Top 5 QBs in the NFL at buying time


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Mar 6, 2007
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Very surprised to see Kevin Kolb scoring higher than Tony Romo. I would have expected Romo to be #1. Even Wilson can't dodge bullets in the pocket like Romo can. Stafford is pretty good as well, at least he was against us. Wilson wins it because of plays where he runs outside the pocket and those plays can last 5 seconds or more which really raises his average. Same thing with Kaepernick, who is not a very elusive QB in the pocket, IMO.


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Jan 2, 2011
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There's a fine line between buying time and holding onto the ball too long. Kolb, Smith, and Rodgers are #1-3 in the league in sack rate. Kaepernick doesn't have enough attempts to qualify but would be 6th in sack rate. RG3 is 9th and Wilson is 13th, so the good news is Wilson is taking fewer sacks than the other QBs with high buying time numbers.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Yes indeed... Romo can extend plays for a long time, but he eventually throws it away or throws a pick. He rarely takes off if the pocket breaks down and runs for yards. Wilson can move from one side to the other, and then go. Or Wilson will move one way and see an opening and take off upfield. Romo sort of dances around as the pocket collapses and tries to move back into the middle and throw. Those plays happen faster than you'd think. Although it seems like forever, in reality it could be 3-4 seconds and the pocket is destroyed and he has already stepped up and gotten nailed or heaved it.


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May 1, 2009
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jewhawk":3tu25ed1 said:
There's a fine line between buying time and holding onto the ball too long. Kolb, Smith, and Rodgers are #1-3 in the league in sack rate. Kaepernick doesn't have enough attempts to qualify but would be 6th in sack rate. RG3 is 9th and Wilson is 13th, so the good news is Wilson is taking fewer sacks than the other QBs with high buying time numbers.

Very interesting perspective. You can tell just watching Wilson he is tough to sack, but I had no idea a guy like Rodgers was so high on the list, especially since his mobility is underrated. Kolb on the other hand makes so much sense.