do we progress?



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Dec 8, 2013
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BoltonWanderer":bv2jdtkx said:
I feel so flat after watching that game. The frustrating thing is knowing that the offence was terrible at the back end of the season and they did nothing - NOTHING - to change it in the biggest game of the season. More play action? More throws to TEs? More use of Swain, Moore etc? None of that, just the same old reliance on throwing deep balls to DK and Lockett.

This team feels like a boxer who won a fight with a left hook and now that's all he throws. Not set up, no jab, just left hook constantly. It's predictable, it's easy to defend against and with Aaron Donald in the opposing line, you just aren't going to get guys open in the time available.

I can handle losing, I'm not a sore loser and I give the Rams credit...but the real issue is that this team had an obvious problem for weeks and had no idea how to fix it. For all his faults, Ken Norton did fix the atrocious defence but the offence was figured out and there was no Plan B. Once the deep ball to DK and Lockett was unavilable, there was nothing.

Great post..KNJ definitely figure it out..obviously helped we got more healthy and the starters got more reps together. On the other side of the ball, it was criminal how little adjustments were made. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE saw the offense struggling but it was put forward that it wasn’t that bad and trust the process blah blah.


Nov 29, 2013
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Imagine someone from Cinci or Jax reading this stuff -- BLOW IT UP!!, FIRE EVERYBODY!! -- we were 12-4 in a tough division, FFS.


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Nov 28, 2010
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New OC who gets to implement a new offense with a whole new offensive coaching staff and minimal input from Pete on that side of the ball. Build the program, build the culture, continue shaping the D, that's it. Pete's offense doesn't translate anymore, can't look like dog shit for 3/4 of a game and scrape out a win against playoff caliber teams. It's baffling to me how challenging every pass is when I look at every other team in the league scheme guys open consistently.

Year 3 of Schotty, massive regression. Same garbage shows up every year. After Vikings game teams simply changed to cover2/cover4 and the offense couldn't move the ball for 3 quarters every game. How do you come out in a home playoff game and get negative total yards in the first quarter? There was zero adjustments made once teams got the blueprint on the offense and they just kept jamming a square into a circle. Pete surprisingly mentioned he wished the offense adjusted better second half of season/today but at this point I have no faith he will make necessary changes. A young, fresh minded OC who will get the most out of Russ's skillset at this point in his career is desperately needed because I am concerned his confidence started to shake this season. Pete decided to go ultra Pete ball after those 2 turnover heavy games, looked like a different QB since then.

More playmakers on offense. JS needs to be ruthless this year and do some serious roster churn on the depth. This year felt like a step in the right direction but more is needed.

KNJ turned the defense around but how much of it was due to some pretty terrible QB's is up for debate. I don't think getting to average after being on pace for the worst defense of all time is much to hang your hat on. I still think fresh blood at DC is needed.


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May 10, 2009
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imnKOgnito":31bx1hjv said:
An OC that has short and intermediate routes in his game plan,

I don't think PC will allow that - he hates using a short passing game

a year of maturity for DK,

Doesn't matter - this team has no clue how to maximize elite offensive weapons

rebuilding the left side of the offensive line,

PC has never shown any aptitude or desire to build a strong Oline - I don't think that will change

keeping Adams and Dunlap,

As I elaborated in another thread, I don't think either of these guys are going to want to stay here - it's going to take mega contracts to convince them and that will weaken the rest of the team

getting a third dependable option at WR, and letting someone else coach on game day.

If this team had Megatron and Jerry Rice in their primes, and Julio and DHop as their 4 WRs it wouldn't matter - PC demands his OC stick to a low risk style that limits the passing game. "Run And Play Great Defense (unless the run game starts working then just throw a lot of deep passes).

Problem solved.

Aw Mang

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Oct 4, 2015
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chet380":3891pbgk said:
Imagine someone from Cinci or Jax reading this stuff -- BLOW IT UP!!, FIRE EVERYBODY!! -- we were 12-4 in a tough division, FFS.
Have higher standard for a team who has been in the SB 3 times and won 1, and have more talents than those two team. Don’t settle for one and done after a 12-4 season.


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May 10, 2009
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Aw Mang":2oz4xzoj said:
chet380":2oz4xzoj said:
Imagine someone from Cinci or Jax reading this stuff -- BLOW IT UP!!, FIRE EVERYBODY!! -- we were 12-4 in a tough division, FFS.
Have higher standard for a team who has been in the SB 3 times and won 1, and have more talents than those two team. Don’t settle for one and done after a 12-4 season.

