Sherman's Theories on The Hawks


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Nov 3, 2013
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The rage that we think fueled the rise and success of RS was always unnecessary. It is no more than a totem he was holding onto like a lucky charm. The reason Sherman is gone, he is no longer considered to be a top 10 corner. He can be beaten and the defense failed many times over the last 4 years. Of course they had stretches of dominance, but they also had stretches of abominable failure. The defense lost a Super Bowl by allowing Tom Brady long drives. They lost NFC championships by allowing Atlanta and Carolina to shred them. They actually lucked into the second Super Bowl when Green Bay collapsed.

All players are replaceable at a certain age, and Sherman and Bennett have reached their expiration point. Hopefully Kam and Avril still have a chance to play for us, and Earl stays til the end. The first two? I would say thank you, but they don't need that. They were paid exceedingly well, that is all they deserve.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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AF_BASS_MAN":2kyhw1ms said:
Jville":2kyhw1ms said:
There is a lot of information about Pete Carroll and the current Seahawk program. However, the controversial and often contradictory mystery known as Richard Sherman is another mater. I think a thread on dedicated to theories about "what's eating Richard Sherman" could be of entertaining interest.

What’s eating Sherm?

It’s no secret that he and a few other members of the team were getting frustrated with the favoritism that RW received. Russ gets credit for all the wins these days, and none of the losses.

One conspiracy theory that could be a thread of its own, is “Why is the LOB REALLY being sent packing?”

This in my opinion is the first year that Wilson will have to prove to us who he really is. Is he the type that makes everyone better around him and can win games, now that the elite defense that was keeping the opposing score low is absolutely destroyed and scattered to the 4 corners of the country?

2018 will either be a good year, or the last year that PC and JS....and yes even RW are linked to the Seahawks.

But this is not even a correct narrative if Sherman and others thought, or still think Russell gets too much credit.

All we heard about the Hawks during our SB run, locally and nationally was 80%

- "all time great defense"
- "You Mad Bro"
- "Beastmode"

Russell was at BEST 2nd or 3rd most talked about part of this team.

btw, even if they did think this, at least Russell goes about his business the right way. Gracious, takes the blame for losses, credits his teammates for wins, and just goes about his business being a positive leader on the team.

Sorry Richard if Russell wasn't real enough for you. Maybe if you followed Russell's lead and knocked off the nonsense you'd still be here.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Good points........that guy can't stand being the center of attention. And now he's taking shots at the team and coach that stood by him.


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Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
I don't hold anything against Richard. He's human, and getting let go from a job that was so much of your life in your early years would negatively effect anybody.

Imagine his dissapointment in the draft, 5th round then wondering if he was ever going to get real chance to show what he could do. Followed by blowing up, becoming a part of the Legion of Boom, winning a SuperB Owl, Pro Bowls, All Pro, then your team cuts you.

Players always say "It's a business," but I say, we're all human.

Thank you Richard Sherman for all that you did for this team, it's fans, and the city of Seattle, helping to put it on the NFL map.

Good luck in your future endeavors, and when you retire, come back to Seattle and retire as a Seahawk. :irishdrinkers:


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Sherman was born with a flame thrower, I don't even think he knows that every time he looks back he burns a bridge or at least sets it on fire, did the same with Stanford as well. Maybe it's how he gets himself up to be more competitive using the anger or disrespect as a boost.

I can understand it, doesn't go over well with a lot of people but I can relate, when I get pissed I am ultra tuned in and push myself to do what others say can't be done.


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Apr 2, 2012
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"Pete's style is more built for college"

A style that got the Hawks a yard away from a dynasty. A style that formed literally the best defense in a 4-5 year span the league as ever seen. Whatever you say, Richard.

Pete deserves some criticism for some head-scratching in-game decisions, but really that's it.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Much of the stuff he says is HIS version of something. How quick he forgets what Pete and the front office has done for this team and the Vets. If anything, they stuck with some of them for too long.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
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IrishNW":25bhtb1g said:
Sherman just signed a new contract with the 49ers and the only thing he can talk about is his former team. Speaks volumes

....not really sure it says much of anything other than he's salty when he perceives he's wronged. Thats who he's ALWAYS been.

