NFC West predictions for 2013

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Jan 6, 2013
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New Orleans
Haha, c'mon guys! I'm providing back-up here and ya'll sticking up for the Ninnies! Friendly fire guys, same team! :lol:

One of these days I'm tellin' ya, one of these days straight to the moon! :0190l:


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Apr 30, 2009
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Lake Tapps, WA
IronSaint":31tkm1kk said:
And what part of Roland's statement is incorrect? Kaepernick does make poor decisions when he's under pressure. The last 49ers' offensive series of the SB proved that. He doesn't progress through is reads as he should; he's either doing a 1-2 read then run, or straight run.

I meant to reply to this part of the post too, because it is exactly what I see in Kaepersnout. The point about his reads is dead-on. That is his game right there. I think taking the edge from him is huge. Add in the clock management and the fact that he does get rattled and what we have is an extremely physically gifted QB that uses those abilities to make up for the other issues. CK is good at it and that is why I call him a game changer.

Wilson does not carry that baggage. I'm not saying he was perfect, but there just wasn't many WTH moments with RW. He has those same abilities that Kaepertool does, without the raw break away speed that CK gets on the edge, but he takes big chunks of yardage on the ground and typically slides for self-preservation. Oh yeah, he spreads the ball around like mad, looks for his 3rd-4th options and can throw a timing/touch/fade pass line nobody's business. All the concerns about him being too short were put to rest. There are still some hanging on to his size as an issue, but that is usually from a Niner fan.

Wilson will be the reason that the Hawks win the NFCW. Right now I think they join GB, The Skins and NO as division winners in the NFC for 2013.


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Dec 17, 2012
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SeAhAwKeR4life":c5fa3opm said:
Naw you guys won't be back. I doubt you make the NFC championship. And Kaep, I know y'all think he's great, but that's gonna be short lived, just you wait and see. :mrgreen:

lol at the wishful thinking. Nice well thought out breakdown.

Hawks are going to be in the mix for not just the NFC west but the NFC title, as of right now the Niners are the better team and have an even better chance of doing the same. Truth is until the season starts we wont really know which teams are "on" their game this year. Its clear you have a serious confidence issue if you need to rely on things like "niners wont make it" "superbowl hangover" kaeperkick will decline" as the basis of your arguments. The good news is a lack of self confidence masquerading as confidence (Kapernick/Harbaugh, yada yada nonsense) isnt going to change the actual outcomes one iota. Lets see what happens.... cant wait for the draft and the season.

My prediction, niners will win the NFC west and the Hawks will make the playoffs.


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Jun 11, 2012
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Seattle: 13-3
San Fran: 12-4
St. Louis: 9-7
Arizona: 5-11


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Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
Goldrush":1vsd1kie said:
SeAhAwKeR4life":1vsd1kie said:
Naw you guys won't be back. I doubt you make the NFC championship. And Kaep, I know y'all think he's great, but that's gonna be short lived, just you wait and see. :mrgreen:

lol at the wishful thinking. Nice well thought out breakdown.

Hawks are going to be in the mix for not just the NFC west but the NFC title, as of right now the Niners are the better team and have an even better chance of doing the same. Truth is until the season starts we wont really know which teams are "on" their game this year. Its clear you have a serious confidence issue if you need to rely on things like "niners wont make it" "superbowl hangover" kaeperkick will decline" as the basis of your arguments. The good news is a lack of self confidence masquerading as confidence (Kapernick/Harbaugh, yada yada nonsense) isnt going to change the actual outcomes one iota. Lets see what happens.... cant wait for the draft and the season.

My prediction, niners will win the NFC west and the Hawks will make the playoffs.

how are you the better team again?


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Jan 23, 2013
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hawker84":2krvihaf said:
Goldrush":2krvihaf said:
SeAhAwKeR4life":2krvihaf said:
Naw you guys won't be back. I doubt you make the NFC championship. And Kaep, I know y'all think he's great, but that's gonna be short lived, just you wait and see. :mrgreen:

lol at the wishful thinking. Nice well thought out breakdown.

