Conversation with my dad tonight made me chuckle...


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Dec 21, 2011
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I called my dad tonight on the way home from work and the conversation quickly turned to the Hawks. My dad is a life long Seattle sports fan and I inherited his cautionary negative genes. I always have my parents over for Hawks gams. Last year I had to ask him to pipe down several times as the Hawks struggled through tough wins, and when I say he was negative I mean some of the most negative stuff would come out of his mouth. My wife wont let my two sons sit in the same room when we were watching games. I knew the Hawks were going to win all last year and my dad realized this after the PH kickoff return. It was AWESOME to see all the frustration leave him and enjoy what was obviously going to be the outcome in the 2nd half of last years SB.

Back to our conversation tonight. My dad kept saying how much respect he has for Pete. My dad doesn't get computers so he has no idea what the internet is or how to use it. He still relies on newspapers and the local news to get his information.

My dad has lived in Kirkland since the mid 60's. Back in 2003 or 4 he was pulling out of the QFC parking lot in Kirkland and almost ran over Holmgren in a cross walk. Mike slammed his fists down on the hood of my dads old Chevy pickup and my dad hammered the brakes. During our conversation tonight my dad said if he ran over Holmy he would have called 911, but if he hit Pete today he would provide CPR until Pete looked like a Thanksgiving day parade float.

Just random thoughts from long time Hawk fans. It was really cool to hear my dad just give credit to another old timer and have the life experiences (not influenced by the internet) provide basis for impressions.

Pete Carroll deserves much more credit than he gets for the Hawks success. Guess that's my point of this thread. Plus, who else can claim that their dad almost ran over Holmy and would make more of an effort to save Pete over Mike.

LOL, I know my dad and he would do what he could in either position, it was just funny listening to him explain the rational.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
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Dude, I would recommend you archiving this snippet in a file for the future. This is awesome stuff that you should keep for future reference. Fantastic story.


Apr 22, 2013
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Very cool story

You dad could have helped by hitting Ken Berring, he may have hailed a hero :sarcasm_on:


New member
Mar 3, 2007
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This is great.

The description of the years of frustrations expressed by your father and all that washing away as the Super Bowl went on. I can't help but think that this same scenario was playing out all across 12th man nation that night.


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Dec 31, 2014
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Seattle, Washington
A lot of people I know had false impressions of Pete when he first became the coach, and it has taken several years to overcome those false narratives. '08 and '09 were desperate, negative times, winning fewer than six games in consecutive seasons for the first time since the first two seasons of the team's history. The entire team needed to be rebuilt from scratch. Many expected him to lose and therefore made him the target of their frustrations, blaming him for things only with the benefit of hindsight but without appreciating the big picture. I knew some people who were actually rooting for losses to improve our draft positioning, even during the 2010 finale when that game would have meant the difference between going to the playoffs and going fishing. Imagine no Beast Quake.
