Danny O'Neil claims Coleman "beat out" Mike Rob


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PoCompton, BC Canada
AgentDib":1gvhm9ck said:
I wonder if everybody realizes that we are averaging 4.5 yards per carry so far this season? Obviously I would love for it to be even better with MRob, but blaming our offensive struggles on Derrick Coleman is hilariously silly.

Yerp. Marshwn is on pace for 1,300 yards this season. That's bang on pace for what he's done the last two full seasons he's played. Giving MRob as much credit for Marshawn's success as some people around here are giving him is an insult to Marshawn.

And this is coming from a guy who PLAYED fullback! I NEVER think my kind get enough credit, but people are being a bit silly fawning over MRob these days.


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Ventura, CA
Tech Worlds":2acjjbkn said:
kearly":2acjjbkn said:
Tech Worlds":2acjjbkn said:
All of Mr Robinson's blocks better be pancakes because you all have really built him up to the stuff of legend.

This isn't about Mike Rob being Chuck Norris. It's about Derrick Coleman being Steve Urkell, for the first six games, at least.

Everyone that watched Coleman closely agreed that he was hurting the offense by being out there. The coaches obviously agreed, because Coleman's role was being reduced in every successive game, meaning that very important parts of our playbook were going away with him.

He did play very well in the Cardinals game before his injury, but I thought even at the end of the preseason that Seattle would be nuts to keep Coleman, much less ditch Mike Rob for him. Based on what we've learned this week, they didn't have a choice.

On that note, Danny O'Neil is a moron for thinking the Coleman swap was in any way based upon on-field performance. He's a nice guy, but his football knowledge is far weaker than Huard's and as a result he has to rely on clichés and talking points way too much.

Honesty kearly I do not believe that most people on this board watched Coleman closely at all. They are merely parroting what you say.

Not that you are incorrect in your assessment.

This guy has quickly became Paul Bunion.

Nah, you just cherish being the bit of grit in the oyster on every topic. I'm still waiting for the pearls. Many of us have our own opinions, so you might as well not try to read other peoples' minds. MR was better than Coleman in the preseason and he was much better last season than Coleman has been this season. According to PFF, Coleman's DVOA is -3.1, which is bad. MR's was 3.0 last year.

MR is an upgrade. He's not a world beater. Crucially, no one said he is.

So far this season, the optimists are winning in a landslide.

Tech Worlds

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Granite Falls, WA
formido":3w0yyz62 said:
Tech Worlds":3w0yyz62 said:
kearly":3w0yyz62 said:
Tech Worlds":3w0yyz62 said:
All of Mr Robinson's blocks better be pancakes because you all have really built him up to the stuff of legend.

This isn't about Mike Rob being Chuck Norris. It's about Derrick Coleman being Steve Urkell, for the first six games, at least.

Everyone that watched Coleman closely agreed that he was hurting the offense by being out there. The coaches obviously agreed, because Coleman's role was being reduced in every successive game, meaning that very important parts of our playbook were going away with him.

He did play very well in the Cardinals game before his injury, but I thought even at the end of the preseason that Seattle would be nuts to keep Coleman, much less ditch Mike Rob for him. Based on what we've learned this week, they didn't have a choice.

On that note, Danny O'Neil is a moron for thinking the Coleman swap was in any way based upon on-field performance. He's a nice guy, but his football knowledge is far weaker than Huard's and as a result he has to rely on clichés and talking points way too much.

Honesty kearly I do not believe that most people on this board watched Coleman closely at all. They are merely parroting what you say.

Not that you are incorrect in your assessment.

This guy has quickly became Paul Bunion.

Nah, you just cherish being the bit of grit in the oyster on every topic. I'm still waiting for the pearls. Many of us have our own opinions, so you might as well not try to read other peoples' minds. MR was better than Coleman in the preseason and he was much better last season than Coleman has been this season. According to PFF, Coleman's DVOA is -3.1, which is bad. MR's was 3.0 last year.

MR is an upgrade. He's not a world beater. Crucially, no one said he is.

So far this season, the optimists are winning in a landslide.

