Pete and his Timeouts


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Aug 19, 2013
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Was watching the USC vs Texas 2006 NCG today on ESPN. What a game it was! Anyhow, what I noticed was that at the very end when Texas scores to go ahead by one with 20 seconds left and line up for a two-point conversion. What happens then is a TIMEOUT call before the play is snapped, BY WHOM?? By our dear Pete Carroll. It didnt make sense in any possible way why he would waste such a valuable timeout. And I kind of laughed, noticing that I have seen this characteristic of Pete so many times in his time up here as well.

In the last game vs the Cardinals, there were some timeouts called in the game at the most awkward timings. If I can remember, two of them were called on their 3rd downs and after the timeouts they got huge first downs. Lets not forget the poor time management in a few other games this season and the famous timeout last year when trying to freeze the Falcons Kickers at the end.

There have been much more head-shaking timeout calls and time managements in Pete's era here. So I am wondering that is Pete himself responsible for time management and timeout calling or does he have someone else dealing with these. If so, that person needs to be replaced. If Its Pete himself, He really needs to give this a thought and receive more assistance from the staff about this issue. Last year, we could have gone all the way if not for the unfortunate timeout. I hope this issue doesn't become a reason of us not making it to the Superbowl this year!


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Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
Pete has gotten much better at managing time and time outs but he has help with that. I don't know who they are but he says people are assigned to keep him from making those mistakes and I think it's working. It's certainly working for the challenge flags, I think he has one of the best, if not the best success percentage in getting plays overturned. He wasn't going to challenge that AZ turn over but Sherm looked very emphatic about it and I think that's what made Pete throw the flag.


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Oct 31, 2009
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At least one of the timeouts last Sunday was because we had 12 men on the field and not enough time to fix it.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Pete is still super reckless with timeouts, and it had a big part in costing us the Indianapolis game. I wish he'd take some lessons from Marc Trestman about how to properly value them. It does make me happy when I watch the 49ers and see that another good coach, Jim Harbaugh, is even more of a reckless idiot with his timeouts than Pete is. Sort of evens that factor between the two teams out at least, though I wish Pete would truly get a clue and grab an edge in this regard. I, for one, don't want to see Russell Wilson calling timeouts in the 3rd quarter because the play clock is running out. Beyond the failure in coaching that even gets us to that point in communicating the play to the field, I think the five-yard penalty would often be better to take than the burnt timeout.


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May 25, 2012
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in an interview i heard him say carl smith the qb coach helps him with time management/timeouts but i think its usually pete who calls them in situations like when there's too many men on the field or when he wants to get the right formation in for an important down. ultimately its on him.