A picture says a thousand words. RW vs. Kap

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Aug 20, 2013
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freezefail":3i4rguz4 said:
TaterHawk":3i4rguz4 said:
It's a sad reflection of the 9ers orginization. They made a punk kid the leader because he can run. IQ is the most important factor in QB play. I've said it before..he is not smart, and they will pay for it. Smith is leading KC to what will be an amazing season. All is as it should be.

The guy got a 4.0 at nevada state, what you get at your college?

People will say "Yeah, at Nevada State" which I don't think is fair, but I also don't think we should take elite college football player's GPAs too seriously at all.

That said if one wants to assert that "IQ is the most important factor in QB play" (as TaterHawk does, and I strongly, strongly disagree with, IIRC there's some correlation but not overwhelming, and IIRC it's more of a threshold effect than a raw score thing) the Wonderlic is an IQ test, so we actually know players' IQs.

Kaepernick scored a 37 on the Wonderlic which puts him in the 98th percentile for the general population, and also qualifies him for Mensa (they accept the Wonderlic, column W here: http://goo.gl/OO7bjk)*. Russel Wilson scored a 28; on an IQ test his IQ is much lower. That said, I think this means squat, but if one wants to assert that IQ is incredibly important in QB play and that's what makes Kap a bad quarterback, that is just a bad argument (IMO it doesn't matter) on top of a horrible argument (just factually inaccurate about Kap's IQ).

*(also worth just throwing it out there that I think Mensa is a stupid organization, and I don't put too much stock in IQ tests for a host of reasons; the flynn effect, multiple intelligences, the complete and total train wreck of causality when trying to make nature or nurture arguments, etc.)


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Aug 20, 2013
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volsunghawk":3vutmtxz said:
So first Kaepernick collects shoes and poses with them, and then he collects KIDS and poses with them?

Not cool, Colin. KIDS ARE NOT SHOES!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Awesome post, and deserves to be on this next page too.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Popeyejones":3rz35y9d said:
jkitsune":3rz35y9d said:
Nice post. This is essentially what I meant, put more eloquently by you (via Susan Sontag). The OP is pretty funny, and I appreciate the humor as a Hawks fan, but it's nothing more than a humorous compilation of pictures. I hate Colin in front of the microphone, I don't like his 'bad boy' image, I don't like how he plays into it, and I don't like that he is another extremely talented young hotshot QB who takes the spotlight away from Russell Wilson, but that doesn't automatically translate into being a bad guy.

Agreed. Even as a 9ers fan I appreciate the humor of the OP, and really, really appreciate Wilson as a player, and the limited things I do know about him as a person off the field.

As for the three major critiques of Kaep, I feel differently about each of them:

Tattoo-gate: Totally embarrassing for the idiot writer who started this and anyone who piled on about it.

Dolphins-gate: Totally embarrassing for Kap. I get that it's purely a style/matching an outfit thing for him and that practically everyone under the age of 25 thinks it being a big deal is silly, but he should obviously know that there are no shortage of 9ers fans over 25 who would take umbrage to it, and no shortage of sports media outlets looking for something stupid to talk about in the off-season. Just totally immature and boneheaded on his part.

Press-Conference-Gate (repeatedly): Totally understand why reporters don't like it, but this is a reason to further hate Harbaugh (if one is so inclined), not a reason to hate Kap. Harbaugh does it, Alex Smith started doing it out of nowhere as soon as Harbaugh became coach, and Kap started doing it too by his second year on the team. So, I think if someone doesn't like it there's blame to be spread here, but it points to Harbaugh, not Kap.

I hate Colin's tattoos, regardless of what they say. I hate the obsession with him posing shirtless/nude. I hate the way he kisses his bicep. I hate how he dresses. None of this proves that he's a bad person, a thug, a gangster, or anything else. I just don't like the image on anyone, and the fact that he's a Niner makes it easier to focus on.

The Dolphins hat I don't honestly care about. The whole uproar is just as hilarious as anything else. That said, as a fan I do like that RW seems to live and breathe the Seahawks, and I would be irritated if he wore another team's hat.

