If/when we get rid of Flynn, would you want Hasselbeck back?


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Jan 16, 2013
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I brought over this video to add a slice of reality to the conversation.. Matt can't run for squat but he still has excellent read quality and a lightning release.

Matt can still win on an otherwise good team. He's no Wilson....but then who is?

I like him for the history... I like him for the sidelines ... I like him to help Wilson see things during a game.



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As a backup? No. Maybe if they could get him for a 750k/one-year deal to be the third string QB for a season, so he can retire and possibly get a ring as a Seahawk. Hasselbeck has already made $51 million over his career, so I don't think he would be concerned with money. Plus when you're his age, and you still want to play, you will take anything that comes your way.

I am betting Matt retires after next season anyway.


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Hasselbeck is still throwing balloon passes. He'd still be just as much of a liability under pressure as he was in 2009-2010.


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Scottemojo":i0bsj827 said:
The sentimentality in this thread is nauseating.

I agree. I also find it funny that people think Wilson would have a ton to learn from Hasselbeck, returning back to the "resign Hass and let the rookie learn under him" zeitgeist that was so incredibly annoying.


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Zowert":v0kkw14x said:
As a backup? No. Maybe if they could get him for a 750k/one-year deal to be the third string QB for a season, so he can retire and possibly get a ring as a Seahawk. Hasselbeck has already made $51 million over his career, so I don't think he would be concerned with money. Plus when you're his age, and you still want to play, you will take anything that comes your way.

I am betting Matt retires after next season anyway.

51 million? HMMmmmmm.......???? I appears his net worth is currently 18 million. How the heck did he waste 33 million over the last few years?


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therealjohncarlson":v9p80v16 said:
mech.romance":v9p80v16 said:
I don't see the harm in signing Hasselbeck and little him finish his career in Seattle. This is Hasselbeck we are talking about. Why not pick up a young QB to be the 3rd stringer down the road.

Thats the kind of logic the Mariners use to sign old washed up players like Griffey. Let's not turn into the M's and re-sign our old heroes for nostalgia sake. Besides, I would rather remember him as our starting QB during some very good years, not as the old, washed up back up.

I don't think the team could win games with him, his last season here was pretty awful granted we weren't as talented then but he turned the ball over a lot.

(because he would be the best backup in the league)

:179422: got any for the rest of us?

Alex Smith? Kirk Cousins? Matt Flynn.

There is quite a few guys I would take over Hass.

I'm not the nostalgic type, I want the best players.

Tech Worlds

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HUGGY":3rgf4mss said:
I brought over this video to add a slice of reality to the conversation.. Matt can't run for squat but he still has excellent read quality and a lightning release.

Matt can still win on an otherwise good team. He's no Wilson....but then who is?

I like him for the history... I like him for the sidelines ... I like him to help Wilson see things during a game.


Incorrect. It is Wilson who would be teaching Matt a thing or three.


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RichNhansom":555su5lb said:
The idea of getting someone (outside the draft) who can step in and run our offense is not going to happen. It's an insult to Wilson to think you could. The option part of the read/option is where most athletic QB's fail. It is why this offense is so new. It takes a special QB to be able to execute it and even then requires time in the system in real game situations to become proficient at it.

If Wilson goes down we will revert to a traditional style of offense that functions best with a knowledgeable vet who can get the ball out quickly while reading defenses and can get comfortable with a new set of receivers quickly. He doesn't need to be super durable because he wouldn't see more than spot duty.

Give me a guy who can execute a traditional offence, can motivate the team, is happy to be here as our backup and is a true team leader all day long. Throw in a history of being at his best come playoff time and if the money is reasonable, you do it in a second.

Who says Hass would be happy to be here as the backup?

In a league where there are plenty of questionable starting QBs, why wouldn't Hass want to go somewhere where he might have a chance to start due to the 1st-string guy struggling?

