The Future is Bright



I'm seeing a lot of doom and gloom posts around here after the loss to the 49ers. Totally understandable and I get everyone is disappointed after starting 6-3, but I just wanted to throw my hat in the pot and say I still think the immediate future is looking great for the franchise!

This was supposed to be a 5 win team this year. They exceeded expectations, even if they lose out. They showed a lot of promise and made one of the best trades in NFL history. And it's only going to get better with another huge draft coming up. Two firsts and two seconds in this upcoming draft as well as our great draft from this year continuing to develop, I'd say things are awesome!

The talent just isn't there on defense. The best player went out for the season in game 1. We will need to reload in the draft and make some signings.

Injuries have also been huge. If Adams, Penny, and Dallas can stay healthy this is a lot different of a team. The running game was smoking hot before the Walker and Dallas injuries. And that's without Penny at all.

So do we REALLY want Pete fired? Or did the great start just change everyone's expectations and now we need to be more realistic about the rebuild? Just five weeks ago many of us felt he should be coach of the year.

Just my two cents. Thought I'd add a positive outlook to all the doom and gloom!
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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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I agree with you for the most part, but there are some here that have that "I Told You so" AFTER every loss and are milking the Bummer Cow.
We obviously have an UNFINISHED "Reloading", we don't have ALL the right pieces on EITHER side of the ball (DT & Center) just to name a couple.
The fact that we were even in the playoffs discussion a month ago says a lot about how much Pete & Co. were able to squeeze out of the UNFINISHED product...I mean with all the injuries to a few of our KEY players???, and were still in that conversation???
Nah, instead of being down on Pete, we ought to be judging him by what he has accomplished with an unfinished "Reload"...WE OBVIOUSLY DID NOT have ALL the horses to go the distance in '22', but we KNEW that going into this season, right?? RIGHT!
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2010
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I agree in a sense that this past year was the first homerun the FO hit on a draft in quite awhile and the rookies look like they're all going to be part of the new core. There's a ton of ammo to retool the roster with more young guys and finally should have some cap flexibility. Problem is, pretty much across the board besides Nwosu and Woolen (Adams depending on how he looks post injury) the defensive roster needs to be gutted, at least for starting jobs. This is a bottom 5 unit in the NFL - statistically, effort, and talent wise. This isn't like 2011 leading into 2012/2013 where you could see what was building and the vets brought in to help the young guns were clear mentors. I don't know what more of a leash Pete and his defensive staff deserve to turn the defense around, it's been getting worse for years, and pre-2021 draft players are actively regressing.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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I'm seeing a lot of doom and gloom posts around here after the loss to the 49ers. Totally understandable and I get everyone is disappointing after starting 6-3, but I just wanted to throw my hat in the pot and say I still think the immediate future is looking great for the franchise!

This was supposed to be a 5 win team this year. They exceeded expectations, even if they lose out. They showed a lot of promise and made one of the best trades in NFL history. And it's only going to get better with another huge draft coming up. Two firsts and two seconds in this upcoming draft as well as our great draft from this year continuing to develop, I'd say things are awesome!

The talent just isn't there on defense. The best player went out for the season in game 1. We will need to reload in the draft and make some signings.

Injuries have also been huge. If Adams, Penny, and Dallas can stay healthy this is a lot different of a team. The running game was smoking hot before the Walker and Dallas injuries. And that's without Penny at all.

So do we REALLY want Pete fired? Or did the great start just change everyone's expectations and now we need to be more realistic about the rebuild? Just five weeks ago many of us felt he should be coach of the year.

Just my two cents. Thought I'd add a positive outlook to all the doom and gloom!
We had a good draft this year, and we should have an amazing draft this year with the Russ picks.

Next year was what most intelligent people were focused on anyways.

The problem: the goddamned roller coaster. September Sucked. October - we're taking over the world!. Then the slide and now this.