As for the press conferences.... man. I don't know. I guess I'd have to see what his pre-harbaugh interviews were like, and what Alex Smith's were like before during and after Harbaugh, but he is the single most boring person to listen to that I've ever heard. I even prefer listening to Harbaugh, although I find him impossible to like as well. I know that the Pats players don't talk much to the media because of Belichick, and maybe it's the same thing with Harbaugh. I don't doubt that Kaepernick is a much more interesting person to talk to away from the podium, because I don't honestly buy that anyone THAT BORING can be a successful leader (could be wrong). But, man. When all I've got to judge the guy off of is his public appearances? They're all pretty offputting to me.

That said, I get to/have to watch a ton of Niners football, and he's an incredibly dynamic player. I don't know what his career will look like, but I'm sure I'd love him if he were a Seahawk. Kid is a baller.


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Nov 30, 2010
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HansGruber":1i3tnajx said:
I don't understand people getting upset about the thread.

The pictures are funny. Supposed to be humor. It's not too be taken literally.

Let your hair down a little. Kick your feet up. Making fun of the other team is okay. Guarantee plenty of folks are making fun of you.

Nothing wrong with "making fun", but when the unnecessary insults and shots start pouring in about the content of his character because of how many shoes he has, it's just a little inane. The initial post was definitely funny though.

HansGruber":1i3tnajx said:
I'm laughing at the fact that the Beiber Generation sees all this as normal. Or that some kid thinks a couple grand worth of sneakers means he's arrived. So what. I also laughed at myself for being that geezer passing judgement on the youth of today.

Sometimes the old grannies on this board get a bit annoying with always telling everyone what they can or can not post, what is or isn't funny, and so on. Hey, why don't you stop worrying about everyone else and just skip the thread of you hate it so much and can't crack a smile or laugh at yourself??

Lol no one likes Bieber, in any generation. If you're referring to me as that kid, well I didn't mean to come off as arrogant (definitely don't think I'm better than anyone), was just trying to prove a point of people having shoes is not uncommon and it's a stupid way to judge someone or at least hypocritical if you don't feel the same way of it for Russell Wilson having a ton of shoes. But yeah, Kaep's posing is a bit douchey though, especially with a comment like "swag" for context. No one likes a show off. People don't have to comment, but it's unfair for someone to express their opinion about Kaep's outfits and pictures and then for someone to not be able express their opinion about someone else's opinion if they disagree, it's a little hypocritical in a sense. Could always be "the bigger man", but this is the internet, so comment away..


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Aug 20, 2013
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The funny thing about the shoe thing to me is that people get annoyed because it's SHOES, and seem to forget that at its core its ultimately A COLLECTION, which tons of people are into, and people have done forever.

*Is my buddy an @sshole because he collects rare records and has a room where he displays all of them?
*Was I an @sshole for collecting baseball cards?
*Are people @ssholes for being into their comic book collection and keeping them all in sleeves?
*Is Jerry Seinfeld an @sshole for collecting rare cars and making a web show where he drives around in them with other comedians?
*Was my grandpa an @sshole for collecting art and putting it up around his house?
*Is my wife's dad an @sshole for being super into wine and having a collection of it that he's proud of?

None of these collections are any different than shoes, it's just that as some old people could never understand why some young idiot would want to collect worthless baseball cards or comic books there are people who now don't understand that shoes too are collectible items, and like all these other things, both their social value (among other collectors) and economic value (on the resale market) are based in scarcity. Like all these other things some people collect them because they love the collecting of them (e.g. they'd never sell unless they had to; what Kaep says about his shoe collection) and others collect speculatively.

Basically, unless someone thinks all forms of collections are stupid and a sign of inferior moral character, snarking on about which community of collectors one takes part in is essentially a roundabout way to convey "hey guys, don't worry about it, I just have very strong feelings about stuff I haven't considered for more than a second and stuff I don't know much about!"

So, kind of a full throated defense of Kap's shoe collection, which doesn't do anything to change the fact that he has played like complete and total dogsh!t over the last two weeks. ;)

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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Popeyejones":8gwrqvob said:
The funny thing about the shoe thing to me is that people get annoyed because it's SHOES, and seem to forget that at its core its ultimately A COLLECTION, which tons of people are into, and people have done forever.