It's not just this year's one and done.

I have been optimistic through the prior FIVE years of early playoff exits. I was still mostly optimistic going into this year's playoffs.

I told myself "PC's a smart guy. He learned that he has to be more creative. He let the Offense off the leash earlier this season and only dialed it back because RW/Schotty took it too far - he was going to find a good, new middle ground. Especially with the Defense starting to step up, he could dial back the Offense and look to fine tune it based on the experience and success from the early part of the season. The Seahawks will be fine."

Nope. Reversion to PeteBall. Not just any PeteBall. The ugliest version we've ever seen. We now have 6 years of PeteBall Playoffs. I'm not looking forward to 5 more years of completely inept playoff football, but I'm pretty sure that's exactly what we're going to get.

I'm no longer an optimist when it comes to PC.


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May 1, 2009
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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
Incoming all the "I have faith in Russ" and "in Pete we trust" and "we'll get further next year, it was still a GREAT year!" folks:



Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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Best way to progress is kick Pete upstairs but remove any authority to hire/fire coaches. Give JS full control and let him hire whichever coach he wants.

Anything else is not progress but diving further into failure.

There is no future success with Pete and has not been since the SB loss. Only more of the same...falling short.


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Sep 18, 2011
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Pete needs to rely less on Magical Thinking and instead get assistant coaches who actually build a game plan around their opponents. This whole “we keep it simple and outplay you” business only works when you have a bunch of studs in their prime and a QB who could scramble his way out of a ton of messes. Now the league and especially the NFC West have figured us out completely.


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Sep 7, 2010
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We need to choose an identity and build toward it. If we're going to be a pass-first team that relies on chunk plays, we need to add lineman who can pass block and another receiver who can get open underneath. If we're going to play a ball-control style offense and rely on our defense, we need more difference-makers on defense.

Right now, I don't know what the heck we are. It's like we're a finesse high-tempo offense trapped inside a power rushing scheme, with a play-caller and QB that want to attack aggressively downfield and a HC that wants to shorten the game while trusting his defense. Those approaches are kind of antithetical to each other. This wouldn't be so bad if we were in any other division, but unfortunately, we're trapped in a division with two great defenses with elite pass rushers.

That makes the solution to progressing a difficult one. We're getting older in several key spots. We don't have a lot of cap maneuverability with all of our pending free agents. And we have very little draft capital left.

The ideal solution would be fully committing to Russ and the passing game, which is a tough ask in this division, especially as Russ continues to slow down with age. The other approaches require luck. We'd either have to find some diamonds in the rough on defense, find a truly elite RB, or hope things break our way during the season. Otherwise, this might be our ceiling: Good enough to get to the playoffs and make a run when everything breaks our way. But not good enough to overcome injuries or slow starts in the playoffs.

Knowing PC and JS, we'll probably bring back many of our core free agents and try to run it back again. Honestly, this is not a bad approach, but it's also unlikely to make us any more or less competitive than this season's team.


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Jan 9, 2021
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We need an actual offensive philosophy and (probably) a new head coach.

Our offensive game plan right now consists of hoping Russ does something magical when we let him have the ball or Carson breaks twelve tackles every time they hand it off. But this game was a microcosm of our lack of planning and our inability to adapt.

Most offensive drives started with two straight plays that *if successful* would usually net you about 3 yards each. Our game plan was literally to put us into third and 4. A team that didn't convert a SINGLE third down for 3 plus quarters was scheming themselves into situations where a GOOD outcome was to be third and 4, at which point the defense KNOWS we are going to pass.

Additionally, Carroll simply can't be allowed to make in-game decisions any more. His decision to kick on the first 4th and 1... ok, MAYBE defensible. We tied the game. Punting on the second one? No, Seahawks fans have seen this too many times before. A team with their #1 RB and one of the better rushing/scrambling QBs in the league, and their starting OL together again for the first time that doesn't trust their team to get the first down on 4th and 1 when that decision invariably leads to Russell taking a snap out of an empty backfield on 4th and forever during the 4th quarter.

Carroll routinely trades away gambles in relatively low stakes situations in order to take bigger ones later in the game. It's made Russell into a legend when he bails Pete out but it's no way to scheme an offense.

