Want To Attend Seahawks Games in 2021? Get Vaccinated


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Do you, but laughing at those who choose to get the vaccine? Seems pretty common these days, and really strange.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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Sgt. Largent":20mzyimi said:
But to laugh is short sighted, incentivizing getting vaccinated is working all across the country, this is is just one small piece of it.

I'm laughing at the people that are so butthurt of others different opinions that they feel compelled to preach to them. Why harp on people for their decisions? I also laugh that incentives need to be offered before people even think about getting it. If the vaccine was the slam dunk some are making it out to be, incentives shouldnt be needed.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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SoulfishHawk":1v7399ss said:
Do you, but laughing at those who choose to get the vaccine? Seems pretty common these days, and really strange.

I'm not laughing at the people who choose to get vaccinated (as soon as they are FDA approved, i'll be first in line), i'm laughing at those who are that look at those who arent as the devil. Should be a personal choice with nothing else being said. Again, those who are vaccinated should have nothing to fear so why such strong feelings.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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pittpnthrs":19d2n4zt said:
SoulfishHawk":19d2n4zt said:
Do you, but laughing at those who choose to get the vaccine? Seems pretty common these days, and really strange.

I'm not laughing at the people who choose to get vaccinated (as soon as they are FDA approved, i'll be first in line), i'm laughing at those who are that look at those who arent as the devil. Should be a personal choice with nothing else being said. Again, those who are vaccinated should have nothing to fear so why such strong feelings.
I get butt hurt over the 'Think They Know Better People' who are keeping the Virus alive & going strong, they have a lack of caring or respect about the rest of us, who are DOING OUR PART TO HELP ERADICATE THIS GOTDAMNED DISEASE, WITHOUT THE HELP OF THE PRETENDERS.
I have trust issues with people who're only looking out for themselves.
We were given a heads up about what the NFL Community is expecting from us....Some of y'all are pissy about the concerns of others.
What ever happened to "Just Do Your Part"
Over 590,000 deaths here in the United States points to the seriousness of this #^$@^ng issue.
AND while I may have gotten both my shots a couple months back, that still doesn't guarantee me not becoming a carrier, and passing it on to someone else's loved one.
I still wear my mask when I'm out & about, because I give a s#it about the lives of others.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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pmedic920":20544shq said:
The part of this I find perplexing is, those that quote the “inadequately tested” reason for not getting vaccinated.
Makes me wonder just how perfect they are in other health related aspects of their lives.
What risks do they take with their personal health?

Do they Smoke ? NO
Do they exercise regularly? YES (240 "active minutes" per week, incl. 2 runs of 30-60 minutes)
Do they wear seatbelts when traveling on the roads, or wear a helmet when they skateboard(bike)? YES
Are they sure that everything else they ingest/consume has been “adequately tested”? I'm a vegan, specifically, whole-food, plant-based, no oil, follow the Esselstyn protocol.
Etc etc.

Me thinks probably not.

Since we've had positive interactions in the Politics forum, I'm PMing you my personal answers, above. It's a great point you make. I'm FAR, FAR more concerned about heart disease and stroke and other cardio issues than any wimpy lab-created virus.

Also, so much of the information on Covid pushed in the corporate media is half-truths or outright lies. I'm surprised you are so trusting of the psychopaths and narcissists in political power and in control of 95% of the media. And you fail to truly scrutinize their use of propaganda manipulation techniques. WHY SO TRUSTING?? AS IF they actually cared about us... If they actually cared about us commoners, their cattle, every McDs would have barbed wire fences and armed guards around them to keep people from eating their way to an early death. If they cared... instead of outdoor lockdown enforcers or drones, there would be "exercise enforcers" chasing people down, and they only get away if properly fit, and if caught, they are imprisoned in a cage and have to treadmill-walk-run 10 hours to regain their freedom. Kidding, of course, but only sort of.

Cancer, heart disease, and stroke are far, far bigger risks for most of us, and the Covid "death numbers " are a lie. Try 6% of the stated numbers.