He hated Harbaugh because he was convinced Harbaugh said something to scouts and coaches that resulted in him being a 5th round pick. When the Seahawks would beat Harbaugh Niners are remember him singling out Harbaugh in his comments.

He was convinced Crabtree said something about him and he used that to start a "feud" with Crab.

Now the Seahawks cut him and he's using that.

Its just "tackling fuel". Its his MO.

The only difference between now and then is that many of you aren't used to being the target of the ire. He makes up these things in his head with little substance but its what he uses to drive himself.

I saw that long ago which is one reason I stopped hating him so much...although the Niners being essentially non-competitive had something to do with it as well.

Bottom Line, its funny to me to see Seahawks fans kinda see how the other half lives in response to Shermans comments.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Yep, clearly you are one of the Niner fans who knew what to expect. Wait til things go wrong, or he gives up a touchdown. It will be everyone else's fault. Was an incredible player here, I'll miss his play on the field. But the victim playing etc. long since ran it's course.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
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SoulfishHawk":dnp0vehe said:
Yep, clearly you are one of the Niner fans who knew what to expect. Wait til things go wrong, or he gives up a touchdown. It will be everyone else's fault. Was an incredible player here, I'll miss his play on the field. But the victim playing etc. long since ran it's course.

I have no illusions in regards to who he is.

He's the same guy in a different jersey (in terms of the person, not the athlete). Reality is he will face alot more adversity as a Niner than he did as a Seahawk (based on his age and injury) and how he reacts to it will be something to watch. I do like the new secondary he's moving into (Sherman, Tartt, Ward/Colbert, Witherspoon), but they are a long way right now from the LOB.

Can he come back and be a great player again? Time will tell. I wasn't all that enamored with the FA CBs out there tho so I am a fan of that move at that price especially since he's a scheme fit. He can also teach the 6'3" Ahkello Witherspoon how to play CB at that size in that scheme.

Funny part is he's now selling shirts, etc in all black with red and gold "RS" on them. I'm all for signing him but I am a LONG way from buying any Richard Sherman gear. :) I also can't bring myself to refer to him as "Sherm". LOL.

If anyone is curious tho, Jimmie Ward gave up his number so Sherman will again wear #25.


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Aug 20, 2013
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SF49r":12xinaww said:
Great read.

Agreed. And it is definitely written more for Hawks fans than for 9ers fans. ;)


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Mar 3, 2007
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Popeyejones":1nn970zw said:
SF49r":1nn970zw said:
Great read.

Agreed. And it is definitely written more for Hawks fans than for 9ers fans. ;)

Definitely a farewell piece. No doubt about the authenticity of the author. The word "I" is used 109 times augmented with some "me" words. Sherm being Sherm. He is walking into an ideal defensive situation and theater. Should be entertaining for the Bay Area. No reason to think he won't have a full rehab. He does put in the work and practice.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Pete has three key team rules.

The three rules are: 1. Always protect the team. 2. No whining, no complaining, no excuses. 3. Be early. Those rules make sense. ... n-the.html

RS was of the view b/c he was a star that he somehow was exempt from those rules and should be allowed to shoot off his mouth slagging the coach his syle and coaching decisions. He simply didn't stay true to he rule of always protecting the team.

RS was fairly paid, and the team was kind enought to cut him early so he could finfd another situation. He needs to simply zip it, but of course we all know he can't do that so we get the "poor me I didn't want to leave" nonsense when he knew rules 1 and 2 were incapable of being complied with by him and he wouldn't. He's a great player but no single player is bigger than the team. His release was necessary to straighten out the cap mess created by going for it last season. All in all while we will miss him and his 'tude the team may be stronger as team without him. JMO.

I suspect that Pn'J had had their fill of RS and his kvetching. However, I agree that Pete messed up not axing both Bevell and Cable after after XLIX but they are gone now and so are/will the mouthpieces unprepared to toe the line and protect the team. veteran entitlement is something we will see reduced going forward as the team needs to be given priority over the individuals comprising the team. That said RS has a few valid points but comes off sounding a tad salty and butt hurt.

Make no mistake I love the player and thought what he brought to the team until after XLIX was extraordinary and special.