The Seahawks Will Remain Relevant


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Jan 2, 2011
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I'm expecting 1987 to 2004 again. Maybe we'll be lucky and have the "success" the Cowboys haver sinc their dominant years.


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2012
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Wow, lot of negativity in this thread. Any opinion, good or bad, about the team before free agency or the draft is done, is premature.

I don't have the faith I once had in the JS/PC combination but we're stuck with them for now and we have to wait to see how they respond. They still may surprise me/us. However, the Seahawks should have gotten 2 rings out of that championship window, but I digress...

I am saddened at the loss of RW but I understand that his salary, although earned, was going to hold the team back from making the deals they needed to make. Especially the one he'll get after next season. If they didn't trade him this year he was going to leave for nothing very soon.

Lock may show improvement in Seattle but not enough to justify making him the cornerstone of the offense. I don't think one of those exists in this years batch of rookie quarterbacks, so maybe next year is the year for that.

I hope we can keep DK but he's probably gonna want $20mil once his rookie contract is done so maybe looking for value now makes sense.

We need help in a lot of areas as we are all aware. Some holes are filled but we have gaping holes in the front 7 and on the Oline as well as the big one under center.

The next few weeks should be interesting and will tell us a lot about what this process could look like but for now it's way too early...


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2012
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I'm too used to competing to say we're going to run a string of 7-9s for the foreseeable future... but we don't have a franchise QB or stellar defense. Don't have high hopes for '22, but with draft picks and we're not tied to some underperforming top 5 QB, we still have a chance at limiting the bad seasons.
Probably at least a 2-3 year deal to get the Hawks anywhere near the playoffs again.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
You all worry about a Franchise QB, Wilson was a 3rd round pick many said would be a practice squad guy or career back up, Tom Brady a 6th round pick, Joe Montana a 3rd round pick, it goes on. Most Franchise guys picked in the first round fail. You make yourself a franchise QB, draft position does not earn it for you, just pays you more to fail.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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That is the hope Chris. We have to hope that JS can find a top tier QB in the lower rounds.

Ask the Jags about how hard it is to get a good QB. Hell, ask the Bears.

Then ask Indy why they traded for a likely shell of Ryan - because that team is stacked and nobody cares because they don't have a QB. Without a QB that roster slowly ages, turns worse, loses FAs, etc ...while accomplishing nothing but a good or even great regular season.

The only way you can be optimistic is to hope/expect they can find another QB. But if you look at the #s, good QBs tend to appear in bunches every 3-5 years. And top tier QBs only appear every 3-5 years. So you get a small window, to take a halfcourt shot, then you have to wait a long time to try again...while somehow being bad enough to get a good enough pick that your preferred QB does not get snapped up beforehand.

Those guys that slip through the cracks you mentioned are something like 1 in 20, 1 in 40 propositions. Most guys that go in the lower rounds amount to little or nothing. OCCASIONALLY one or two will blow up, or rarely but more frequently you get a guy that is good but was still a lower pick (I think an example like Mark Brunell)

I suppose we can do like the Patriots did, and just draft a QB every draft we can - maybe one becomes a Jimmy G. But even then, they had a QB...they weren't just spinning the wheel every year for QB. The Bears try that, it isn't as easy as it sounds.

Of course, the entire time we are doing this...hunting for a QB. Or making do with 2nd or 3rd tier QBs? We are no longer relevant.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
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Spokane, WA
I still firmly believe that Drew Lock is the guy that can get this team back to the Superbowl.

The way John63 was with Russ, that'll be me with Lock. I will ride that train until it flies off the tracks and plummets off a cliff.

He has a rocket arm, quick release, big frame. He will find areas in the middle of the field that weren't being utilized before. He has deceptive athleticism. He is a stud


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2016
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Eastern Washington
I would offer that a true franchise Quarterback is the hardest job to find qualified applicants for in human history. Think about it: there are only 32 positions available for a franchise QB, on the planet, and barely a dozen or so that actually meet the qualifications. Numerically, that's more elite than astronauts or test pilots. Crazy.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2013
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Kalispell, MT
We have a much better offensive line than most people realize. Now that we have a QB that can utilize the pocket, and the middle of the field, and doesn't seem afraid to take what is given, we should see our TOP move up. Fewer 3 and outs. DK is going to see his YAC skyrocket.

