"Russell is losing his mind out there" per Polumbus


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Mar 22, 2022
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I personally don't see it. They'll be favorites for the Raiders and Panthers games which is 5 wins. Would even be ecstatic with a top 7-10 pick.

Probably but Vegas isn’t exactly in line with matchups this year they’re way too dysfunctional offensively to win more than 1 or 2 more games max. They’ll lose out is my guess in fact I’d put money on it

Glasgow Seahawk

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Feb 5, 2013
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Probably but Vegas isn’t exactly in line with matchups this year they’re way too dysfunctional offensively to win more than 1 or 2 more games max. They’ll lose out is my guess in fact I’d put money on it
If Hackett gets fired i'd expect a new coach to get a bounce for at least a couple of wins.


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Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
I love this

I have been joking that Pete messing with Wilson's confidence or mind. All started with MNF, first with engineering the boos, presence of his 'locker room antagonists', etc. And just when Russ was slowly recovering, Pete drop the wristband thingy. Pete really know Wilson and knows how to work him up as he had done in the past 10 years, with that, also knew where the weaknesses are.

Wilson is facing unbelievable pressure, he has lost some of his speed and quickness, his has lost his locker room, someone in the huddle was leaking this Seahawks audible info, he has lost the Bronco fan base, he has lost most if not all media commentators, ALL in a few weeks. Apparently, with all the tough guy talks, he is rather fragile emotional and confidence wise, Pete knew it and is having fun with it.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Perhaps RW actually does need to wear a wristband so he knows the checks for the play called.

To me it's just more evidence that the team did the right thing by moving him out for whatever they could get for him.

As time marches on he appears to be quite overrated.


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Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
I have been joking that Pete messing with Wilson's confidence or mind. All started with MNF, first with engineering the boos, presence of his 'locker room antagonists', etc. And just when Russ was slowly recovering, Pete drop the wristband thingy. Pete really know Wilson and knows how to work him up as he had done in the past 10 years, with that, also knew where the weaknesses are.

Wilson is facing unbelievable pressure, he has lost some of his speed and quickness, his has lost his locker room, someone in the huddle was leaking this Seahawks audible info, he has lost the Bronco fan base, he has lost most if not all media commentators, ALL in a few weeks. Apparently, with all the tough guy talks, he is rather fragile emotional and confidence wise, Pete knew it and is having fun with it.

I dont know that Pete is doing anything intentional. To me, it's more a case of a guy who for years was labeled over the hill, meddling and out of touch with the modern NFL (and slandered by his own QB) taking his just opportunity to say... 'I've been wanting to play this way for years and get these results for years and didn't because the guy under center wouldn't be a team player.' I'd also say the wristband comment was more about praising Geno than it was anything else. Just so happened that when you flip the Geno coin over, Russ is on the other side.

You can decide which side is heads and which side is tails.


Jan 3, 2013
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And here's the issue with taking issue with someone who begins to maybe believe more of the negative press. Nobody told Russ to get in DKs ear and twist him to be anti Pete. Nobody told him to do the same with Olson. His attempts to steer a narrative are one thing. But then character trashing someone else to shine a spotlight on yourself? What genuinely 'good' person you know does that? He did it apparently as far back as NC State... making others out to be the villain in his personal 'hero' story. So it's not just about 'how he left'..
It's about a person who will make others look bad to suit a false narrative that sees him as holier than holy, all the while giving praise to God. It's twisted.

And to touch on his leaving,...to flat lie repeatedly and claim he had no idea he was being traded, but then come to find from Bobby that he knew it and was talking up the Broncos, hoping Bobby would come... that's just two faced and sh!ty. And what makes it worse is that he did it to Pete, a guy who for all of his faults, is known to support his guys 1000%, beyond even the field. And it is now beyond obvious that Pete benefited the guy as a player in ways that are just now coming to light. And he paints THAT guy as the one who's holding him back... the guy that MADE him. And that's to say nothing about the fact that Brian Schottenheimer lost his job over Russ's obvious nonsense. Did Russ feel bad? Nope. He gave bs ' Brian is great and I learned a lot from him...' response when asked about his departure. Russ basically put him out to be axed... because he himself couldn't run the offense that was called.

So no, I can't myself give Russ a pass and assume that even though he's been two faced as far back as college and has manipulated stories about people around him in a way that suits him and makes them look bad... that the guy is beyond questioning when it comes to anything that he might do for another's benefit.

Maybe he is being 100% genuine in his care for those kids. But like I said, its hard to imagine both sides of Russ living in his body equally and separately. And the only persons fault that it is that folks question that is Russ's.
But you're taking one side as fact without knowing anything. Are we implying DK is too dumb to figure it out himself? What was the effects of this supposed discussion? Who says he tried to convince DK and twist him into an "Anti-Pete"? This is all stuff we are making up or assuming. Russ didn't agree with Pete on how things should be done. It happens all the time, he got traded and they both get to do business now and suffer or reap the consequences. Ironically a lot of the things we're doing now are the things Russ wanted to do, so was Russ 100% wrong in not being a fan? Now we can laugh at Russ for not being patient and letting Waldron get settled in or we can say Waldron couldn't do this new stuff with Russ because he's not a good fit....both are viable.