Your point on lifestyle is well taken. Stay healthy brother, in whatever way is effective for you, and I will do the same for me.


Well-known member
May 9, 2009
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olyfan63":2wmrv6yf said:
pmedic920":2wmrv6yf said:
The part of this I find perplexing is, those that quote the “inadequately tested” reason for not getting vaccinated.
Makes me wonder just how perfect they are in other health related aspects of their lives.
What risks do they take with their personal health?

Do they Smoke ? NO
Do they exercise regularly? YES (240 "active minutes" per week, incl. 2 runs of 30-60 minutes)
Do they wear seatbelts when traveling on the roads, or wear a helmet when they skateboard(bike)? YES
Are they sure that everything else they ingest/consume has been “adequately tested”? I'm a vegan, specifically, whole-food, plant-based, no oil, follow the Esselstyn protocol.
Etc etc.

Me thinks probably not.

Since we've had positive interactions in the Politics forum, I'm PMing you my personal answers, above. It's a great point you make. I'm FAR, FAR more concerned about heart disease and stroke and other cardio issues than any wimpy lab-created virus.

Also, so much of the information on Covid pushed in the corporate media is half-truths or outright lies. I'm surprised you are so trusting of the psychopaths and narcissists in political power and in control of 95% of the media. And you fail to truly scrutinize their use of propaganda manipulation techniques. WHY SO TRUSTING?? AS IF they actually cared about us... If they actually cared about us commoners, their cattle, every McDs would have barbed wire fences and armed guards around them to keep people from eating their way to an early death. If they cared... instead of outdoor lockdown enforcers or drones, there would be "exercise enforcers" chasing people down, and they only get away if properly fit, and if caught, they are imprisoned in a cage and have to treadmill-walk-run 10 hours to regain their freedom. Kidding, of course, but only sort of.

Cancer, heart disease, and stroke are far, far bigger risks for most of us, and the Covid "death numbers " are a lie. Try 6% of the stated numbers.

Your point on lifestyle is well taken. Stay healthy brother, in whatever way is effective for you, and I will do the same for me.

6% of covid deaths had no co morbidities. You are believing a lie. The numbers are real.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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scutterhawk":1vqlsife said:
pittpnthrs":1vqlsife said:
SoulfishHawk":1vqlsife said:
Do you, but laughing at those who choose to get the vaccine? Seems pretty common these days, and really strange.

I'm not laughing at the people who choose to get vaccinated (as soon as they are FDA approved, i'll be first in line), i'm laughing at those who are that look at those who arent as the devil. Should be a personal choice with nothing else being said. Again, those who are vaccinated should have nothing to fear so why such strong feelings.
I get butt hurt over the 'Think They Know Better People' who are keeping the Virus alive & going strong, they have a lack of caring or respect about the rest of us, who are DOING OUR PART TO HELP ERADICATE THIS GOTDAMNED DISEASE, WITHOUT THE HELP OF THE PRETENDERS.
I have trust issues with people who're only looking out for themselves.
We were given a heads up about what the NFL Community is expecting from us....Some of y'all are pissy about the concerns of others.
What ever happened to "Just Do Your Part"
Over 590,000 deaths here in the United States points to the seriousness of this #^$@^ng issue.
AND while I may have gotten both my shots a couple months back, that still doesn't guarantee me not becoming a carrier, and passing it on to someone else's loved one.
I still wear my mask when I'm out & about, because I give a s#it about the lives of others.

Who are the 'Think They Know Better People' though? The ones who get an experimental shot thats not been FDA approved, or the ones that want more testing and research done and approval before getting it?

I have trust issues with people who easily fall in line when told.

While you got your shots, that doesnt guarantee you wont still be a carrier or still come down with the disease. See what I mean?

So when you go out to the ballgame you'll sit in the vaccinated area that no longer requires masks to be worn and you'll still wear yours?


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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pittpnthrs":2d9kzty7 said:
scutterhawk":2d9kzty7 said:
pittpnthrs":2d9kzty7 said:
SoulfishHawk":2d9kzty7 said:
Do you, but laughing at those who choose to get the vaccine? Seems pretty common these days, and really strange.

