Should I feel guilty for not going to games?


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Apr 30, 2009
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The only reason you should feel guilty is if you are letting your tickets go to fans of the opposing team. I think you should always try unloading tickets to 12's first and foremost!


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
I've been two games this year. Houston and Atlanta. My first games since 1996. Both were great wins. Both times we had an Incredible weekend experience. Tailgate, game, after party. If I lived within driving distance of Seattle I'd go to as many games as possible.
That being said, both games I've been to this year I've had to ask for a DVD copy of the game so I could see what actually took place. Partially because of alcohol ingestion and partially from just not being able to see it all live action.

Both ways of seeing the Hawks play have pros and cons.
You should not feel guilty but you are missing out on a great time if you don't go to 1-2 games a year.

I can't hardly watch a baseball game on tv, but love going to the live games, even triple A games.

It's a matter or perspective, do what makes you happy.

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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To each his own. You should never feel guilty unless, like another poster said, you have tickets and you're giving it up to opposing fans or ripping off 12's. We didn't have much growing up so I couldn't even fathom going to a Seahawks game as a kid. Now I'm on the waiting list for season tickets and in the meantime bought secondary season tickets and I enjoy every second of it. There are pros and cons to each way of viewing but I say why choose if you can do both. I set the DVR and can watch anything I may have missed live and/or have the context of what happened during a particular play that is not seen on TV. Best of both worlds IMO

piston bully

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Jan 12, 2011
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Got a big TV, Got the same seats since the new stadium was built. Never have partied with 30 of my best friends from 7:30 am infront of the TV. Never been snowed on in front of the tv. never high fived all the other season ticket holders that ive gotten to know well they have become family in front of the tv. never been able to tell brian Bosworth how much he sucks A$$ and know he can here me in front of the tv. never been able to rub Tates catch in the face of a particularly obnoxious packer fan in front of my TV.that Tate catch was 15' from my seat and I heard the ball hit his chest, dont think anyone on tv saw it or heard it better than me and my angle was not caught on camera.I never got to file out of the stadium with 60k other pump Hawk fans cheering and High fiveing while scoring a half priced hot dog at home watching TV. I can totally respect ones choice for staying home whether its about budget, or any other reason, but please don't try to sell me on it being anything like being there. That dog just don't hunt.


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Aug 27, 2012
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tom sawyer":3u1818yp said:
I spent a lot on a HUGE tv, (there is no better seat anywhere, I probably the plays see better than PC)

I like beer and food they don't serve at the stadium, I like to be productive before and after the game whether is be work or play.
I like to fly my "12" flag for all the neighbors to see (up 10 minutes before the game, down 10-30 minutes after)

I love going to the game, the atmosphere is electrifying, meeting fans and drinking with them priceless, watching the game develop real time, the roar and also seeing the cheer leaders without depending on the camera man to appreciate their moves is wonderful!


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Apr 30, 2009
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seahawks08":31vtnuo4 said:
tom sawyer":31vtnuo4 said:
seeing the cheer leaders without depending on the camera man to appreciate their moves is wonderful!

I imagine that Watching the cheerleaders from within the privacy of your own home has it's advantages, as well...... :3-1:


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Jan 13, 2010
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Houston Suburbs
If money were no object I'd go to all the games and later re-watch them on a nice big TV.


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Mar 16, 2012
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I would love nothing more on this planet than to be able to afford to go to a game. If I had the option, I'd be at every one, and I'm a guy that loves watching from my couch, but it just isn't anywhere close to the same.

Don't feel guilty, it is fine, all the games are selling out. But if there comes a time where the games aren't selling out, feel guilty, because that is when conversations about a team possibly leaving start.

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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piston bully":mmdcwvp9 said:
Got a big TV, Got the same seats since the new stadium was built. Never have partied with 30 of my best friends from 7:30 am infront of the TV. Never been snowed on in front of the tv. never high fived all the other season ticket holders that ive gotten to know well they have become family in front of the tv. never been able to tell brian Bosworth how much he sucks A$$ and know he can here me in front of the tv. never been able to rub Tates catch in the face of a particularly obnoxious packer fan in front of my TV.that Tate catch was 15' from my seat and I heard the ball hit his chest, dont think anyone on tv saw it or heard it better than me and my angle was not caught on camera.I never got to file out of the stadium with 60k other pump Hawk fans cheering and High fiveing while scoring a half priced hot dog at home watching TV. I can totally respect ones choice for staying home whether its about budget, or any other reason, but please don't try to sell me on it being anything like being there. That dog just don't hunt.

I was right behind you for that Golden Tate hail mary, in the loge seats right above. Saw everything and knew right away Tate had a hand on the ball. Everyone started highfiving and hugging and jumping up and down. Even the officer that was assigned to our section and lost it. He knocked my hat down to the section below when he hugged me. He threw a pizza box down below to get someone's attention for my hat. It was hilarious and awesome.


