49ers car crash continues


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Jan 14, 2013
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Sorry for the double post but, are the 49ers now eligible for Hard Knocks? If so, I am soooo disappointed that JimTom is gone.


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Mar 3, 2007
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The 49ers’ Kaepernick Dilemma: What if Hue Jackson and/or Chip Kelly want to build an offense around him? >>> [urltargetblank]http://blogs.mercurynews.com/kawakami/2016/01/06/the-49ers-kaepernick-dilemma/[/urltargetblank]

He signed this “team-friendly” deal two offseasons ago precisely to give the 49ers extra cash to spend on his teammates… which 49ers management absolutely did not do. They pocketed the money. They let teammates like Mike Iupati and Frank Gore go.

Then 49ers executives bragged to national reporters about strafing Kaepernick so badly on that deal, which is so typical of the York front office.

So there is no real relationship to salvage here–if the 49ers ask Kaepnerick to take a pay cut, he’ll say no; if the 49ers try to trade him, he’ll do nothing to help the 49ers get a better return for him.

If the 49ers whisper about him, Kaepernick will happily wait for them to release him, and he’ll be a free agent wading through offers.


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Mar 19, 2015
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I'm actually happy for the guy. Gets every penny of his 14M for just one year as opposed to four years.


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Dec 12, 2014
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peachesenregalia":1046fyhk said:
theENGLISHseahawk":1046fyhk said:
Everyone should pay attention to Tim Kawakami.

He'll have the inside scoop.

I noticed that Jim Harbaugh, who actively hates doing any media, made a point of going on Tim's podcast in pre-season to talk about Michigan and the Niners. Tim starts a podcast and his first guest is Harbaugh. What does that tell you?

Clearly the guy is a little more respected in the Bay Area than one or two want you to believe...

Tells it like it is -- Jed York and his minions don't want to hear it. Ditto Marvin and co. They'd rather live in a fantasy land where Sean Payton is a realistic option for the Niners. In reality they'll be left picking through the scraps nobody else wants. Chip Kelly, Mike Holmgren, Mike Shanahan, Jim Mora.

Embarrassing. Again.

Couldn't agree more, Robert. Tim Kawakami has consistently been spot-on about what's REALLY going on in that sad excuse for an organization. Marvin and others will keep burying their heads in the sand and believing every word that comes out of Jed and Trent's mouths, but the more discerning individual can plainly see that Tim is giving nothing but the truth behind all the nonsense being spouted by Dumber and Dumber.

You nailed it, Tim Kawakami has had the 411 on York, & Co for quite awhile now! Fortunately the vast majority of Niner Fans, mostly the smart ones are getting hip to the fact that year in, and year out, they have been lied to. If York & Baalke don't get it right this time, it will be the end for the both of these 2 imvho, because they both have "No Credibility." Check this Commentary out, from the 49er Webzone.com
http://www.49erswebzone.com/commentary/ ... -rejected/


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Aug 20, 2013
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Two thoughts on the 9ers and their coaching search:

1) I'm not entirely convinced that firing Tomsula this offseason was the right move, and I think it could be another example of Jed being reactionary and going with his gut too much.

On the plus side for firing Tomsula, the person coming in will have a ton of picks and more time to mold younger guys into his vision/work with Baalke to set up the type of team he wants based on the offense and defense he'll be running. Another plus I suppose is a short-term one, as it appeases the fans who are histrionic.

On the downside of firing him this offseason there are several things.

First, you're installing a new coach onto a roster that's not ready to compete, meaning you're going to have to be dedicated to give that guy a couple years of poor performance to know if he's even got it or not (why not just burn one of those years on Tomsula so a new guy can come in when the roster is close to set a la Harbaugh).

Second, having an itchy trigger finger in firing coaches doesn't help you in bringing in the coaches you want. The Harbaugh thing already hurt that, but then firing the next guy after one season makes it worse.

Third, there's a lot of competition for coaches this year, with generally stable teams with good ownership and some pieces in place (eagles and giants) in the running for coaches, rather than just competing against the perennial dumpster fires for the guy you want.

Fourth most of the histrionic fans aren't going to be appeased no matter what Jed did, and he could have likely just leaned on the roster havoc that happened last offseason (unexpected retirement of two pro-bowlers, a third pro-bowler getting arrested off the team, the expected loss to retirement and FA of two more pro-bowlers, and Borland too) as an explanation for why Tomsula was getting another year, and then replaced Geep Chryst.

