Aros' Fearless Prediction Thread - (Chiefs @ Seahawks)


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Nov 10, 2017
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The final score doesn t matter, the officials will find a way to drag out the drama where the Hawks win by 2, because then they squeak into the playoffs and KC has some real work to do, you guys

Score: just enough for the home team.


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Jan 7, 2014
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Seymour":xe93vvhs said:
RCATES":xe93vvhs said:
Wilson in the rain....................Lol. We're going to get embarrassed. 35-13 Chiefs.

Did you happen to notice the pouring rain last week when Wilson put up a 117 passer rating?

I'm sure you purged that info if you ever even noticed it? :roll:

The one where Wilson shit the bed the last two drives to win the game? Throwing the ball into the ground with a wide open Doug in the corner to not convert on 3rd down? That game...............

My opinion of us getting blown out is for the pure fact that I don't trust RW and this offense to keep up with the Chiefs at all. We will likely be without both our starting Safeties. It could get ugly quick.


Feb 7, 2015
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Florence, Oregon
I wouldn't miss my Aros' Fearless Prediction. It's the one thread that I've tried to consistently post I this season. I've done pretty well, as well as most I guess. Although the last match up with 9ers didn't even come close. I did qualify in that prediction however, that the Officials and their influences may not be in the Seahawks favor in this one and that our Game Plan had damn well better factor them in, if we wanted to get out San Francisco with a win.

For the short read: If we are ordained to win I predict the final score, Seahawks 42 vs Chiefs 17. If the Chiefs are the ordained team to win, then my prediction is Seahawks 33 vs Chiefs 23.

For those that prefer a little more thought, paranoia, truth or delusion feel free to read on and be your own judge.

I think that Pete and Russell both summed it up after the game when they said "The Penalties proved too much to overcome" in this match up. I've learned over time that Pete's code speaks for Penalties is Officials, and in my humble opinion that was exactly the case in this one. Pete started using that word back some time ago when the press started pressing him following losses where it appeared that the officials had been less than level handed. Pete at one point, when they wouldn't relent, said "I'm sorry, I'm not able to comment on that" and ignored any further attempts by the press.

No one who is contractually bound the NFL is able "to comment on that", without facing the possibility of fines, sanctions, suspensions, and or combinations thereof as a consequence. So from that point on, in games where it was apparent that the Officials did not appear supportive of our emerging victorious, and Pete was questioned, he would reply "The Penalties proved to be too much for us to overcome in this one", and then would ask for the next question.

Okay enough of that noise, to my prediction in this Sunday night match up with the Kansas City Chiefs, I sincerely that if all things were fair and level handed in this one that the Seahawks have the perfect formula to defeat the Chiefs. They can't stop the run to save their lives, and their pass defense is’ a whole lot better.

The Seahawks should be able to control the clock and score with consistently throughout. Again only if the officials have decided we that the chosen ones in this one and don't overwhelm us with penalties.

KC’s quarter back, while exceptionally talented, in that he can scramble with the best, has a good arm and is accurate, if given time to think and play. The Seahawks Defense is going to have to bring everything they have in this one.
Mahomed is not nearly as accurate under pressure, and will make lots of mistakes when he finds himself in that scenario. The Seahawks are going to have to cover his receivers, we are fully capable of doing that, and if we can create pressure on Mahomes, opportunities for interceptions will present themselves in this one. I think Shaquill and Tre have both grown in to their positions and are both primed to make some picks.

I also believe with KJ back in the game and with the way he and Bobby feed off each other and our entire defense feeds off those two, I have no doubt that we are going to see a number of forced fumble recoveries, sacks and interceptions as well. Nobody in the NFL knows how to pick passes off of a QB like Mahomes, than Bobby Wagner. Look for new records to be set in this game.

