Russ benched

Fernie Hawks Fan

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Dec 16, 2013
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Fernie, B.C. Canada
An interesting little tidbit about Russ' contract with the Donks...IF they cut him after this season the number of snaps he would have under the new contract would be ZERO.
Too bad it wasn't Mr. Ed that gave him that contract.


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Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
I don't feel bad for any professional athlete making tens of millions per year to play a game. So his ego took a hit, whoopty doo, he's set for life. He wanted the celebrity lifestyle, he got it with all the pros and cons
That's one side of what my thoughts are. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Russell craved every second in the limelight, published details about his personal life on social media like he doesn't take a crap for 3 days, parades his wife around in a dress that would make a hooker turn red, etc. He's getting well compensated for his troubles.

But on the other hand, he's a decent guy, has done a ton of charity work, doesn't engage in pissing contests with other players, reporters, fans, is a law-abiding citizen. There are lots worse personalities out there.


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Apr 21, 2011
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Personal stats vs team wins. He can still play, but Ds know him now and what he's willing/unwilling to do. He could be a really good back-up if he's willing but.... Otherwise, he'll probably try the booth and that will be horrific. Public Speaking is not a skill he's attained. He's unlimited so he could try coaching (Prime could bring him in and get some social media traffic) or something in entertainment.

Thanks for the magic in Seattle and thanks to Pete for managing the nursery. Too bad he felt the need to blow it up, but c'est la vie.


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Mar 30, 2010
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corner of 30th & plum
This is the problem with todays modern NFL, its Discipline, and Toughness. Who cares about players personal lifes. Just kick some dirt on them and send'em back in the game. Its the game that counts.

Its the running that will destroy today modern NFL's defenses, Just watch the play-offs and you'll see, the ream who wins this years championship will be a team with a top 5 running game.

Russ is a huge whimp. Dam drama Queen !!!


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Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
But because the announcer said the words "running for his life", all the pro-Russ crowd will see is a bad offensive line.

We had ten seasons of this.
Which is why I keep bringing up Russell's time to throw numbers. Can you imagine having to block for a QB who takes as long to throw the ball as Russell does? When he went on the air and said that he was "getting hit too much", I lost a ton of respect for the man. It wouldn't have been so bad if he would have recognized the difficulties that OL's face when trying to block for a scrambling QB, but he made it sound like he was blaming his problems on the OL.


Jan 3, 2013
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The line was objectively really bad numerous years tho with Russ here so to just say it was 100% on Russ when we lead the league in quick pressure rate or near it multiple times seems a little revisionist to me. Russ also saved us a lot with his improvising when nothing else would work because we couldn’t run block either.

Russ did cause a ton of sacks too no doubt it’s just when he was in his prime the trade off wa worth it because he could make the miracle play at such a high succession rate. Once he lost that ability it just wasn’t/isn’t sustainable. A lot of guys with similar styles suffered the same fate. Mobile QBs have to adapt as they age to stay competitive.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
The line was objectively really bad numerous years tho with Russ here so to just say it was 100% on Russ when we lead the league in quick pressure rate or near it multiple times seems a little revisionist to me. Russ also saved us a lot with his improvising when nothing else would work because we couldn’t run block either.

Russ did cause a ton of sacks too no doubt it’s just when he was in his prime the trade off wa worth it because he could make the miracle play at such a high succession rate. Once he lost that ability it just wasn’t/isn’t sustainable. A lot of guys with similar styles suffered the same fate. Mobile QBs have to adapt as they age to stay competitive.
It's true that our OL was below par. It has been for some time. It was below par in our SB seasons, but that was back when Russell was quicker and more elusive. He could make up for their deficiencies.

Plus, defenses started getting smart. They knew that his first instinct was to break the pocket to the outside vs. stepping up into it, so they would take more of an outside rush. I can remember countless occasions when Russell would try that little reverse spin move that used to work so well but he'd run smack into an edge rusher his LT was trying to push to the outside of the pocket.

I thought that when they brought in Shane Waldron, that it was an attempt to get Russell into more of a Rams-style offense, quicker developing plays. But it didn't work. 2021 was a disaster.

What you say is true, that it wasn't all on Russell. But it's a bad combination when you take a substandard OL unit then put them under even more pressure by having them block for a quarterback that takes forever to throw the ball. The same thing happened in Denver last year when he was the most sacked QB in the league and this season where he's still in the top 3 in taking sacks. It's not a coincidence.
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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2013
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The line was objectively really bad numerous years tho with Russ here so to just say it was 100% on Russ when we lead the league in quick pressure rate or near it multiple times seems a little revisionist to me. Russ also saved us a lot with his improvising when nothing else would work because we couldn’t run block either.

Russ did cause a ton of sacks too no doubt it’s just when he was in his prime the trade off wa worth it because he could make the miracle play at such a high succession rate. Once he lost that ability it just wasn’t/isn’t sustainable. A lot of guys with similar styles suffered the same fate. Mobile QBs have to adapt as they age to stay competitive.

James in PA

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Dec 4, 2013
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I'm glad Me3 provided his side. That's about the most authentic you will see him be. Interesting that they approached him after they beat the Chiefs (which he mentioned multiple times in the interview lol) Sounds like the Donks screwed up again. Way to kill any sort of momentum you had going at the time.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Just goes to show that Russ never was, and never will be, a team player.

Yesterday, the PR battle against the Broncos was by way of tweet likes and the god tweet.

Today, it's the on camera comments about the injury guarantee.

Just goes to show he isn't about football. Never really was. All about the image, the brand. All about that.


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Mar 20, 2022
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Bournemouth, UK

Not sure how they plan to ditch his contract. They are $18m over the cap next year already.
It will increase the 2024 cap hit for Wilson from $35.4M to $85M. It's a short-term $50M wrecking ball. However, they have 9 other players who are due $10M or more in 2024. The Broncos could restructure some/all of those contracts to be under the 2024 cap figure before they have to consider any potential cuts. Pain before gain.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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This actually makes me feel bad for Me3 lol. As corny as he is that's pretty classless from the donks

He's always been good at playing the victim or looking like the good guy. That's his game.

He has millions already in the bank. So, he lost a chance at another 37 million. Oh the humanity! Oh let the tears flow.

Zero compassion from me.

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