You sir are obviously the exception. Congratulations for a job well done.


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Jan 5, 2013
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In fairness to O'Neil, technically Coleman did beat out MRob...which isn't a huge accomplishment as I could have beat out MRob by default of being in the hospital.

2 things...I'd caution a seamless transition. Not only has MRob been out of the loop in terms of practice, but he's also not going to be the same physically for a few months.

Last thing, O'Neil is a huge tool. It's sad that Brock has this clown as a side kick on what could be a really top notch radio program. But hey, good for O'Neil.


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scakfan":n2x42b33 said:
ivotuk":n2x42b33 said:
O'Neill is an ass kisser and I get so tired of his faked laugh that he makes overly loud. He has some occasional good points but then he gets arrogant and says the stupidest isht! He even overrides Brock sometimes which is completely ignorant.

Danny is very knowledgeable, but he needs to tone it down some with his "volume."

And to say Coleman outperformed Robinson on the field appears to be an attempt to kiss up to Pete and John, but it's far from reality. Someone as smart as Mr. O'Neill should know that "outperforming" someone, or something means a head to head competition under similar conditions.

I used to listen to Brock and Salk but with Danny there it is just unbearable. His extended GIRLEY giggle belongs on an Ophra Winfrey show. For someone whom probable never owned a set of cleats he sure is given a lot of leeway in providing his opinion. I think all in all KJR is much more informative and entertaining. Especially SOFTTY!
Danny's laugh is sooooo annoying and his attempts at being funning are awkward/nerdy. Sometimes it seems like Brock is annoyed with Danny and wants to grab him by the neck to choke him out.


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CANHawk":57x1l900 said:
AgentDib":57x1l900 said:
I wonder if everybody realizes that we are averaging 4.5 yards per carry so far this season? Obviously I would love for it to be even better with MRob, but blaming our offensive struggles on Derrick Coleman is hilariously silly.

Yerp. Marshwn is on pace for 1,300 yards this season. That's bang on pace for what he's done the last two full seasons he's played. Giving MRob as much credit for Marshawn's success as some people around here are giving him is an insult to Marshawn.

And this is coming from a guy who PLAYED fullback! I NEVER think my kind get enough credit, but people are being a bit silly fawning over MRob these days.

This is what happens when you cherry pick stats. How about looking at our rushing average out of....say, I formation ? Or how about comparing every formation with a FB. Take out the rushes from Wilson. You'd have a better idea how Coleman is doing, and it's not good. It affects Lynch; he doesn't trust his blocking, even when it's there. Some teams figured it out and clogged the cut back lanes, which ended up with lower rushing totals.

What Kearly said was that "very important pieces were being left ouf of the playbook". We were leaving the fullback on the sidelines, running 3 WRs, spreading the defense out, and running Lynch out of single set back. Anyone notice that we haven't been wearing teams out in the 4th quarter with our run game ? I formation has a lot to do with that; you beat up people a hell of a lot more with a FB than spreading the defense out and finding lanes that way. It's a finesse way to run, and people honestly have to admit that Carroll definately doesn't want to be a finesse team.

-The Glove-

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Tech Worlds":eqj4oo8n said:
kearly":eqj4oo8n said:
Tech Worlds":eqj4oo8n said:
All of Mr Robinson's blocks better be pancakes because you all have really built him up to the stuff of legend.

This isn't about Mike Rob being Chuck Norris. It's about Derrick Coleman being Steve Urkell, for the first six games, at least.

Everyone that watched Coleman closely agreed that he was hurting the offense by being out there. The coaches obviously agreed, because Coleman's role was being reduced in every successive game, meaning that very important parts of our playbook were going away with him.

He did play very well in the Cardinals game before his injury, but I thought even at the end of the preseason that Seattle would be nuts to keep Coleman, much less ditch Mike Rob for him. Based on what we've learned this week, they didn't have a choice.

On that note, Danny O'Neil is a moron for thinking the Coleman swap was in any way based upon on-field performance. He's a nice guy, but his football knowledge is far weaker than Huard's and as a result he has to rely on clichés and talking points way too much.

