i'm so tired of this crap


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Feb 20, 2012
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Canby, Oregon
To All seahawks fans:

Im sick and tired of watching this crap go down on the road every sunday. We all wonder why the media beats this team up every sunday on the road.

This is BS.....

Sean payton please


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Oct 12, 2011
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Lecce, Italy
That was a Miami/Detroit team with it's back against the wall with an elite team fighting for playoff position. It wasn't the Hawks, it was the other team playing out of their mind. :sarcasm_off:

It's not that teams play out of their mind, it's that we let them play that way.


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Aug 28, 2010
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FlyingGreg":2rt8k0io said:
I agree. But all the happy joy joy's will find a way to excuse it, just wait...

They already are. Haven't you heard? This loss was all the officials fault, and Hill and Trufant!


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Feb 20, 2012
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Canby, Oregon
Trufant has to go.... Or at least put him on the inactives like they do with thurmond. All day long devon bess was taking a marcus and wipe a trufant.


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Firing the coach isn't a panacea for all flaws on a team. If that were the case, then Holmgren leaving would've helped.


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Colorado Springs, Colorado
volsunghawk":2gqxotsq said:
FlyingGreg":2gqxotsq said:
I agree. But all the happy joy joy's will find a way to excuse it, just wait...

That's right. Turn your rage against other Hawks fans. That will make everything better. :roll:

Interesting....didn't see "rage". I just know that we will see excuses across the board for this.

I do like how you just find a way to single me out in a thread I didn't start. Thanks! You are getting good at that. Why don't you attack the guy that started the thread?

So tell me, what good comes from a loss like this? Half the problem we have is our fan base just embraces mediocrity.

Don't attack the poster. Remember?


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Feb 20, 2012
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Canby, Oregon
So fning pissed off right now.... Leon gets it 21 to 14 and the defense just lets t hill run the talble. No excuses for this loss.


Feb 23, 2007
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Astoria, OR
There's a reason I no longer watch road games live. I DVR them now. Saves me SO much from needless high BP and fits of rage.

Just ain't worth it anymore.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Aros":1ui456ao said:
There's a reason I no longer watch road games live. I DVR them now. Saves me SO much from needless high BP and fits of rage.

Just ain't worth it anymore.

After today, I'm with you. I'm beyond tired of this shit.


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Right outside Richard Sherman's house
FlyingGreg":3nk4ka6k said:
volsunghawk":3nk4ka6k said:
FlyingGreg":3nk4ka6k said:
I agree. But all the happy joy joy's will find a way to excuse it, just wait...

That's right. Turn your rage against other Hawks fans. That will make everything better. :roll:

Interesting....didn't see "rage". I just know that we will see excuses across the board for this.

I do like how you just find a way to single me out in a thread I didn't start. Thanks! You are getting good at that. Why don't you attack the guy that started the thread?

So tell me, what good comes from a loss like this? Half the problem we have is our fan base just embraces mediocrity.

Yeah, I singled you out. You deserved it. This is the second loss where I've seen you cast aspersions on people who DARE to have a positive outlook on the team.

I didn't respond to the thread starter because he made a valid post... being upset over repeated bad road performances. That was directed at the team, not other Hawks fans (the "happy happy joy joys" you mentioned).

What good comes from a loss like this? Not much, honestly. Wilson played well, but there was some awful play from the D, and some awful coaching calls, imo. The only bright spot other than that I can think of is that losses to AFC teams don't factor into tiebreakers, so if there was a game we could afford to lose out of our remaining games, it was this one. That's not to say losing is okay, or that our road performances are no big deal.

Now, me being an optimist - or one of the happy happy joy joys - I'm not going to start up all the "fire everybody!!" threads, because I think that's just reactionary and firing people in the middle of the season doesn't make for dramatic improvements. Never has. That's the territory of truly bad teams - and even with the road woes, Seattle isn't a truly bad team. But that doesn't mean I embrace mediocrity, either.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Colorado Springs, Colorado
volsunghawk":2t6qsdak said:
Yeah, I singled you out. You deserved it. This is the second loss where I've seen you cast aspersions on people who DARE to have a positive outlook on the team.

I didn't respond to the thread starter because he made a valid post... being upset over repeated bad road performances. That was directed at the team, not other Hawks fans (the "happy happy joy joys" you mentioned).

What good comes from a loss like this? Not much, honestly. Wilson played well, but there was some awful play from the D, and some awful coaching calls, imo. The only bright spot other than that I can think of is that losses to AFC teams don't factor into tiebreakers, so if there was a game we could afford to lose out of our remaining games, it was this one. That's not to say losing is okay, or that our road performances are no big deal.

