The NFL can shut up about Seattle and PEDs


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Jun 11, 2012
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And talk about the Redskins. I do believe they just took the lead. ... s-for-peds

The NFL announced Friday that Jenkins will be suspended for the first four games of the season for violating the league's policy on performance-enhancing substances.

According to The Associated Press, Jenkins is the eighth Redskins player to receive an NFL drugs-related suspension in 22 months, leaving coach Mike Shanahan to say: "We have emphasized it. But maybe not enough."

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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They can now change their controversial name to the Washington Pedskins


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They were already in the lead. Seattle was 2nd to Washington in PED suspensions when the Irvin news came out.

The whole PED thing is just a tool for haters to use and nothing else. It's a sign that we have a really good team, that's all the haters can grasp at.


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Apr 25, 2013
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I dont think we should go with the Washington pedskins. After seeing the seahawks slander for months. I think seahawks fan shouldn't say a word bout it. Every team is going to have players abusing substances. Every team is going to have violent criminals and every team is going to have lame internet trolls.


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May 25, 2011
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Does any of it really matter? I have often wondered if the NFL is withholding information about teams that could hurt their reputation and/or marketing ability. Look at Denver, VonMiller's DUI was hidden for two years through the Tebow and Manning parades. Then suddenly two of the organizations FO personnel get popped for being 2 and 3 times over the legal limit and suddenly we find out that they have been hiding VonMillers DUI for two full years.

I personally don't believe the info coming out. There is more that we don't know about. Just wait until the Niners fall off their perch and I bet we find out things that mysteriously didn't become public for what ever reason. It's not like they aren't making the news with things the NFL can't cover up.


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May 25, 2011
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Does that make ypu feel better Soho?

It took two years for VonMiller's DUI to come out. The league is protecting it's profitable franchises. Don't be surprised if info leaks out down the road about your team or others that might benefit NFL sales and marketing to withhold negative info on.

Do you think it is pure coincidence that for the last two years your team has been flexed out of any potentially difficult game that should have started at 10:00am?


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May 17, 2012
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RichNhansom":2vzc1y0v said:
Does that make ypu feel better Soho?

It took two years for VonMiller's DUI to come out. The league is protecting it's profitable franchises. Don't be surprised if info leaks out down the road about your team or others that might benefit NFL sales and marketing to withhold negative info on.

Do you think it is pure coincidence that for the last two years your team has been flexed out of any potentially difficult game that should have started at 10:00am?
I think you're downplaying the profitability of the Seahawks. IDK for sure, but I envision the Seahawks playing an important role as the NFL tries to expand to international markets-- specifically the Pacific islands. RW having 2nd most jersey sales as well.

Regarding the 10:00 am switches, I think it was luck more than the NFL trying to benefit the 49ers.


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RichNhansom":3wivvxd5 said:
Does that make ypu feel better Soho?

It took two years for VonMiller's DUI to come out. The league is protecting it's profitable franchises. Don't be surprised if info leaks out down the road about your team or others that might benefit NFL sales and marketing to withhold negative info on.

Do you think it is pure coincidence that for the last two years your team has been flexed out of any potentially difficult game that should have started at 10:00am?

No 10 AM Niner game has ever been flexed.


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May 25, 2011
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Manbearpig99":1ztwni7p said:
RichNhansom":1ztwni7p said:
Does that make ypu feel better Soho?

It took two years for VonMiller's DUI to come out. The league is protecting it's profitable franchises. Don't be surprised if info leaks out down the road about your team or others that might benefit NFL sales and marketing to withhold negative info on.

Do you think it is pure coincidence that for the last two years your team has been flexed out of any potentially difficult game that should have started at 10:00am?

No 10 AM Niner game has ever been flexed.

Tomato tomota.


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Mar 28, 2013
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RichNhansom":2acadc98 said:
Manbearpig99":2acadc98 said:
RichNhansom":2acadc98 said:
Does that make ypu feel better Soho?

It took two years for VonMiller's DUI to come out. The league is protecting it's profitable franchises. Don't be surprised if info leaks out down the road about your team or others that might benefit NFL sales and marketing to withhold negative info on.

Do you think it is pure coincidence that for the last two years your team has been flexed out of any potentially difficult game that should have started at 10:00am?

No 10 AM Niner game has ever been flexed.

Tomato tomota.

I know it is irrelevant, but nobody has ever said tomota.


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May 25, 2011
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SoHo9erFan":jzgpwo1g said:
RichNhansom":jzgpwo1g said:
Does that make ypu feel better Soho?

It took two years for VonMiller's DUI to come out. The league is protecting it's profitable franchises. Don't be surprised if info leaks out down the road about your team or others that might benefit NFL sales and marketing to withhold negative info on.

Do you think it is pure coincidence that for the last two years your team has been flexed out of any potentially difficult game that should have started at 10:00am?
I think you're downplaying the profitability of the Seahawks. IDK for sure, but I envision the Seahawks playing an important role as the NFL tries to expand to international markets-- specifically the Pacific islands. RW having 2nd most jersey sales as well.

