Lance's people floating trial balloons about coming clean


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Mar 3, 2007
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So, what do all of the "Lance is clean and it's a witch hunt!!!" people claim now? I'm genuinely interested to hear your thoughts. It's obvious he knows he can't go through the rest of his life denying what everybody knows at this point, so he's sending out feelers this weekend. My guess is he admits it all right before the Super Bowl hoping it gets drowned out in Super Bowl buzz. That is sure what it appears he is doing.

Thoughts? I say he's dirty as hell and shame on him for making everybody else look bad and calling them liars. Pretty pathetic. I know I know... his cancer work was awesome and so on, but even there, he just seemed to be looking to make money off of cancer if you look at the books of Livestrong and what they were actually doing. They felt so dirty even they asked him to leave, that's pretty bad for a "non-profit" that is as slimy as they are. They do absolutely nothing but "raise awareness". They don't do any real research or anything else, and even they couldn't stand Lance's stench. I think he knew at that point that he would just have to try to defy everybody for the next 40 years of his life he has left. That's a hard road to travel, especially when he "owned" 12-20 people who helped him cover his tracks for years, and now that he's not benefiting them anymore, they have zero reason to cover for him. He's painted them all as liars. Is his image beyond repair? I say it is and just prefer that he admits it and goes off to mansion land and leaves everybody alone... not gets a 1 year ban and then comes in and dirties up triathlons for his own need for attention.

The Radish

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Feb 27, 2007
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Spokane, Wa.
I think all the cyclists then and probably now are guilty as sin about drug use but have been way smarter than the people that supposedly control it.

So why are we only blaming a few? Its become obvious that the only solution to this problem is ban cycling! Seems fairly clear they can find problems with any team/anytime.

Remember this isn't an American Sport and for once we shouldn't be blamed for it. But that's exactly what has happened. They have made so much noise about Lance they are taking worry away from their own European teams.

I'm a Lance Armstrong fan no matter if he winds up being as bad as the other guys. One thing I've always admired was his double speak. He says he's never failed a drug test and he hasn't. I realilze that's some little thing but again I think that entire league is so dirty its unfair to paint just one bad guy.

The European's desperately need the Americans and they were smart enough to realize it. They agreed there was nothing wrong with Lance's team cause they need the money from the Americans to survive. I'm thinking that the Tour d'France will now fall back into the shadows of mostly obscurity without the Americans to bring it to the forefront.

Which btw will suit me right down to the ground.



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Apr 30, 2009
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Hmm. Wonder where all the people are at who lambasted me for saying that Lance HAD to be doping in order to do as well as he did against others who had since been caught doing it. I took a lot of shit from people for that claim.

In the end, I'm much like Les on this issue. I don't really care either way. I guess I just don't see there being anything too terrible about using performance enhancers, provided it's not overdone, and is performed under a doctor's supervision.


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Apr 30, 2009
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I don't really give a damn if somebody uses, because everybody uses(used), things have got a little better in most sports the last decade.

Where Lance went wrong was with the fervent denials and ruthlessly attacking his accusers. Its not that he used, it really isn't, because everybody makes mistakes and it wasn't like everybody else wasn't doing it. It's his behavior after the fact, if you used, own up and say you did.

The thing is, all this time, I wanted to believe him, because I wanted to believe in the extraordinary. Deep inside, I probably knew he was lying, but there is a suspension of reality in all sports that is necessary to enjoy it and allow it to matter as much as it does. It's a shame his story has gone the way that it has, but its his own doing.


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Dec 24, 2012
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It's blatantly sickening and shockingly disheartening, and honestly one of the worst things ever to happen in the world of sports.

All the cancer patients, dedicated fans and hopeful people who heard and watched his story - they all realize now it's a hoax, nothing but stimulated fiction. Completely sad.


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Mar 1, 2007
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Milwaukie, Oregon
Yea, I pretty much just assume everybody does it so I dont care too much when they get caught or admit it.

My prediction for the next big name to go down: Ussain Bolt.

The Radish

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Feb 27, 2007
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Spokane, Wa.
I see articles all over the papers and internet that there is fear if he gives in and names names there will be some big powerful people that are behind a lot of it including our friend NIKE. Wouldn't that be a hoot,,,the people that actually profited by it have to pay some of the piper?

I hope Lance has some of the big money he made put away cause I don't see much of a revenue stream anywhere anymore for him.

If American Cycling is so hot for him to out people then they need to give something in return. I guess he is wanting to return to some sports other than cycling in the future and the American unit won't permit it unless he does what they want. Typical, they want all but want to give nothing.



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Sep 10, 2012
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Was always a fan, but if he truly does confess how much difference will it make? Livestrong and indeed cancer patients worldwide benefited vastly from his affiliation so that makes it a bit tough for me personally to villefy him. Would he drag others down with him? You have to think Johann Bruyneel had knowledge of these activities! Somewhere in France there's a shady little sports writer for L'equipe saying I told you so.


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Dec 24, 2012
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Dude, the guy not only lied, he was adamant and super defensive about not doping. Millions of dollars go into cancer funding every year. It's great he contributed to that but he isn't the only inspirational cancer figure. The way he was acting in interviews, getting angry, acting like he needed to get banged.

This is one of the top 5 most shocking and despicable things ever to happen in sports. This is like Jordan getting revoked of his six rings for cheating, Ali getting all his wins and championship bouts taken away and Montana losing his Super Bowl titles.

I don't care if he doped or not, but for him to constantly lie and deceive people is truly the despicable part. He acted so offended every time.


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Mar 3, 2007
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The money for cancer research wasn't there though. Livestrong doesn't do anything with research. They are strictly an "awareness" organization. Now... I think awareness is great. I think most people were aware that cancer was killing people. The good part was that this shining example that was Lance helped people feel like "Hey... he beat this, so can I!" and that was the positive. But he just went on a witch hunt and destroyed lives for speaking out against him. That's where I have a real problem, especially when you consider that situations like Floyd Landis' hip degeneration were more than likely CAUSED by using, and Lance's testicular cancer was likely also CAUSED by using. The whole Jenga puzzle that was his life is crumbling and he's being shown for being a bully, a fraud, and basically what he was doing was threatening, harrassing, and some may even be considered racketeering. He had his own cycling/drug mafia in essence. That bugs me, especially for those kids who put their hearts and souls and faith that they would heal up like Lance.

I'll never forget selling those dammed "Livestrong" bracelets at school for a fundraiser to help one of our teachers who had cancer. She was 25 and was dying of lymphoma. We put out $800 in school funds on Livestrong bracelets and made $80 to help her out. What a great thing eh? Livestrong made about $700 off of us buying the stupid bands, but it was our show of solidarity. That's a good thing, but we should have just run a straight "no product fundraiser" and had people donate cash. We would have raised a lot more and she wouldn't have lost her housing so quickly and such. Handing her a check for $80 after following the principal's brilliant plan of getting a band on every kid really sucked. That was a heck of a lot of work.

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