KNBR-AM interview of Jed York ..... somebody tackle this guy


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Roy Wa.
No, telling the truth to your fanbase that just shelled out a bunch of money for your seats in a stadium to support a team that just fired the coach that has had you winning for the first time since Siefert.


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Dec 18, 2012
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chris98251":24iojltw said:
No, telling the truth to your fanbase that just shelled out a bunch of money for your seats in a stadium to support a team that just fired the coach that has had you winning for the first time since Siefert.

Don't you think he would if he could? You really think he enjoys going on the air and facing questions like that?

I dunno what happened. I'm mad that Harbaugh is gone...but man...I give him credit for not shying away from taking the lumps.


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Feb 23, 2007
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chris98251":34i1wr0s said:
No, telling the truth to your fanbase that just shelled out a bunch of money for your seats in a stadium to support a team that just fired the coach that has had you winning for the first time since Siefert.

Yup, and that's because that's what that franchise is in reality; a losing one. Sure, they'll catch lightening in a bottle and pretend that winning matters to get a stadium or the bottom line begins to take a hit, but that's it. They are the Mariners.

What the 49ers we're in the 80's and 90's the Seahawks are now. And, what the Seahawks we're in the 90's, the 49ers are now.

He's a bumbling boob, Marvin, period. I'm not even counting firing Harbs against him, it was the way he handled it. It sends a bad message...such a bad message a lot of the coaching fraternity that cant stand Jim actually rallied behind him. Think about that, NFL's coaches rallied around a dude that they kind of hated.

Sugarcoat it all you want, but they are the Mariners. In Seattle we had a really good glimpse into dysfunctional franchises. So, as shock G said "game recognize game". Or, I can go Denny Green; "York is who I thought he was and Marvin let him off the hook..."?


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Dec 18, 2012
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pehawk":13zyopwu said:
chris98251":13zyopwu said:
No, telling the truth to your fanbase that just shelled out a bunch of money for your seats in a stadium to support a team that just fired the coach that has had you winning for the first time since Siefert.

Yup, and that's because that's what that franchise is in reality; a losing one. Sure, they'll catch lightening in a bottle and pretend that winning matters to get a stadium or the bottom line begins to take a hit, but that's it. They are the Mariners.

What the 49ers we're in the 80's and 90's the Seahawks are now. And, what the Seahawks we're in the 90's, the 49ers are now.

He's a bumbling boob, Marvin, period. I'm not even counting firing Harbs against him, it was the way he handled it. It sends a bad message...such a bad message a lot of the coaching fraternity that cant stand Jim actually rallied behind him. Think about that, NFL's coaches rallied around a dude that they kind of hated.

Sugarcoat it all you want, but they are the Mariners. In Seattle we had a really good glimpse into dysfunctional franchises. So, as shock G said "game recognize game". Or, I can go Denny Green; "York is who I thought he was and Marvin let him off the hook..."?

Whatever you say Pe.


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Dec 21, 2011
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I listened to the entire clip. Wow is all I can say. Interviewer expressed what I would assume were the exact same thought the niners fans are feeling and stuck to his guns. Jed...just wow. His responses had nothing to do with not throwing anyone under the bus, just the realization of how unprepared he was dealing with the situation he helped create. Think ostrich. He reminded me a 40 YO jerry Jones. Niners fans are screwed, this guy is JJ and AD wrapped up in one persona. Knows better than everyone else and doesn't have to answer for HIS decisions. I truly feel bad for long time niner fans after listening to the owner talking about his decisions. Ken Bearing 1.0


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Feb 23, 2007
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Listening to it now...what a little worm. So unprepared and out of his

Also, now its about "winning with class"? How convenient.


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Feb 23, 2007
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That's so funny, my wife and I have me pretend to be George Kennedy in the bedroom sometimes. Ya know, role play night.


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Feb 23, 2007
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peachesenregalia":2hvlvoxs said:
pehawk":2hvlvoxs said:
That's so funny, my wife and I have me pretend to be George Kennedy in the bedroom sometimes. Ya know, role play night.

You're not tall enough. I mean....neither am I, but since I came up with the comparison, I can do whatever I bloody well like.

Height don't matter when youre lying down...duh! You tell me you'll worry about casting while your wife's doing a George Kennedy impression? Pfft, yeah, right, you'll be beyond saucy.

Where's Goth Girl?


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Jan 13, 2014
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Remember, These guys don't hang NFC West Champion banners.


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Feb 23, 2007
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korboko":3uazg667 said:
Remember, These guys don't hang NFC West Champion banners.

That's right! They do roll out banners saying "Beat the Seahawks" before publically embarrassing themselves. But never NFCW banners.

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
Reading Melvin's replys to this topic, apparently York can do NO WRONG. He is the Teflon owner in Melvin's world.
If he wants to keep making excuses for a crappy owner, so be it, better his team than our team.