I will again call out the "Russ couldn't run the offense" Russ was involved in a very, very good offense his whole time here so he obviously ran the offense fairly well that Pete laid out.

But having said all of that I'm not telling you what you can or can't believe. I think he definitely deserves a lot of blame for how things went and how things are going. I just think some of the character stuff is wild. But I understand a lot of it too, he has made it easy to criticize him because of some of his antics.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
But you're taking one side as fact without knowing anything. Are we implying DK is too dumb to figure it out himself? What was the effects of this supposed discussion? Who says he tried to convince DK and twist him into an "Anti-Pete"? This is all stuff we are making up or assuming. Russ didn't agree with Pete on how things should be done. It happens all the time, he got traded and they both get to do business now and suffer or reap the consequences. Ironically a lot of the things we're doing now are the things Russ wanted to do, so was Russ 100% wrong in not being a fan? Now we can laugh at Russ for not being patient and letting Waldron get settled in or we can say Waldron couldn't do this new stuff with Russ because he's not a good fit....both are viable.

I will again call out the "Russ couldn't run the offense" Russ was involved in a very, very good offense his whole time here so he obviously ran the offense fairly well that Pete laid out.

But having said all of that I'm not telling you what you can or can't believe. I think he definitely deserves a lot of blame for how things went and how things are going. I just think some of the character stuff is wild. But I understand a lot of it too, he has made it easy to criticize him because of some of his antics.

Russ and DK went on camera together after his rookie year to 'complain' about the offense saying it was outdated. It was obvious in the way Russ would latch onto 'new' stars, holding private camps, and juicing them up. Olson talked about how Russ went out of his way to work with him in advance of anyone else. It's not hard to see now that he was setting the table.

DK figured it out quickly and finally last year and was then openly accepting of the fact that the offense was better when it relied on the run and critical of Russ for not playing effectively.

Olson pretty much said that Russ confided that Pete didn't trust the offense and wanted to run remedial stuff. That's straight from the horses mouth. And we all know why the offense had to be remedial.

So it's not making things up. He did the same thing when leaving Seattle. And he twisted the narrative when leaving NC State.

It's the strategy of a person who can't himself prove that he can do the things that he knows he cannot - to paint others as the reason for his flaws and build a firewall of support around himself. It's basic psychology. And when you look at pretty much everything he's done... where there's smoke there's fire. He just had people, some teammates (those who didn't have time to figure out the truth) and a FO who protected him. Even the teammates that knew the truth never threw him under the bus. But when he left and his act went over the top...

If his deceit wasn't as deep as it appears, the negative reaction toward him wouldn't be as harsh. Especially not for a dude as 'good' as Wilson is supposed to be.


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Jul 12, 2019
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In your PMs
2. The rumor was on Twitter, which is why I called it a rumor.

I have heard the same thing from multiple former teammates of Russell's, so the perception is there by people who are/were "close" to Russ.

This (along with the product placement) definitely shades the good deeds, but doesn't take away from it completely. I do know there are many more professional athletes that do JUST as much community service and/or hospital visits and don't bring the camera crew to document.


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Dec 3, 2011
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The cerebral limitations of Wilson being discussed made me think of the stories of when he transferred to Wisconsin and when he was drafted by Seattle. The stories surrounding his time at Wisconsin were that he learned the play book in a very short time which resulted in him being named the starter fairly soon. Same thing happened in Seattle as the stories go. By the first OTAs he was basically running the offense and knew the entire playbook. Is he a quick study and knows the plays and just can't execute them or has his melon been rung a few too many times? Something just doesn't add up.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2012
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Riverside, California
I don't see a problem is self-promoting while doing good deeds, I would prefer someone doing it silently or even anonymously, but a good deed is a good deed.
This is what Pete has done for many years way back when he was a Trojan, quietly going into the gang sections of LA at night to seek out and help troubled youth. He did it quietly without fanfare. Just one of the reasons this life long USC fan became a Seahawk fan when Pete left LA.
Lots more stories of his help of the underprivileged with a minute spent on google.


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Mar 22, 2012
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Come to think of it, he never does go to the Children's Hospital without multiple cameras in tow...

I'm having trouble believing any of his philanthropy comes from any place other than self-promotion. He's even getting product placement in his children's hospital visits in Denver.

Not for nothing. It's still cool to visit those kids. But there's even rumors that he avoids visiting more physically disfigured children because they're not as photogenic...

IF IF IF that's true, he's lower than whaleshit in my book.