I love Beastmode's Attitude


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Jan 24, 2014
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I'm a lifelong Broncos fan, and I hope our defense can hold Beastmode to 4 yards on 20 carries. That said, he has two of my ALL TIME favorite quotes from Super Bowl media day; "I ain't never seen no talking win me nothing," and "I'm just about that action boss."

This man just wants to play football. Not a fan on the planet that shouldn't be able to respect that. Of ALL the talented players Seattle will line up on Sunday, this guy EASILY scares me the most, and it's not even close. Peyton can stay away from Sherman, dink and dunk the safeties out of relevance, and check to the run at the exact time he needs to. But there is no avoiding Lynch. No going around him, no wishing away a run play. Only way Denver wins Sunday is to do what nobody else has done this year, and that's contain the Beast.

We shall see!

Sports Hernia

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The pit
Hawksalot4277":16909wot said:
I'm a lifelong Broncos fan, and I hope our defense can hold Beastmode to 4 yards on 20 carries. That said, he has two of my ALL TIME favorite quotes from Super Bowl media day; "I ain't never seen no talking win me nothing," and "I'm just about that action boss."

This man just wants to play football. Not a fan on the planet that shouldn't be able to respect that. Of ALL the talented players Seattle will line up on Sunday, this guy EASILY scares me the most, and it's not even close. Peyton can stay away from Sherman, dink and dunk the safeties out of relevance, and check to the run at the exact time he needs to. But there is no avoiding Lynch. No going around him, no wishing away a run play. Only way Denver wins Sunday is to do what nobody else has done this year, and that's contain the Beast.

We shall see!
no offense, but your defense will be lucky to keep Lynch under 120 yards. It usually takes 4 or 5 guys to bring him down once he starts running downhill. You will be yelling "tackle him dammit" as he is dragging Denver defenders 7 or 8 yards after initial contact. There is NO other back in the league like ML.


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Aug 19, 2012
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Behind you
Axx":exj01w5b said:



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Dec 26, 2012
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Players like Marshawn, playing in this game... they just elevate. They just bring that level of sheer determination and will to the game that separates them from the rest of the players in the league. Marshawn has proven that in every playoff game he has played in. Now the stakes are higher, this is IT. There is no concept of saving something for next week. I expect big time play from Marshawn, and I expect Denver's defense to not know what hit them.

If Marshawn sets the tone, and pulls in defenders to stop him, that is just more bodies he will tire out, more opportunities for our "pedestrian" receivers, and more mismatches for Percy off of play action.

I see a bubble screen off of play action with Miller blocking, and Percy going to the house.


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May 18, 2012
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I mean Lynch CAN be stopped in the playoffs if you sell out completely to stop him like Atlanta did. Then again, Wilson had 385 passing yards in that game and added some yards of his own on the ground...


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Oct 1, 2013
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My favorite quotes from Marshawn is "Going to have to stop all of us, you feel me?" And " We got some dogs. " Love this guy! I have a feeling he is going straight up BEAST MODE and is going to have one of those AMAZING runs! Also think Percy is going to go off! I just feel like we are going to abuse these guys on both side of the ball and special teams. I think they are scared


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Apr 3, 2012
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You line up Russell Wilson with Lynch on one side and Harvin on the other. They CANNOT commit full to stopping lynch without being torn up by Wilson or Harvin. And I wouldn't be surprised if that's a plan. They moved Harvin alot before he got hurt vs the Saints. With Harvin I think it keeps the Broncos D from fully committing to Lynch.


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Jan 24, 2014
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BAJAHAWK":1qzhy6h7 said:
My favorite quotes from Marshawn is "Going to have to stop all of us, you feel me?" And " We got some dogs. " Love this guy! I have a feeling he is going straight up BEAST MODE and is going to have one of those AMAZING runs! Also think Percy is going to go off! I just feel like we are going to abuse these guys on both side of the ball and special teams. I think they are scared

Ok, let's not get crazy. Scared? Why? Because they might lose? Doubtful. Players can say what they want, but BOTH sides understand a loss on Sunday is a possibility, and I don't think ANY of them are scared if it. That's just fan talk.


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Jan 20, 2014
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There is one way to stop marshawn. Put 8 in the box, leave 3 db's to handle our pedestrians.
We all saw when the rams gave the schematic to the rest of the league, you hear anylist say all of the time, this is a copy cat league. When the rams did that, i got a little worried that teams may of found a way to work the hawks over.
But, our recievers and russ seemed to figure out what they needed to do, get seperation and get rid of the damn ball!
I even saw lynch running straight through those crowded boxs like no one else can(99broken tackles this year,next guy=60).
So in my eyes the hawks got their shit together, not to mention none of this would of happened if we had a healthy percy.
So with beast running against a normal box for the first time in months, he should be unstoppable.
And IF the decide to put 7-8 in the box, Percy Harvin gets Superbowl MVP.

My take on Seattle/Denver Superbowl
Normal ammount of Denver personnel in box= Marshawn Lynch Superbowl MVP
Extra Denver personnel in box= Percy Harvin Superbowl MVP


Oct 26, 2013
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Well from what I can tell Denvers weakness is their secondary so it would be pretty stupid for us to do nothing all day but pound the ball to Marshawn unless we are already up like 20 points.

I think we just need a good balanced offense, nothing too fancy except maybe a little Harvin trickery and the occasional deep ball (not convinced Denver can defend our guys deep).

That being said, I kinda have a feeling Marshawn is more likely to have a career MVP type of day than getting shut down. I just imagine our whole offensive line and anyone blocking is going to be so amped up Marshawn will have chances to explode all over the Broncos. I just think we are going to need to mix it up a bit with some legit good offensive play calling to make things easier for everyone.


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Jan 20, 2014
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Hawksalot4277":39deugxr said:
Ok, let's not get crazy. Scared? Why? Because they might lose? Doubtful. Players can say what they want, but BOTH sides understand a loss on Sunday is a possibility, and I don't think ANY of them are scared if it. That's just fan talk.

I actually agree with you. Fans care about losing more than the players. if you dont agree, fans are the ones stabbing opposing fans after games(49ers fans known for that). You wont see players do thar shit.
I dont think either team is scared, but they do want to win more than any of us fans, they are the ones working every day of their life to get here.
But i will tell you when a broncos player will be scared(not hating, this goes for any player on any opposing team) when Marshawn AKA BEAST MODE is running full speed at you 1 on 1 and you can see yourself in his visor. lol
Half the reason they are scared is cause the obvious, you got the meanest rb in the league abouy to charge you like a bull, but the other half of the fear is that thought they had pregame and is returning to their head as they seem him break through and coming straight for them, that damn.... im going onto his highlight reel when he busts me in the mouth and throws me to the ground with a stiffarm of steel.