PE makes a great point, in comparing the niners to the post 2003 Seattle Mariners, Jed York is a younger version of Howard Lincoln.

Enjoy the next 20 years making excuses for York's failures Melvin. 8)


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Jan 8, 2013
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I really feel awful for 49ers fans.

Maybe I should hate them, but most of the DB Niner fans are just the old otherwise Oakland Raiders fans that latched onto the Niners because they were doing better.

Either way, one reason they were such a nemesis was they were so close to us. We both had great coaches that did amazing things in college and then came to the NFL and almost immediately started to turn things around.

We both had offenses that hinged on the run game, used mobile QBs effectively, and won with physical defenses. We had an incredible secondary and dangerous pass rush, they had the fantastic front 7 and one of the best Olines in the game (at least last year).

Both teams were about playing tough, physical ball - the opposite of the direction of most of what the NFL was leaning toward. And both teams were hands down considered in the top 3, if not the top 2 of all current teams.

So what the hell?

And it couldn't be about what the team wasn't doing this year, since the rumors started BEFORE THE SEASON. Someone was stoking the flames before all the rest, including all the arrests and off field drama. Those might be excuses, but the levers were being pulled before most of this started.

Which leads to the obvious conclusion and what I was hearing, it had nothing to do with the results this year - they were just waiting for the downturn so they could do it with a minimum of backlash/fan revolt.

Even so, not sure what rubbing it in Marvin's face accomplishes. He doesn't get to decide so he is stuck with this crap. All he can do is hope we are all wrong, because what is the point of admitting you are screwed when you can do nothing about it?

I just feel bad for the good Niner fans. They got to run with a great team for a short while and then apparently got the rug ripped out and are getting fed BS reasons for it.


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Mar 6, 2007
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The winning with class line was a big mistake and the interviewer jumped all over it without hesitation.

My assumption is that behind closed doors Harbaugh was verbally abusive to many and damaged some relationships beyond repair. We see how he is on the sideline, why would we think he'd be any different behind closed doors? This would explain why Jed York can't say anything, because being frank about it could get him sued. The truth will be out soon enough anyway, via ESPN reporter leaks.

That's not to acquit Baalke. Baalke probably thinks the 49ers success is all about him, and that was likely the main source of friction.


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Aug 9, 2013
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The re is a Devil's advocate to all this. Jim Harbaugh was extremely difficult to work with and its not like Stanford fought tooth and nail to keep him as their head coach. The interview was a little misleading. Did Jerry Jones not dismiss Jimmy Johnson who basically belittled him in public?? There were many people who back this up so I disagree with the interviewer that this move is unprecedented. Heck Mike Holmgren even left when his popularity with soaring and he wanted to stay with the organization. this type of ego clash happens all the time in business, in rock bands of any organization. There were also players that were talking about mutiny and leaking disgruntled rhetoric to national reporters. Did anyone think we would win the Super Bowl 5 years later after firing Mike Holmgren? The interviewer for KNBR obviously had a narrative that he wanted to portray with his line of questioning. To be honest, I thought it was pretty unprofessional. I never been a big supporter of Jed York but in this case I thought he handled everything with class.
I will say though that he did make a mistake in telling the 49er faithful to hold me accountable because when he says that then he needs to be transparent in his dealings otherwise anything he says it's just rhetoric. I guess we'll see!


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Aug 9, 2013
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kear ly":13e9slmm said:
The winning with class line was a big mistake and the interviewer jumped all over it without hesitation.

My assumption is that behind closed doors Harbaugh was verbally abusive to many and damaged some relationships beyond repair. We see how he is on the sideline, why would we think he'd be any different behind closed doors? This would explain why Jed York can't say anything, because being frank about it could get him sued. The truth will be out soon enough anyway, via ESPN reporter leaks.

That's not to acquit Baalke. Baalke probably thinks the 49ers success is all about him, and that was likely the main source of friction.

Right or wrong Jed York is clearly happy and satisfied with the personnel decisions that Baalke has made as GM. If there is friction between the head coach and GM most presidents are going to stick by the GM if they're satisfied with personal decisions made because it's very easy to find a coach that can motivate these players; it's not so easy to find a GM that can make great personnel decisions. in fairness, we will have to wait a couple weeks for the details to come out.


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Helotes, TX
Steve Mariucci was 60–43 in his tenure with the 9ers and 10-6 in his last season with a playoff win and was fired. Winning isn't everything for the 9ers owners.


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Sep 14, 2009
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seahawk12thman":hrx1hy8l said:
kear ly":hrx1hy8l said:
The winning with class line was a big mistake and the interviewer jumped all over it without hesitation.

