Report: Jim Harbaugh's act has 'worn thin' with 49ers


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Like most if not all, I am no fan of Harbaugh's. I don't even like his dad. But true to form, these 9er people are all about the whining. 3 NFC title games in 3 years and losing this year to one of the best teams in history, by just this much > l insert tip here l?

Unless Harbaugh wants 10 mil per, and maybe even then, Ballke and the rest should just STFU and be glad they have this social retard at the helm. And I say this as a guy that screamed "Harbaugh will implode the 9ers". I admit that was wrong. When they left the RO this year, with that Non-QB Kaep at the helm, I just knew my prediction would be accurate. I proclaimed "The Rams will finish ahead of the 9ers". Again, I was wrong.

I don't give a rat's ass whether Harbaugh comes or goes. Our coach is just as good, probably better. Would I rather have a crap coach take over the 9ers? Sure...but I also enjoy those priceless looks of defeat on Harbaugh's face. It just wouldn't be the same if he were elsewhere.


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Harbaughs a douche. I have no real feeling one way or another towards the situation as I dont care for Harbaugh, I think Balke is over rated and theyre back to dysfunctional ways.

The feeling there is a lot of coaches can win with that roster. Maybe they are right but I dont know?

Calling Kap a non QB is getting tired. I cant stand looking at him or his interviews but lets get real.


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The source material for the piece is here. Essentially, the league's writer focuses on a couple quotes from the SFgate column, which is of course, long on anonymous sources and writer opinion and short on info. Usual off-season stuff, I guess. It's pretty hard to imagine 'ole Coach Douche's act not wearing thin, of course, but we'll have to wait and see...

Hopefully, this post will forestall the customary vigorous maumau session from the usual suspects. :D


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CALIHAWK1":hq4p8lkl said:
Harbaughs a douche. I have no real feeling one way or another towards the situation as I dont care for Harbaugh, I think Balke is over rated and theyre back to dysfunctional ways.

The feeling there is a lot of coaches can win with that roster. Maybe they are right but I dont know?

Calling Kap a non QB is getting tired. I cant stand looking at him or his interviews but lets get real.

Clearly I called Kaep a "non-QB" (as in) coming into this year. What was he last year without his legs? A top QB?

I've said repeatedly that he impressed me in huge fashion THIS year. People commenting on subjects, without clear comprehension of what they are commenting "getting tired".

And just who is it that is feeling the 9ers could win with "a lot of coaches"? I've not heard this and I live in "Niner nation". So, let's keep it "real".


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VivaEfrenHerrera":ebb6bx38 said:
The source material for the piece is here. Essentially, the league's writer focuses on a couple quotes from the SFgate column, which is of course, long on anonymous sources and writer opinion and short on info. Usual off-season stuff, I guess. It's pretty hard to imagine 'ole Coach Douche's act not wearing thin, of course, but we'll have to wait and see...

Hopefully, this post will forestall the customary vigorous maumau session from the usual suspects. :D

I have no doubt Harbaugh grates on the nerves of most everyone around him. But that can also be said for Bill, Parcells, Landry, Shula, Noll, Lombardi, Ditka just to name a few. Great coaches are typically egomaniacs and with very few exceptions. But the great ones win games (and championships) and I'm of the opinion that at the end of the day, that is all that matters. Damn...I hate to stick up for Harbaugh in any capacity, but to get rid of the chump because he rubs people wrong, should be grounds for firing the GM, IMO.


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HawkWow":3lolpvei said:
CALIHAWK1":3lolpvei said:
Harbaughs a douche. I have no real feeling one way or another towards the situation as I dont care for Harbaugh, I think Balke is over rated and theyre back to dysfunctional ways.

The feeling there is a lot of coaches can win with that roster. Maybe they are right but I dont know?

Calling Kap a non QB is getting tired. I cant stand looking at him or his interviews but lets get real.

Clearly I called Kaep a "non-QB" (as in) coming into this year. What was he last year without his legs? A top QB?

I've said repeatedly that he impressed me in huge fashion THIS year. People commenting on subjects, without clear comprehension of what they are commenting "getting tired".

And just who is it that is feeling the 9ers could win with "a lot of coaches"? I've not heard this and I live in "Niner nation". So, let's keep it "real".

I wasn't really refering to you, its the board in general. I dont particullarly care for some of his stuff but he has played well enough to stop the everything he does .........

As far as the thought that other coaches can win with that roster, I will try to find it. It came out when the Browns story broke. It was the same article that stated they felt Baalke was more responsible, I cant remember exact wording, for their success. Wether it was the writer speculating on the mood or actual source stating it, I dont know.

And keeping it real its 2014. Living somewhere doesnt mean exclusive information. The internet is crazy like that.

Not the exact article I was exactly looking for but it points out what I was getting at.