I'm not laughing at the people who choose to get vaccinated (as soon as they are FDA approved, i'll be first in line), i'm laughing at those who are that look at those who arent as the devil. Should be a personal choice with nothing else being said. Again, those who are vaccinated should have nothing to fear so why such strong feelings.
I get butt hurt over the 'Think They Know Better People' who are keeping the Virus alive & going strong, they have a lack of caring or respect about the rest of us, who are DOING OUR PART TO HELP ERADICATE THIS GOTDAMNED DISEASE, WITHOUT THE HELP OF THE PRETENDERS.
I have trust issues with people who're only looking out for themselves.
We were given a heads up about what the NFL Community is expecting from us....Some of y'all are pissy about the concerns of others.
What ever happened to "Just Do Your Part"
Over 590,000 deaths here in the United States points to the seriousness of this #^$@^ng issue.
AND while I may have gotten both my shots a couple months back, that still doesn't guarantee me not becoming a carrier, and passing it on to someone else's loved one.
I still wear my mask when I'm out & about, because I give a s#it about the lives of others.

Who are the 'Think They Know Better People' though? The ones who get an experimental shot thats not been FDA approved, or the ones that want more testing and research done and approval before getting it?

I have trust issues with people who easily fall in line when told.

While you got your shots, that doesnt guarantee you wont still be a carrier or still come down with the disease. See what I mean?

So when you go out to the ballgame you'll sit in the vaccinated area that no longer requires masks to be worn and you'll still wear yours?
IF I come down with the Virus, The severity will be lessened SUBSTANTIALLY "See What I MEAN??
AND, Yes, I will still wear my mask, as there are too many liars & fools all around us.
& by the way, I have relatives who have contracted COVID-19, 1 dead, one in a vegetative state, and in a nursing home, her Daughter lucked out, by being very young & healthy is going through some really hard times with it...I KNOW FOR A FACT, THAT THIS SHIT IS REAL!
Y'all can downplay this all you want.
When I served in the Military back in the 60s, I fell in line when going through Boot Camp I WAS GIVEN MULTIPLE SHOTS, as the Government OWNED MY ASS, and whether I wanted them, or not?, wasn't up for debate.
Again, I have trust issues with folks who ONLY think of THEMSELVES.


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2019
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Nah I'm good I'll watch em from my couch.

People will throw anything into their bodies now a days I guess.


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2019
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pittpnthrs":1r5yr1dw said:
scutterhawk":1r5yr1dw said:
pittpnthrs":1r5yr1dw said:
SoulfishHawk":1r5yr1dw said:
Do you, but laughing at those who choose to get the vaccine? Seems pretty common these days, and really strange.

I'm not laughing at the people who choose to get vaccinated (as soon as they are FDA approved, i'll be first in line), i'm laughing at those who are that look at those who arent as the devil. Should be a personal choice with nothing else being said. Again, those who are vaccinated should have nothing to fear so why such strong feelings.
I get butt hurt over the 'Think They Know Better People' who are keeping the Virus alive & going strong, they have a lack of caring or respect about the rest of us, who are DOING OUR PART TO HELP ERADICATE THIS GOTDAMNED DISEASE, WITHOUT THE HELP OF THE PRETENDERS.
I have trust issues with people who're only looking out for themselves.
We were given a heads up about what the NFL Community is expecting from us....Some of y'all are pissy about the concerns of others.
What ever happened to "Just Do Your Part"
Over 590,000 deaths here in the United States points to the seriousness of this #^$@^ng issue.
AND while I may have gotten both my shots a couple months back, that still doesn't guarantee me not becoming a carrier, and passing it on to someone else's loved one.
I still wear my mask when I'm out & about, because I give a s#it about the lives of others.

Who are the 'Think They Know Better People' though? The ones who get an experimental shot thats not been FDA approved, or the ones that want more testing and research done and approval before getting it?

