievably bad at the worst possible time. Like "The Pick" in SB49 that handed the Lombardi to the Patriots. Which was especially cruel because it followed the remarkable victory-from-the-jaws-of-defeat euphoria of the NFCCG win over the Packers. Pessimism is simply a necessity for some people. Not bad, or good, it simply IS.

Now, when (if) Pitt (ever) starts talking up the Seahawks, especially the coaching, pay attention! Something amazing is probably about to happen!

Believe it or not Oly, I calmed down when she played in college. High school was a different story. Lol.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
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I love the Seahawks more than any other pro or college team. I just want change. That's all I want.
I have no ill will towards you because you want change. What bothers me is the blattent disrespect people show towards Pete. Pete is a good man who looks out for his players like no other coach does. He turns boys into men and truthfully I think that's what motivates him to coach. That's doing it for the right reasons. Not to say that he doesn't want to win SB's because that is the ultimate goal but Pete doesn't deserve the hate he gets IMO.



Active member
May 2, 2009
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I have no ill will towards you because you want change. What bothers me is the blattent disrespect people show towards Pete. Pete is a good man who looks out for his players like no other coach does. He turns boys into men and truthfully I think that's what motivates him to coach. That's doing it for the right reasons. Not to say that he doesn't want to win SB's because that is the ultimate goal but Pete doesn't deserve the hate he gets IMO.

Look i am not saying he is not a good man, but if he wants to turn boys into men perhaps he is in the wrong field? Sure if that is a side effect it’s all good, but sometimes it feels like it’s his primary drive, and that is not right. Its’s like parents that expect teachers to grow their children, it is not their job.
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