Tell The Truth Tuesday


Feb 23, 2007
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Astoria, OR
No hyperbole allowed. Whatcha got?


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Sep 23, 2011
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Russell Wilson is the only reason bevell still has a job

uncle fester

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Apr 9, 2010
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Russell shouldn't have played vs LA.

Yes, Boykin vs Rams D line probably would've meant a loss. Possibly a shutout.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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I sometimes watch cartoons when my kids are NOT home.

Also, admittedly a little worried about the team.

Year of The Hawk

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Dec 30, 2012
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The sky is not falling. A couple plays and we win last game. We typically don't blow people out. We knew the Oline would take time to gel so give it some time.


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Mar 2, 2010
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The repetitive fire Bevell crowd keeps me away from .net.


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Jan 7, 2011
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"We don't adapt, we make the opposition adapt."

That is the stance that our coaching staff has taken. A few years ago, it appeared that they had every reason to believe this. However, other teams have adapted, studied the film, gotten better themselves, and come up with ways to stifle us on offense and sometimes even stifle our defense with the same repeated formula.

I wish our coaches weren't so stubborn and realized that adapting isn't an indictment of their own failure. Straying from the gameplan for a week or two to get optimum results isn't a huge sin that should result in blowing everything up and rebuilding. Playing to your strengths and knowing your weaknesses doesn't mean you've "abandoned the system" or anything, it just means that you're willing to do whatever it takes to get a victory.

I hate to reference Belicheat and the Pats, but they are not tied to a style at all (other than constantly cheating). They are as "chameleon" as it gets. If they feel that the way to beat their opponent is by running some backs you've never heard of 40 times, they will do it. If Brady needs to throw it 50 times to decimate the opposition, they'll do that, too. They are comfortable playing any type of game, unless their opponent is Eli Manning and the New York Giants. The Giants are to the Pats as the Rams have been to us the past few seasons. They own us. To a man, their players physically dominate ours, and their coaching staff continues to bend ours over.

It used to be that we could rely upon the coaching staff to at least make excellent adjustments at the half of game's that would lead to incredible second half performances. This season (small sample size of course, and a ton of injuries, yes, but we've got to deal with it) it appears that our half time adjustments aren't so hot, and we're saving it all up for the final drive to try and win it, while leaving the opposition with no time on the clock. Leaving a razor thin margin for error, and possibly leading to a 1-1 record. 1-1 isn't terrible, but the fact that the loss to the Rams was as predictable as any loss to the Rams under Carroll is what's troubling. Fisher and company must have been thrilled with the way both teams' gameplan's played themselves out.

I'm a huge Pete Carroll fan and know that without him, we wouldn't even have a Lombardi Trophy to celebrate. However, I'm a realist and also realize that Pete's hubris probably cost us a Lombardi, as well. Pete giveth, and he taketh away. Still, I love the man and watching him go ballistic after those OPI calls was the highlight of the game for me, unfortunately, since there wasn't really much to cheer about.

Look, I know that the team will probably look like crap for a few more weeks before having their annual "love thy brother", "kumbayaa" moment and steamrolling to the playoffs. The only thing I worry about, is Pete and company getting outfoxed in the playoffs, mostly because of their own pride and not just wanting to win, but having to win "their way."

TLDR version; It's a team game, everyone contributed to the loss, some more than others, but ultimately "the blame" falls at the feet of the head coach, especially when he picks the players and the coaches. Pete must continue to evolve, ala Belicheck, as must his staff.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
As long as we have Bevell and Caroll calling the shots, this is what you're going to get on Sundays. We've seen it for 4 years now. When we win, we'll usually win ugly, when we lose it'll be a slow dull blade in the back just like last Sunday.

I love what Pete has done for this team and our fan base don't get me wrong, I truly do think he's a good coach, and a great coach for our team, but he's got to adjust with the times and adapt, and stop being so damned bull headed. We're not a ground and pound team anymore. We don't have the horses up front, and we don't have Beast in the backfield anymore..... Adapt and work with what we do have.

Why can't we ever get rolling till the second half of games?
Or the second half of the season?
Or when we have to go into the 2 minute offense?
why do we continue to have stupid undisciplined drive killing penalties? ( for 4 years now)
Why do we do a draw play or bubble screen on every second and long? ( for 4 years now)
Why can't we cover a back out of the back field? (for 4 years now)
why can't we cover a tight end? ( for 4 years now)
why has our special teams fallen back over the last couple years?

What's the common denominator to those questions?

We have way too much talent on this team to be this underwhelming to start ball games....... So why are we, week in week out, season after season? All I can say is, thank god we have RW, and that's as honest as I can get....


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Nov 24, 2010
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East Oly
Year of The Hawk":k36sgqw0 said:
The sky is not falling. A couple plays and we win..

Yep. As frustrating it was to watch the Seahawks offense on Sunday, one big scoring play (from offense or defense) and it would have probably been a win. In fact, it would have been a very typical win for the PC-era Seahawks.

During the last drive I was feeling pretty certain we would score and win by one point, and simultaneously wishing they could just score more early points and stop trying to kill me with these dramatic endings.