Honesty kearly I do not believe that most people on this board watched Coleman closely at all. They are merely parroting what you say.

Not that you are incorrect in your assessment.

This guy has quickly became Paul Bunion.

I have my own set of eyes and a brain (some would argue otherwise) and I've seen too many times where Coleman would merely just get in the way of a pass rusher. As fast and athletic as these guys are, they can recover and attack RW and Lynch in a split second.


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TwilightError":21kizt02 said:
He just makes provocative comments as part of his profession. MikeRob is an ox!

Part of the radio business...nay...all of the radio biz is entertainment. It looks like Danny boy is learning lessons from Skip Bayless. If you're an old or overweight white guy, pretend as though you're down with the kids, then take insane positions in order to excite the viewers either in anger or agreement. It's a proven recipe for success, as you've seen with Mr Skip who has been in the biz for generations and still has a career. I don't fault them particularly. It's what they do to survive. Can you imagine Danny boy playing the hip hop angle if he was on TV, lol? No way. A 45 year old 250 lb white guy regurgitating hip hop lines? What about grandpa skip, how does a 75 year old have a show on ESPN?

It's obvious to any and all that Mrob was "beat out" due to the fact that he was owed 2.5 mil. The Hawks made a financial decision. And I agree with the decision. But the guy was not beat out by Coleman at any time for football reasons.


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Aug 15, 2011
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Rocket":2chx2jf9 said:
Aros":2chx2jf9 said:
You simply cannot put a price on having Lynch's trust. Thank God MRob is back!

Trust. Something he hasn't had this season wrt fullbacks.

Correct me if I'm wrong never heard anyone discuss whether or not Lynch "trusts" his FB until Kearly said it in his Random Thoughts.
Kind of goes along with Tech World's point if that's where people picked it up.

That being said, it doesn't affect whether it's true or not.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tech Worlds":1k6yu8o4 said:
kearly":1k6yu8o4 said:
Tech Worlds":1k6yu8o4 said:
All of Mr Robinson's blocks better be pancakes because you all have really built him up to the stuff of legend.

This isn't about Mike Rob being Chuck Norris. It's about Derrick Coleman being Steve Urkell, for the first six games, at least.

Everyone that watched Coleman closely agreed that he was hurting the offense by being out there. The coaches obviously agreed, because Coleman's role was being reduced in every successive game, meaning that very important parts of our playbook were going away with him.

He did play very well in the Cardinals game before his injury, but I thought even at the end of the preseason that Seattle would be nuts to keep Coleman, much less ditch Mike Rob for him. Based on what we've learned this week, they didn't have a choice.

On that note, Danny O'Neil is a moron for thinking the Coleman swap was in any way based upon on-field performance. He's a nice guy, but his football knowledge is far weaker than Huard's and as a result he has to rely on clichés and talking points way too much.

Honesty kearly I do not believe that most people on this board watched Coleman closely at all. They are merely parroting what you say.

Not that you are incorrect in your assessment.

This guy has quickly became Paul Bunion.

I let Kip pick out what I'm going to wear, but when it comes to football I do my own thinking. And I thought Coleman was pretty bad.
I like you pointing out groupthink. Like you said, it doesn't make it wrong.


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Mar 12, 2012
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It's funny that the Hawks get so much love and respect right now that people have to find things like this to get worked up over.

Tech Worlds

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Granite Falls, WA
Scottemojo":1e957ozc said:
Tech Worlds":1e957ozc said:
kearly":1e957ozc said:
Tech Worlds":1e957ozc said:
All of Mr Robinson's blocks better be pancakes because you all have really built him up to the stuff of legend.

This isn't about Mike Rob being Chuck Norris. It's about Derrick Coleman being Steve Urkell, for the first six games, at least.

Everyone that watched Coleman closely agreed that he was hurting the offense by being out there. The coaches obviously agreed, because Coleman's role was being reduced in every successive game, meaning that very important parts of our playbook were going away with him.

He did play very well in the Cardinals game before his injury, but I thought even at the end of the preseason that Seattle would be nuts to keep Coleman, much less ditch Mike Rob for him. Based on what we've learned this week, they didn't have a choice.