*Is my buddy an @sshole because he collects rare records and has a room where he displays all of them?
*Was I an @sshole for collecting baseball cards?
*Are people @ssholes for being into their comic book collection and keeping them all in sleeves?
*Is Jerry Seinfeld an @sshole for collecting rare cars and making a web show where he drives around in them with other comedians?
*Was my grandpa an @sshole for collecting art and putting it up around his house?
*Is my wife's dad an @sshole for being super into wine and having a collection of it that he's proud of?

None of these collections are any different than shoes, it's just that as some old people could never understand why some young idiot would want to collect worthless baseball cards or comic books there are people who now don't understand that shoes too are collectible items, and like all these other things, both their social value (among other collectors) and economic value (on the resale market) are based in scarcity. Like all these other things some people collect them because they love the collecting of them (e.g. they'd never sell unless they had to; what Kaep says about his shoe collection) and others collect speculatively.

Basically, unless someone thinks all forms of collections are stupid and a sign of inferior moral character, snarking on about which community of collectors one takes part in is essentially a roundabout way to convey "hey guys, don't worry about it, I just have very strong feelings about stuff I haven't considered for more than a second and stuff I don't know much about!"

So, kind of a full throated defense of Kap's shoe collection, which doesn't do anything to change the fact that he has played like complete and total dogsh!t over the last two weeks. ;)

Well said, man. I'm not a shoe collector but I know many people that are. It's a hobby just like anything else. I love shoes (yes some of them are Jordans) but I buy only things that I like and are comfortable. My thing now are Nike Roshe Runs. The most comfortable shoes ever and cheap as hell.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Wilson is married and has a maturity that comes with family and meeting commitments, Kaep is single and living the bachalor lifestyle, how many of us were goofy immature and reckless in those years. Without the commitment and responsibility of a family etc we took life a day at a time a lot. Pictures can say a thousand words, but they can also be misleading. How one deals with adversity and difficulty is what makes a person and you can see his true character. Kaep has just shown he is a competitor and hates to lose, may not be the best sport about it, but then again Peyton Manning can be pretty douchy as well when he has things happen that don't go his way. Being immature is one thing, being a douch is another. I think Kaep has a bit of room to make his mark one way or another. Jim McMahon was a lot like Kaep back in the day as well. His legacy is one of a fun loving loose cannon.


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Mar 7, 2012
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Popeyejones":16du4am8 said:
The funny thing about the shoe thing to me is that people get annoyed because it's SHOES, and seem to forget that at its core its ultimately A COLLECTION, which tons of people are into, and people have done forever.

*Is my buddy an @sshole because he collects rare records and has a room where he displays all of them?
*Was I an @sshole for collecting baseball cards?
*Are people @ssholes for being into their comic book collection and keeping them all in sleeves?
*Is Jerry Seinfeld an @sshole for collecting rare cars and making a web show where he drives around in them with other comedians?
*Was my grandpa an @sshole for collecting art and putting it up around his house?
*Is my wife's dad an @sshole for being super into wine and having a collection of it that he's proud of?

None of these collections are any different than shoes, it's just that as some old people could never understand why some young idiot would want to collect worthless baseball cards or comic books there are people who now don't understand that shoes too are collectible items, and like all these other things, both their social value (among other collectors) and economic value (on the resale market) are based in scarcity. Like all these other things some people collect them because they love the collecting of them (e.g. they'd never sell unless they had to; what Kaep says about his shoe collection) and others collect speculatively.

Basically, unless someone thinks all forms of collections are stupid and a sign of inferior moral character, snarking on about which community of collectors one takes part in is essentially a roundabout way to convey "hey guys, don't worry about it, I just have very strong feelings about stuff I haven't considered for more than a second and stuff I don't know much about!"

So, kind of a full throated defense of Kap's shoe collection, which doesn't do anything to change the fact that he has played like complete and total dogsh!t over the last two weeks. ;)

Oh please. Are you seriously going to try to convince us that plain old-fashioned affluenza is now "collecting"? LOL

Did your grandpa ever use his art collection to brag about his wealth? Did he drag it all out to the living room, arrange all the art into some extravagant display, stand in front of it all in a "come at me bro" pose, and have someone snap a photo so he could show off to the world?? Were all of those paintings self portraits?