I have trust issues with people who easily fall in line when told.

While you got your shots, that doesnt guarantee you wont still be a carrier or still come down with the disease. See what I mean?

So when you go out to the ballgame you'll sit in the vaccinated area that no longer requires masks to be worn and you'll still wear yours?

Imagine quoting anything FDA.

Imagine not caring 75k died a week during the height of influenza and pnemonia season in our country alone. For decades.. and now.. it magically killed no one this year. (Though they reported deaths 3 months prior at the height)

Imagine thinking 680, 530, 585, 480k people didnt die from two of the most mutating virus's on earth that we have SEVERAL apparent vaccines for every year the last 4 years.

Come on now.

Imagine not wanting to get political on this board and spouting some of the most lemming crap on earth with no real research outside of what you were told on Komo or King or Kiro or q13


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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scutterhawk":9y75fx1h said:
pittpnthrs":9y75fx1h said:
scutterhawk":9y75fx1h said:
pittpnthrs":9y75fx1h said:
I'm not laughing at the people who choose to get vaccinated (as soon as they are FDA approved, i'll be first in line), i'm laughing at those who are that look at those who arent as the devil. Should be a personal choice with nothing else being said. Again, those who are vaccinated should have nothing to fear so why such strong feelings.
I get butt hurt over the 'Think They Know Better People' who are keeping the Virus alive & going strong, they have a lack of caring or respect about the rest of us, who are DOING OUR PART TO HELP ERADICATE THIS GOTDAMNED DISEASE, WITHOUT THE HELP OF THE PRETENDERS.
I have trust issues with people who're only looking out for themselves.
We were given a heads up about what the NFL Community is expecting from us....Some of y'all are pissy about the concerns of others.
What ever happened to "Just Do Your Part"
Over 590,000 deaths here in the United States points to the seriousness of this #^$@^ng issue.
AND while I may have gotten both my shots a couple months back, that still doesn't guarantee me not becoming a carrier, and passing it on to someone else's loved one.
I still wear my mask when I'm out & about, because I give a s#it about the lives of others.

Who are the 'Think They Know Better People' though? The ones who get an experimental shot thats not been FDA approved, or the ones that want more testing and research done and approval before getting it?

I have trust issues with people who easily fall in line when told.

While you got your shots, that doesnt guarantee you wont still be a carrier or still come down with the disease. See what I mean?

So when you go out to the ballgame you'll sit in the vaccinated area that no longer requires masks to be worn and you'll still wear yours?
IF I come down with the Virus, The severity will be lessened SUBSTANTIALLY "See What I MEAN??
AND, Yes, I will still wear my mask, as there are too many liars & fools all around us.
& by the way, I have relatives who have contracted COVID-19, 1 dead, one in a vegetative state, and in a nursing home, her Daughter lucked out, by being very young & healthy is going through some really hard times with it...I KNOW FOR A FACT, THAT THIS $h!t IS REAL!
Y'all can downplay this all you want.
When I served in the Military back in the 60s, I fell in line when going through Boot Camp I WAS GIVEN MULTIPLE SHOTS, as the Government OWNED MY ASS, and whether I wanted them, or not?, wasn't up for debate.
Again, I have trust issues with folks who ONLY think of THEMSELVES.

Will you have ill feelings towards the people that dont wear masks although they are vaccinated? How long will you wear a mask by the way? Until told you can take it off (in which is happening in a lot of places now)? Rest of your life?

Sorry about your relatives. Sounds like you and your family got a raw deal. I know a ton of people that have had it. Some like my brother had hardly any symptoms at all. Others struggled for about a month, but no lasting issues they are aware of. I dont know anybody that has died from it except for a coworker who lived in India. Nobody is doubting that the virus is real or not.

The military made you get shots. We are talking about something that is strictly voluntary. Totally different.