Regarding the 10:00 am switches, I think it was luck more than the NFL trying to benefit the 49ers.

Maybe but one in the hand is worth two in the bush and right now the Niners are the leagues most profitable franchise. It's possible it is luck but it looks like one hell of a coincidence that we drew the schedule we did when it would make much more sense (ratings wise) to have our late games be against multiple of those opponents that we are facing early instead of the games we did get moved into prime time that for the most part will end up being some of the least watched nationally televised games.

In a league supposedly filled with parity, I don't know how you can look at those two schedules and not scratch your head. You could even question why the Rams who were your toughest opponent last year, drew a similar schedule to ours.

Conspiracy theory? Maybe but that's a whole lotta luck and coincidence combined at just the right time.


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May 17, 2012
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RichNhansom":3h587m8p said:
SoHo9erFan":3h587m8p said:
RichNhansom":3h587m8p said:
Does that make ypu feel better Soho?

It took two years for VonMiller's DUI to come out. The league is protecting it's profitable franchises. Don't be surprised if info leaks out down the road about your team or others that might benefit NFL sales and marketing to withhold negative info on.

Do you think it is pure coincidence that for the last two years your team has been flexed out of any potentially difficult game that should have started at 10:00am?
I think you're downplaying the profitability of the Seahawks. IDK for sure, but I envision the Seahawks playing an important role as the NFL tries to expand to international markets-- specifically the Pacific islands. RW having 2nd most jersey sales as well.

Regarding the 10:00 am switches, I think it was luck more than the NFL trying to benefit the 49ers.

Maybe but one in the hand is worth two in the bush and right now the Niners are the leagues most profitable franchise. It's possible it is luck but it looks like one hell of a coincidence that we drew the schedule we did when it would make much more sense (ratings wise) to have our late games be against multiple of those opponents that we are facing early instead of the games we did get moved into prime time that for the most part will end up being some of the least watched nationally televised games.

In a league supposedly filled with parity, I don't know how you can look at those two schedules and not scratch your head. You could even question why the Rams who were your toughest opponent last year, drew a similar schedule to ours.

Conspiracy theory? Maybe but that's a whole lotta luck and coincidence combined at just the right time.
I love how the 49ers fans on this forum get accused of hijacking threads, when in reality, the Seahawks fans are just as responsible. This thread is about PEDs, not about the 49ers schedule.

The part in bold doesn't even make sense.


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May 25, 2011
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Well Soho yours was the first non thread related post. I commented on the NFL withholding info about profitable teams and used the schedule as an example of favoritism as well as VonMillers DUI. You ignored the withholding info and responded to the schedule comment only.

Glass houses man. Pay attention and stay on track.


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May 17, 2012
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RichNhansom":296bneyx said:
Well Soho yours was the first non thread related post. I commented on the NFL withholding info about profitable teams and used the schedule as an example of favoritism as well as VonMillers DUI. You ignored the withholding info and responded to the schedule comment only.

Glass houses man. Pay attention and stay on track.
No. I clarified that 3/8 Broncos were suspended for substance abuse, not performance enhancing drugs. You then quoted me and responded by complaining that the NFL tries to make the 49ers and other "profitable" teams lives easier.

It's funny how you call us whiners when in reality half of your posts are whiny.

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
SoHo9erFan":2jdmy0ig said:
RichNhansom":2jdmy0ig said:
Well Soho yours was the first non thread related post. I commented on the NFL withholding info about profitable teams and used the schedule as an example of favoritism as well as VonMillers DUI. You ignored the withholding info and responded to the schedule comment only.

Glass houses man. Pay attention and stay on track.
No. I clarified that 3/8 Broncos were suspended for substance abuse, not performance enhancing drugs. You then quoted me and responded by complaining that the NFL tries to make the 49ers and other "profitable" teams lives easier.

It's funny how you call us whiners when in reality half of your posts are whiny.
We'll if its too "whiny" for you here, you can just leave ........


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May 25, 2011
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SoHo9erFan":1cqpb8vk said:
RichNhansom":1cqpb8vk said:
Well Soho yours was the first non thread related post. I commented on the NFL withholding info about profitable teams and used the schedule as an example of favoritism as well as VonMillers DUI. You ignored the withholding info and responded to the schedule comment only.

Glass houses man. Pay attention and stay on track.
No. I clarified that 3/8 Broncos were suspended for substance abuse, not performance enhancing drugs. You then quoted me and responded by complaining that the NFL tries to make the 49ers and other "profitable" teams lives easier.

It's funny how you call us whiners when in reality half of your posts are whiny.

Do you know how to read? The thread is right there. Just scroll up.

As I stated. The NFL was obviously withholding DUI info about VonMiller and there might be things on your own team that come out later. You ignored that. Don't be so slow.

I understand why you would want everyone to think it's a cconspiracy theory and all just dumb luck though.

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