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Nov 5, 2011
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I went to one game when Alexander was our RB. I paid out the nose for that game and actually liked it for that bit of fun for 3.5 hours. I took the Sounder with my brother and we had a great time. I don't know if I could do that again as I do have hearing issues. I may some day. But the experience in 06 or 07 was fun. My brother has or had season tix for a few years a few years ago and seats that says Mine and the Bi... uh...I think. Have not talked to him in a bit. Some day maybe.
What I would wonder is if there are 12s that go to the local watering hole near the stadium during away games. Do they do that there? I am thinking about a visit to one of my brothers in the area and may try to take in an away game if my cat will let me.
I am probably going to Baker for a couple of nights around the NO game so I can visit some areas and play a little bit. Either that or back up to Riggins for some steelhead fishing and catch the game. Go HAWKS.


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Sep 27, 2009
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AgentDib":1gk8h1my said:
Obviously guilt is not a factor here. You should spend your entertainment dollars on whatever you enjoy.

That being said, if your real question is "Am I missing out?" then the answer is "sometimes." There are games and situations that you will remember seeing in person long after the short term fun from seeing it on TV has dissipated. As a kid, I went with a friend's family to the 1988 game against the Broncos. Most of the fans here as old or older than me probably remember the play on TV, but when Largent leveled that Broncos safety and then took that football back from him the Kingdome simply went nuts. It was an amazing experience, and being there in person was the difference for me in remembering it as a nice Seahawks moment vs. one of the best things to happen that year. There are moments like that quite often, and I have ended up regretting the ones that I missed seeing in person (Romo fumble).
Nailed it.


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Feb 28, 2007
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What we really need is for this to become a long drawn-out thread about what constitutes a "REAL FAN".

That's always fun!


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
AgentDib":2orhez7r said:
Obviously guilt is not a factor here. You should spend your entertainment dollars on whatever you enjoy.

That being said, if your real question is "Am I missing out?" then the answer is "sometimes." There are games and situations that you will remember seeing in person long after the short term fun from seeing it on TV has dissipated. As a kid, I went with a friend's family to the 1988 game against the Broncos. Most of the fans here as old or older than me probably remember the play on TV, but when Largent leveled that Broncos safety and then took that football back from him the Kingdome simply went nuts. It was an amazing experience, and being there in person was the difference for me in remembering it as a nice Seahawks moment vs. one of the best things to happen that year. There are moments like that quite often, and I have ended up regretting the ones that I missed seeing in person (Romo fumble).

I think this is the play you speak of. Would be shame to miss this live if one had the chance. This was LEGENDARY.

Check out this video on YouTube: ... ata_player

Sent from my iPhone


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Sep 9, 2012
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tom sawyer":2c9nwmuq said:
I spent a lot on a HUGE tv, (there is no better seat anywhere, I probably the plays see better than PC)

I like beer and food they don't serve at the stadium, I like to be productive before and after the game whether is be work or play.
I like to fly my "12" flag for all the neighbors to see (up 10 minutes before the game, down 10-30 minutes after)

TV ratings are important too.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Skagit, WA
RolandDeschain":16g9o346 said:
Do you spend money on merchandise once in a while? Not cheap crap but you know, a jersey one year, a hat and a shirt the next, or whatever. As long as you financially support the Seahawks organization to some reasonable degree within your means, you've got nothing to be ashamed of.

...Unless you're a bandwagon fan. :devil:

He does support them by watching the TV. Every time there is a Time Out, Halftime, between Quarters, etc he is supporting them by being over run with commercials. The NFL makes far more from people like him sitting at home in front of the TV then they do by people going to the game or buying stuff. The more that people watch then the more they can charge for airtime.

Do what you want is what I say. If you enjoy watching it at home then do it. You like going to the games - then do that. I like being able to get things done around my place before and after the game. Watching it on TV takes about 3 hours, going to the game takes about 5-6 hours depending on traffic, weather, etc. I love going to a game here and there but no way could I do it for a full season, too much on my plate right now.


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2012
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I have to agree with you guys, there is nothing quite like going to a game and feeling the electricity of the stadium and the crowd. However, HD TV and the fact that most people now-a-days have invested in a nice TV has lead to most people preferring to watch from home.

I think the best setup is to buy season tickets and then sell the tickets to fellow 12th's for a little more than face value. Then go to the games you want to go to. You cover the amount you paid for your season tickets AND you get to go to games of choice.

Personally, I don't feel any guilt for watching at home. I love going to games at the Clink, but the cost of games isn't for everyone. I feel like you have to be pretty well off, or you have to have the Seahawks pretty high on your priorities list to be able to afford going to games on a regular basis.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Beaverton, Oregon
I cant afford to go to games or i probably would, though i get severe migraines around loud noises so I'll probably die the first time I do go.

Sad that I've been a fan for almost 30 years and Ive never been to a game yet =(


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Oct 2, 2012
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I enjoy my home more than the clink. View is much better, food is also better.


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Dec 10, 2012
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Pittsburgh, PA
Not at all. I try to make it to a game or two around Thanksgiving/Christmas because that's when I'll be near Seattle with my family. I honestly never questioned myself by watching them on TV.