Marshawn Lynch steals fans hat when asked for an autograph


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Jan 7, 2011
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Wow. I can't believe some of these posts and that people can actually drum up feelings at all about this.

I had the pleasure of meeting Marshawn at Sea-Tac last year. He gave me a dap and we kept it moving. You know what makes that story better? If Marshawn rips the Hawks beanie off of my head and boards his flight to Oakland with it. I'd tell that story until the day I died. Screw the hat, maybe I'll buy a new one, who knows? Who cares.

Marshawn just gave someone a memory that they'll never forget. There goes that damned Marshawn again, making people laugh and what not. What a thug.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Right outside Richard Sherman's house
Rob12":2q8ijwas said:
He's honestly probably a dick off the field.

Quick story, I work with a guy who saw him at Sea-Tac Airport. He was eating in a restaurant with a couple of other dudes. So my buddy, who is a Raider fan, didn't do anything. He finished his meal and then went to a shop and got a pink Seahawks hat in hopes that Marshawn would sign it for his wife, who is a huge Seahawks fan.

He bought the hat, and as he returned to the restaurant, Marshawn and his friends were walking out. My buddy asks very politely, "Hey Marshawn, my wife is a huge fan - think you can sign this?" And his claim is that Marshawn rolled his eyes at him, told him to get the **** away from him, and that he didn't appreciate being bothered.

My buddy doesn't hold much ill will about it, but he can't quite wrap his mind around how he was such a douche to him. A simple "No, I'm good" would have sufficed but Marshawn took it to another level. And I believe the story, as this guy is as solid as they come.

Loved what he did on the field for us. Not too sure I'd want to hang out with him off the field or approach him if I ever saw him in public.

You've got zero idea what went on in Marshawn's day prior to that. Maybe he was having a rough day. Might have been a rough week. Have you ever had a day where you wanted everyone to leave you alone? Maybe that was the case for your buddy. Maybe not.

But to suggest he's probably a dick off the field is stupid. What he PROBABLY is is a person like all the rest of us, capable of being a dick sometimes and being awesome at others.


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Jul 25, 2012
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pmedic920":20r9yci5 said:
When the fish aren't biting, I just drink beer.


It's a fine line you walk between fishing and getting drunk on a boat.


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Jul 25, 2012
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Subzero717":1h343man said:
rideaducati":1h343man said:
pmedic920":1h343man said:
When the fish aren't biting, I just drink beer.


It's a fine line you walk between fishing and getting drunk on a boat.

Who needs a boat?

On shore, you can stagger away to do something else. On a boat, you are fishing or getting drunk on a boat depending on the fine line you walk.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Rob12":2cnns86r said:
Scottemojo":2cnns86r said:
People looking for offense gonna get offended. Some of them will even bring up dumb shit he did in the past. Few will mention him driving to a guy's house to return a wallet.

I would bet that the fan whose hat was "stolen" will get a load of signed BM merch before all is said and done.

Eh, I overreacted. My bad.
What is hilarious is that you got offended, told a story where he was a dick about signing a hat, and didn't mention his good deeds.

I am a g'dam prophet.


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Mar 7, 2012
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Actually, after this incident, the hat had to go into hiding. After all the media coverage, it can no longer find a job, or be seen in public without being harassed. It's been reported that people have posted death threats to the hat on twitter and facebook, and it has received countless voicemails and texts making death threats.

I think it's awful what Beast Mode has done. He destroyed that hat's life.


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Aug 22, 2013
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Dayton, WA
volsunghawk":2csqp16r said:
Rob12":2csqp16r said:
He's honestly probably a dick off the field.

Quick story, I work with a guy who saw him at Sea-Tac Airport. He was eating in a restaurant with a couple of other dudes. So my buddy, who is a Raider fan, didn't do anything. He finished his meal and then went to a shop and got a pink Seahawks hat in hopes that Marshawn would sign it for his wife, who is a huge Seahawks fan.

He bought the hat, and as he returned to the restaurant, Marshawn and his friends were walking out. My buddy asks very politely, "Hey Marshawn, my wife is a huge fan - think you can sign this?" And his claim is that Marshawn rolled his eyes at him, told him to get the **** away from him, and that he didn't appreciate being bothered.

My buddy doesn't hold much ill will about it, but he can't quite wrap his mind around how he was such a douche to him. A simple "No, I'm good" would have sufficed but Marshawn took it to another level. And I believe the story, as this guy is as solid as they come.

Loved what he did on the field for us. Not too sure I'd want to hang out with him off the field or approach him if I ever saw him in public.

You've got zero idea what went on in Marshawn's day prior to that. Maybe he was having a rough day. Might have been a rough week. Have you ever had a day where you wanted everyone to leave you alone? Maybe that was the case for your buddy. Maybe not.

But to suggest he's probably a dick off the field is stupid. What he PROBABLY is is a person like all the rest of us, capable of being a dick sometimes and being awesome at others.

Yes, you're right. I was out of line. Funny too because I was having a bad day/night last night when I wrote that post.

Appreciate you calling me on it, because I was wrong.


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Aug 22, 2013
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Dayton, WA
Scottemojo":17na1gdd said:
Rob12":17na1gdd said:
Scottemojo":17na1gdd said:
People looking for offense gonna get offended. Some of them will even bring up dumb shit he did in the past. Few will mention him driving to a guy's house to return a wallet.

I would bet that the fan whose hat was "stolen" will get a load of signed BM merch before all is said and done.

Eh, I overreacted. My bad.
What is hilarious is that you got offended, told a story where he was a dick about signing a hat, and didn't mention his good deeds.

I am a g'dam prophet.

See my post above to volsung.


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Jul 1, 2012
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The Rain Forest
pehawk":1zm4ynrn said:
Why can't Lynch just be more like Wilson?
Oakland streets versus motivating father plus regular meals and more than one shirt/pant combo.
Also, this is a sound byte in the mans day. It ain't over 'till the fat professor sings.


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Jan 17, 2016
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He's a monster. Should be locked up for this.

All jokes aside, this is where being a silent public figure hurts him. Anybody else would tweet how he autographed it and gave it back but with Beast, you just won't hear anything about it. Hard to believe a guy who returns wallets secretly and gives people his $500 shoes secretly just because they liked them is now into petty theft. Just sayin.

And shout out to the guy with the woman's ass in his avatar getting super-offended.


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Mar 6, 2007
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I prefer to leave athletes and celebrities alone, but if I did bother one for something, I'd much rather have a picture than have them write their name on something. IMO being in a picture with Lynch would be WAAAAY cooler than having his name on a shirt or a hat, and would probably bother him less on top of it.

As far as Rob12's experience, what can I say, Lynch is the realest of the real. You better earn his trust somehow before asking him for a damn thing. I would never ask him for something out of the blue unless I was ready to get chewed out.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Steal seems a rather harsh description of this incident. I'm sure Lynch did NOT intend to steal this hat.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2013
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what a surprise, select fans trying to pan a running back on his way out the door.

where have I seen that before? Oh right. When Alexander carried the ball 920387492832908 times for the team and then couldn't do it anymore and everyone couldn't wait to berate the guy.


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Dec 30, 2010
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Hawknballs":3cum4k71 said:
what a surprise, select fans trying to pan a running back on his way out the door.

where have I seen that before? Oh right. When Alexander carried the ball 920387492832908 times for the team and then couldn't do it anymore and everyone couldn't wait to berate the guy.

If I haven't hammered this point home enough already - some people get stuck being teenage boys who always hated anyone they broke up with and always liked the person they're currently dating.


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Mar 22, 2010
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Spokane, WA
I thought this clip was funny.

If he came up and stole my hat, I'd laugh about it and tell everyone I knew what happened, in a good way.


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Aug 30, 2013
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peachesenregalia":28644pzr said:
Thug is a hate word, Pehawk. Why are the mods allowing him to use this kind of speech in a non-shacked forum?!

Give me a break.

I assume this is a joke. No one could be this butthurt over an innocuous word.


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Jan 22, 2014
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Subzero717":359q9ocp said:
pehawk":359q9ocp said:
Exittium":359q9ocp said:
love what he did for us, but im really tired of the away/off field antics now.

And its not funny, no matter how "funny" people around him try and make it by laughing. Its tiresome, and its like he's a kid trying to just push buttons now to see how much he can get away with.

Totally agree. Lynch acts like a thug and people are to afraid to discuss it honestly.

Like when he gave a kid at Mcdonalds $500?

For all we know he returned it signed.

How about the time he went out of his way to return a dudes wallet. Thats thug life stuff right there. People need to STFU and go abouts with their own lives. I don't know anyone who has it easy to devote any of their own time to shake their little finger at Lynch. People need to GTFU.