I was saying to my wife that I thought we were gonna play .500 ball this year - just not all the wins in October. I would REALLY preferred win one/lose one all season then that nightmare ;)

Next year should be amazing. Franchise Geno. See what we got behind him last 3 games here. Lots of Defensive picks. We got some dogs - some of them need an attitude adjustment - but should be good.

Pete doesn't need to go anywhere - I've said before IMO, PC can coach the Hawks for as long as he pleases. We just need Dan Quinn back ;)

Future's so bright - gotta wear shades! ;)


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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I always appreciate positive thoughtful posts. :)

I think the tape of both of the 49er games is very valuable. They will have an impact on what player attributes they put an emphasis on for assembly of a team in 2023.

That wide defensive front of the 49er is very instructive. Over use of the shot gun makes the job of tackles virtually impossible for 4 quarters of play. It straightens out the rush path for edge rushers. The offense needs a run game that is respected. It needs the ability to run much play from under centers. It may be that interior linemen with better lateral quickness are in order.

There is a lot more to learn from this years 49er tapes. Always enjoy the learning and development process. (y)

Good times ahead!


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
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Spokane, WA
This team isn't going anywhere with Carroll in charge.

This was a rebuilding year and they cost themselves a top 10 pick by winning 7 games. Mind boggling they couldn't even tank properly when they're allowed to


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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This team isn't going anywhere with Carroll in charge.

This was a rebuilding year and they cost themselves a top 10 pick by winning 7 games. Mind boggling they couldn't even tank properly when they're allowed to

Tanking is never a team goal. Never ever!

It's contrary to what the Seahawks are about.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
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Spokane, WA
Tanking is never a team goal. Never ever!

It's contrary to what the Seahawks are about.
You're right, the Seahawks are about mediocrity.

If you're in a rebuild year, don't win 7 games. They over achieved and cost themselves valuable draft position. They've always done this. They finish around .500 and routinely go nowhere.

This team became great in 2012-2014 due to how poor they were in 2008-2010, granting them prime draft positions to get great players early in the draft.

Yes, they also struck gold with later round picks, but staying middle of the road is not the winning way. The Seahawks way of hovering around .500 stinks!


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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I believe the future does indeed look bright, but it has become frustrating watching them repeat the same mistakes again and again or to see such an absence of improvement in terms of gap continuity and recently poor tackling. The 9ers have an extremely talented team and their whole D core has been together for a few seasons so they have an advantage over our squad which is learning a new scheme albeit frustratingly slowly. Their DLine ranks as one of the best in the league.

In terms of the OLine I am mostly happy with what we see from our two young Tackles but the interior OLine needs bolstering, they don't seem to be able to ever just bully and push the pile. There I absolutely agree the interior Line needs help. Lateral quickness would be a great asset for the new additions to have. The SF OLine seems this season to just out physical our DLine, as have others, and there perhaps there is a need for better 2 gapping DTs. At least the areas of weakness are becoming quite evident.

I expected this season to be frustrating to watch and the team has at times happily surprised. I do find day of game frustrations difficult to not vocalize but return to a more reasoned place quicker than ever before as I acknowledge the team has the potential to significantly improve.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
I'm seeing a lot of doom and gloom posts around here after the loss to the 49ers. Totally understandable and I get everyone is disappointing after starting 6-3, but I just wanted to throw my hat in the pot and say I still think the immediate future is looking great for the franchise!

This was supposed to be a 5 win team this year. They exceeded expectations, even if they lose out. They showed a lot of promise and made one of the best trades in NFL history. And it's only going to get better with another huge draft coming up. Two firsts and two seconds in this upcoming draft as well as our great draft from this year continuing to develop, I'd say things are awesome!

The talent just isn't there on defense. The best player went out for the season in game 1. We will need to reload in the draft and make some signings.

Injuries have also been huge. If Adams, Penny, and Dallas can stay healthy this is a lot different of a team. The running game was smoking hot before the Walker and Dallas injuries. And that's without Penny at all.