No? Didn't think so. Because collections are a personal thing. It is not about proving one's wealth or power in the world. It is about passion for a given subject rather than egocentricity.

Seinfield and Leno have true passion for their cars. They could tell you infinite detail about how and when they were made, what role they played in automotive history, and how their passion for the vehicles was ignited, among countless other details. But you will never see either of them standing in front of their collection with their own faces painted on the cars, in the "come at me bro" pose, like a douche.

Most of the Beiber Generation is still too young to understand the difference between wealth and class. So such tacky displays of simple affluence are mistaken as power. Which is exactly what your immature quarterback was trying to project. To anyone with class, he immediately comes across as corny. A kid with money but little character.

Who's impressed with a charter jet or a modern Jaguar? Someone whose idea of wealth and power are hilariously undeveloped and unrefined. Stand in front of a classic 1960s Jag, and I'll buy the collector argument. Pose in front of the jet you flew yourself (Iron Maiden FTW) and its impressive. Pose in front of an array of all your possessions and you're just one more classless Beiber Generation douchebag.

On its own, that would be fine. He's a kid. We've all been there. Get your first taste of money, and you're down at the bar trying to pick up girls in your fresh tailored Zegna suit and custom Martegani wing tips. Spray a little Burberry cologne in the sparkling new black Mercedes GL and you're pimpin. LOL. Then you turn 28 and realize the quality girls think you're a classless dick and all your "friends" are there because you're the only one able to pay the bar tab.

Kaepernick will grow up when he hits his thirties and might even gain a little class via osmosis. But anyone who would pose in front of a wardrobe full of clothing with their own name and photo on it? That is douchery of the highest order and you would NEVER see Russell doing that. It's not in his character. You don't see Kam doing it either. Not even Sherman.

And for that reason, among many others, I'm glad he's not my quarterback and I DO laugh at him. He's a joke. A Beiberesque clown. I'm just wondering when he'll buy a matching chrome Fisker.


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Sep 16, 2013
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HansGruber":2efl15wn said:
Popeyejones":2efl15wn said:
The funny thing about the shoe thing to me is that people get annoyed because it's SHOES, and seem to forget that at its core its ultimately A COLLECTION, which tons of people are into, and people have done forever.

*Is my buddy an @sshole because he collects rare records and has a room where he displays all of them?
*Was I an @sshole for collecting baseball cards?
*Are people @ssholes for being into their comic book collection and keeping them all in sleeves?
*Is Jerry Seinfeld an @sshole for collecting rare cars and making a web show where he drives around in them with other comedians?
*Was my grandpa an @sshole for collecting art and putting it up around his house?
*Is my wife's dad an @sshole for being super into wine and having a collection of it that he's proud of?

None of these collections are any different than shoes, it's just that as some old people could never understand why some young idiot would want to collect worthless baseball cards or comic books there are people who now don't understand that shoes too are collectible items, and like all these other things, both their social value (among other collectors) and economic value (on the resale market) are based in scarcity. Like all these other things some people collect them because they love the collecting of them (e.g. they'd never sell unless they had to; what Kaep says about his shoe collection) and others collect speculatively.

Basically, unless someone thinks all forms of collections are stupid and a sign of inferior moral character, snarking on about which community of collectors one takes part in is essentially a roundabout way to convey "hey guys, don't worry about it, I just have very strong feelings about stuff I haven't considered for more than a second and stuff I don't know much about!"

So, kind of a full throated defense of Kap's shoe collection, which doesn't do anything to change the fact that he has played like complete and total dogsh!t over the last two weeks. ;)

Oh please. Are you seriously going to try to convince us that plain old-fashioned affluenza is now "collecting"? LOL

Did your grandpa ever use his art collection to brag about his wealth? Did he drag it all out to the living room, arrange all the art into some extravagant display, stand in front of it all in a "come at me bro" pose, and have someone snap a photo so he could show off to the world?? Were all of those paintings self portraits?

No? Didn't think so. Because collections are a personal thing. It is not about proving one's wealth or power in the world. It is about passion for a given subject rather than egocentricity.

Seinfield and Leno have true passion for their cars. They could tell you infinite detail about how and when they were made, what role they played in automotive history, and how their passion for the vehicles was ignited, among countless other details. But you will never see either of them standing in front of their collection with their own faces painted on the cars, in the "come at me bro" pose, like a douche.

