John Schneider on 710 RIGHT NOW



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Mar 13, 2013
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JS is on 710 RIGHT NOW TALKING to Brock and salk


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Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
HansGruber":1o3y70so said:
I like the pick.

Had a girlfriend in pre-med who was a real treat. I believe now that she was probably an unmedicated bipolar.

Anyway, during finals week, she decided she wasn't getting enough attention. Or something. So I'm sitting at my table studying and suddenly she's screaming at me and things escalated and she starts hitting me. Lands a good half dozen shots, then a good one right to the nose. I saw stars, tasted blood in my throat, and the fight or flight instinct kicked in. I pushed her back, hard, and she fell into a garbage can and cut her hand on a can in the garbage. She started ranting and I just left, trying to stop things. By the time I returned, there were threatening messages on my answering machine from a few of her male friends and her father, and the police came shortly thereafter because she had gone to the university hospital and said I stabbed her. It was a very serious situation. Thankfully, she had given me a black eye, a good shiner, and embellished her story when speaking to the cops (she said I stabbed her, but cops are smart enough to realize cuts and stabs make different wounds). Further, the cops saw the can in the garbage, and believed me because I was being honest and was scared. I got lucky with having a cop who pulled this kind of father routine, and warned me to stay away from girls with temper issues. Said if I had bruised hands or any sign of fighting, I'd have gone to jail. It could have ended my medical career.

I think of that situation whenever things like this come up. You can't really judge the situation remotely. Especially with young people. If he has another incident, then you have your common denominator. Same is true for the woman.

And honestly, her biting Clark on the nose is serious. I don't blame him for defending himself. From the photo, he clearly did not throw punches or get carried away. That scratch could have come from anything, but it definitely doesn't corroborate a story that he assaulted her.

Went through a similar situation Hans, except I was foolish enough to marry the woman. I had to disengage from her once, she was throwing heavy objects at me then tried to provoke me, so I ran out of my house, in my long johns at -35 to the neighbors to get away.

The one right after her was even worse, but at least I wised up after that. I used to be one of those guys who thought he was helping the situation. Now I just stay as far away as possible.

The moral of the story here is don't judge. There are women out there who provoke a man in order to get control over him. It's the other side of co-dependency. Just because there was an incident of some kind, don't automatically convict the man in the relationship.