Will this offense be better without Jimmy Graham?


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hawk45":2jnle3oo said:
MontanaHawk05":2jnle3oo said:
Scottemojo":2jnle3oo said:
Better? Probably not. Talent is talent.

But possibly more rhythm? Because not forcing plays to one player? Quite likely.

Jimmy Graham converted two 3rd-and-10+'s yesterday. If that's forcing the ball, I'm not complaining.

Besides, what do you want Seattle to do? Rely on UDFA WR's the rest of Wilson's career because otherwise you have to feed them the ball?

We don't force feed Lockett. Never force fed Tate, or Richardson.

We do seem to get all bent out of shape with the high profile FA weapons.

And it's not like I'm writing them off because Graham is out. Wilson has plenty of chemistry and experience with the other guys. He can win with a team of Wes Welkers.

I think DavidSeven said it best - there will be a tradeoff.

Sgt. Largent

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XxXdragonXxX":28vhx7bm said:
The offense will be better, but not because Graham is out.

I disagree about the 2nd part.

IMO Graham is a hell of a football player, but like Harvin he didn't quite fit into what we are...........which is a pound the rock physical run first team that takes shots downfield. Which is what you saw yesterday.

Without Graham (and some of the players alluded to this yesterday after the game) I think we go back to this successful offensive formula.


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May 6, 2009
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Salt Lake City, UT
Yes. This offense will be better without Graham. We don't have the OC to use Jimmy correctly, his "red zone" effect was non-existent. I wish we would have used him better throughout the season, we would probably be looking a lot better record-wise had we been smarter with his talents. But, the positive of us never changing the O to suite Jimmy's strengths is now that he's out, we don't have to switch back.

I think not having that high-profile talent mucking up Bevell's playcalling actually helps this team.

It is really sad that we don't have the OC to use Jimmy's talent, and I really feel for Jimmy and wish him the best on his recovery, but I think this will turn out to be a good thing for the team.


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Dec 4, 2013
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Was I watching a different game? The offense was looking pretty damn good WITH Graham yesterday. I never got a sense that we were forcing the ball to him or getting out of our game plan to appease him or his stat line. The only time I felt that we were trying to force the ball to him was in the first few games of the season when the offense was struggling as a whole. Now that the project at center is gone, the offense is clicking and Graham has been a big part of that success.


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Vancouver, WA
marko358":36ua3dlc said:
Was I watching a different game? The offense was looking pretty damn good WITH Graham yesterday. I never got a sense that we were forcing the ball to him or getting out of our game plan to appease him or his stat line. The only time I felt that we were trying to force the ball to him was in the first few games of the season when the offense was struggling as a whole. Now that the project at center is gone, the offense is clicking and Graham has been a big part of that success.
Agree with this 100%. Luke is a capable replacement and hopefully he won't struggle catching in traffic like he did in the past. He is also not Jimmy Graham,


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Apr 30, 2009
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MontanaHawk05":2s38dvac said:
Scottemojo":2s38dvac said:
Better? Probably not. Talent is talent.

But possibly more rhythm? Because not forcing plays to one player? Quite likely.

Jimmy Graham converted two 3rd-and-10+'s yesterday. If that's forcing the ball, I'm not complaining.

Besides, what do you want Seattle to do? Rely on UDFA WR's the rest of Wilson's career because otherwise you have to feed them the ball?
Not every ball to him is forced. But several were. I don't think Wilson eschewing other open guys to throw the ball to graham is a state secret.


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Aug 27, 2015
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When you are a run first team, you need a blocking TE. As talented receiver as Jimmy was/is, he was a terrible blocker. I think Luke will fill in just fine. As a matter of fact, I truly believe if Luke was Jimmy's back-up in new Orleans, and was the starter there now, he'd have comparable numbers to Jimmy as a Seahawk at this point of the season.

Although he does not have the catch radius and hands of JG, LW can handle the blocking duties better, and his hands are still above average for a TE. I think our run game will improve, which in turn should help the play action pass...which could very well make this offense "better".

But an improving OL is probably the most important factor in improving our offensive production and efficiency.

Sgt. Largent

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cHawkPhan":3eh43wq2 said:
When you are a run first team, you need a blocking TE. As talented receiver as Jimmy was/is, he was a terrible blocker. I think Luke will fill in just fine. As a matter of fact, I truly believe if Luke was Jimmy's back-up in new Orleans, and was the starter there now, he'd have comparable numbers to Jimmy as a Seahawk at this point of the season.

It's not like Willson is an amazing run blocker, he's marginally better than Graham.

That's not where I think we improve without Graham. I think we improve without him because Bevell and Russell no longer have to force the square Graham peg in a round hole trying to get him his touches.