I'm having a tough time figuring out which Seahawk players are in and out in this one. I’m finding conflicting info posted and am primarily depending on the dot com site. On our Offense, I thought that I saw Simmons was out for this one, and that Fluker was out before Simmons. But when I looked at the active and injured list today, I found both of them listed active.
I don't care which one is out there, as long as one of them is. Pocic makes it too easy for the Officials to throw flags, if they are on the hunt for excuses to. We need someone playing at the OG position that can help the causes, for both passing and running. Especially if we plan, on putting up big numbers, with our running game, in this one. JD McKissic is good to go in this match up, and is always a game changer when he is healthy and having a good day, the same true for Tyler, Ed, Moore, even Big George Fant can mix it up with the best of them if called upon to do so. Chris Carson, Mike Davis, Rashaad Penny are all expected to play against the Chiefs, factor in Russell Wilson, our other QB LOL, who has put up more yards rushing in some games than all our RBs combined. Outside the Offensive Guard Position, our Offense, is good to go.

We have lots of unanswered questions with our Defense. Again, it’s a mixed bag of nuts, trying to determine who will be active and who will be out injured for this game. One read had Tedrick Thompson out, McDougled questionable, that is our free and strong safety positions that may need to be filled by “The Next Man Up”, not sure what Pete has up his sleeves if this one plays out this way.

Pete's Next Man Up has never been more alive and well than what it has been this season, and to his credit, many of the next men up that have been called upon have proven to be ready for their opportunities to shine, are stepping up and showing us that they are hungry for a place on the field, who knows, the next Earl Thomas or Kam Chancellor might be given their opportunities, if Brad and Ted can’t take the field.
A good example of that was when Jordan Simmons stepped in for Fluker. Although its looking like Simmons is in the same boat as Fluker was. I read that Fluker was questionable, I hope he is able to play, but if we will probably see Pocic step up, I wonder who else might be a better option, Pocic is an easy target for Officials who are itching to toss a flag.
I know it would make for a really long and boring game, but it wouldn't bother me a bit, if the Seahawks ran every damn play of the game. The Chiefs couldn’t stop us, even if we invited them into the huddle and announced what play we were going to call.
Our RB’s are averaging 4 plus yards per carry, we could likely convert and eat up the clock all the way down the field and then run it in for a touchdown, and then run it in again for a two point conversion too, lol. It would bore the Chiefs to death; the Chiefs would probably have a hard time staying awake.

In all seriousness, this game will go one of two ways, if the Officials don't have us targeted to lose, we should do exceptionally well, If they do have us targeted to lose, I still thiink we can pull it out, if Pete has factored the prospect of this into our games plans, and I have to believe that he has.
If it appears the Officials are going to help the Chiefs in this one, Pete needs to shift gears quickly and go to plan B, which needs to include scoring more points than the Chiefs and the Officials combined can score. It would require Russell Wilson, doing what only he can do, and that is go after the scoreboard like a man possessed. He cannot afford to stay conservative, and will need to take whatever risks are necessary to overcome the best efforts of both the Chiefs and the NFL Officials.

We’ll see if my instincts are right, I believe that because the Chiefs are clearly in the playoffs in their division, the Seahawks will be ordained the favorite sons in this one, because the NFL stands to earn too much money by trying to knock us out now. When we do arrive at that point, which will likely be against the Ram’s who got help from the officials throughout 80% of their match ups this season, then is when the Seahawks need to employee a game plan that devastates the Rams and the Officials, and renders all their best laid plans futile.
If the Seahawks are the Officials favorite in this one, look for the Chief’s to commit more fouls in this one than they have in any other game this season, if we don’t run them over by playing good solid football.

If we are ordained to win this one, then I predict the final score, will be Seahawks 42 vs Chiefs 17. If the Chiefs are the ordained team to win, then my prediction will be Seahawks 33 vs Chiefs 23. Only because I believe that Pete is ready for them this time and will do whatever is necessary to give the 12 a win in this one.

I realize to some, that I sound like a Homer-ish Conspiracy Theorist, and a few years ago, I was one of those that would have looked at someone like me that way too.

