I'm not ready for the offseason.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
Anyone else feel this way? It all ended just so suddenly on Sunday, and a lot of us were sat there wondering, "what now?" I mean we know what we do next, get ready for next season, but what about in between FA Frenzy, the Draft, Mini camps, and Traning Camp?

But I'm gonna tell you what happened in the mind of Throwdown those last few moments and directly after.

Seahawks score, I'm jumping like a mad man, "WE'RE UNBEATABLE!" I yell at my pops as he's looking at me like he has no clue who I am and how I got into his house.

30 seconds left, My mind goes right to the end of regulation in Chicago, low and behold... :( Now I'm pacing back n forth like, "no no no no no no", bam Falcons are in FG range, "HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN?!",

FG missed... But a timeout, REALLY?! No, No, for real stop playing with me!

Then, FG good, "Lord of the livin'!".

So at this point I'm like "Man, Leon if there was ever a time for you to make your mark in Seahawks History, this is it, bro",

Well, Leon didn't even get the change, Matt Bryant screwed up the squib and now I'm hollering "team of destiny!" but at that point, you knew that our luck might've actually been used up in the 2012 season by now, you're just hoping Atlanta's bad luck finally shows up.

Then quick out to Baldwin, and then the Hail Mary...OVER!

It felt too sudden for me, I might be too into sports I realized after I sat there staring off into space for 3 minutes just trying to comprehend that the best season, and probably funnest season that I've watched as a 12 in my 24 years on this planet, was over.

Just... over... :(

Now I know I should be happy, my team kicks ass! Pete Carroll's out here building something special, something that can rival what the '95 Mariners did, or what the '96 Sonics were, or even that 2005 Team that came up short -COUGHBULLSPITCOUGH- in the Superbowl. I love this team, from Russell Wilson's ice cold stare when its about to get real, or Richard Sherman jawing at NFL greats like Tom Brady. This team is special is so many ways, and I believe is going to be the team that bring about our "Glory Years"

Now onto my new favorite seahawk, the man in my avatar, Richard Sherman. I've seen a few comparisons, and they are right! He is Gary Payton 2.0 as a Seahawk, If you don't think so now, check this out!

Michael jordan gary payton

Now, check it...

These Seattle Seahawks, under the leadership of Pete Carroll, and John Schneider will be the best team in ANY sport, Seattle has ever seen.

A little bit of rambling there, but you guys know you love it!


New member
Dec 12, 2012
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Ohh i do love it. This team is going to be rolling next year I know it. And Sherman will do his thing I would expect. GP was so much fun to watch, it is a great comparison