Our new defensive scheme is designed to finally take advantage of the skills of the players that we have been accumulating. New leadership on and off the field. Thanks to improved offensive TOP, our defense won't be perpetually exhausted.

I'm looking forward to a great year. The biggest obstacle is our strength of schedule. 10 games in the NFL's 2 toughest divisions, plus we have to face Brady, in Tampa.


Jul 22, 2010
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Southwest Washington
I am of the opinion that this team is not going back to the dark years of the early 90s. Complete and utter irrelevance. Sure, we have to find our next franchise QB (sorry but I do not believe Lock is that person) and yes we still have to build our OL and DL but I truly do not think we are that far off from being a solid playoff team. Keep Lockett and DK, get that running game rolling, solidify that pass rush and we could be in the dance as much as anyone.

Losing Russ was a massive blow that I have not personally recovered from emotionally quite yet but what is done is done. I think this team can still find success even without a once in a generational player like RW3.

I hope Lock is that stop gap to bridge us to the next era of roaring success.

I don't see 7-10 seasons ahead. 9-8, 10-7 type of seasons as we rebuild. Regardless, I am excited to see what this next phase looks like.
On paper we are the 4th place team in our Division. Whe have a HC that lives in the 90’s. The game has changed and we have not. To think we are going to be competitive is silly. This upcoming Season could end up brutal. People say they will decide after the draft to rate the Season. Wh have not had a good draft in some time. Yes a player here a player there but nothing great. We have a GM that is always trading down for more picks. That would be fine if they were great picks. I live and bleed Seahawks Blue. But t this team doesn’t look close to a 500 Team. Just my opinion.

Spin Doctor

Well-known member
Sep 8, 2009
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I still firmly believe that Drew Lock is the guy that can get this team back to the Superbowl.

The way John63 was with Russ, that'll be me with Lock. I will ride that train until it flies off the tracks and plummets off a cliff.

He has a rocket arm, quick release, big frame. He will find areas in the middle of the field that weren't being utilized before. He has deceptive athleticism. He is a stud
You're delusional if you think Lock is going to lead us back to the Super Bowl. First of all, Lock avoided the middle of the field just like Wilson did on the Broncos. He has a lot of the same quirks that many of us berated Wilson for. He's really only good at throwing several different routes and his short game is even worse than Wilson's. I don't understand where the unfounded optimism for this guy is coming from. The dudes game is a hot mess.

He's decent at play actions and go routes, but outside of that his game doesn't really have any substance. Our offense is going to be extremely limited with Drew Lock under center. He's nothing more than a poor stop-gap solution. He's essentially going to be Tarvaris Jackson 2.0.

This team will not be relevant until we find a suitable replacement for Wilson, it's just how the NFL works these days. Right now this team is riddled with holes. Lock is not going to be our guy, 100 percent guaranteed. Until we find a QB we won't be relevant in the NFL, it's just how it is.


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Sep 7, 2017
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Well-known member
Dec 24, 2012
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Seattle Area
Looking strategically over the next couple years, I think the Hawks are rebuilding at just the right time. They will be ascending for the next few years, as the rest of the teams in the NFC West will start declining. The Rams have no cap space, few pics, and will start declining in a year or two. Arizona will be in the mix for a while, but Murray hasn't proven himself a champion yet. And the Niners aren't that far off from the Hawks, in that their QB situation isn't great either. Lots to be hopeful and excited about. Realistically, I believe the Hawks will be back in the SB in the next 3-5 years if they draft well and get the right QB.

Why would the Rams be declining? Fair question.

Rams have no Cap space, and yet they just signed ARob and are meeting with Wagner today.

Rams have plenty of picks....just no high ones. Because they have gotten valuable players with their picks who did what was needed: won a SB. Rams history of drafting is the later rounds is pretty solid.