Most of the Beiber Generation is still too young to understand the difference between wealth and class. So such tacky displays of simple affluence are mistaken as power. Which is exactly what your immature quarterback was trying to project. To anyone with class, he immediately comes across as corny. A kid with money but little character.

Who's impressed with a charter jet or a modern Jaguar? Someone whose idea of wealth and power are hilariously undeveloped and unrefined. Stand in front of a classic 1960s Jag, and I'll buy the collector argument. Pose in front of the jet you flew yourself (Iron Maiden FTW) and its impressive. Pose in front of an array of all your possessions and you're just one more classless Beiber Generation douchebag.

On its own, that would be fine. He's a kid. We've all been there. Get your first taste of money, and you're down at the bar trying to pick up girls in your fresh tailored Zegna suit and custom Martegani wing tips. Spray a little Burberry cologne in the sparkling new black Mercedes GL and you're pimpin. LOL. Then you turn 28 and realize the quality girls think you're a classless dick and all your "friends" are there because you're the only one able to pay the bar tab.

Kaepernick will grow up when he hits his thirties and might even gain a little class via osmosis. But anyone who would pose in front of a wardrobe full of clothing with their own name and photo on it? That is douchery of the highest order and you would NEVER see Russell doing that. It's not in his character. You don't see Kam doing it either. Not even Sherman.

And for that reason, among many others, I'm glad he's not my quarterback and I DO laugh at him. He's a joke. A Beiberesque clown. I'm just wondering when he'll buy a matching chrome Fisker.

Dude do you have some sort of obsession with Beiber? you seem to throw his name around a lot. That might be your issue. Do you even KNOW how old people on the forum are to be calling them the Bieber generation?
Bieber still sucking on tit milk when I was watching Brett Favre destroy the defending champ Niners in the playoffs followed by a superbowl win the following year.
As for collections, sure some are personal, other are for showing off. Why wouldn't you show off your collection. What the hell do you think your resume is? A collection of your education and expierences. Do people buy super sport bikes just to sit in the garage for THEM to look? or for everyone to look in awe.

If your idea of collection were to exist, museums would be private, hell, no one would care about collecting anything because theres no one to brag about it to.

So stop spouting paragraphs of s**t that makes no sense. Your just a plain hater like anyone else that doesn't agree with the current era. And this is not the Fu**ing beiber generation. Cars, shoes, jerseys, hats, caps, whatever, were popular WAY before Beiber was even born. Every generation there are people like you who look at the current and talk as though whatever it is that you had is always better. Get off the high stool.


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Jul 25, 2012
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kobebryant":240q4971 said:
Good for Russell for living that way, a standard we should all look to emulate.

Nothing wrong with any of those Kap pictures though; the guy is enjoying his life, not getting arrested, and about to contribute a tonne to the tax base.

Here's to the niners locking this guy up with a mega deal. :thirishdrinkers: That signing will make the Alex Smith experiment a high point for the niners this century.


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Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
Kap is not a douche imo, he's just a young single rich kid having fun, but has a little maturing to do.

Harbaugh, now there's a 100% grade A douche for you...


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Aug 20, 2013
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HansGruber":3hbuz8u1 said:
Did your grandpa ever use his art collection to brag about his wealth?

Umm, of course. There's a component of marking one's status, wealth, and "refined sense of taste" in every personal art collection. It's never all of it, and also never not a part of it.

HansGruber":3hbuz8u1 said:
Did he drag it all out to the living room, arrange all the art into some extravagant display, stand in front of it all in a "come at me bro" pose, and have someone snap a photo so he could show off to the world??

Yeah. Absolutely. On more than one occasion he posed in his home for magazine spreads about him and his collection. And he definitely was in the old wasp version* of a "come at me bro" pose: bespoke suit and bowtie, straight back with arms at his side and a thin smile on his lips.

And so what? My grandpa was also one of the kindest, thoughtful and most generous men I've ever known. So do tell me, so what?

*(worth saying that we're Jewish, and his approach to life/favorite joke was "Boy, if you wanna get ahead in this country, just think Yiddish and act British and you'll be fine!")