Why do you keep saying people that havent gotten the vaccine are only thinking of themselves? Thats an elitist attitude. I think of everybody. I'm concerned that a good portion of the population has injected themselves with a vaccine that was rushed and not thoroughly tested and what after effects might occur later. I can understand why people do get the shots, but the people that havent and are waiting for further testing and results shouldnt be crucified for not getting them.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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pittpnthrs":2apwbupl said:
Sgt. Largent":2apwbupl said:
But to laugh is short sighted, incentivizing getting vaccinated is working all across the country, this is is just one small piece of it.

I'm laughing at the people that are so butthurt of others different opinions that they feel compelled to preach to them. Why harp on people for their decisions? I also laugh that incentives need to be offered before people even think about getting it. If the vaccine was the slam dunk some are making it out to be, incentives shouldnt be needed.

The vaccines are a slam dunk.

Serious side effects less than 1% chance and chance of contracting covid post vaccination is 0.05%.

Incentives are needed because we had an entire political party that decided to politicize the vaccine and attack the science and safety of it........and still are.

So hundreds of millions of Americans are believing the lies and pseudo science making them hesitant to get the vaccines.

That's why, has nothing to do with the actual vaccine data or safety.


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
pittpnthrs":9w4csbyv said:
SoulfishHawk":9w4csbyv said:
Do you, but laughing at those who choose to get the vaccine? Seems pretty common these days, and really strange.

I'm not laughing at the people who choose to get vaccinated (as soon as they are FDA approved, i'll be first in line), i'm laughing at those who are that look at those who arent as the devil. Should be a personal choice with nothing else being said. Again, those who are vaccinated should have nothing to fear so why such strong feelings.

I can only assume that you think seatbelts should be a personal choice as well.
How do you feel about laws and ordinances that require people to put fences around their swimming pools?

I’m all for personal choice and less rules/government but some things are acceptable IMO because they make sense and protect the bulk/vast majority of our society.
When a “personal choice” can or does significantly effects the rest of our society it really is more than personal.

This conversation becomes laughable when we look at the location of the line in the sand. So many folks that are against the vaccine take way larger risks with their health than this vaccine poses.
The vaccines would not have been approved for emergency use if the benefits didn’t far outweigh the risks.



Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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It is disappointing that something like this can be considered 'political'.

If for whatever personal choice or concern you elect not to get vaccinated, ok. I don't agree but I understand.

But some of this sounds less like 'personal choice' and people attempting to sway others to make the same choice. Not sure why you would do this or want this?

Allowing people to get vaccines allowed the economy to open back up, it allowed travel, and things are getting closer to normal accordingly. Why would you not be for this?

And if you DO not get the vaccine, at least don't be a d*****bag and not wear a mask.

It doesn't take much to wear a mask. Most of us still have them. Hell, it prevents the other stuff like colds from spreading as much anyway. But pretending you got the shots and not wearing masks is just being a d**** of the highest order. It isn't an onerous ask, you did it for months already.

My SO works with cancer patients every day.

She sees a lot of people with compromised immune systems that cannot get the shots. They have it hard enough just going through daily life fighting the cancers they have, why would you want to make simple things like shopping harder for them? They would get the shots if they could but they cannot - so they rely on most of us to get them when we can so the people around them are safer for them.

And if you, for whatever reason, are too scared to get the shots then they rely on you to wear a mask around them so that cancer is the only thing they need to worry about fighting right now.

Is that some crazy ask? Overly imposing compared to what they already are dealing with?

Either get the shots or wear a mask, just to be a decent human being to the people who don't get the same choices you do.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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I live out in the country, work from home, and rarely go anywhere. When I do, I wear a mask. No big deal. The chances of dying from this virus are slim and I still feel the vaccines were definitely rushed and they are still collecting data from side effects and so forth. They arent the slam dunk as some have stated. A slam dunk would be a vaccine that eliminates contacting the virus and being able to spread it. The vaccines arent close to that yet. Again, I dont hold anything against people that get the shots, but I would like the same courtesy for my decision to wait and yet i'm not.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
pittpnthrs":1s4ph0f6 said:
I live out in the country, work from home, and rarely go anywhere. When I do, I wear a mask. No big deal. The chances of dying from this virus are slim and I still feel the vaccines were definitely rushed and they are still collecting data from side effects and so forth. They arent the slam dunk as some have stated. A slam dunk would be a vaccine that eliminates contacting the virus and being able to spread it. The vaccines arent close to that yet. Again, I dont hold anything against people that get the shots, but I would like the same courtesy for my decision to wait and yet i'm not.

