Russell Wilson is playing better than Gino

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Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
Can’t resist. Wilson: 18 TDS and 4 interceptions.

Jameis Winston had 15td and 3 ints with Payton in 7 games, with almost an equivalent passer rating and better pass success #s.

Which just proves that when you put a coach in charge of a qb who historically struggles to read defense, he can look really really good.

In terms of Comps, I don't know why there's a push to all of a sudden try to put Russ over Geno. Wait, I do. Because Russ is putting up nice stats and managing the game Payton is asking him to, well. But, what Russ has shown since he left, is that he has an issues processing plays. Last year, he didn't have the benefit of a coach hired long term who was given full authority to fix shi+. He thought Rodgers' OC would just call plays for him that would turn him into the next ARod. Instead, it just further exposed the fact that he can't make basic reads. See several games last year that are well documented that had his wrs running open everywhere, every game, and critics unanimously saying he just couldn't do it, all other factors aside.

All Payton has done is taken the burden of winning the game out of 3s hands. Hes not expectung him to push the ball or make the great read and throw with anticipation. Hes calling a game that completely allows Russ to drop back, miss a read if he deosnt call it or see it, and then check down to a safe outlet. Its why they are winning with a league low yard per play average and Russ has made a living dumping off the ball to RBs and wrs close to and behind the LOS.

I mean, Geno came in here last year and did things immediately that Russ never did.

Even this year in a bit of a slump, hes still processing plays and making reads mostly correctly, and at a level that thr last qb never did. What Geno cant do is just make the incredible play enturely on his own. He needs a solid plan to work from. Russ could work outsude the play, but not within it... whuch is why he always went outside of it.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tijuana/San Diego
It is funny, a couple of weeks ago Brandon Marshall was on one of the morning football shows talking about how Payton has Wilson running a high school level offense. Of course the marks don't see it or understand it, but hey he's got good numbers.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2010
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Jameis Winston had 15td and 3 ints with Payton in 7 games, with almost an equivalent passer rating and better pass success #s.

Which just proves that when you put a coach in charge of a qb who historically struggles to read defense, he can look really really good.

In terms of Comps, I don't know why there's a push to all of a sudden try to put Russ over Geno. Wait, I do. Because Russ is putting up nice stats and managing the game Payton is asking him to, well. But, what Russ has shown since he left, is that he has an issues processing plays. Last year, he didn't have the benefit of a coach hired long term who was given full authority to fix shi+. He thought Rodgers' OC would just call plays for him that would turn him into the next ARod. Instead, it just further exposed the fact that he can't make basic reads. See several games last year that are well documented that had his wrs running open everywhere, every game, and critics unanimously saying he just couldn't do it, all other factors aside.

All Payton has done is taken the burden of winning the game out of 3s hands. Hes not expectung him to push the ball or make the great read and throw with anticipation. Hes calling a game that completely allows Russ to drop back, miss a read if he deosnt call it or see it, and then check down to a safe outlet. Its why they are winning with a league low yard per play average and Russ has made a living dumping off the ball to RBs and wrs close to and behind the LOS.

I mean, Geno came in here last year and did things immediately that Russ never did.

Even this year in a bit of a slump, hes still processing plays and making reads mostly correctly, and at a level that thr last qb never did. What Geno cant do is just make the incredible play enturely on his own. He needs a solid plan to work from. Russ could work outsude the play, but not within it... whuch is why he always went outside of it.
Someone needs to give Jameis a chance to spread his wings. The NFL is more entertaining when he's out there.

This is spot-on analysis.

The Broncos' offense is effectively horizontal, with a sprinkling of low-probability shots down the field. Payton only takes the reigns off in the red zone or when playing from behind. It's an excruciating grinding style that relies heavily on Russell's ability to perform outside the system. Let me rephrase that: Russell is the system. And when he's struggling to make those low-probability plays, he makes everyone around him look worse than they are. With a good enough running game and a strong defense, the Broncos can win games and maybe be a fringe playoff team. But that style is not conducive to winning, and when they play disciplined defenses, they will struggle to score points.


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Sep 16, 2012
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I can't stand it when people spelle things wrong. Good grammer is fundementle.


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Nov 6, 2020
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Taboão da Serra, SP, Brazil
I find it curious that Russ has been treading sewage for a year and a half, but after two games a winner there are folks bringing up MVP possibilities. Amazing.

MVP as QB of the 29th passing attack in the league, behind several teams that have used multiple QBs? I consider that pretty unlikely.

I already thought the Russellettes telling us Wilson is playing "really well" this year was ridiculous. Really well compared to last year, sure, but that's a really low bar.

Payton has Wilson locked down in a lower-risk, lower-return version of Russball (which the Russellettes insisted on calling "Peteball"), in the bottom tercile or bottom quartile of the league in passing yards, passing attempts, intended air yards on pass attempts, and actual air yards on completions.
That is, Payton's solution for how to get something out of his outrageously overpriced QB was to reduce the length of the throws and the number of them.
The result is that Wilson has much-better-than-last-year rate stats like completion%, int%, TD%, and passer rating, and the Russellettes point to those and say it shows Wilson is playing really well, but in actual value produced, he's still in the bottom tercile or quartile in the league (plus he still has has pretty sucky rate stats like sack%, success%, DVOA, and QBR).
"Playing well" was already very wrong. He's managing games well enough in a super-simplified system in which he's asked to do very little. The idea of Wilson getting even a single MVP vote (which would be the first in his career) based on his performance so far this season is just out-of-this-world ridiculous.

In another thread, in I asked whether the Broncos can designate Wilson as a post-June 1 cut and simultaneously have him not considered to be on their roster as of the fifth day of the league year, which I believe will be St. Patrick's Day, @bmorepunk replied with an article from PFF that said they can (so Wilson is officially cut after June 1, but he's somehow not on their roster on March 17, and therefore doesn't have his $37M 2025 salary fully guaranteed). When I said it looked like PFF thought they could do that, @bmorepunk said the Denver media do too.

If Wilson were actually playing as well as Wilson fans pretend he is, why on Earth would the Denver media be gaming out the best strategy for the Broncos to get rid of Wilson? If they cut him after this season, it ends up being $124M for one season of one of the bottom three starting QBs in the league, plus (up to) one season of a bottom tercile QB in value. If Wilson were actually playing well, the Broncos would be looking to have him play out the contract not only for the on-the-field value, but also to reduce the APY of the contract to $49M. Instead, they're hoping the Broncos will jettison Wilson and just move on and live with having paid $62M per year for two years of not-good QB performance.


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Oct 14, 2012
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In a lofty place tanglin' with Satan over history.
Russell Wilson is an interesting cat. On one hand you have the weirdos like john63 who acts like he's a diehard fan of the Donkeys now, going to great lengths to avenge him. Strange shit.

On the other hand, you have the keasley's of the world and the like that have turned Russell Wilson "truthing" into pretty much a cottage industry. Almost triple digit posts/replies to mere mentions of son's name, and damn near all of them are 5+ paragraphs minimum, and I would hope that he's just repeating himself. Equally strange.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
MVP as QB of the 29th passing attack in the league, behind several teams that have used multiple QBs? I consider that pretty unlikely.
You sir aren't getting it, Russell Wilson will always be the MVP to his fanboys on dot net if not for that useless Pete Carroll and his Peteball.
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