HansGruber":3hbuz8u1 said:
It is about passion for a given subject rather than egocentricity.

It was something he was both incredibly passionate about and extremely proud of. You're creating a false dichotomy. It wasn't either/or, and rarely if ever is.

HansGruber":3hbuz8u1 said:
Most of the Beiber Generation is still too young to understand the difference between wealth and class. So such tacky displays of simple affluence are mistaken as power...

Who's impressed with a charter jet or a modern Jaguar? Someone whose idea of wealth and power are hilariously undeveloped and unrefined.

And here we come to the heart of it. Your sensibilities are offended because Kaepernick doesn't know how to be correctly rich according to your refined and punctilious standards. It's those goddamn nouveau riche dogs who are a waste of wealth and their inelegance is what's most offensive to a true aesthete like yourself. What with their coming from nowhere and thinking they've arrived while wasting away in their garish petit bourgeois sensibilities and tastes, the lot of them believing that just because they have money that they have the faintest idea how to spend it.

(that was admittedly fun :) )

Seriously though, I hope you realize that no shortage the "Great American Novels" throughout the 20th century (e.g. Gatsby, Catcher, Auggie March) aim their arrows precisely at the attitudes and pretensions you're expressing. We see less of those works these days, because the arguments are so passe there's no point in even satirizing them anymore. The 21st Century might have crept up on you (and as for the argument, the later half the 20th Century seems to have as well), but mores have shifted: your scorn for Kaepernick's "unrefined tastes" is actually what's now in poor taste, and it has been for quite some time.

(this post brought to you by thinking Yiddish, and acting probably still a bit too Yiddish ;) )


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Sep 16, 2013
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Popeyejones":2rt7hpes said:
HansGruber":2rt7hpes said:
Did your grandpa ever use his art collection to brag about his wealth?

Umm, of course. There's a component of marking one's status, wealth, and "refined sense of taste" in every personal art collection. It's never all of it, and also never not a part of it.

HansGruber":2rt7hpes said:
Did he drag it all out to the living room, arrange all the art into some extravagant display, stand in front of it all in a "come at me bro" pose, and have someone snap a photo so he could show off to the world??

Yeah. Absolutely. On more than one occasion he posed in his home for magazine spreads about him and his collection. And he definitely was in the old wasp version* of a "come at me bro" pose: bespoke suit and bowtie, straight back with arms at his side and a thin smile on his lips.

And so what? My grandpa was also one of the kindest, thoughtful and most generous men I've ever known. So do tell me, so what?

*(worth saying that we're Jewish, and his approach to life/favorite joke was "Boy, if you wanna get ahead in this country, just think Yiddish and act British and you'll be fine!")

HansGruber":2rt7hpes said:
It is about passion for a given subject rather than egocentricity.

It was something he was both incredibly passionate about and extremely proud of. You're creating a false dichotomy. It wasn't either/or, and rarely if ever is.

HansGruber":2rt7hpes said:
Most of the Beiber Generation is still too young to understand the difference between wealth and class. So such tacky displays of simple affluence are mistaken as power...

Who's impressed with a charter jet or a modern Jaguar? Someone whose idea of wealth and power are hilariously undeveloped and unrefined.

And here we come to the heart of it. Your sensibilities are offended because Kaepernick doesn't know how to be correctly rich according to your refined and punctilious standards. It's those goddamn nouveau riche dogs who are a waste of wealth and their inelegance is what's most offensive to a true aesthete like yourself. What with their coming from nowhere and thinking they've arrived while wasting away in their garish petit bourgeois sensibilities and tastes, the lot of them believing that just because they have money that they have the faintest idea how to spend it.

(that was admittedly fun :) )

Seriously though, I hope you realize that no shortage the "Great American Novels" throughout the 20th century (e.g. Gatsby, Catcher, Auggie March) aim their arrows precisely at the attitudes and pretensions you're expressing. We see less of those works these days, because the arguments are so passe there's no point in even satirizing them anymore. The 21st Century might have crept up on you (and as for the argument, the later half the 20th Century seems to have as well), but mores have shifted: your scorn for Kaepernick's "unrefined tastes" is actually what's now in poor taste, and it has been for quite some time.