The food you eat makes you an experiment, the Hormones and other drugs as well as feed manipulations for a lot of our produce and meat over the last 70 years especially. Dyes all that, It has already been proven not all this gets approval and it's when something comes up and is noticed the FDA and everyone gets on their horse and looks into it.

Oh and what about all that Water we buy now also, it's not what it says either.

Speaking of water, Hanford yep that Nuclear Power plant that is the biggest source of Radioactive contamination in our country. You do know the Government allowed tests of ground water leakage to the down stream residents to see what the reaction would be right?

So when you worry about Government and FDA approval think about that, or simply watch Television, all those Drug commercials promoting ne drugs, and he longer list of side effects after they do the commercial.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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Sgt. Largent":ygo45emg said:
pittpnthrs":ygo45emg said:
Sgt. Largent":ygo45emg said:
But to laugh is short sighted, incentivizing getting vaccinated is working all across the country, this is is just one small piece of it.

I'm laughing at the people that are so butthurt of others different opinions that they feel compelled to preach to them. Why harp on people for their decisions? I also laugh that incentives need to be offered before people even think about getting it. If the vaccine was the slam dunk some are making it out to be, incentives shouldnt be needed.

The vaccines are a slam dunk.

Serious side effects less than 1% chance and chance of contracting covid post vaccination is 0.05%.

Incentives are needed because we had an entire political party that decided to politicize the vaccine and attack the science and safety of it........and still are.

So hundreds of millions of Americans are believing the lies and pseudo science making them hesitant to get the vaccines.

That's why, has nothing to do with the actual vaccine data or safety.

You are exactly right Sgt..The point I was trying to make with HAVING to get those shots in the Military, was to point out that they ( the military) knew that giving them to us was for our own protection, there was no willy-nilly notion, nor anything "political" to do with giving them to us, it was for our own good....Just like Pfizer (which is what the PRIOR President the rest of his "sheep" family got LAST YEAR, & what the NEW President & his "Daredevil" family got in 2021. :smilingalien:


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2013
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A lot of people who know nothing about science or medicine having opinions here about how a vaccine works :lol:

If you're passing on getting the COVID vaccine, you're simply selfish and not very smart. Entitled to your own opinion and it's your life and I would never say it should be mandated, but I have zero respect for people who have zero respect for others based on the ideas of the delusional.

The vaccine is safe. If you're waiting around for some kind of genetic mutation to suddenly transpire and "own the other side", I wouldn't hold your breath. That's not how it works. Scientists and doctors know this. Stop bringing up the FDA; they authorized the vaccine. But the FDA also thinks it's fine for you to have a milkshake and a cheeseburger with every meal so :2thumbs:

Funny that the same camp that is anti-vaccine because of possible side effects and "genetic" mutations are the same people who got big mad when some of us wanted to mandate that genetically modified food be labeled as such.

Stop being selfish when it comes to the health of your community. Awfully tired of people talking about their love of America while doing everything in their power to undermine our health safety.

****Post edited by Pmedic920 to remove political content. ******

Note to all:
This tread has been walking a fine line, please don’t cross said line.
Anyone that wants to discuss the “political” aspect of this topic is free to start a thread in the appropriate forum.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2015
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California is expected to only recommend that outdoor sports have any sort of testing or vax requirement come 6/15. And I don't think Inslee is going to push anything different with the Hawks this year.

If you didn't get your shot, you are way safer intermingling in a crowd of people who did. And if you did, part of what your body is doing is protecting the ones who didn't.

I do still hope the Hawks provide separate social distanced seating for families with children under 12 as they won't be able to get vaccinated this season.