Walter Thurmond is a Top 5 safety this season


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Grand Rapids, MI
Not surprising. His talent has never been in doubt, he's just too fragile to depend on.


New member
Oct 31, 2009
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Yep. Was always a matter of him staying healthy. Very good DB.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2013
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Why is it assumed that repeated injuries are a quality of the person getting injured? As in if so-and-so gets hurt so many times, they're now dubbed "injury prone"? The label would make more sense if the player in question was documented doing something proven to increase the frequency of injury, such as not warming up before a game, working out too much, or working out too little. However, saying they're injury-prone would still be inaccurate in that situation. If a player acted in a way that increased his chance of getting hurt, the more accurate statement would be saying that he has historically been prone to increasing his likelihood of injury through some of his behavior.

This may seem like simple semantics but defining this problem in a way that emphasizes peoples' decisions and how they relate to their chance of injury is a far more constructive than labeling injuries as a personal quality of someone. If your kid was very good at football and wanted to pursue it in college and possibly beyond but had repeated set-backs due to getting hurt, would you rather he say "I'm made of glass" and unhappily quit or would you rather he put more thought and effort into what he can control when it comes to injury? How you choose to define the source of injury, even if it's only implied like it is with saying so-and-so is injury prone, will help shape a culture in which people are more dogmatic toward their problems ("I'm hurt again I must be made of glass!") or more progressive ("I'm hurt again maybe I can change how I work out so I maintain the same amount of strength but put less repeated stress on the tendons that keep getting torn"). The choice is yours.