Hawks are going to be in the mix for not just the NFC west but the NFC title, as of right now the Niners are the better team and have an even better chance of doing the same. Truth is until the season starts we wont really know which teams are "on" their game this year. Its clear you have a serious confidence issue if you need to rely on things like "niners wont make it" "superbowl hangover" kaeperkick will decline" as the basis of your arguments. The good news is a lack of self confidence masquerading as confidence (Kapernick/Harbaugh, yada yada nonsense) isnt going to change the actual outcomes one iota. Lets see what happens.... cant wait for the draft and the season.

My prediction, niners will win the NFC west and the Hawks will make the playoffs.

how are you the better team again?

Here's one article to help answer your question: ... in-the-nfl


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Dec 17, 2012
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hawker84":2qlsuf6b said:
Goldrush":2qlsuf6b said:
SeAhAwKeR4life":2qlsuf6b said:
Naw you guys won't be back. I doubt you make the NFC championship. And Kaep, I know y'all think he's great, but that's gonna be short lived, just you wait and see. :mrgreen:

lol at the wishful thinking. Nice well thought out breakdown.

Hawks are going to be in the mix for not just the NFC west but the NFC title, as of right now the Niners are the better team and have an even better chance of doing the same. Truth is until the season starts we wont really know which teams are "on" their game this year. Its clear you have a serious confidence issue if you need to rely on things like "niners wont make it" "superbowl hangover" kaeperkick will decline" as the basis of your arguments. The good news is a lack of self confidence masquerading as confidence (Kapernick/Harbaugh, yada yada nonsense) isnt going to change the actual outcomes one iota. Lets see what happens.... cant wait for the draft and the season.

My prediction, niners will win the NFC west and the Hawks will make the playoffs.

how are you the better team again?

How are we not? We had the better season, played consistently better than u did, have better players overall position by position and have a batter cap+draft situation to improve our team. To answer u, pretty much by every measurable. Doesn't mean we are a LOT better or that we will be better, just that we are as of now.


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May 1, 2009
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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
Goldrush":2we96yfr said:
have better players overall position by position and have a batter cap+draft situation to improve our team. To answer u, pretty much by every measurable. Doesn't mean we are a LOT better or that we will be better, just that we are as of now.

Now you're just being a...I'm not going to say it, but your POST is stupid as hell. Do you really believe you have better players at each position on the field? Jesus Christ, I can't wait until you watch 2013 unfold.


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Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
Here's one article to help answer your question: ... in-the-nfl

well that's a very cute argument, doesn't mean crap though.. how bout we gage our teams on our two head to head match ups.. i would say it's pretty obvious Seattle was the better team last season.


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Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
How are we not? We had the better season, played consistently better than u did, have better players overall position by position and have a batter cap+draft situation to improve our team. To answer u, pretty much by every measurable. Doesn't mean we are a LOT better or that we will be better, just that we are as of now.

you played consistantly? win win loss, that's pretty consistant alright...

better players, i'll take our db's over yours any day... other than Linebackers and O line, i'd say we're pretty even accross the board..

you barely beat us at home, and got curb stomped at our place.. you couldn't beat the rams, we split... again how were you better last season?


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May 10, 2009
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hawker84":2wbdmz22 said:
How are we not? We had the better season, played consistently better than u did, have better players overall position by position and have a batter cap+draft situation to improve our team. To answer u, pretty much by every measurable. Doesn't mean we are a LOT better or that we will be better, just that we are as of now.

you played consistantly? win win loss, that's pretty consistant alright...

better players, i'll take our db's over yours any day... other than Linebackers and O line, i'd say we're pretty even accross the board..

you barely beat us at home, and got curb stomped at our place.. you couldn't beat the rams, we split... again how were you better last season?

Because they made the super bowl dude. Give it up, they had the better year last year, we will have the better year this coming season.


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Feb 22, 2013
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Harbaugh drafts CFL Pro Bowlers. PC/JS Draft NFL All Pros

*Edit* This is my 2013 prediction. Also my 2012 and 2011


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Dec 17, 2012
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RolandDeschain":1pch0smd said:
Goldrush":1pch0smd said:
have better players overall position by position and have a batter cap+draft situation to improve our team. To answer u, pretty much by every measurable. Doesn't mean we are a LOT better or that we will be better, just that we are as of now.