I haven’t missed a Seahawk game in over 40 years, and I’ve become weary of all the “coincidences, ghost or phantom penalty calls, Officials making up penalties that don’t even exist in a rule book, and all the other questionable craziness that has gone on for more than a decade now.
The age of modern communications technology, coupled with the motion by the NFL to police them, prompted me, to consider how ridiculous, or perhaps how possible my suspicions might be. I know that if you want to find the truth in this matter, all you need to do is follow the NFL money trail. It didn’t take long to come to the realization that, since the changing of the guards, the teams that make the NFL the most money are the teams that almost always find their way to the play offs and the Super Bowl Championships.
I say almost because I believe that at this point in time, that most all of the teams are aware of what’s up and have, in response, have started to devise strategies to come away with wins in those games where they are not the Officials favorite. I truly believe that the Seattle Seahawks are one of these teams, when you consider that it’s always been “one of those crazy 12 man magic miracle plays” that only Russell Wilson could pull out of his ass that have advanced us to heights we were never intended to have reached.
Consider for yourselves, why the NFL anointed themselves the Foxes guarding the Hen House some years back, and how in doing so, they created the perfect formula to maximize their profits, by way of establishing a centralized control room, now able to direct the actions and potential outcomes of every NFL game played, all accomplished thru the earpieces, that every official has inserted in his or her ear, while on the field and officiating games. Why is it so difficult to consider what instructions are being sent down from the NFL Headquarters?

Today I'm on a mission to try clean up and save the NFL from itself, they need to get their fingers out of our games and figure out a way to level the playing field and restore honesty and integrity to their sport. I think the only way to accomplish that is for more and more of us to start standing up and telling the King He Has No Clothes, and that it’s ridiculous to keep pretending that he does. The more of us that say we know, the more pressure there is for the NFL to clean itself up.

Go Seahawks!


Active member
Mar 5, 2007
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O-Line and DB injuries along with bad weather makes me think this will be a lost opportunity and we come up on the wrong end of the score. Both teams need this game, but KC has more weapons.

Hawks 17
Chiefs 27

Hope I'm wrong......


New member
Feb 25, 2010
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Camano Island, WA
With both teams struggles on defense, I'm expecting a high score game, the last team with a score will most likely win.
Seahawks = 41
Chiefs = 38.


Aug 14, 2009
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Canby, OR
This is the first Seahawks game all season that I'm having a hard time picking...

Chiefs 33
Seahawks 27

Season Record to Date: 11-3


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
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It will be very high scoring. That's all I know for a scientific fact.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
fenderbender123":2j62u8x0 said:
It will be very high scoring. That's all I know for a scientific fact.

Pretty sure that's what the Vikings thought too.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2011
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I am in Vegas. The spread is now 1 1/2 points down from 3 earlier this week. It should be crazy up there on Sunday night.


Active member
Dec 26, 2014
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Aros":2gxzntme said:
fenderbender123":2gxzntme said:
It will be very high scoring. That's all I know for a scientific fact.

Pretty sure that's what the Vikings thought too.

I think Norton has a game plan. Time to see our LBs back in action together and Poona Doing the belly rub!

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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RCATES":2pxpzdzy said:
Seymour":2pxpzdzy said:
RCATES":2pxpzdzy said:
Wilson in the rain....................Lol. We're going to get embarrassed. 35-13 Chiefs.

Did you happen to notice the pouring rain last week when Wilson put up a 117 passer rating?

I'm sure you purged that info if you ever even noticed it? :roll:

The one where Wilson shit the bed the last two drives to win the game? Throwing the ball into the ground with a wide open Doug in the corner to not convert on 3rd down? That game...............

My opinion of us getting blown out is for the pure fact that I don't trust RW and this offense to keep up with the Chiefs at all. We will likely be without both our starting Safeties. It could get ugly quick.

This aged well


Active member
Nov 16, 2015
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Uncle Si":30d7lxot said:
RCATES":30d7lxot said:
Seymour":30d7lxot said:
RCATES":30d7lxot said:
Wilson in the rain....................Lol. We're going to get embarrassed. 35-13 Chiefs.

Did you happen to notice the pouring rain last week when Wilson put up a 117 passer rating?

I'm sure you purged that info if you ever even noticed it? :roll:

The one where Wilson shit the bed the last two drives to win the game? Throwing the ball into the ground with a wide open Doug in the corner to not convert on 3rd down? That game...............

My opinion of us getting blown out is for the pure fact that I don't trust RW and this offense to keep up with the Chiefs at all. We will likely be without both our starting Safeties. It could get ugly quick.

This aged well

He won't show up again until we lose anyway. I'm guessing he is pretty disappointed we won and is looking for ways to rationalize how Wilson and the Seahawks did it with less talent than the Chiefs roster. Could also be onto bigger fish to fry like setting the family Christmas tree on fire. :twisted: :lol: