Washington has destroyed RGIII

Always Fierce

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joeseahawks":osv8a441 said:
I think RGIII is actually "forcing the hand of management" to play him. And Management doesn't want to "make the Franchise angry".

Unfortunately I agree with you. I made a scathing critique yesterday on a Skins board of Dan Snyder and his propensity to become super friendly and playing favorites with his superstar players, and that team chemistry has suffered as a result of the head coaches authority being undercut.

That earned me a 30 day suspension, lol.


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I think RGIII has a serious case of Ricky Bobby syndrome. A lot of it's in his head.

Yes, he came back too early and the knee is still tender. He's CLEARLY not the same. I think that's because he got injured and realizes now that he's human. Those guys out there chasing him around can actually hurt him, and he's scared. I think he bought into his own hype and figured he was superhuman and nothing was going to happen to him, which is why he kept shooting his mouth off about wanting to play again. But now that he's back out there, he's afraid.


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I think he's about ready to break out. Too bad he'll probably take another big hit and get hurt. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to running the football.

The Radish

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I too think his problem is about 80% mental and can understand.

"But I want to play".

If they don't force him to get some help they are pissing away a first round choice many other teams would die for.

Awww Rat Boy, my least favorite coach.



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A big defensive lineman ran him down yesterday by the sideline.

It said everything you need to know about this situation.

Attyla the Hawk

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theENGLISHseahawk":22pd7f8x said:
He doesn't look like the same player to me.

I think, if he handles his career well going forward, that will be the reality and the intention.

He needs to be a different QB. He needs to protect himself at the expense of his dynamic playmaking ability. I wouldn't expect that to happen overnight. I still think he can change his play to be more mindful of his longevity. But in so doing, he will assuredly not look the same.

Washington's problem isn't RG3. It's their horrible defense. It's regressed so significantly from last season. But because all of the attention was on the circus that was Griffin's knee -- that's been entirely overshadowed.

Their defense is amongst the worst in the entire NFL (maybe the worst). Griffin's play could be close to above average -- which statistically I believe he is -- and still the team would be winless.

Let's hope there isn't a Giants/Redskins matchup on prime time. That'd be like watching a Browns/Jags slogfest.


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I keep telling you, its the Gypsy curse I put on Shannahan a few years back. I have only used this power twice in my life, both times the recipient has been miserable and their lives have gone down the tubes. FOAD Shannahan!!


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The 5-0
I won't be as kind as the majority of posters in this thread so turn away if you're looking for a "poor Robert" post.

The kid is an exceptional athlete but he's also a stereotypical, big headed egomaniac. I couldn't give a rat's ass about him or his knee. He created a public relations nitemare for the Skins and forced his way onto the football field because "I'm different, I'm not a regular human being".

OK, Superman. Your team WAS looking out for your health AND their investment, but the name of the game is putting ass' in seats and your big mouth and bigger head was compromising the integrity of the team. Fans screaming "we want RG3" and you're saying "I'm ready, I don't know why they're not playing me". Putting yourself above team is a punkass move in my book. We're supposed to feel sorry for this jackass?

Don't get too attached to him RG3 sympathizers, he won't be around long. Good riddance.

Always Fierce

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theENGLISHseahawk":3hxrdo46 said:
A big defensive lineman ran him down yesterday by the sideline.

It said everything you need to know about this situation.

I think he did it in order to lull other teams into believing he doesn't have the 4.3 speed, then when they least expect it, BAM.


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Always Fierce":287c1oit said:
theENGLISHseahawk":287c1oit said:
A big defensive lineman ran him down yesterday by the sideline.

It said everything you need to know about this situation.

I think he did it in order to lull other teams into believing he doesn't have the 4.3 speed, then when they least expect it, *SNAP*

Fixed that for you.


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HawkWow":t7j55zpz said:
I won't be as kind as the majority of posters in this thread so turn away if you're looking for a "poor Robert" post.

The kid is an exceptional athlete but he's also a stereotypical, big headed egomaniac. I couldn't give a rat's ass about him or his knee. He created a public relations nitemare for the Skins and forced his way onto the football field because "I'm different, I'm not a regular human being".

OK, Superman. Your team WAS looking out for your health AND their investment, but the name of the game is putting ass' in seats and your big mouth and bigger head was compromising the integrity of the team. Fans screaming "we want RG3" and you're saying "I'm ready, I don't know why they're not playing me". Putting yourself above team is a punkass move in my book. We're supposed to feel sorry for this jackass?

Don't get too attached to him RG3 sympathizers, he won't be around long. Good riddance.
While I don't necessarily agree with everything you said wholeheartedly, I do see some kernels of truth in your statements. However, IMO the one thing you are definitely incorrect about in this post is the statement that "Your team WAS looking out for your health AND their investment". If that were true that field would never have been in that shape it was late last season. And furthermore, after the knee injury Snyder should have put field turf in, immediately! (Not to mention good ol' "player safety first" Rog Goodell should have forced Snyder to do so.) I would guess Danny boy feels Robert is nothing more than one in a long line of players the fans will root for and pay to see and will eventually be replaced by the next big thing in D.C.

General Manager

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theENGLISHseahawk":9qdvjc7w said:
He is nowhere near ready to be back, yet they play him.

His knee is shot, all because of that shambles at the end of last season.

He's slow, he's tentative. He can't plant.

Three first round picks wasted because of the stupidity of the people running that team.

I agree with your evaluation, RG3 is clearly favoring that knee he's not ready they should sit him probably for most of the season he's just not right maybe he never will be but playing him right now just isn't smart. We'll see but there rolling the dice imo.


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HawkWow":13dbo2qk said:
OK, Superman. Your team WAS looking out for your health AND their investment,
No, they weren't. Dan Snyder not fixing that piece of crap field and Shanahan not forcing RG3 to run in a safer manner (bench him for a game if you have to!) is all the evidence needed.


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RolandDeschain":7j6ct0i4 said:
HawkWow":7j6ct0i4 said:
OK, Superman. Your team WAS looking out for your health AND their investment,
No, they weren't. Dan Snyder not fixing that piece of crap field and Shanahan not forcing RG3 to run in a safer manner (bench him for a game if you have to!) is all the evidence needed.

My goodness people. 2 of you, actually. Clearly I was referring to the teams desire to protect him AFTER the surgery. If anyone cared to do so, you could go back to last year's posts, where I stated repeatedly (early and often) that Shanahan was going to ruin griffin and that Shanahan only needed Griffin healthy until he no longer wanted to coach. That's wayyy back when I thought the kid was somewhat likeable. Now I couldn't care less.

Considering the fall out Shanahan received for not benching him prior to the playoffs, he and the team would have been insane to rush him back in to start this season. To my knowledge, the opposite appeared to be the case. It was "Superman" that forced the team to play him week 1. I have no doubt this was because he felt threatened by Cousins. Much the way Vick handled things in Atlanta, getting Shaub shipped off to the Texans. Aside from their shitty field, which effects every player, not just their QB, I sincerely believe the Skins wanted to let Griffin recover completely before inserting him into live games.

I will end this by saying this: The Redskins are guilty of 1 thing. They, like many teams, got caught up in the hoopla, and let their fans (and soph QB) run their franchise. Fans don't know sh*t about operating an NFL team. The Seahawks are guilty of the same. We felt NOT resigning Alexander, the MVP, would create a backlash not seen since the Behring days. The FO knew Alexander was not worth resigning, they did so anyway. How'd that work out?

I want a FO that's going to earn their money. When fans whine because their tired hero is kicked to the curb, tell those fans collectively, to STFU.


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I still don't see what you're referring to. The field is in the same shape it has always started the season as, (the best it ever is, which is still rather craptastic) and look, RG3 is out on the field OBVIOUSLY too early and hobbling around like an old fart.

Can you show us the evidence of that assertion?


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Roland. The evidence of my assertion was all over ESPN. It rivaled Lebron's "The decision". Griffin, repeatedly stated that he was 100% and that he could not grasp why the team wouldn't let him play. I would have benched him for that reason alone. You don't take team affairs to the press.

