The last two important games against AZ


Active member
May 25, 2011
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So the last two times we have played important games that matter against AZ have both been prime time games and both were made unwatchable by the officiating. Why is that?

This last game is fresh in our memory. It took a herculean effort by our defense to give us any shot at all but the game was littered with penalty flags throughout the game that absolutely repeatedly put us in extremely difficult situations all the way from early in the game to the final drive that took us from looking at potentially getting into field goal range for a possible game winning kick only to be backed up 20 yards and looking at a 1st and 30. Once OT started though the flags stopped coming and we marched up the field with minimal effort.

The previous time we met was in the clink on Thursday night and we watched as the first five drives we were put in 1st or 2nd and 20 to 25 yards for a first around our 10 yard line and just like this last game we had zero offensive production. After the Cardinals got a healthy lead the flags stopped flying and we stormed back to take the lead only to see the yellow hankies start flowing again.

There were way to many calls in both of those games that would normally not get called and a few that were just flat out bad calls. Why is that?

Is it just bad luck? Did Arians red face and constant whining in those critical games cause the officials to put a microscope on us? Is the league purposely trying to slow down the most dominant prime time team in the league?

Any unbiased observer could see they were calling each of these games tighter for Seattle than AZ. Even Sherman made comments in his presser about AZ sending O-lineman 10 yards down field on passing downs and setting pick plays to disrupt our passing game that drew zero flags. Why is this never talked about? Even after a player like Sherman points it out.

I wish I had the all 22 and time to actually break these two games down because I really believe these last two important games would be hard to not see a pattern. I guess the question is am I wrong? If not then why has it broke this way so heavily that last two important times we have met?

Keep in mind the last time we met when the game was meaningless, we completely destroyed them in their house. You'll remember that game as the we weren't trying game.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2014
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Last year's home game was miserable. The officiating was just out of control.

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