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Yes, the internet is a wonderful thing. The problem is you have a lot of newbs, that while well spoken and oft times presenting good information, are still newbs. A 21 yr old fan may be most knowledgeable about his team today...but I have a hard time with him when he starts with the greatest ever talk (for example). So the net is cool, but it has it's limitations. I have this problem with guys in our boxing forums: "Pacquiao would have beaten Duran". It's not that they are's just that they don't know. ; )

I busted out the I live in Niner nation thing because the majority of Niner fans I know, many of them employees, are hardcore fans. Begrudgingly they will admit Harbaugh is an ahole, but never have I heard any of them say they want him gone. Just the opposite.

Referring to their loss in Seattle, they blame Kaep and Crabtree and do so for a plethora of reasons: Mainly, they feel Crabtree constantly whines (the irony) for the ball and that he somehow intimidates Kaep (?). I don't know of these things because I don't care to know. But they all seem happy with Harbaugh, believe he's better than PC, and for the most part, they have mixed emotions on Kaep. They want better, but they also don't want to let him walk.

Anyway, whether we agree or disagree, I respect your position on the subject.


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Sep 10, 2010
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Nope, nope nope, for the most part.

This is members of THE MEDIA finally "getting back" at Harbaugh for being short with them all the time. To be sure, it's his just rewards. You reap what you sow. But I can assure you, any "douche-y-ness" Harbaugh exhibits is vastly overshadowed by being the only coach ever to get to three straight conference championships in his first three years, and this was done with nearly the same roster that went 6-10 the previous year. So basically, while I think this particular report is bullshit, that there is probably ONE player who doesn't like him (and it's probably someone on their way out due to cap concerns), for the most part winning cures all evils.

Still, this is most certainly bullshit strewn across the internet either as a FU to Harbaugh for being a jerk to the media or as an opportunistic attempt to capitalize on the media circus of the Browns attempt to trade for him. Nothing more. Few people please everyone. This is just over-exaggerated hype flying on the coattails of the Browns attempt to trade for Harbaugh.


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^ I agree. Except there's likely more than one player that dislikes Jim. But who cares? Those players probably like winning more than they dislike Jim, so they keep their mouths shut.

On this board, we really hate Jim and for a myriad of reasons. Most of them not very good reasons, actually.

I didn't like Jim whining about the aggressive play of our DBs. That pissed me off. But I don't know the guy. Others hate him because he honked his horn at our bus. WTH? He didn't flip us the finger...he honked his horn. I couldn't care less.

Some hate him because of Sherm. Let's be real fellas, Sherm is a guy that also rubs people the wrong way. Did Harbaugh try to mess Sherm up leaving Stanford? Probably. I can see how the two egos would clash. Sherm is a guy that always has to have the last word. I can't imagine that being acceptable to Harbaugh and/or most coaches in the history of either league. I'm a Sherm guy 100%, but I think RS is damn fortunate to be playing for Pete. Most would have quashed his antics long ago. Good for Pete.


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It's really a shame that we have 49er fans who are knowledgeable about their team on board. Not because I disrespect other fans, but because I would LOVE for these reports to be true. I never hated the Niners as much as when Harbaugh took over, just because of the manner in which he conducts himself. If he would simply PRETEND to be a decent guy... I'm a fanatic, so this is to be expected. My litmus test is my wife, and even she can't stand him.


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My first thought on this story: This is what Harbaugh gets for treating the local media like crap. I wouldn't doubt there are some bay area journalists who would be fine with covering a worse 49ers team if it meant not having to deal with Hardouche anymore. The story originates from a SF area journalist. It is too harmful to simply chalk up as a reporter going for a routine inside scoop, I sense other motivations at work.

5_Golden_Rings":184wl11c said:
Still, this is most certainly bullshit strewn across the internet either as a FU to Harbaugh for being a jerk to the media or as an opportunistic attempt to capitalize on the media circus of the Browns attempt to trade for him. Nothing more. Few people please everyone. This is just over-exaggerated hype flying on the coattails of the Browns attempt to trade for Harbaugh.

We had the same thought about the media.

But given Harbaugh's history as an NFL QB, his history at Stanford, the Browns trade report, the numerous documented cases of dysfunction with Baalke, the overly passionate and demonstrative negative sideline demeanor... seems like there is a lot of smoke right now, no? True or not, it is hard to dismiss this report out of hand. Numerous other coaches have lost jobs despite fantastic success because they were disliked internally.

If I was a 49ers fan I think I'd actually want Harbaugh traded at this point, because at least if you trade him right now you'd get a ton coming back. Then turn around and steal away Dan Quinn from Seattle to be your new HC. You do that, and the headaches are gone, and the losses minimal. And you kick your hated rival in the nuts while doing it. What I would be afraid of as a 49ers fan is a scenario where Harbaugh leaves in 2015 or 2016 with little to no compensation. And right now that scenario is looking less and less unlikely by the day.

As far as the trade rumor, I believe the official version of the story that Harbaugh thought it over and said no. I believe it. I also believe that had he said yes, he'd be in Cleveland as fast as possible.


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Most of us have commented that once the Niners start to lose it will begin to unravel quickly. Only the most blind Niners fans would deny this.