Now you're just being a...I'm not going to say it, but your POST is stupid as hell. Do you really believe you have better players at each position on the field? Jesus Christ, I can't wait until you watch 2013 unfold.

When looking at all positions yes we have a better overall amount of positional talent. No it doesnt mean our guy at every single position is better than each guy on the seahawks, You misunderstood me. If you looked at the measurables by all the key positions we come out on top overall.

Here's an article that spells it out pretty clear so I dont have to say it... ... in-the-nfl


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Dec 17, 2012
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hawker84":d8lfg77z said:
Here's one article to help answer your question: ... in-the-nfl

well that's a very cute argument, doesn't mean crap though.. how bout we gage our teams on our two head to head match ups.. i would say it's pretty obvious Seattle was the better team last season.

You won one and lost one. That proves nothing. Every team has good and bad days both teams included, if you want to start pulling single games out our *** every team in the league can make that argument. I could rant on the Packers or the Falcons games but I wont, cuz a single game here or there, good or bad,proves nothing.


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Dec 17, 2012
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hawker84":24dg18tq said:
How are we not? We had the better season, played consistently better than u did, have better players overall position by position and have a batter cap+draft situation to improve our team. To answer u, pretty much by every measurable. Doesn't mean we are a LOT better or that we will be better, just that we are as of now.

you played consistantly? win win loss, that's pretty consistant alright...

better players, i'll take our db's over yours any day... other than Linebackers and O line, i'd say we're pretty even accross the board..

you barely beat us at home, and got curb stomped at our place.. you couldn't beat the rams, we split... again how were you better last season?

Yes, our record was consistent compared to most teams, yours included, which is one of the key reasons why we ended up in the Super Bowl and you didnt.

You could make the argument you have better DB's, certainly the best corner of the group but its arguable overall. We have 3 pro bowlers/All pros in our secondary plus some promising young role players so regardless its not a dire weakness for us. We do need to a top flight CB to solidify that group.

We beat you and you beat us. Thats all their is to it and nothing to gain to from saying it means anything else. Rams game means nothing in relation to the issue at hand. Shall I go through all of your losses? I wont it doesnt prove anything unless you look at the total body of work and in that regard the Hawks as of today are the lesser team. Will that be the case in the future, well who knows thats what we're all excited to see. The reality is the Hawks and the Niners are two of the better positioned teams to compete for not just divisional and conference titles but superbowl for the next 6-8 years. I wouldnt be surprised to see both teams appear in multiple SB's and win at least 1 each in that stretch the way things are shaping up.


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Dec 17, 2012
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Brahn":1qckmkn5 said:
Harbaugh drafts CFL Pro Bowlers. PC/JS Draft NFL All Pros

*Edit* This is my 2013 prediction. Also my 2012 and 2011

Harbaugh doesnt draft players for the most part, the only 1 we know can be pinned on him is Colin Kaepernick which is nothing short of a home run as of today.

For your prediction to be true it would be completely contrary to all the evidence built over the last half decade (which basically means its wishful thinking), no team has drafted better than the 49ers in that stretch and there's no reason to think that changes as long as many of the same guys are making the personnel decisions (which they are).


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Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
you beat us 13 to 6 at home, we beat you 42 to 13 at home.. we beat the rams, you didn't... we beat the vikings , you didn't... we also beat the packers, NE , Chicago same as you..

i agree , every given sunday.. but we beat you soundly here and should have beat you at your place, if our recievers/backs didn't drop a ton of passes, and i think any level headed niner fan will agree....

and losing every third game is consisantly inconsistant at best....

your db's damn near cost you the Championship game and cost you the superbowl, ours were one of our only strengths on defense during the playoff run..

and if you want to try and get into all those first road half losses, keep in mind we were sporting a new rookie qb working with less than half the playbook, and not getting the opportunity to air the ball out... but yet we were still in every game until the final whistle... can your team say the same?

we can go back and forth, it's just my opinion after all.
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