Marvin, there's still plenty of room on our bandwagon...


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peachesenregalia":1h57pfkh said:

Poor Marvin. His blind optimism, brazen homerism and ridiculous spin are now catching the wrath of even the 'faithful'.

We've been telling you that the plebzone is a toilet for years now, mate. Looks like you're finally starting to realize that. Come on over and talk shop with us. We're your friends, Marvin, we're not like the others....

What in particular are you pointing out about that thread?

That Marvin thinks the anti-York banner was pointless and that York isn't intentionally trying to destroy the team, but people who are out for York blood disagree with him?

If he wants less York bashing he should hang out with Seahawks fans? :lol:

The two things happening, IMO:

1) The Zone is just a very heavily trafficked place (e.g. in less than 24 hours Marvin's recap of a losing game by a losing team has 220 responses, whereas the most heavily trafficked thread on the front page of .net has about half that). More posts just == more disparate opinions.

2) In my entire life 9ers fans have NEVER been united about anything. Be it Montana/Young, Charles Haley, pro-Mooch/anti-Mooch, pro-Garcia/anti-Garcia, Smith/Kap, Aldon Smith, Kap/Anti-Kap, Harbaugh/Baalke, etc., etc. it's always like this in 9ers country. For Hawks fans who are really invested in the collective 12th Man thing I think this can seem kinda crazy, but having grown up with it I really love the lack of consensus among 9ers fans (even though I course think everyone who disagrees with me about any of this stuff is probably an idiot :lol: ).


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The best part is how Marvin49 is like "The banner makes the fans look bad"

Naw, your fans do that all on their own Marvin, cmon.


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peachesenregalia":b2atlhkc said:
thought you might show up to white-knight for Marvin here. Did you do the same for him in that thread?

White-knighting for Marvin about what?

Your posts are bordering on gibberish.

As for me posting in that thread, nah, I hadn't even seen it until you linked it for some reason that you still can't explain. I'm guessing it was news to you that a lot of 9ers fans are pissed at Jed York? I just don't get it.

In any case, despite rumors to the contrary, as I've explained here numerous times, I only post on the zone very rarely.


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peachesenregalia":262iycav said:
My point was that he's been getting nothing but flack from most of the posters on that shithole of a forum for most of this season. The whole thread is basically him arguing and deflecting shit from other posters. What about that do you not understand?

Given that I've already addressed why I think this might be in the second post of this thread, what about my response don't you understand?

Rather than getting dressed up like deranged Cirque du Soleil ushers and getting atwitter over which d-lister is going to be raising a banner each week, 9ers fans having been disagreeing with each other about practically everything for the last 25 friggin years.

I know you feel like you discovered something, but this is literally nothing new. :th2thumbs:

(pro-tip for readers: taking Hawks potshots for fun; don't even bother taking them seriously)


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Having terrible ownership makes it hard to root for a team. How far off is open rebellion in Santa Clara?


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CodeWarrior":pd2sv651 said:
Having terrible ownership makes it hard to root for a team. How far off is open rebellion in Santa Clara?

What does open rebellion in sports fandom actually look like though? A couple drunk guys go to games with bags over their heads? Meh.

FWIW I think the 9ers clearly suck, a lot of their players suck, the coaching sucks, and the owner sucks.

I can only get so worked up about it though because despite the all around suckiness, none of these things are as bad as they were back in 2004 when John York was the owner, Dennis Erickson was the HC, Tim Rattay and Ken Dorsey were splitting time as the QB, Kevan Barlow was the RB, Bryant Young was the only defensive player on the team that played that year and was worth anything at all and the 9ers went 2-14 with their only two wins both coming in overtime against the 6-10 Cardinals.

IMO the only 9ers fans who think right now is "the worst ever" are either young teenagers or idiots. It's not *fun* to watch the 9ers either, but it's not impossible either like it was for that '04 team when there was literally nothing and nobody to root for.