As I said, who believes after the fiasco last year, that Shanahan would rush him this year? When Griffin was hurt against Seattle, and Dr Andrews implied he never told Shanahan that Griffin should have been playing...that was a sh*t sandwich we watched Shanahan eating at the podium. Even a ratfaced fool like him wouldn't be so dumb as to repeat the same mistake.

As I said above, Griffin put the Skins in a very uncomfortable position. Then Andrews cleared him to play. What were they supposed to do with that big mouthed egomaniac flapping his gums to the public (fans)? What if they sat him (like they should have...again please see my above post) and the Skins went 0-3 with Cousins? Griffin would be..."yeah, well, I told them I was ready, they didn't listen, now we have this mess". That's why I said he, and fans alike, need to be told to STFU. Just because Andrews cleared him (and the knee supposedly 100%), that didn't mean he was ready to play. He wasn't, he isn't, and you nor I know how much the knee is the cause of that. I suggest a lack of practice, and pre-season action played a bigger role. But that of course, is also opinion.

The field? It sux. It sucked for Griffin, it sucked for Clem. That's an entirely different argument. Especially when the knee was reportedly "100%". I mean, you can't run a team along the lines of..."well, we're not redoing the field for another 2 years, so let's not play any of our starters until that time". I will conclude this by saying, I hate the Skins, I hate Snyder and mostly, Shanahan. But I can't put this on them any more than I can put it on Andrews. Again, with the exception of the Skins allowing fans and QB to run their team. But most do. One way or another.


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I think what's really going on is that RG3 benefited from playing reckless last season, the same way that VY and Jake Locker always seem to be the most dangerous when allowed to just wing it. Defenses were not prepared to face a running QB like that. Michael Vick was the same thing in Atlanta. He'd put up mediocre passing numbers but still win most of his games because he was such a home run hitter with his speed. In this case, RG3 had the Vick ability to make cheap plays with his feet but combined it with natural QB skills and accuracy.

In 2013, RG3 can't afford to be reckless anymore. He has to protect his body- which he's now doing- but that means playing things smarter and safer. The tendency changes alone are basically taking a few MPH off his fastball so to speak, and then you add to that the fact that he's being rushed back from a serious injury. Basically, RG3 has to learn to play like Russell Wilson, and that's not his natural inclination. So it will take him some time both to adjust to a new role and physically recover from his knee injury.

That said, I would guess that when the season is over and we are looking at RG3's final numbers, they won't be terrible. They'll be good. You don't need 4.4 speed to be a good mobile QB. I think a down year for RG3 still puts him among the top 10-15 QBs in the NFL.


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I have said the same repeatedly, Kearly and it pleases me that you agree. And I believe the same can be said for that dik down in SF.

Gotta' love that Pete resisted the urge to sell RW out (even when it was unpopular with the fans). Mad respect to him.

I obviously post what I think, never caring how popular my posts will be. Not patting myself on the back here, but what we are seeing in both Kaep and Griffin is exactly what I predicted would happen. In fact, around this time last year, I predicted Griffin would not finish the year. He didn't. Those rather unpopular posts / predictions are still on this site, somewhere.

Like yourself, I believe Griffin is capable of good things as a traditional QB. But that is going to take time. Now, after 2 knee surgeries, the time is now and regardless of the associated growing pains. The good news is the Skins should feel no sense of urgency. Griffin is the least of their problems.


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Who said he's "playing hurt"? It's not what Griffin says. He told the world he's "100% and Dr. Andrews cleared (him) to play". Now that he's made that bed, he has to lie in it.

If he's "playing hurt"...why? Is it because he and the Skins have superbowl in their sights? If that's the case, their eyes must "hurt", too. Because that team isn't going to smell the playoffs, let alone the superbowl. So get him out of there if he's hurt.

BTW, I notice he appears to be "hurt" more so after bad plays, than good. If you know what I mean? Griffin's main malady is clearly narcissism. That and he has no concept of team. In his distorted perspective, the team is not a team, and cannot be a team, without him.

I think he has some growing up to do.

EDIT: What happened to the post that I was commenting towards? Poooof. Vanished. But my point remains the same.