This is not news.

As for CK--that TD throw to Boldin in the NFC Championship game should silence ALL doubters about his ability to play QB in this league. He may be the QB of my most hated team and be an utter douche...but the kid has skills, no doubt.


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Trenchbroom":2hlnq77o said:
Most of us have commented that once the Niners start to lose it will begin to unravel quickly. Only the most blind Niners fans would deny this.

This is not news.

As for CK--that TD throw to Boldin in the NFC Championship game should silence ALL doubters about his ability to play QB in this league. He may be the QB of my most hated team and be an utter douche...but the kid has skills, no doubt.

While Im not a doubter. Im actually one that thinks he gets a bum wrap but I wouldnt use that throw in particular to warrant his value. It was a very risky throw and Earl was just enough off balance not to get a good jump. He made the throw and Im not taking anything away from him as a QB but he kind of got away with one. He made plenty of other throws throughout the season that validate him.


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Aug 20, 2013
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re: the quoted source, it wouldn't surprise me at all if this were true.

From the piece it seems like she's characterizing a sources impressions/conversations/observations of a player or some players, rather than having gotten this from the players themselves, which makes more sense. I can think of more than a couple 9ers players who might feel this way, but have more trouble thinking of someone who would actually say it to a reporter.


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5_Golden_Rings":1f26gu0e said:
Nope, nope nope, for the most part.

This is members of THE MEDIA finally "getting back" at Harbaugh for being short with them all the time. To be sure, it's his just rewards. You reap what you sow. But I can assure you, any "douche-y-ness" Harbaugh exhibits is vastly overshadowed by being the only coach ever to get to three straight conference championships in his first three years, and this was done with nearly the same roster that went 6-10 the previous year. So basically, while I think this particular report is bullshit, that there is probably ONE player who doesn't like him (and it's probably someone on their way out due to cap concerns), for the most part winning cures all evils.

Still, this is most certainly bullshit strewn across the internet either as a FU to Harbaugh for being a jerk to the media or as an opportunistic attempt to capitalize on the media circus of the Browns attempt to trade for him. Nothing more. Few people please everyone. This is just over-exaggerated hype flying on the coattails of the Browns attempt to trade for Harbaugh.

Isn't it about time to change your name to "5_really_old_rings"?


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5_Golden_Rings":j2vlr49f said:
Nope, nope nope, for the most part.

This is members of THE MEDIA finally "getting back" at Harbaugh for being short with them all the time. To be sure, it's his just rewards. You reap what you sow. But I can assure you, any "douche-y-ness" Harbaugh exhibits is vastly overshadowed by being the only coach ever to get to three straight conference championships in his first three years, and this was done with nearly the same roster that went 6-10 the previous year. So basically, while I think this particular report is bullshit, that there is probably ONE player who doesn't like him (and it's probably someone on their way out due to cap concerns), for the most part winning cures all evils.

Still, this is most certainly bullshit strewn across the internet either as a FU to Harbaugh for being a jerk to the media or as an opportunistic attempt to capitalize on the media circus of the Browns attempt to trade for him. Nothing more. Few people please everyone. This is just over-exaggerated hype flying on the coattails of the Browns attempt to trade for Harbaugh.

Could you please explain how you're in a position to assure anyone of this? I'm curious, do you have better access to the 49er players, Harbaugh or the front office than the press? But at a more basic level, what makes you think that this report is bs? Is it a feeling in your gut? Do you possess some unique ability to sniff out douche-y-ness?

Just curious.

Sports Hernia

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rigelian":3v044box said:
5_Golden_Rings":3v044box said:
Nope, nope nope, for the most part.

This is members of THE MEDIA finally "getting back" at Harbaugh for being short with them all the time. To be sure, it's his just rewards. You reap what you sow. But I can assure you, any "douche-y-ness" Harbaugh exhibits is vastly overshadowed by being the only coach ever to get to three straight conference championships in his first three years, and this was done with nearly the same roster that went 6-10 the previous year. So basically, while I think this particular report is bullshit, that there is probably ONE player who doesn't like him (and it's probably someone on their way out due to cap concerns), for the most part winning cures all evils.

Still, this is most certainly bullshit strewn across the internet either as a FU to Harbaugh for being a jerk to the media or as an opportunistic attempt to capitalize on the media circus of the Browns attempt to trade for him. Nothing more. Few people please everyone. This is just over-exaggerated hype flying on the coattails of the Browns attempt to trade for Harbaugh.

Could you please explain how you're in a position to assure anyone of this? I'm curious, do you have better access to the 49er players, Harbaugh or the front office than the press? But at a more basic level, what makes you think that this report is bs? Is it a feeling in your gut? Do you possess some unique ability to sniff out douche-y-ness?

Just curious.
Like Popeye and Marvin, it's just wishful thinking.


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Apr 25, 2013
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Beginning of the end, hope the Niner Faithfull enjoy there 3 straight conference championship games. Cause its all going to come tumbling down. hope you remember accomplishing nothing boys:).