On that note, Danny O'Neil is a moron for thinking the Coleman swap was in any way based upon on-field performance. He's a nice guy, but his football knowledge is far weaker than Huard's and as a result he has to rely on clichés and talking points way too much.

Honesty kearly I do not believe that most people on this board watched Coleman closely at all. They are merely parroting what you say.

Not that you are incorrect in your assessment.

This guy has quickly became Paul Bunion.

I let Kip pick out what I'm going to wear, but when it comes to football I do my own thinking. And I thought Coleman was pretty bad.
I like you pointing out groupthink. Like you said, it doesn't make it wrong.

You know I know you ain't one of the sheep brother.


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Oct 14, 2010
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Basis4day":3ullj4ty said:
Rocket":3ullj4ty said:
Aros":3ullj4ty said:
You simply cannot put a price on having Lynch's trust. Thank God MRob is back!

Trust. Something he hasn't had this season wrt fullbacks.

Correct me if I'm wrong never heard anyone discuss whether or not Lynch "trusts" his FB until Kearly said it in his Random Thoughts.
Kind of goes along with Tech World's point if that's where people picked it up.

That being said, it doesn't affect whether it's true or not.

You and Mr Tech world are using cheap shots with no evidence. You're assuming that everyone that disagrees with Danny boy is the same, ie they don't have their own thoughts and are following in herd like manner behind this Kearly fella. Secondly, you're reading minds as if you somehow have insight into people's motives. Not one person, but everyone who disagrees with Danny boy. They are all the same and since they disagree with you and Danny boy they don't have their own thoughts.

I wish I could think up this wildly smart tactic...oh wait, someone defined it thousands of years ago...it's called an ad hominem attack. You don't debate the argument but their motives, you don't argue the point you attack their character.


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Apr 30, 2009
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I don't remember one great play from Mike Rob in the pre season. I remember several from Coleman. I could be really dumb, and I certainly wasn't as practices, but Coleman had a good pre-season.

Not every good pre season performance is an indicator of things to come.


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May 30, 2012
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RolandDeschain":3esnuct4 said:
CANHawk":3esnuct4 said:
That's right bitch. CANHawk can NOT be defined. He is too amazing to be defined by normal words. You'd need several pictures and at least one instance of improper touching to be able to define CANHawk...
Adding your own entries into Urban Dictionary makes you a tool. 8)

Clearly you didn't click on the link


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Mar 8, 2007
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Tonasket, WA to Temecula, CA
Here's an idea... Ask Beast.

According to Robinson in his presser they spoke EVERY day.

That doesn't sound like someone who was "moving on" and fully embracing the "next man up" mentality.

There's something to be said about close working relationships in life as well as in sports... sometimes maybe "that guy" isn't necessarily the best at his job anymore... but maybe that guy's best asset is that he brings out the best in others.

I think a big key to this teams success is that maybe the Seahawks are excelling right now (or at least trying hard) to meld that fine line between running a business and creating a "TEAM". This situation with Robinson is an excellent example of that effort which goes far beyond Robinson going out on Monday and pancaking every LB that trys to lay a finger on his running back...


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Tech Worlds":itmwipcw said:
You know I know you ain't one of the sheep brother.

FWIW, I actually appreciate your "sheep" comments Tech. That's not accusing anyone of being a sheep, it's just that like you, I'd prefer people to think for themselves. It is one of the bigger reasons I've scaled back in the past month.

Scottemojo":itmwipcw said:
I don't remember one great play from Mike Rob in the pre season. I remember several from Coleman. I could be really dumb, and I certainly wasn't as practices, but Coleman had a good pre-season.

Not every good pre season performance is an indicator of things to come.

In the preseason, I thought Coleman looked terrific as a possession receiver out of the backfield. Then in the last two preseason games I actually watched his run blocking closely, and it was every bit as bad as we've come to know it in regular season play. Though oddly enough, his run blocking performance in the season opener was actually very good, and PFF agreed with me giving Coleman a very high score for that game. Between then and the Cardinals game, he was a mess. Probably a learning curve thing. His progress in the Cardinals game left me genuinely optimistic about his future.