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Marvin: "I don't agree with Jeds decisions."

What a crock of bullcrap . . . I can't remember a single decision Jed has made that Marvin has not vociferously defended.


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Nice :D

Sports Hernia

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It's quite entertaining to read, he is getting eaten alive by a handful of posters that are tired of his "turd polishing".

FWIW, I'm sure Marvin is a great guy in real life, just a severe homer that can't stop being just that.


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Dec 18, 2012
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This is one of the funniest threads I've read in some time. Thanks!! :D

"Most of the forum" isn't even represented in that thread, and I said what I said knowing full well that the Chicken Littles of the webzone (you know, the ones that give me sh*t for even posting on THIS site) would come out in full force. I even said in the initial posting that I'd catch hell.

I also get a lot more support from the more sane webzone posters, but they choose not to get mired in the BS and PM me directly.

Bottom line, I said something radical (that spending $1000 to tell an OWNER to quit was stupid) and they had a nutty...which was precisely what I expected.

As for saying that I championed all of Jeds decisions...that's just flat BS. I HOPED for the best, but I always said that I loved Tomsula but that I didn't know if he was a HC. I said I had absolutely no idea what to expect of the 49ers this year. Of course that's not what gets regurgitated here because its inconvenient to the straw man "Marvin defends Jed at all costs" storyline.

I know it's popular to flame me and feel free, but at least do me the courtesy of not making sh*t up.

Hell, I even get called out here for defending webzone posters and that those guys are the lunatic fringe...bbut now that I am calling them out on something they are all of the sudden completely sane.

You guys crack me up. :D

I know about now somebody is going to dig up my prediction of 10 wins this year, but if you do so, please post my ENTIRE quote.


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Dec 18, 2012
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Sports Hernia":1oanf5qp said:
It's quite entertaining to read, he is getting eaten alive by a handful of posters that are tired of his "turd polishing".

FWIW, I'm sure Marvin is a great guy in real life, just a severe homer that can't stop being just that.

Please explain to me in the post that is being copied is an example of being a homer. The fact that I don't think Jed is intentionally sinking the team or that I think spending 1000 dollars to ask an owner to resign is a good investment.


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In the basement of Reynholm Industries
Marvin49":2b2zfwql said:
Sports Hernia":2b2zfwql said:
It's quite entertaining to read, he is getting eaten alive by a handful of posters that are tired of his "turd polishing".

FWIW, I'm sure Marvin is a great guy in real life, just a severe homer that can't stop being just that.

Please explain to me in the post that is being copied is an example of being a homer. The fact that I don't think Jed is intentionally sinking the team or that I think spending 1000 dollars to ask an owner to resign is a good investment.

Intentionally? No. Hawks fans know what that looks like. But his ego and unwillingness to listen to dissenting opinion is fast sinking your beloved team well past irrelevancy into sheer comedy. We can't but laugh as he bumbles from mistake to mistake like a fat guy trying to wrestle a greased pig. It's that entertaining.


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Marvin49":3vz32zft said:
As for saying that I championed all of Jeds decisions...that's just flat BS. I HOPED for the best, but I always said that I loved Tomsula but that I didn't know if he was a HC. I said I had absolutely no idea what to expect of the 49ers this year. Of course that's not what gets regurgitated here because its inconvenient to the straw man "Marvin defends Jed at all costs" storyline.

You have defended every lil' Jed York decision tooth and nail, going as far as to continually defend his LIE about the decision to fire Harbaugh being "mutual." Harbaugh said he was fired immediately after the team's Dec. 14 loss to Seattle. He said he agreed to sign the "mutual" statement only because he "wasn't going to put the 49ers in the position to have a coach that they didn't want anymore." Jed saved $5 million because Harbaugh agreed to be magnanimous.

The fact that you did not know immediately that Tomsula was a pathetic hire -- with the league's lowest salary -- and that the team would be an abysmal failure this year and in the foreseeable future demonstrates, once again, just how blinded you are by your homerism.