(this post brought to you by thinking Yiddish, and acting probably still a bit too Yiddish ;) )

You sir, sound like my Civ History professor. Very well written reply.


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Mar 7, 2012
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Popeyejones":1q966u6m said:
HansGruber":1q966u6m said:
Did your grandpa ever use his art collection to brag about his wealth?

Umm, of course. There's a component of marking one's status, wealth, and "refined sense of taste" in every personal art collection. It's never all of it, and also never not a part of it.

HansGruber":1q966u6m said:
Did he drag it all out to the living room, arrange all the art into some extravagant display, stand in front of it all in a "come at me bro" pose, and have someone snap a photo so he could show off to the world??

Yeah. Absolutely. On more than one occasion he posed in his home for magazine spreads about him and his collection. And he definitely was in the old wasp version* of a "come at me bro" pose: bespoke suit and bowtie, straight back with arms at his side and a thin smile on his lips.

And so what? My grandpa was also one of the kindest, thoughtful and most generous men I've ever known. So do tell me, so what?

*(worth saying that we're Jewish, and his approach to life/favorite joke was "Boy, if you wanna get ahead in this country, just think Yiddish and act British and you'll be fine!")

HansGruber":1q966u6m said:
It is about passion for a given subject rather than egocentricity.

It was something he was both incredibly passionate about and extremely proud of. You're creating a false dichotomy. It wasn't either/or, and rarely if ever is.

HansGruber":1q966u6m said:
Most of the Beiber Generation is still too young to understand the difference between wealth and class. So such tacky displays of simple affluence are mistaken as power...

Who's impressed with a charter jet or a modern Jaguar? Someone whose idea of wealth and power are hilariously undeveloped and unrefined.

And here we come to the heart of it. Your sensibilities are offended because Kaepernick doesn't know how to be correctly rich according to your refined and punctilious standards. It's those goddamn nouveau riche dogs who are a waste of wealth and their inelegance is what's most offensive to a true aesthete like yourself. What with their coming from nowhere and thinking they've arrived while wasting away in their garish petit bourgeois sensibilities and tastes, the lot of them believing that just because they have money that they have the faintest idea how to spend it.

(that was admittedly fun ;) )

Seriously though, I hope you realize that no shortage the "Great American Novels" throughout the 20th century (e.g. Gatsby, Catcher, Auggie March) aim their arrows precisely at the attitudes and pretensions you're expressing. We see less of thos e works these days, because the arguments are so passe there's no point in even satirizing them anymore. The 21st Century might have crept up on you (and as for the argument, the later half the 20th Century seems to have as well), but mores have shifted: your scorn for Kaepernick's "unrefined tastes" is actually what's now in poor taste, and it has been for quite some time.

Your intellectual gymnastics are silly and unconvincing. Keep spinning. Maybe you'll believe yourself.

What I said is quite simple. Colin Kaepernick acts like a high school kid. He acts like a douche. Not just in these photos, but in every single press conference, and when he runs off the field after a loss without shaking hands. That is pathetic. It's weak, immature, and shows a serious lack of judgement. The entire NFL thinks so. I was watching NFL Network the other day and Michael Irvin of all people was saying he had concerns about Kaepernick's maturity and judgement, that it will pose a real problem as that team continues to face difficulty.

When I was in high school, and flat broke, I would have thought it was incredibly tacky to pose for photos in front of a bunch of clothing with my picture and name on it. Egocentricity is never a becoming trait. It is gross. And that has nothing to do with elitism, it is basic simple common sense. If you had a friend that did the same thing and texted you that pic, you'd be like, "WTF bro...??" unless you are one tacky mofo too.

And your grandpa, if he was who you say he was, would be insulted that you associate his love of art with being an egocentric snob. There is a difference between culture, and effete snobbery. Maybe he was just proud of his collection, considered it a worthwhile expenditure of time and energy? That doesn't make him a pretentious douche who flaunts his wealth to stroke his own ego. It's rather sad that your grandfather's passion would be seen in such a cynical, materialistic way by his own offspring. But meh... those are your words. Sorry if your grandpa really was the pretentious snob you just described.

