Is the sun rising or setting on the Seahawks?


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Jan 27, 2014
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Without even clicking on the link I'll answer the question:

Until we actually fail to play 18 games in a season, it's noon.


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Apr 11, 2010
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More "Debbie Downer" horseshit.
If they'd been putting up 8 & 8 or 7 & 9 Seasons in the last 4 Years, this kind of bummer sniveling would have some merit, but :pukeface: :pukeface:


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Puyallup, WA USA
At least he mentioned the possibility that injuries MIGHT have affected their Playoff performances the past two years.
IMHO....this is the year that tilts our team's future.


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Oct 16, 2009
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No. In the NFL if you have an elite to good QB your team can win 10-12 games a year and compete every season. So until Russ stops playing this team will be good.

As for the article: Yes the team has not drafted very well since 2014 but come to me in February 2018 and we will know about this 2017 draft.


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May 1, 2009
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sdog1981":2765rv64 said:
No. In the NFL if you have an elite to good QB your team can win 10-12 games a year and compete every season. So until Russ stops playing this team will be good.

I agree.

Of course, there's people for whom "being in the mix" isn't enough. There's people for whom there's some magical tier above "competing", where you look like the Patriots week-in and week-out, "clearly" the dominant team, and until the Seahawks get there, they're mediocre and their eventual loss merely proof of that. "Well yeah, anyone CAN win once they get in the playoffs, but c'mon - everyone knows the Patriots will always win it." Even when they don't. "We need to be THEM. We need to be OBVIOUS, or I won't feel good."

I don't know how they live with themselves if they can't even enjoy a five-year playoff streak.


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Puyallup, WA USA
sdog1981":2le3irb8 said:
No. In the NFL if you have an elite to good QB your team can win 10-12 games a year and compete every season. So until Russ stops playing this team will be good.

....not if he is injured playing at 50%!!!


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Apr 30, 2009
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Conjunction Junction
I just remember WAY too many 7-9, 8-8, 9-7 seasons to feel bad about our current incarnation. It's awesome to be in the mix every year...just a couple tweaks here and there and who knows where we can go? This is truly the golden age of Seahawks football and I'm diggin it!

Mike D in 332

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Aug 11, 2015
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PlinytheCenter said:
I just remember WAY too many 7-9, 8-8, 9-7 seasons

Those seasons were considered decent until the recent success. Even with Holmgren as coach I always felt like we were able to win just enough to make the playoffs because the NFC west was so weak. Making the playoffs used to be our ceiling as a franchise. Now that we've seen the promise land we can't expect to always be there but I have faith that Pete/John can put together a team every few seasons that can be hungry and talented enough to win the whole thing. With no salary cap I see the Seahawks winning three in a row or at least as many as the other dynasties that we have seen in the NFL.
Frankly, as a life long fan I can't be upset in anyway with how it has gone, how it is going or what our immediate future as a franchise holds.
For those who can't stomach the current situation or future predictions, too bad for you.

To Quote Irving Feffer (alan arkin in along came polly)
It's not about what happened in the past, or what you think might happen in the future. It's about the ride, for Christ's sake. There is no point in going through all this crap, if your are not going to enjoy the ride. And you know what... when you least expect something great might come along. Something better then you even planned for.

West TX Hawk

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The Sun Also Rises...





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sdog1981":1pay9tkv said:
No. In the NFL if you have an elite to good QB your team can win 10-12 games a year and compete every season. So until Russ stops playing this team will be good.

As for the article: Yes the team has not drafted very well since 2014 but come to me in February 2018 and we will know about this 2017 draft.

Also, taken in perspective, it's hard to say "they've drafted poorly since 2014" since one of those draft you only have a rookie year to evaluate, and one draft players are only entering into their 3rd year now....too yearly. Plus one of those drafts swasn't a good overall draft and not many teams got a lot of impact players out of it.

GB is considered by many pundits as one of the best drafting teams, yet they've had bad drafts in the last 5 years. No one always hits it out of the park. Bellichick and company have had bad overall drafts, but they get good publicity so one or two good players out of an entire draft makes it a win in the media's eyes. Matter of fact, two good players per draft would be a win in most anyone's eyes really.

Out 2012 draft was an outlier. Look at most teams and you won't see them consistently pull that off to that degree. I'm not sure that's happened more than a handful of times in league history, yet Pete and John will always be judged by that as a measuring stick. And they're always going to come up short.


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Jan 2, 2011
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MontanaHawk05":3o69kas3 said:
sdog1981":3o69kas3 said:
No. In the NFL if you have an elite to good QB your team can win 10-12 games a year and compete every season. So until Russ stops playing this team will be good.

I agree.

Of course, there's people for whom "being in the mix" isn't enough. There's people for whom there's some magical tier above "competing", where you look like the Patriots week-in and week-out, "clearly" the dominant team, and until the Seahawks get there, they're mediocre and their eventual loss merely proof of that. "Well yeah, anyone CAN win once they get in the playoffs, but c'mon - everyone knows the Patriots will always win it." Even when they don't. "We need to be THEM. We need to be OBVIOUS, or I won't feel good."

I don't know how they live with themselves if they can't even enjoy a five-year playoff streak.

The Patriots, for all their success, spent nine straight years not winning Super Bowls, and lost two heart breakers over that stretch. They may be the best, but even the best standard isn't very good if winning the Super Bowl is the only marker; 11 out of their last 16 seasons are failures. That would make them mostly complete failures by the "Super Bowl or Bust" standard.

We'd all like to see this team win the Super Bowl like every year. But if one can't enjoy how increasingly good they've been (without the Mora bump in the road) since Holmgren got here they're doing a disservice to themselves. Yes, you'll get disappointed and upset at times, but this team has been something to enjoy, particularly after the Beast Quake.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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scutterhawk":3pugxq4z said:
More "Debbie Downer" horseshit.
If they'd been putting up 8 & 8 or 7 & 9 Seasons in the last 4 Years, this kind of bummer sniveling would have some merit, but :pukeface: :pukeface:

I didn't read it as a Debbie Downer article, there is some fair criticism of where we're at with not only the team, but how we're drafting.

But I didn't read anything new, the opinion of Pete having a head start on scouting coming out of USC giving him an advantage those first couple of drafts has been stated many times.........and is probably a pretty fair opinion.

If I was to criticize Pete and John, it's not our draft picks, it's their overall inability to change offensive and defensive philosophies. The NFL is an ever changing and evolving game with teams learning your tendencies and what worked in 2012-2013 doesn't necessarily work in 2016 and 2017.

THAT'S what needs to change IMO, not continuing to play the same schemes hoping to regain the same dominance.


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
I'm not clicking.

But here's my opinion......

Sarc :{)


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Oct 11, 2012
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The Burbs in Lacey
pretty much all this guys articles are old news and he definitely doesn't do his homework.
He's new as far as I can tell but its just like talking to a new fan, not much perspective overall.