Sports Hernia

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Marvin49":2kft1hoi said:
Sports Hernia":2kft1hoi said:
It's quite entertaining to read, he is getting eaten alive by a handful of posters that are tired of his "turd polishing".

FWIW, I'm sure Marvin is a great guy in real life, just a severe homer that can't stop being just that.

Please explain to me in the post that is being copied is an example of being a homer. The fact that I don't think Jed is intentionally sinking the team or that I think spending 1000 dollars to ask an owner to resign is a good investment.
Ummmm, for starters, read your posts over the years here and there defending York, Baalke, and the entire Niners org on most everything like they are real close relatives that can do no wrong.

Your posts here last year where a lot of us were telling you that Harbafreak was done there and you insisted that he wouldn't take a lesser "college gig" because the Niners HC job was so wonderful.

And your 10 win prediction over there, that even your own "peeps" called you out on, LOL.

I get the popcorn out, it's great entertainment, much better than "reality TV". It's good stuff! :th2thumbs:

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
Marvin49":1ofbs56e said:
Sports Hernia":1ofbs56e said:
It's quite entertaining to read, he is getting eaten alive by a handful of posters that are tired of his "turd polishing".

FWIW, I'm sure Marvin is a great guy in real life, just a severe homer that can't stop being just that.

Please explain to me in the post that is being copied is an example of being a homer. The fact that I don't think Jed is intentionally sinking the team or that I think spending 1000 dollars to ask an owner to resign is a good investment.
Who cares it's their money??? If they were to take that money and spend it on hookers and blow would you be upset too?
Folks spend money foolishly all of the time. I'm sure they know Jedthro ain't going to resign, they were making a statement to the Niners org out of frustration.

I'm glad I'm not a Niners fan as I couldn't deal with a York type ownership, but it's bad enough I have to deal with a Howard Lincoln run baseball team who's last great season was 15 years ago, but, I don't blindly defend Lincoln in fact just the opposite.


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Dec 12, 2014
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peachesenregalia":o5u5d4ky said:

Poor Marvin. His blind optimism, brazen homerism and ridiculous spin are now catching the wrath of even the 'faithful'.

We've been telling you that the plebzone is a toilet for years now, mate. Looks like you're finally starting to realize that. Come on over and talk shop with us. We're your friends, Marvin, we're not like the others....

peachesenregalia, now you wouldn't be throwing any Shade at Marvin...would you? ;) Kick back & read this article about the about the Man who used to help Eddie DeBartolo run the 49ers, Carmen Policy. There is also audio of the interview, scroll down to where you see, "click here for more," the interview occurred Nov. 3rd. ... s-40796231


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Aug 20, 2013
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One of the funny things to me about what's happened is the black-and-white "All of" Jed's decisions thing.

It's funny because in the minds of many 9ers fans they've really taken two things (the firing of Harbaugh and the hiring of Tomsula) and blown them up into "all of Jed's decisions."

As for those two decisions, my opinions about them haven't changed.

1) I think the situation with Harbaugh was untenable in the long term and unfortunately had to happen.

2) I think the hiring of Tomsula was a huge mistake, particularly given his lack of connections around the league and (what mysef and others correctly predicted would be) his inability to attract coordinator talent.

Yesterday, Matt Maoiocco had some nice reporting (real reporting!) on this time period, clarifying a lot of rumors that were coming out at the time. Reading the tea leaves a little bit, and what I think he's suggesting (and I understand why this would be impossible to get a source for) is that Baalke wanted Gase and York nixed it so they went with Tomsula. If anything, and if that's right, I think it clarifies that Jed was in the driver's seat for #2, which makes me even more critical of that decision. ... rces-49ers.


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Jed York is systematically destroying the 49ers franchise.

You're facing a decade in the doldrums as a consequence.

A banner flying over the stadium calling for his removal is the last thing you should be fretting about.