Josh Portis waived


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Aug 16, 2012
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Kansas City, MO
NinerLifer":2am5b4h3 said:
HawkHack":2am5b4h3 said:
NinerLifer":2am5b4h3 said:
I wonder what that girl who Portis had in the passenger seat is saying now, now that Portis is no longer a Seahawk?

I think it was wise that your FO sent a message like this to the rest of your team. It's not like it mattered much to your roster talent wise anyways.
Dude, you can't keep coming on here saying reasonable things.

I mean, you're a niner fan. I'm pretty certain we have rules against this.

Perhaps it is time for a paradigm shift? ;)
It will take far more than you showing you can be reasonable in the offseason. I am a California girl born and bred straight from Martinez and spent the better part of my life up until 14 in the Bay Area then came back for college and years after. You don't fool me sir.


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Omahawk":enbl7cib said:
I want to express my gratitude to Josh and wish him the best of luck. I hope he continues to pursue his goals. Hopefully another team in the NFL will sign him soon. If not, he's shown that he is a good person and one heck of an athlete. We all make mistakes. Josh, you're a great football player and a great leader. You have the skillset and the intangibles to take you to great heights. Build off of this; use it as your motivation to better yourself and come back even better than you were before, whether it's on the football field or not. You're going to have a very successful career and life. Embrace these moments, no matter how trying they are. They build character and toughness. Don't let one mistake get you down and don't let the negative thoughts, whether they are your own thoughts or someone else's, deter you. You know that you are a successful person. I know it too. Keep yourself calm and focused and you'll see that there are no limits to that success. Once you reach greatness, which you will, share that greatness with the people you love. Good things will happen for you.

What the Hell?

Do you know something we don't?


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Tijuana/San Diego
Omahawk":2byjkk24 said:
I want to express my gratitude to Josh and wish him the best of luck. I hope he continues to pursue his goals. Hopefully another team in the NFL will sign him soon. If not, he's shown that he is a good person and one heck of an athlete. We all make mistakes. Josh, you're a great football player and a great leader. You have the skillset and the intangibles to take you to great heights. Build off of this; use it as your motivation to better yourself and come back even better than you were before, whether it's on the football field or not. You're going to have a very successful career and life. Embrace these moments, no matter how trying they are. They build character and toughness. Don't let one mistake get you down and don't let the negative thoughts, whether they are your own thoughts or someone else's, deter you. You know that you are a successful person. I know it too. Keep yourself calm and focused and you'll see that there are no limits to that success. Once you reach greatness, which you will, share that greatness with the people you love. Good things will happen for you.

Interesting that your stance on Bruce Irvin was completely different.


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Apr 14, 2010
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The "greatness" of Portis.

Wow... didn't see that coming... from anyone.

Oh well. Looks like the bus has finally left the station and Josh isn't on it.


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pinksheets":8lyb7sg0 said:
NinerLifer":8lyb7sg0 said:
I wonder what that girl who Portis had in the passenger seat is saying now, now that Portis is no longer a Seahawk?

I think it was wise that your FO sent a message like this to the rest of your team. It's not like it mattered much to your roster talent wise anyways.
It doesn't matter what the girls say. That's why the 9ers signed Perrish Cox.
HAHAHAHA! Didn't Crabtree get accused of sexual assault last season too? That girl must have said something...


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Jan 7, 2011
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You just knew this was coming. This gives the team a way to send a message to a guy that seemed well-liked by everyone (he always got a nice reception on the Real Rob Report, that's what I'm basing it on.)

I'm all about second chances in life, which is why I'm still in Bruce' corner 100%. Third and fourth chances though? Nah. When that happens that's when Pete Carroll will have truly lost control of the ship. When we've REALLY become like the Raiders of old or the Bengals of now.

This ain't a damn fairy tale, this is the NFL. Things like this are going to happen. Especially when you take chances on players with "questionable character" or off-the-field issues that most teams don't take. Hell, even then teams that try their hardest to avoid bad character guys still end up going through things similar to this, in one form or another. Even Tim Ruskell's Choir Boys (Registered trademark of Scottemojo) went through some unfortunate off-the-field stuff, see Lofa Tatupu's DUI. Lofa was, and is still, an excellent individual and an even better Seahawk. He'll always be remembered as a great. However, he's still got one tragic flaw that we all do. He's human.