I do believe in the preseason as an indicator. It indicates correctly more often than it does not. But it does seem like we've seen a lot of players recently who were strikingly different in the preseason vs. regular season. In particular, JeanPierre and Turbin. Back in 2011, it was T-Jack and Golden Tate.


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Mar 6, 2007
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AgentDib":6y9gi20n said:
I wonder if everybody realizes that we are averaging 4.5 yards per carry so far this season? Obviously I would love for it to be even better with MRob, but blaming our offensive struggles on Derrick Coleman is hilariously silly.

IMO, Coleman was a problem for the first six games. He was getting blown up by LBs, whiffing on blocks, and even when he didn't mess up, Lynch wouldn't trust it half the time. That's based on the eyeball test and watching the game closely.

But the stats verify as well. We had, what, 6.0 yards per carry last season after the read option switch last year? I didn't expect 6.0 over a full season in 2013, but a drop to 4.5 is what I would consider to be substantial. And though I can't confirm, the eyeball test leads me to believe that drop is coming mostly from I-formation plays, which we have been miserable on for most of the season.


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Oct 4, 2009
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PoCompton, BC Canada
Hawks46":3inqpxzk said:
CANHawk":3inqpxzk said:
AgentDib":3inqpxzk said:
I wonder if everybody realizes that we are averaging 4.5 yards per carry so far this season? Obviously I would love for it to be even better with MRob, but blaming our offensive struggles on Derrick Coleman is hilariously silly.

Yerp. Marshwn is on pace for 1,300 yards this season. That's bang on pace for what he's done the last two full seasons he's played. Giving MRob as much credit for Marshawn's success as some people around here are giving him is an insult to Marshawn.

And this is coming from a guy who PLAYED fullback! I NEVER think my kind get enough credit, but people are being a bit silly fawning over MRob these days.

This is what happens when you cherry pick stats. How about looking at our rushing average out of....say, I formation ? Or how about comparing every formation with a FB. Take out the rushes from Wilson. You'd have a better idea how Coleman is doing, and it's not good. It affects Lynch; he doesn't trust his blocking, even when it's there. Some teams figured it out and clogged the cut back lanes, which ended up with lower rushing totals.

What Kearly said was that "very important pieces were being left ouf of the playbook". We were leaving the fullback on the sidelines, running 3 WRs, spreading the defense out, and running Lynch out of single set back. Anyone notice that we haven't been wearing teams out in the 4th quarter with our run game ? I formation has a lot to do with that; you beat up people a hell of a lot more with a FB than spreading the defense out and finding lanes that way. It's a finesse way to run, and people honestly have to admit that Carroll definately doesn't want to be a finesse team.

How am I cherry picking stats? And what the hell does Russell Wilson's rushing total have to do with Marshawn personally being on pace to put up 1,300 individual rushing yards this year? He has 578 yards through 7 games in 2013, 578/7=82.6YPG. 82.6x16 games=1,322 yard pace for the 2013 season. Show me what I cherry picked...

No, I think you missed my point that Marshawn Lynch is perfectly capable of being a feature back that puts up 1,000+ yards a season without Mike Robinson. At no point did I specifically mention I formation when I said that. To hear some around here talk, you'd think Marshawn incapable of putting on his own shoes or feeding himself without Michael Robinson there to help and I call bullshit. Marshawn is a fricken BEAST.

You make a good point about I Form contributing to beating teams up in the first 3 quarters and I totally agree with that. But you're also forgetting to factor in the fact we're playing with 2 back up tackles (one of whom is a pro bowler and the other a bad mutha trucka) and had 2 games without our All Pro center. You don't think THAT might ALSO be a contributing factor in why we're not beating teams up in the 4th? And I'm the one cherry picking...

Look, I hope Mike's return has as big of an impact on that part of our identity as many here seem to think it will be. If he's healthy and he's the same guy he was at the end of last year, then he will absolutely be an improvement over the deaf blind mute. But Tech's right; people are putting this one guy on way too high of a pedestil. Setting expectations for one guy as high as people are only sets us up for dissapointment...