Carroll's ability to recognize talent and inspire players is amazing, but his in-game decisions have so blatantly cost us dearly in so many games at this point it's hard to keep overlooking this fact.


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Dec 24, 2012
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Seattle Area
Aw Mang":71gebdty said:
chet380":71gebdty said:
Imagine someone from Cinci or Jax reading this stuff -- BLOW IT UP!!, FIRE EVERYBODY!! -- we were 12-4 in a tough division, FFS.
Have higher standard for a team who has been in the SB 3 times and won 1, and have more talents than those two team. Don’t settle for one and done after a 12-4 season.

Not only in it 3 times, one rush instead of a pass from winning the 2nd.


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Jan 8, 2013
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Fire Schotty



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Jul 10, 2013
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We've seen two different OCs and two maybe three different DCs and ultimately the same's Pete, which makes sense he's the HC. At this point to truly answer your question:

1) Pete adapts offense so they can be more effective through 4 quarters of a game balanced run/pass, short and long passes. Taking what works and stopping what is not working rather than trying to play to an entire game's script and hoping it executes with no fail safes- This is not going to happen, I've given up on this.

2) RW restructures his salary so Pete can have more talent on the team to accomodate his game plan - I doubt this is possible, and it's not RW's fault he wants to get paid who doesn't.

3) Get rid of RW, try to find a rookie QB that can play Pete ball which is move the ball enough, hand it off, and don't make mistakes and use the saved RW salary (and maybe traded draft picks received) to get some top-notch salary to make up for the drop in QB play. - Possible...people won't like it, but this is how you progress in about 2-3 years provided you HIT in the draft for the QB to not completely suck.

4) Get rid of PC, try to find a HC that will find way to make RW more consistent and potent on offense through 4 quarters of a game every game... - Possible...people also won't like this, but this is how you can progress this team in 2-3 years provided you don't find a moron of a coach who tanks completely in his/her first year.

3 and 4 are the true ways to progress the team but there is a risk. You currently have a product that can get to the playoffs every year (but accepting now will never go past the divisional round). Are you ready to gamble that and go into losing years for a chance to return to the SB? For my actual life I wouldn't take a risk like this with my career, but for sports...yes. Sports are entertainment, I don't want a good team, i want a GREAT team. We've seen the Niners and Rams hit the toilet and come back hard...the Seahawks did not go in the toilet, but they did not get back to the SB. I'm willing to see them hit the toilet as I have faith they can go back to the SB if they do so.


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Oct 12, 2011
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Lecce, Italy
BoltonWanderer":lovh9qgb said:
I feel so flat after watching that game. The frustrating thing is knowing that the offence was terrible at the back end of the season and they did nothing - NOTHING - to change it in the biggest game of the season. More play action? More throws to TEs? More use of Swain, Moore etc? None of that, just the same old reliance on throwing deep balls to DK and Lockett.

This team feels like a boxer who won a fight with a left hook and now that's all he throws. Not set up, no jab, just left hook constantly. It's predictable, it's easy to defend against and with Aaron Donald in the opposing line, you just aren't going to get guys open in the time available.

I can handle losing, I'm not a sore loser and I give the Rams credit...but the real issue is that this team had an obvious problem for weeks and had no idea how to fix it. For all his faults, Ken Norton did fix the atrocious defence but the offence was figured out and there was no Plan B. Once the deep ball to DK and Lockett was unavilable, there was nothing.

this is it, this is the thread, the offseason, the diagnosis


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May 19, 2017
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chet380":1wqlcsip said:
Imagine someone from Cinci or Jax reading this stuff -- BLOW IT UP!!, FIRE EVERYBODY!! -- we were 12-4 in a tough division, FFS.

And really no closer to winning a Super Bowl than they are. You really cant see whats going on, can you?


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Dec 24, 2012
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Seattle Area
RolandDeschain":3rodfmgl said:
Smellyman":3rodfmgl said:
Fire Schotty
It's Pete that keeps the vanilla offense in play, not Schotty. At least Schotty is considerably better than Bevell was.

I’ve read on here for years how badly you all viewed Bevell.

Is saying Shotty is better than the worst a positive thing? Shotty sucks. Well, maybe not compared to Bevell. But really, he does!

He’s an insane egomaniac.