Pete is a good molder and mentor, especially for troubled youth (cue Niners fan with a trolling comment about cheating), but he's not God, although some of you (maybe even myself) would disagree with that. Seriously though, every single one of those players in the locker room thinks and feels for themselves. I'm sure Pete has told these guys a million times about what they probably SHOULD and SHOULDN'T do, but he can't force them to do anything. At the end of the day, we as people usually learn most when we experience a situation for ourselves. Like the parent telling the kid not to touch the stove because they'll get burned, or not to play with the electrical sockets because they'll get zapped, sometimes we toe the line as people even though we know we shouldn't.

At the end of the day, I'm with the crowd that thinks no one will remember this by September. I believe that this will have no bearing on the play ON-THE-FIELD of the Seattle Seahawks, just like it didn't when Brandon Browner got suspended. Sometimes fans and the media (all the time actually) tend to make a bigger deal out of things than they really are. I think this is one of those times.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Darn it Josh. Screwing up a good thing yet again. Roster fringe guys don't get to live the party life.


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Apr 17, 2012
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pinksheets":c5xnz4os said:
If he gives preseason defenses the slip then you must acquit!

It was your quote in the other thread that doomed Portis. Couldn't even rhyme... how the hell is that going to get him off?
Got anything that rhymes? His entire defense is on you.
"If he makes preseason defenses suck hind tit, you must acquit!"
OK, so he'd be screwed even worse, unless the trial got moved to rural Pierce county with juries of hog farmers and puppy mill breeders.
"Busted play on the pitch, ya gotta make him your bitch" Oops, that was for the prosecution.

I'm just upset because Kearly read my mind 2 days early. Dude has gone Chuck Norris on us. I'm a Jerrod Johnson fan, I think he'll be the #2 this season, and Brady Quinn will be lucky to stick around as #3. Portis was gone, gone, gone no matter what. The DUI just made a convenient excuse not to drag it out. Maybe Portis can shuffle off to Buffalo and have a shot there.

All I can think of is just how DUMB it was of Portis to get in this kind of position, and no way in hell that kind of judgment fits on a player that needs to be a team leader by example. Why didn't Portis just have her drive? or call a friend? or a taxi? Because he thinks he's indestructible, above the law, won't happen to him. Just dumb.

Interesting about the girl with him trying to pull the Seahawks/celebrity get-out-of-jail-free card. Just shows the type of person Portis is having around him in his personal life. She's apparently around him 'cause he's a pro athlete, and she thinks it makes him, and her, by association, "special" and "above the law". That's what her words show. And she's dumb as a box of rocks too, for not realizing that playing that card is the stupidest thing she could possibly do, the one thing guaranteed to get Portis busted. Josh, you gotta get SMART girlfriends dude; a SMART girlfriend would have kicked your ass over driving drunk and done her damndest to keep you from doing it in the first place, and sure as hell wouldn't have ghetto-mouthed-off to a cop.


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Mar 17, 2013
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Its been a long time coming, and this incident was just the latest in a string, and finally the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak. Truth be told, Portis was never an NFL starter. And a fringe backup prospect at best. Now he's done. Personally, I am looking forward to seeing the snaps/minutes of gametime/preseason possibilities invested in the next man up, Jerrod Johnson instead of rehashing Portis again.


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I think at some point they were gonna let him go anyway because why would they get rid of him after a borderline DUI while keeping Hill who was busted for pot smoking.


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Elma, WA
NYCoug":2nhwenh1 said:
You just knew this was coming. This gives the team a way to send a message to a guy that seemed well-liked by everyone (he always got a nice reception on the Real Rob Report, that's what I'm basing it on.)

Conspiracy theory . . . Pete spiked Josh's Gatorade and messed with his speedometer and alerted the police . . . All so that Portis could be a fall guy for bad behavior and take the attention off the PED scandal.