And honestly, can you think of an example of a QB hitting his prime with one team, starting to decline, leaving in FA, and then COMING BACK? I can't think of any competitive QB who would really drool over the thought of going back to the team who thought he was mostly washed up. I know Hass says wonderful things about the Hawks, but I'm pretty sure that the ship has sailed on him suiting up for the team ever again.

Killa Kam

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Oct 30, 2011
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Isn't the point of getting rid of Flynn to save money and get a player who can run the same things as Russell Wilson. We save 3.5 million in cap space by trading Flynn, why waste the cap space on a aging vet, who doesn't improve the team in the short term or long term. Its not like Wilson needs a mentor


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Scottemojo":2jfa25n3 said:
The sentimentality in this thread is nauseating.

One man's vomit is another man's dinner. :pukeface:

Bring the old guy back! He's just the inspiration we need to get to the SB. It will be a trip down memory lane with a different outcome!


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May 18, 2012
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HawkWow":37uscsjt said:
RichNhansom":37uscsjt said:
The idea of getting someone (outside the draft) who can step in and run our offense is not going to happen. It's an insult to Wilson to think you could. The option part of the read/option is where most athletic QB's fail. It is why this offense is so new. It takes a special QB to be able to execute it and even then requires time in the system in real game situations to become proficient at it.

If Wilson goes down we will revert to a traditional style of offense that functions best with a knowledgeable vet who can get the ball out quickly while reading defenses and can get comfortable with a new set of receivers quickly. He doesn't need to be super durable because he wouldn't see more than spot duty.

Give me a guy who can execute a traditional offence, can motivate the team, is happy to be here as our backup and is a true team leader all day long. Throw in a history of being at his best come playoff time and if the money is reasonable, you do it in a second.

Absolutely. We have the perfect environment for Hass. Behind Jake, he's likely going to see too much playing time in Tenn. Bring him home, let him retire a Hawk and let him run the victory formation in the superbowl.

Seriously? We make it to the Superbowl, get in position to take a knee then you DON'T let the QB who guided you there take the knee? Hass was a great Seahawk, but if Wilson got the team into that position it'd be a great insult to let Hass take the knee


Aug 23, 2011
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yeah, you wouldnt let hass take the victory formation knee. that'd be wrong. But having hass here as our 2nd or 3rd wouldnt hurt the team. some of you dont like him, or think he cant play, and thats fine, he wouldnt be here for that necessarily. if he wanted to sign a contract for vet min and be 2nd or third on the depth, and just wanted one more chance to win a SB in seattle, since he was robbed of his, i would welcome him. im not saying set the franchise back years by letting him come back. Fwiw, i dont see him coming back here, unless its a 1 day contract just to retire. But i would support him if he did. Great seahawk and class act, good for the locker room and the community


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Mar 3, 2007
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Hasselbeck is not a fit for this offense .......... any more than Largent would have been a fit for a Hasselbeck offense.

:hmmmm: Largent and Zorn.

I wonder if there is a young Steve Largent out there somewhere that they could pair up with Russell Wilson.


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Hawk4lyfe":3lt4qdk2 said:
some of you dont like him, or think he cant play, and thats fine, he wouldnt be here for that necessarily.

1. Nobody 'doesn't like' Matt Hasselbeck. Everybody likes Matt Hasselbeck. What some people don't like is clinging to the past. It's time to move on. He's 38 this year and the offense would have to shift considerably to accommodate him. It makes sense to bring in a backup who can at least run a lot of the plays Wilson can. I might be mistaken, but I think John Schneider already made this point in his post-season interviews.

2. If he isn't here to play what is he here for? This idea that Hasselbeck warrants a place on the roster to hang off the coat-tails of a possible Super Bowl run is ridiculous. Should we also save a roster spot for Walter Jones and Shaun Alexander? Were they robbed too?


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This is what those one-day signing/retire as a member of your main team type deals are for.

Tech Worlds

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We sling the ball deep all the time with Russell Wilson. I bet this year alone we have completed more deep passes then we ever did with Hasselbeck.

Why in gods name would we want to bring back a dink and dunk offense? You guys are acting like mariner fans.

The Hasselbeck era is over people.

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