QB is set.
WRs are set.
D is looking pretty good still.
OL was mostly resigned and also seems good.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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See, boy that's a pretty sour way of looking at things. Sure, I have been guilty for being Mr. rose colored glasses over the years but I am hearing so much negativity where I really doubt it's as bleak as you say Twisted. I mean my goodness, there is some real talent on this roster that can succeed. Gee, ya think other teams might like Lockett or DK on their roster for starters? I mean come on. Sure the OL is meh, the DL is meh, I get we have a lot to be desired but there is still real talent on this roster that can make some noise. I just don't buy into the mindset that we are a total throw away roster and needing to rebuild from the studs up.
And in all the talk about Pete maybe no longer having an inside to the Drafting prospects ignores the Seahawks Scouting personnel, Schneider wanting Wilson AND the fact that he brought in Marshawn Lynch (the perfect Side Kick) to help whoever was going to be up behind center (Wilson).
A lot of folks in here have little or no faith in Pete's ability to reload & I'm sorry, but I don't share that kind of negativity.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2012
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Why would the Rams be declining? Fair question.

Rams have no Cap space, and yet they just signed ARob and are meeting with Wagner today.

Rams have plenty of picks....just no high ones. Because they have gotten valuable players with their picks who did what was needed: won a SB. Rams history of drafting is the later rounds is pretty solid.

QB is set.
WRs are set.
D is looking pretty good still.
OL was mostly resigned and also seems good.
That's what the Hawks said after they won their SB. Inevitably, coaches and players get poached, you're always drafting late, etc. etc. It's just not realistic to stay at that level for more than a couple years. That parity is built in to the nfl cake.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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The Rams have a perfect setup to be a regular division winner/playoff team.

Get an easy opponent in their own division. (us)
Have a rival (49ers) that really isn't much of a playoff threat because it has no QB threat.
The other division opponent is starting to implode due to QB drama.

That is half the battle. They can basically skate to division wins - who else is the threat? It is them or the 49ers, and the 49ers still have an iffy QB that is going to make winning that one tough.

The Hawks made poor decisions along the way that torpedoed their opportunity to win more after that SB loss. That wasn't inevitable. The Rams have proven they make better decisions. Probably not another SB win in their future but they likely have a boatload of division titles they and getting to the NFC conference games in their future.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2012
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The Rams have a perfect setup to be a regular division winner/playoff team.

Get an easy opponent in their own division. (us)
Have a rival (49ers) that really isn't much of a playoff threat because it has no QB threat.
The other division opponent is starting to implode due to QB drama.

That is half the battle. They can basically skate to division wins - who else is the threat? It is them or the 49ers, and the 49ers still have an iffy QB that is going to make winning that one tough.

The Hawks made poor decisions along the way that torpedoed their opportunity to win more after that SB loss. That wasn't inevitable. The Rams have proven they make better decisions. Probably not another SB win in their future but they likely have a boatload of division titles they and getting to the NFC conference games in their future.
The threat will be us in a couple years, if all goes according to plan. If it doesn't, all bets are off.


Well-known member
May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa
I am of the opinion that this team is not going back to the dark years of the early 90s. Complete and utter irrelevance. Sure, we have to find our next franchise QB (sorry but I do not believe Lock is that person) and yes we still have to build our OL and DL but I truly do not think we are that far off from being a solid playoff team. Keep Lockett and DK, get that running game rolling, solidify that pass rush and we could be in the dance as much as anyone.

Losing Russ was a massive blow that I have not personally recovered from emotionally quite yet but what is done is done. I think this team can still find success even without a once in a generational player like RW3.

I hope Lock is that stop gap to bridge us to the next era of roaring success.

I don't see 7-10 seasons ahead. 9-8, 10-7 type of seasons as we rebuild. Regardless, I am excited to see what this next phase looks like.
I'm with you in this Aros. Losing #3 is huge. He's the qb that took us to the top of the mountain and it felt like everything I thought it would.
I also feel like they were victims of our own success. Appearing in the playoffs every season made out so that we never had any type of high draft picks and It appeared to me that having that "franchise" qb kept us from being able to do other things roster wise, then you got #3 wanting to have his own input on a number of issues , coaches? Players? Play calling? Who knows what really went on.

I think Seattle got absolutely tired of it and decided to start over .

Not a rebuild though 😉


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2015
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As recently as the year Clowney was in Seattle, the Seahawks were always a threat playing the Rams, and although they didn't win all of these games, they always battled to the bitter end.

Just saying, that Rams (and their fans) likely dreaded playing the Seahawks....
Not so much the last 2 years.

This team needs a Michael Bennett-type player on the roster to punish the Matt Staffords, et al for hanging on to the ball a fraction of a second longer than "Michael Bennett-clone" allows.

Sorely missing from this team.