Now, me being an optimist - or one of the happy happy joy joys - I'm not going to start up all the "fire everybody!!" threads, because I think that's just reactionary and firing people in the middle of the season doesn't make for dramatic improvements. Never has. That's the territory of truly bad teams - and even with the road woes, Seattle isn't a truly bad team. But that doesn't mean I embrace mediocrity, either.

And you deserved the rebuttal. Look back - I didn't cast aspersions on anyone, I made a generic statement.

The fire everybody threads are silly. Notice I'm no part of them.

Mediocrity = finishing 9-7,8-8 or 7-9 most every season, which has defined this franchise.

I think you are upset with losing just as much as I do, but you tune into threads like this to try and make yourself feel better by being the Optimism Police. It's ok to be pissed off, especially when its beyond merited.

If I start a "Seahawks suck", "fire Carroll/Bevell" or another thread like that - game on.

But I've got as much a right to claim oblivion (the happy happy joy joys) as you do the right to single me out for it. That's attacking the poster, not the post.


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Mar 1, 2007
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The Tex-ASS
I feel like I am wasting my time with this team, and this loss. This one is making me realize I need to quit devoting so much time and energy into this. Every week I am on this board way too much, and unless it is a home game I am very disappointed and feel like shit.

really, I am sad today for my feeling.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Right outside Richard Sherman's house
FlyingGreg":2kmtlaip said:
volsunghawk":2kmtlaip said:
Yeah, I singled you out. You deserved it. This is the second loss where I've seen you cast aspersions on people who DARE to have a positive outlook on the team.

I didn't respond to the thread starter because he made a valid post... being upset over repeated bad road performances. That was directed at the team, not other Hawks fans (the "happy happy joy joys" you mentioned).

What good comes from a loss like this? Not much, honestly. Wilson played well, but there was some awful play from the D, and some awful coaching calls, imo. The only bright spot other than that I can think of is that losses to AFC teams don't factor into tiebreakers, so if there was a game we could afford to lose out of our remaining games, it was this one. That's not to say losing is okay, or that our road performances are no big deal.

Now, me being an optimist - or one of the happy happy joy joys - I'm not going to start up all the "fire everybody!!" threads, because I think that's just reactionary and firing people in the middle of the season doesn't make for dramatic improvements. Never has. That's the territory of truly bad teams - and even with the road woes, Seattle isn't a truly bad team. But that doesn't mean I embrace mediocrity, either.

And you deserved the rebuttal. Look back - I didn't cast aspersions on anyone, I made a generic statement.

The fire everybody threads are silly. Notice I'm no part of them.

Mediocrity = finishing 9-7,8-8 or 7-9 most every season, which has defined this franchise.

I think you are upset with losing just as much as I do, but you tune into threads like this to try and make yourself feel better by being the Optimism Police. It's ok to be pissed off, especially when its beyond merited.

If I start a "Seahawks suck", "fire Carroll/Bevell" or another thread like that - game on.

But I've got as much a right to claim oblivion (the happy happy joy joys) as you do the right to single me out for it. That's attacking the poster, not the post.

When you post dismissive stuff like, "Oh, here comes the HHJJs to make excuses," that sounds an awful lot like attacking an entire class of posters. It's be the same if I started posting "Here come the chicken littles to tell us how this is the worst team in the league". That's directing my anger at the loss toward other .NET members instead of the performance on the field. And notice that I didn't do that. Nor do I plan to start.

And I don't think I attacked the poster when I responded to you. I didn't say, "Greg, you ignorant slut." I did suggest that attacking other .NET members wasn't particularly useful right now. If you'd been criticizing our defense, fine. I'm right there with you. But you weren't doing that. You were directing your post at the HHJJs (and another in the other thread directed at "stat geeks"). Tell me how that's not attacking posters, yet what I did was?


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Sep 18, 2011
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No excuses necessary. The defensive guys need to Stop listening to their fat little girl friends and start showing up on the road.


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Feb 23, 2012
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Largent80":4xmznqvi said:
I feel like I am wasting my time with this team, and this loss. This one is making me realize I need to quit devoting so much time and energy into this. Every week I am on this board way too much, and unless it is a home game I am very disappointed and feel like shit.

really, I am sad today for my feeling.

We've lost some close one's and I wasn't really bothered by them. This one though, I can't lie, hurts a lot.