While I think firing Tomsula makes sense in the immediate sense, in the long term I question the wisdom of it. As a fan I'm in it for the long-term obviously so I'm pretty convinced by this point that I think the 9ers would have been better off letting him coach out another year.

2) With Payton staying in New Orleans, I'm surprised to say it, but I think Mike Shannahan makes the most sense for the 9ers from the available coaching pool that's outh there, and he also wants the job. (interviewed for it last year, has been petitioning for it, etc.). This isn't an original thought by any means -- a lot of 9ers fans who initially scoffed at the idea are coming around on it -- but looking at the list I think it makes more sense than anyone else.


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Aug 20, 2013
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^^^ Yeah:

1) As I acknowledged in my post that it's obviously not a hip opinion. It's counter to all the biases in the NFL right now, which TBH, I think is part of the benefit of it.

2) You'd have responded the same with any name I had said, so whatever.


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Sep 13, 2013
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Kap's contract must have really sucked...dude is playing powerball like the rest of us.



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Apr 30, 2009
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So now we now... the great white hope is/was... Dirk Koetter.

What an inspiring choice.

And they aren't even going to be able to land him!

Paging Brian Schottenheimer... :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Aug 20, 2013
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^^^ 49ers and Dolphins had both requested interviews with him.

IMO that info does a MASSIVE amount of work in clarifying what the Bucs are doing, whereas for the 9ers and Dolphins it just further confirms what we already know (they're both shaking the trees for head coaches that focus on the offensive side of the ball).


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Apr 30, 2009
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Maybe the Niners can hire Mike Mularkey if he doesn't get the Tennessee gig. Or bring Cam Cameron back for a glorious return to the NFL.


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May 15, 2012
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theENGLISHseahawk":3nlfnqtj said:
49ers ranked as the worst job available out of the seven by NFL Network. Yes, even below the Cleveland Browns...

http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-videos/0a ... -vacancies

Oh dear, oh dear.

Are you surprised? Let's recap.

1. Look for and hire a coach that can win.
2. Hire Harbaugh ( Super Bowl appearance and championship games under him)
3. Harbaugh don't kiss god boys ass gets fired
4. Announce on hiring a teacher.
5. Hire the porn star Tomsula
6. Fire the fluffer
7. Get on tv and half ass admit Jed is an idiot along with Balke.

Not exactly a winning front office.

Did I miss anything?


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Jan 14, 2013
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Nothing could be worse than the Browns gig. Maybe Washington if Gruden were fired.


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Dec 21, 2011
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I posted this before, but the best thing the niners could do to bring some stability to the organization and credibility is to hire Holmy. Yea, he has a huge ego, but the guy knows football. He would teach the niner front office how to operate at an NFL level. Balke would have to go and young Jed would have to take a back seat and let him do what needs to be done. Yea, he's old but he is still mentally sharp. Softy had him on this afternoon and they discussed Black Monday. His take on Chip Kelly and reference to Bill Belichick were interesting. If you get a chance, listen to his take on the coaches fired this week.

The niners need an older HC and let him choose the GM, similar to what happened with the Hawks and PC / JS. The front office and owner are a mess and they need guidance. They wont get that from a college coach. They need a grizzled veteran to show them the way, even if it's only for a year or two.

Not that I want to see the niners be competitive again, but looking at the mess they are in from the outside, that's what they need right now.


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May 15, 2012
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irocdave":3r0g1cc7 said:
I posted this before, but the best thing the niners could do to bring some stability to the organization and credibility is to hire Holmy. Yea, he has a huge ego, but the guy knows football. He would teach the niner front office how to operate at an NFL level. Balke would have to go and young Jed would have to take a back seat and let him do what needs to be done. Yea, he's old but he is still mentally sharp. Softy had him on this afternoon and they discussed Black Monday. His take on Chip Kelly and reference to Bill Belichick were interesting. If you get a chance, listen to his take on the coaches fired this week.

The niners need an older HC and let him choose the GM, similar to what happened with the Hawks and PC / JS. The front office and owner are a mess and they need guidance. They wont get that from a college coach. They need a grizzled veteran to show them the way, even if it's only for a year or two.

Not that I want to see the niners be competitive again, but looking at the mess they are in from the outside, that's what they need right now.

I must say. This is the most intelligent read I have seen on here yet. Up to this point its been 99% jabs and digs. I agree completely in your assesment. Thank you.