"A win is a win, " would have been the week's catch-phrase.


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Mar 2, 2010
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hawker84":l3d4tq5u said:
As long as we have Bevell and Caroll calling the shots, this is what you're going to get on Sundays. We've seen it for 4 years now. When we win, we'll usually win ugly....

This was completely backed up in 2015 with games that ended 26-0, 20-3, 29-13, 38-7, 30-13, and 36-6.
Or 2014 with games that ended 20-6, 35-6, 19-3, 19-3, 38-17, and 36-16.

Ugly Ugly Ugly.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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hawker84":2z8gjao0 said:
What's the common denominator to those questions?...

Pete Carroll
Pete Carroll
and.............Pete Carroll

You listed off all the telltale characteristics of a Pete Carroll team, for good and bad. Luckily for us, mostly good.

But yeah, Pete's teams, even in college committed a lot of penalties playing fast and loose. In Seattle he wants to be a run first don't turn the ball over offense and trust your more physical than the other team defense to take the ball away and win close games................gathering momentum when it counts most, in November and December.

Problem is while the D has played well, they're still not taking the ball away. Which mean this terrible offense right now has been given terrible field position for two games.........and can't drive the ball 80-90 yards.


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Feb 5, 2015
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NYCoug":1ytiwg18 said:
"We don't adapt, we make the opposition adapt."

That is the stance that our coaching staff has taken. A few years ago, it appeared that they had every reason to believe this. However, other teams have adapted, studied the film, gotten better themselves, and come up with ways to stifle us on offense and sometimes even stifle our defense with the same repeated formula.

I wish our coaches weren't so stubborn and realized that adapting isn't an indictment of their own failure. Straying from the gameplan for a week or two to get optimum results isn't a huge sin that should result in blowing everything up and rebuilding. Playing to your strengths and knowing your weaknesses doesn't mean you've "abandoned the system" or anything, it just means that you're willing to do whatever it takes to get a victory.

I hate to reference Belicheat and the Pats, but they are not tied to a style at all (other than constantly cheating). They are as "chameleon" as it gets. If they feel that the way to beat their opponent is by running some backs you've never heard of 40 times, they will do it. If Brady needs to throw it 50 times to decimate the opposition, they'll do that, too. They are comfortable playing any type of game, unless their opponent is Eli Manning and the New York Giants. The Giants are to the Pats as the Rams have been to us the past few seasons. They own us. To a man, their players physically dominate ours, and their coaching staff continues to bend ours over.

It used to be that we could rely upon the coaching staff to at least make excellent adjustments at the half of game's that would lead to incredible second half performances. This season (small sample size of course, and a ton of injuries, yes, but we've got to deal with it) it appears that our half time adjustments aren't so hot, and we're saving it all up for the final drive to try and win it, while leaving the opposition with no time on the clock. Leaving a razor thin margin for error, and possibly leading to a 1-1 record. 1-1 isn't terrible, but the fact that the loss to the Rams was as predictable as any loss to the Rams under Carroll is what's troubling. Fisher and company must have been thrilled with the way both teams' gameplan's played themselves out.

I'm a huge Pete Carroll fan and know that without him, we wouldn't even have a Lombardi Trophy to celebrate. However, I'm a realist and also realize that Pete's hubris probably cost us a Lombardi, as well. Pete giveth, and he taketh away. Still, I love the man and watching him go ballistic after those OPI calls was the highlight of the game for me, unfortunately, since there wasn't really much to cheer about.

Look, I know that the team will probably look like crap for a few more weeks before having their annual "love thy brother", "kumbayaa" moment and steamrolling to the playoffs. The only thing I worry about, is Pete and company getting outfoxed in the playoffs, mostly because of their own pride and not just wanting to win, but having to win "their way."

TLDR version; It's a team game, everyone contributed to the loss, some more than others, but ultimately "the blame" falls at the feet of the head coach, especially when he picks the players and the coaches. Pete must continue to evolve, ala Belicheck, as must his staff.
Sweet post, NYCoug. We have the coaching staff to figure things out and the playmakers to get it done.


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Aug 19, 2015
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Spokane, WA
Offense is playing terrible and needs to get it together. Run blocking is atrocious and in general the run game is terrible. Bevell needs to cook up something nice because so far his playcalling has been trash, and please use jimmy graham already.

So basically offense needs to be ALOT better, defense is fine .


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
drrew":3ivzpr6o said:
hawker84":3ivzpr6o said:
As long as we have Bevell and Caroll calling the shots, this is what you're going to get on Sundays. We've seen it for 4 years now. When we win, we'll usually win ugly....

This was completely backed up in 2015 with games that ended 26-0, 20-3, 29-13, 38-7, 30-13, and 36-6.
Or 2014 with games that ended 20-6, 35-6, 19-3, 19-3, 38-17, and 36-16.

Ugly Ugly Ugly.

you cherry picked 12 out of 40 games give or take? nice. Plus I see you failed to see the "usually win ugly part" Curious as to know how many of those games came in the first half of the season or second? especially in 2015......

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