So do we REALLY want Pete fired? Or did the great start just change everyone's expectations and now we need to be more realistic about the rebuild? Just five weeks ago many of us felt he should be coach of the year.

Just my two cents. Thought I'd add a positive outlook to all the doom and gloom!
the 9ers game, football God clearly didn't smile on us. If Digg held on to the INT, or Homers held on to the fumble, we will win that game. Our defense didn't suck the way they have sucked in the past few games. The offense were too conservative, but had Homer held on to the ball ....

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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I think as an organization you're either headed in the right direction, or the wrong direction. There is no middle ground in the NFL.

Before the season started after trading Russell? I would have said headed in the wrong direction. But after seeing all the home runs in this draft class, and the emergence of Geno as a competent NFL QB that can usher us through the next couple of years as we continue to improve into hopefully another perennial playoff contending team?

Firmly in the headed in the right direction now.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2014
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the 9ers game, football God clearly didn't smile on us. If Digg held on to the INT, or Homers held on to the fumble, we will win that game. Our defense didn't suck the way they have sucked in the past few games. The offense were too conservative, but had Homer held on to the ball ...
Yeah, and If Denver didn't turn the ball over twice on their own goal line, they blow Seattle out

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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Yeah, and If Denver didn't turn the ball over twice on their own goal line, they blow Seattle out

You can pick out 2-3 important plays just about every game. It's what makes the NFL so compelling.

But over the course of the year that's usually what separates the good teams from the mediocre. We're squarely in the mediocre team group, aren't making enough big plays, or capitalizing when we do.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2014
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You can pick out 2-3 important plays just about every game. It's what makes the NFL so compelling.

But over the course of the year that's usually what separates the good teams from the mediocre. We're squarely in the mediocre team group, aren't making enough big plays, or capitalizing when we do.
It's beyond that though. You don't give up 1000 rushing yards in 5 games from just 2 or 3 important plays in a game. This defense is getting beat consistently

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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It's beyond that though. You don't give up 1000 rushing yards in 5 games from just 2 or 3 important plays in a game. This defense is getting beat consistently

That's another conversation, and I agree with you.

But specifically about last night's game, those two plays of Diggs missing the interception and then Homer's fumble definitely contributed to the outcome. As happens in most games, which is my point.


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
All I know is Hurtt has done an incredible job since he's gotten here. They just continue to develop and get better every year under his leadership and steady hand.

Have you seen all of the young D--Lineman he has developed over the years? That is why he got promoted to DC. With that track record, just imagine what he's gonna do with an entire defense over an extended period of time.

The future is bright!


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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All I know is Hurtt has done an incredible job since he's gotten here. They just continue to develop and get better every year under his leadership and steady hand.

Have you seen all of the young D--Lineman he has developed over the years? That is why he got promoted to DC. With that track record, just imagine what he's gonna do with an entire defense over an extended period of time.

The future is bright!
Was that sarcasm 'dripping' or 'not dripping'? ;)


Active member
Aug 18, 2016
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This team isn't going anywhere with Carroll in charge.

This was a rebuilding year and they cost themselves a top 10 pick by winning 7 games. Mind boggling they couldn't even tank properly when they're allowed to
like in 2010-2014 they weren't going anywhere?

I just do not understand the logic of tanking on purpose, then I realize the people saying it are ignorant.


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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This team isn't going anywhere with Carroll in charge.

This was a rebuilding year and they cost themselves a top 10 pick by winning 7 games. Mind boggling they couldn't even tank properly when they're allowed to

Tanking is not acceptable. It is cowardly, dishonest, and pathetic.


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2009
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That wide defensive front of the 49er is very instructive. Over use of the shot gun makes the job of tackles virtually impossible for 4 quarters of play. It straightens out the rush path for edge rushers.
Iirc, when the 9ers first installed this, they weren’t dominate right out the gate. Their defense struggled. It took years for them to develop and gel to where they are now.

Having Bosa also helps. When have we been in a position to draft someone like Bosa?

Not until now.

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