Russell can just go back to his quick progressions throwing it to the open receiver, instead of always having that "it's the 2nd quarter and Jimmy hasn't caught a ball yet."


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Sgt. Largent":1xg8fqlq said:
Russell can just go back to his quick progressions throwing it to the open receiver, instead of always having that "it's the 2nd quarter and Jimmy hasn't caught a ball yet."

You honestly felt this way in the last few games? I certainly didn't.


Jan 3, 2013
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I don't think losing someone of Graham's talent is ever good but I have a gut feeling Wilson and Bevell figure it out and the offense continues to look pretty good. Heck they are averaging more yards the past 4 weeks than the #1 offense in the league is at 429 yards per game to the #1 at 409 yards per game. The numbers may be off as I'm going by memory but the point remains.

Graham really started to click and came up with some huge third down grabs for Wilson. Luke is capable IF he can hang on to the ball and IF that happens I think we will be fine. Richardson and Willson will both have to step up and both are capable.


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May 7, 2012
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That catch by Graham at the two yard line was incredible by the way. He was a really big part of this win until that injury. I wasn't real huge on the trade but the man has talent and he was helping this team out.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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marko358":16qvqhup said:
Sgt. Largent":16qvqhup said:
Russell can just go back to his quick progressions throwing it to the open receiver, instead of always having that "it's the 2nd quarter and Jimmy hasn't caught a ball yet."

You honestly felt this way in the last few games? I certainly didn't.

The last two? No, not as much, but definitely the first half of the season.

I actually thought Graham was coming on and fitting in a little better as of late. Which is too bad, but was he overall working well with Russell? Idk, not really. Still a bad run blocker, and most importantly IMO didn't work hard enough to get open when Russell was scrambling..........which is a big part of what we do.


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Sgt. Largent":1oetfxh9 said:
The last two? No, not as much, but definitely the first half of the season.

I actually thought Graham was coming on and fitting in a little better as of late.

Which is why I brought up the demotion of Nowak above. The offense was a train wreck with him and we struggled to have any kind of consistency with him in the middle of this line. Is it just a coincidence that our offense has averaged over 33 points per game in the last 3, without Nowak, and Graham as well as others on offense have looked much better? I think not.


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Nov 16, 2015
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Is this even a serious question? Ridiculous one if so. No, we are not better without Graham. His contributions to the passing game go well beyond catches. The guy draws attention, and that help the other receivers. To the OP question, you will find out the answer soon enough.


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It may end being a wash, in all fairness. Graham does things beyond catching the ball... but not all good. THere is some thought that he tips our hand and also ties our OCs hands a bit. Jury is still out. I think we will miss him in some situations, but I think Bevell getting to just call what he wants to call and not worry about things is a plus.


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Enumclaw, WA
Sgt. Largent":s5gxowag said:
XxXdragonXxX":s5gxowag said:
The offense will be better, but not because Graham is out.

I disagree about the 2nd part.

IMO Graham is a hell of a football player, but like Harvin he didn't quite fit into what we are...........which is a pound the rock physical run first team that takes shots downfield. Which is what you saw yesterday.

Without Graham (and some of the players alluded to this yesterday after the game) I think we go back to this successful offensive formula.

Yesterday this team threw the ball all over the field, with and without Graham.

Removing a weapon is never a good thing, if he's not a good blocker and you want to run the ball, keep him split out wide and take a guy like Kevin Smith off the field. Bevell not knowing how to use a weapon doesn't mean that weapon is a hindrance to the team.


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chawx":nw2wejsr said:
Yes. This offense will be better without Graham. We don't have the OC to use Jimmy correctly, his "red zone" effect was non-existent. I wish we would have used him better throughout the season, we would probably be looking a lot better record-wise had we been smarter with his talents. But, the positive of us never changing the O to suite Jimmy's strengths is now that he's out, we don't have to switch back.

I think not having that high-profile talent mucking up Bevell's playcalling actually helps this team.

It is really sad that we don't have the OC to use Jimmy's talent, and I really feel for Jimmy and wish him the best on his recovery, but I think this will turn out to be a good thing for the team.

Make room for me on this boat.

All year I've felt there's been a "Harvin Effect" on our offense, forcing Russ to throw 50/50 balls to Graham. Russ is not a 50/50 kind of guy, and our offense profits nothing from demanding receivers (whether that demand is coming from the player, coaches, or fans). I expect to see our offense settle into something more natural without the obligatory "Graham plays" (dude never did catch an end zone fade for us). Luke Willson has never been a weak link on this team and he'll suffice just fine, if not flourish with the chance to show up Graham.

Best wishes and happy healing, Graham, but take your time.