But we were talking about maturity. Acting with dignity and class. You won't find Russell Wilson doing anything else. Someone in this thread said anyone can be taken out of context in a photo. So show me a photo of Russell Wilson acting like an immature egotistical douchenozzle. Or being a poor sport. Or being a twit to the media. You won't find any. He stands head and shoulders above that classless nitwit Kaepernick, so the basic message of the image is true. Russell has class, and acts like it ALL the time. He leaves no doubt, 24/7.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2007
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Ah, good, the NFL forum is still a place where seahawks.net members who don't know football can attempt to fit in, by baiting 49er fans. You can still post/participate on a NFL fan forum without knowing the NFL. We have "rivalry" experts. Brilliant! Really!

I received a PM that the NFL forum is literally Seahawks fans baiting 49ers and there's no "ball" talk. So true.

Fart indeed Strap, fart.


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Aug 20, 2013
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@HawkStrap: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

HansGruber":1ukfnq2f said:
It's rather sad that your grandfather's passion would be seen in such a cynical, materialistic way by his own offspring. But meh... those are your words. Sorry if your grandpa really was the pretentious snob you just described.

Only part I care about enough to respond to, and I'll let it end from my side on this post:

I didn't call my grandpa a pretentious snob nor did I describe him as one. I called him one of the kindest, most thoughtful, and generous men I've known.

You misunderstand in that he loved art and was incredibly passionate about his collection of it, but also wasn't daft enough to not be able to recognize it as an affectation. That's it. Remember, think Yiddish: You can do it, but doing it and being aloof to what you're doing is strictly for the WASPs.* :)

And re: the repeated claims of egocentrism, let's not forget that you're in the middle of disparaging someone for not having tastes that match your own. You are offended that Kaepernick likes different trivial, bullsh!t consumer goods from the one's that you like. That's nothing if not egocentric, bub.

*(The "WASPs" thing is for sport, and honestly how he talked. If anyone is offended by it lemme know and I'll avoid it from here on out; not that I imagine it ever coming up again).


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Mar 7, 2012
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Popeyejones":4naw5qn9 said:
I didn't call my grandpa a pretentious snob nor did I describe him as one. I called him one of the kindest, most thoughtful, and generous men I've known.

I stated that flaunting wealth is a douche move, and that hobbyist collections are not generally an act of flaunting wealth. You responded that your grandfather collected art to show off his wealth, and did magazine spreads to show off publicly, but that he was a nice guy. I assumed your point was that not all those who flaunt wealth are bad people.

Not really sure what the whole point of your story was otherwise. Did you have one? I'm confused.

Popeyejones":4naw5qn9 said:
And re: the repeated claims of egocentrism, let's not forget that you're in the middle of disparaging someone for not having tastes that match your own. You are offended that Kaepernick likes different trivial, bullsh!t consumer goods from the one's that you like. That's nothing if not egocentric, bub.

That's where you are sorely mistaken. I'm not disparaging ol' Krappy for not having tastes that match my own. Heck, I like Jaguars too.

I've disparaged him for publicly flaunting his wealth like a pretentious douche. I disparaged the fact that he is posing in front of T-shirts with his own picture on them, which is about the tackiest thing in the world.

Being a vain, pompous twit is not a lifestyle choice. It is a personality type.

Which is why you will never, ever, ever find a picture of Russell Wilson acting the way ol' Krappy does. The meaning of that image holds true. One guy is a vain, pompous twit, the other guy is a modest, pious type. Show me a pic of Russell Wilson acting like a vain pompous twit and I'll agree that it's an issue of "taste".


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Aug 20, 2013
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HansGruber":4a18xrrf said:
I've disparaged him for publicly flaunting his wealth like a pretentious douche.

Which is why you will never, ever, ever find a picture of Russell Wilson acting the way ol' Krappy does.

One guy is a vain, pompous twit, the other guy is a modest, pious type.

Show me a pic of Russell Wilson acting like a vain pompous twit and I'll agree that it's an issue of "taste".

LOL. Just stop.

I can do it easily, and even exclusively only using your very own quotes from this page




Russell Headshot

favorite one because it's just too convenient
and too good:


Seriously, I'm a 9ers fan but I love me some Russell Wilson. This is silly. You're being really silly. I know I said I wouldn't respond but you just made it way too easy.

Later, dude.
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