My assumption is that behind closed doors Harbaugh was verbally abusive to many and damaged some relationships beyond repair. We see how he is on the sideline, why would we think he'd be any different behind closed doors? This would explain why Jed York can't say anything, because being frank about it could get him sued. The truth will be out soon enough anyway, via ESPN reporter leaks.

That's not to acquit Baalke. Baalke probably thinks the 49ers success is all about him, and that was likely the main source of friction.

Right or wrong Jed York is clearly happy and satisfied with the personnel decisions that Baalke has made as GM. If there is friction between the head coach and GM most presidents are going to stick by the GM if they're satisfied with personal decisions made because it's very easy to find a coach that can motivate these players; it's not so easy to find a GM that can make great personnel decisions. in fairness, we will have to wait a couple weeks for the details to come out.
Respectfully disagree. Great coaches are very hard to find. I think we'll soon find out that Harbaugh was by far the most valuable entity in that entire organization.


Apr 6, 2010
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I listened to the interview just now - sounds a whole lot like the press conference.

To respond to Marvin49 - who keeps asking "What do you want York to say?", implying that the only alternative narrative is to "throw Harbaugh under the bus". I think you are completely missing the point.

1) York for the past two days has been very public - which he is to be applauded for. He has not hid. But the problem is that he has been sending very strong mixed messages. York has INSISTED that this was a mutual decision. Yet he continues to preach about Super Bowls being the standard, and winning with class....strongly implying that there WERE problems, and hinting that Harbaugh would have been fired regardless. If it was truly a mutual decision, like when Holmgren left Green Bay, all York had to say was "we have mutually decided to part ways and Jim has a desire to pursue other opportunities. We wish him well and thank him for 4 great years". That was all that needed to be said. I believe that is ALL that Green Bay said as Holmgren left, even though EVERYONE knew at the time that there was conflict with Wolfe (which was confirmed years later). The reason York is being attacked is because his message is so unclear, inconsistent, and screams of immaturity. He has made this whole thing much more difficult than it has needed to be. To put it another way, York IS throwing Harbaugh under the bus, but with zero reasoning.

2) Anytime a decision like this is made, there are multiple reasons for the decision. York has camped on the philosophical reasons why things did not work out (again implying a problem) without any indication what those differences would be. Yet there have been plenty of "low hanging fruit" available for York to build a case as to why it was best to move on from Harbaugh. Yesterday afternoon, a Bay Area radio host suggested that it would have been better for York to simply state that things were not working out, and specifically mention things like QB development, clock management, and in-game adjustments - all of which were concerns this year for the 49ers. Even though justification of the decision would still be difficult, giving a few on-field specifics - and specific things that 49er fans have been complaining about this season - would at least quite the outcry a bit.

Just a couple of thoughts - York is bringing this on himself, and there were other alternatives to how to handle this than only trashing Harbaugh


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Well can't wait till the first signing of a player else where, YOU know this is going to come up and the beans will spill.


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Apr 30, 2009
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It really is pathetic that Marvin is in here trying to defend this interview. He's just a classic homer. There's no balance at all. If Jed York sold the team tomorrow he'd start criticizing him and bestowing endless praise on the new owners. Harbaugh was a god until the moment he had to accept despite constant denial that he was on the way out. Now he feels the need to defend this? On a Seahawks forum no less? You've got to be kidding me.

It's not a case of "what can he say?". It's what he shouldn't say. You can't make a point like, "it's not just about winning, it's also about winning with class" one minute and then the next refuse to acknowledge that the parting was anything but mutual. He basically accepts in the piece that leaks were being made to the media that undermined Harbaugh all year. YOU RUN THE ORGANISATION. Again, how can you admit that in one breath to the paying fans who expected everyone to be pulling together and then play the "I can't say anything" card in the next answer?

Total disrespect and disregard for the fans. This is a power play move. A who's got a bigger dick contest. And the owner and his patsy won out. What a shock. It's sad the fans have had to suffer through this embarrassing episode.

If I was a Niners fan I'd find it impossible to defend that shambolic interview. And I'd be worried. I'd be hoping that Baalke is as good as advertised and is capable of replacing Harbaugh with another diamond. If that happens, life will go on. But they HAVE to get it right. And if they don't, they'll be a laughing stock. York is totally out of his depth and the interviewer is correct, they need someone with experience to control that organisation from the top. He just doesn't get it. It was cringe-inducing listening to his talk about Super Bowls. Again, the interviewer is spot on. It's silly to target winning a Super Bowl as the ultimate every year. San Fran has one of the best histories in the league and they have five titles. There's a reason Carroll never talks about the Super Bowl and makes owning the NFC West the goal. It's a realistic aim. If San Fran are expecting to challenge for a Super Bowl next year with a new staff and major changes to the roster likely, they're in for a shock. Or at least Jed York is (and Marvin). Everyone on the outside can see what a mess this is. I feel sorry for the balanced Niners fans.